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S.1156 became Public Law 108-170 on 12/6/2003 108th Congress VETERANS HEALTH CARE,
CAPITAL ASSET, AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2003 (similar to H.R.1720) amendments S.A.2203 & S.A. 2204) Sponsor: Sen Specter, Arlen [PA] (introduced 5/23/2003) Cosponsor Sen Bunning, Jim [KY] - 10/23/2003
Bills:…H.R.2352, H.R.2357
burial benefits to the survivors of New Philippine Scouts & Commonwealth Army at the full-dollar rate, if the veterans were
lawfully residing in the United States on the date of death, and were United
States citizens or lawfully admitted permanent resident aliens. Eligibility applies to death on or after Dec. 16, 2003
supported & signed
by Pres
Bush. providing recognition and VA medical care to 8,000
Filvets in the U.S. Filvets can now be patients in VA hospitals, clinics and nursing homes, however they are
not eligible for non-war related disability pensions as their American counterparts
Public Law 108-183 institutes the "Veterans Benefits Act of 2003," which concerns
benefits for surviving spouses of veterans, former prisoners of war, Filipino veterans of World War II, and disabled military
(**On June 9, 2003, Chairman Specter introduced,
at the request of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, S. 1213, a bill to amend Title 38, United States Code, to improve benefits
afforded to Filipino veterans of World War II and survivors of such veterans, and for other purposes.)
am pleased to be here to present the Administration's views on…1213, a bill entitled the `Filipino Veterans' Benefits Act of 2003,' is the Administration's bill
that you introduced on our behalf. section 2 of the bill would extend
health care benefits to Filipino veterans residing legally in the United States who served in the Commonwealth
Army and new Philippine Scouts. I
urge that you act on the bill as expeditiously as possible so we can meet the needs of these very deserving Filipino veterans
Burial Benefit P.L. 106-419 S.1402, the "Veterans Benefits and Health Care Improvement Act of 2000 signed
by Pres Bill Clinton enhances benefits for WW11 Filvets who currently receive
disability compensation and burial benefits at a rate equal to one-half the rate that U.S. veterans receive. Departments of
Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001, authorizes the payment of these benefits at the full rate to Filipino veterans who
have become U.S.
citizens or are permanent residents and reside in the United States.
In addition, this Act extends to these veterans the eligibility for burial
in national cemeteries. with
military honors as U.S. veterans.
VA pays burial benefits
to the survivors of certain veterans at the full-dollar rate for veterans who were residing in the U.S.
on the date of death. Those veterans must also have been either United States citizens
or lawfully admitted permanent resident aliens. This covers only Commonwealth Army and recognized guerrilla service. Eligibility
applies to deaths on or after Nov. 1, 2000, as this is based on legislation enacted
in 2000. Burial benefits for these veterans also include interment in any national cemetery with available space, a burial flag,
and a grave marker or headstone.
War-related full compensation (PL 106-377)
Special Veterans' Benefit (PL106-169 Title VIII)
Public law 102-395 to allow the naturalization process
to occur in the Philippines
24,000 of them were naturalized as U.S. citizens under Immigration
and naturalization Act based on their U.S.
military service
Legislation in 1973 permitted VA itself to provide medical
treatment of service-connected conditions (and non-service-connected illnesses in certain conditions) for Philippine Army
and New Philippine Scout veterans. The half rates of compensation to most Filipino
veterans living in the Philippines were intended to reflect that the Philippines
had a lower cost of living than the United States.
A VA contract with
the Veterans Memorial Medical Center (VMMC) was expanded by legislation in 1963
permitting the center to care for non-service-connected conditions of Filipino and U.S. veterans.
Revised Reconstructed Guerilla Roster (RRGR) known
as the Missouri List, listed 260,143 Filipino WWII veteran.; was compiled after the end of World War II &
stored at the US Army Archives in St. Louis, Missouri After the US
Army left in 1948 with its list the Armed Forces of the Philippines
continued to list late registrants into its own list
Feb 18 1946 the Rescission Act (Public Law 79-301 now U.S.
Code Title 38, Sec. 107) was enacted
Public Law 79-190, enacted in October 1945, authorized recruiting
50,000 “new” Philippine Scouts in anticipation of needing local occupational forces. President Truman acknowledged the contributions of the Philippine people who fought under the umbrella
of the USAFFE command to defend the Philippine Islands against occupation by the Japanese.
He called for a study to determine the level of benefits appropriate to conditions in the Philippines. The reduced rate of benefits to veterans living there was based on the different economic
conditions in the Philippines and the United States.
General MacArthur recommended
equalization of Commonwealth Army pay scales to the United States Army rate on February 22 and March 9, 1942. OCMH Study,
at 18. Relevant legislation was subsequently introduced in Congress. S. 2387, "An Act to Equalize the Pay of all Personnel
in the United States Army, the Navy, and the Philippine Scouts, and the Philippine Commonwealth Army," passed the Senate on
March 30, 1942. With the surrender of the Philippines, the issue became moot.
The Act never passed the House of Representatives.
Filipinos are reclassified as U.S. citizens, making it possible for them to register for
the military
7/26/1941 Pres. Franklin Roosevelt drafted soldiers of the Philippine Commonwealth Army
who were then U.S. nationals into the American military service & promised them w/ the same entitlement as the Americans. The Filvets served with the USAFFE command throughout World War II. At the outbreak of World War II, the Old Philippine Scouts
had approximately 12,000 members.
The Tydings-McDuffie Act, which provided for independence
for the Philippines
on July 4, 1946, strips Filipinos of their status as U.S.
nationals and severely restricted Filipino immigration by establishing an annual immigration quota of 50.
Law 73-127 The Tydings-McDuffie Act
(officially the Philippine Independence Act, approved
on 3/24/1934 was a United States federal law which provided for self-government
of the Philippines and for Filipino independence (from the U.S.) after a period of ten years. It required
the Commonwealth Army to respond to the call of the President of the United States. It also strips Filipinos of
their status as U.S. nationals and severely
restricted Filipino immigration by establishing an annual immigration quota of 50.
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