Filipino WW2 U.S. Veterans Fight 4 Equity

Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2003

Filing of FVEC Claims thru the VA
Advocacy for FVEC
FVEC, Equity or Not Equity?
Ongoing Lobby post FVEC
Filvets Excluded from "Missouri List"
Sgt Realuyo: Bury Me @ Arlington
FVEC in the Media
H.R. 1 & S. 366
Lobby for S.366
H.R. 2638
Other Bills Enacted to Law
Pending Bills
Legislation GRAVEYARD
H.R. 6897
S. 1315 & S.A. 4572
S. 1315: the Democrats & the Republicans
The American Legion & Other Oppositionists
Senate & House Honoring Filvets
Legislative Reports
Legislative Testimonies
Supporters 4 Filvets
In Their Own Words
PhilAm Organizations & Activists
Immigration & Nationality Act
Hibi & Other Court Cases
Gregorio Rivera's Citizenship
Rescission Acts of 1946
U.S. Presidents & the Filvets
A Plea for U.S. Apology
Philippine Presidents & the Filvets
Filipino WW2 U.S. Veterans Name List A-Z
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2002
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2003
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2004
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2005-2007
Ordeal in War's Hell by Col Quesada
Freedom @ Dawn by Col Quesada
Col Frank Quesada, RIP


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Webpage Contents:


WORLD WAR II - IN PAETE 1/13/2003 1/14/2003




















MANILA, January 13, 2003 By Col.( Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA Former Senate Committee Secretary Veterans and Military Pension; Associate, PMA Class ‘ 44

Part - I

[ This series about the war years in Paete, Laguna -has bee a product of requests from our kababayans, especially the role of Paetenians and the freedom fighters - who have offered their lives in the altar of freedom and peace. We honor them, for without them - Paete would not be what it is now. ]

Historically, in war and in peace, the unpretentious town of Paete have produced countless unsung heroes and martyrs. Their gallant exploits have almost been left untold and unrecorded. They await to be revealed as indelible personal narratives by those who are alive and were living witnesses to their heroism and gallantry. Failure to unearth and share them with our kababayans will conceal them forever from generations to come.

For a town and its people without a sense of history - is nothing but a society devoid of cardinal points and directions.

Relevant Question

"Do we need heroes?" our youths asked? The resounding reply is "yes", for without them, our siblings will surely be denied role models they need, and to chase lofty ideals in life. They would grow with senseless morals and without direction.

Sense of History

The obsequious town of Paete - sans corroborative history would be nothing but a recusant society that excuses itself as poblacion of ersatz society of lead stars or pretenders who emerge just out of whack unworthy of genuflection.

A town, or even a nation deprived of eminent emissaries of merit and repute retrogresses through postponement. It should not happen to Paete with rich history and tradition of celebrated biography.

In retrospect, during the past Fil-Hispano,. Fil-American and Fil-Nippon revolutions and wars; World War I and II as well as other Conflicts where and when Filipinos were involved. The theatrical town of Paete yielded unwarbled heroes and martyrs, albeit war-veterans who fought noble causes, most often unknown and unrecognized. However, such void must not remain vacuous.

No matter how cruel it is - history is just. [ A. Mabini ].It must be remembered and told.


It is the objective of this treatise chronicled in modern electronic precursor such as the "internet" - is to recall, recognize and record bona-fide memoir backed up by facts - and to put on record the courage, resolve, chivalry of our own heroes of noted Paetenios.

One of the sins of our kababayans in the past, was to leave recording and chronicling of its own history to foreigners who have rewritten history for their own motives and purposes. In World War I and II, most of the bona-fide accounts were left to alien slack chroniclers. Thus, they appeared as the good guys, and we - the were the bad guys, painted as losers. That is downright wrong - and must be corrected, if the truth must be told.

Our history has been rich in valor, gallantry, and oblation of our countrymen untold. This must no longer be tolerated. For the youths of the land should not be fed with half-truths or convoluted trash. It is our obligation to tell them the truth, and for us to teach them that the right must always be the master of might. They are to receive the torch of continuity.

Call for Accuracy and Exactness

It is therefore, in order to call on all the up-and- coming chroniclers - to uphold the canons of adjudication and entries in diaries - to write contemporary history as it happened sans prattles.

Crusaders of Paetenian History

Thanks to the crusade started by the indefatigable pioneers such as Odon Fadul, Flora N. Filoteo and Lydia G. Fadul and Marie K. Pruden, Pacita Dimacali, Consolacion F. Aseoche, Lauro B. Dans et al., of the Matanglawin Quarterly Newsette [MQN] and those in the Paetenian International: Virgil G. Madrinan, Lita Madridejos, Penny Lampa, Tirso Baldemor, Delia Sunga, Arnie, D. Quesada, Evan Afuang, Nel Africano, not to leave out the late diarist Teodoro "Dodo" G. Cajumban - who have painstakingly jotted down as much events during the Japanese occupation [ 1942 to 1945 ] in his diary.

His work was as close as my entries in my diary - as they happened. I hope his kin find the time to edit and publish his diary for the Paetenian Library and Museum.

Dodo, as we fondly call him deserve this honor.

However, on my part - I come only a poor fourth diarist to those above-mentioned relentless historians and chroniclers. But it has recorded facts as they happened.

And I would also like to see the accounts of Ben Afuang, currently Editor in Chief of a major newspaper in Guam, USA. He and my god-daughter, Marie Kagahastian Pruden possess a gift of pens that can move mountains. Likewise, I would like to see the book of Marie about Paete - published and distributed.

I would like to reprint the treasured article of my cousin , Juanito "Nito" A. Quesada, featured by the Readers Digest. And to dig out articles of my other cousin Bernardo "Nading" D. Quesada, whose articles were published by the Philippines Free press. These should form part of my own articles in my library.

Paetenian Heroes and Martyrs

We truly have genuine heroes and martyrs in a reputable town - so rich with annals of heroism and martyrdom since the time the Philippines was intruded upon by rapacious foreigners.

Our hero’s effulgences are not carved on pantheons of marble monuments. But are, however, deeply etched in the tender, loving hearts and minds of Filipinos and our kababayans. We owed them ingenious perpetual obeisance for their unselfish sacrifices. We have the obligation and hallowed task to remember what and how they died for - and what they left for us to emulate, preserve and sustain national duty. We have an implied contract with the citizenry to chronicle what they left behind. A nation or a town without a history remains as a forsaken derelict.

Un-invented Paragons

Our heroes are not born unmitigated; they are endured by destiny. They served as our role models and guides for the future of the nation.

It has been said that they serve as are our guardian angels - because we are paired - sprucely as our corresponding mate-stars in the vast universe created by the Almighty. For if we are denied them, we readily stumble in the dark - ultimately fumble in life.

Our destinies have been foretold, unsullied, played by ourselves yesterday, played today, until the Creator retrieves us along with our mate-star destined toward the Elysian field of His Kingdom. We truly believed that as long as we are believers and followers of Yahweh - who unswervingly abide by this anthology. Others believe in they doctrinal faiths which we respect.

Paetenians, whether soldiers, professionals, industry toilers, etc., have redefined their innate heroism and martyrdom in various stations in life. And there are those who ultimately chose to offer their lives at the altar of supreme sacrifice of freedom and liberty.

Undeviating, there are those who deserved reverence and deference for their altruistic sacrifices and unparalleled benevolence. In the process, they leave us everlasting challenges of stretching our inherent potentials - for us to rival.

In turn, we pay them homage sans pomp and ostentation through perceptive recollection. And solemn prayers for the repose of their souls.

Anonymous and Unsung

During the face of conflicts, revolutions and upheavals, Paetenians occupy unassuming niches in veritable history most specially those who made sepulchral sacrifices.

They consecrated themselves for us to cloudlessly enjoy the harvest of peace, fruits of freedom and rewards of independence. NOTE: the Matanglawin Newsette as well as the Paete International have listed as much , if not all our known heroes in past issues of the publication for the readers to identify and remember.

There are others still unknown and unheralded and undocumented for the Military Service Board to review their veteran’s status, and for the verification by the Adjutant General of the Armed Forces to be declared as among main characters. In-so-doing, it would separate the self-adorned pretenders, the impostors and make-believe counterfeits. We do have a few of them as dregs of history.

It is vital that all proposed and deserving knights in shining armors of wars and conflicts be duly verified and certified in order to shift the counterfeits from the genuine ones.

In this era, sad to say - there are self-made "heroes" and crackpots that have been billed and advertised as such. But as the old saying goes: "Show me a hero and I will prove to you that he is a bum."


During war-crafted upheavals in the past, our grandparents bequeathed to us eloquent examples as well as unparalleled deeds worthy of vie.

Our kababayans - obtain through history their individual Samaritanism.

Honored Son of Laguna

In our province, [ Laguna ], there were outstanding province-mates and town-mates which take pride of: i.e. in our national hero, Jose Protacio Rizal from Calamba; Emilio Jacinto from Magdalena;

There was Gen. Juan Cailles; Gen. F. Sario; not to leave out the unshakable, Kapitang Pedro [ Tandang Pitri ] Quesada, who obstinately refused to, and evaded surrender, only later, was the very last one [ town Mayor ] to grudgingly yield to American colonizers. It has been said that we don’t produce similar men of calibre any more in this age of immorality and corruption. We have allowed foreign influence and propaganda to dilute our national well-being – thus have setback our quest for a bona-fide nationhood.

The Resolved Bellweathers

Similarly, there were others who performed acts of courage and heroism anonymously - which deserved mention - i.e. Dr. Ariston " Iton" Baet, captured by the Japanese, along the brave Paeteians imprisoned and tortured for days and nights without food, and beaten but who kept all the secrets from the enemy invaders, and preferred to die by beheading [ by decapitation ] - by the Japanese rather than betray his kababayans. He suffered and died gloriously with his lips sealed to save others. I only know this by heart because I was one of them who endured the savage beatings that rendered me as a disabled veteran. I still carry the vivid memories and maim as a war trophy of repute.

Iton and Generoso "Hene" Balquiedra, like most of us, who survived and stood pat to deny the enemy what they wanted to know and died for it. We suffered - but won the respect of the enemy in the end.

Then there was former Mayor Luciano Ac-ac, who took the supreme punishment from the Japanese invaders. There were over a dozen young Paetenians coerced by the Japanese to enlist in their sponsored recruitment of youths for the Japanese-sponsored military training program.

Mayor Ac-ac concealed where-abouts of the 15 young coerced Paetenians escapees, who saw the evil designs behind the enemy recruited YOINs [Young Military Workers of Future Republic ] namely:

Suffering Escape-Goats

(1) Leon Kagahastian, (2) Marcelo Pagalanan, (3) Eliseo Pagalanan, (4) Dominador Cagashastian, (5) Teodoro Africano, (6) Jose Bayokot, (7) Damaso Ac-ac, (8) Jose Solleza, (9) Pedro Ugalde, (10) Marcelino Afuang, (11) Eusebio Cagandahan, (12) Quirico Cadang, (13) Zoilo Fadul, (14) Emeterio Cadang, and (15) Bonifacio Calabig. They are heroes in their own ways of sacrifices to have saved others from being forcedly recruited by the Japanese military. These brave young Paetenians provided a hiatus (suspension) through their escape of conscription of more youths for the mass enemy receruitment.

They endured the pains of auto-da fe liken to Jack Lynch and the stigma of faithlessness although untrue. They are our martyrs. They were not volunteers but unwilling escape goats. They saved the townspeople from Harm’s Way.

One word about these gallant martyrs: they were forced to join or else the Japanese would harm their families or even the townspeople. They reluctantly obeyed the enemy order but later escaped. Mayor Ac-ac took the heat from the Japanese - that caused his own life also as martyr. We honor him for his supreme sacrifice.

Local Redeemers

During the Philippine Revolution, there were also Paetenians who displayed exemplary courage to defy death through self-abnegation and by emancipation and safe deliverance of others from Harm’s Way.

A lifelike and un-faded example was how - two brothers: white-haired, Pablo Balquiedra, and his brother, Angelo, who both defied the menacing threats of foreign authorities when they valiantly rescued and evacuated the Roceses: [ Alejandro, Rafael and Ramon ] .They were all smuggled by the Balquiedras, physically rowed them in a banca from Paete, Laguna to Manila across Laguna de Bay under the cover of darkness.

The Balquiedra brothers shrewdly hid the three Roceses in a fairly good sized wooden dugout canoe ( lunday ) skillfully covering the Roceses with animal feed greenery (sakate) to conceal them from deadly watchful lake-patrols.

The Roceses under and inside a camouflaged banca were manually ferried over the lake by Pablo and Angelo at night until they reached Pasig River, where they able to deliver the Roceses to their relatives: the Legarda family of Manila.

Pablo and Angelo were profusedly offered rewards by the Roceses [ anything under they wanted under sun ], but Pablo and Angelo forthrightly and uprightly declined any reward or remuneration whatsoever. They were men of noblesse oblige [ pride and integrity ].

However, in turn, they expressed their appeal to the Roceses to help the town of Paete by a donation of land and school house. It was readily fulfilled.

What and where that is - is now the present site of Paete Elementary School complex where thousands of children of Paete grew up literate and educated and are now professionals at home and abroad.

Who knows how many of them were alumni-reading this treatise now ? They proudly come forward to confess they were. (TO BE CONTINUED)



NEVADA, USA, January 14 2003 By Col.( Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA Former Senate Committee Secretary Veterans and Military Pension; Associate, PMA Class ‘ 44

Women Heroines (continued from yesterday's file)

This treatise would never be complete without accounting for the heroism of a gallant group of prominent female Paetenians - during the enemy occupation in 1943, who bravely defied enemy orders not to interfere with the "zona" [prevailing dragnet sorting out Paetenian guerrillas ] during the dark days of enemy occupation [ 1942 to 1945 ]

When all the male Paetenians were incarcerated during the "zona" (dragnet) in 1943 being savagely tortured and starved by the enemy inside the Catholic church, these brave women of Paete fearlessly trooped to the Japanese garrison commander, to confront Col. Makino. They dared demand release of their husbands, and all the male population of Paete from captivity. They did not mince any word. They were firm and resolute to receive any consequences from the barbarians.

These women leaders were: (1) Juanita Bagabaldo Abanilla, (2) Raymunda N. Cadayona, (3) Nieves Baisas, (4) Felisa Cadayona, (5) Pomposa C. Edesa, (6) Faustina Adefuin, (7) Rosa E. Atega (8) Severina Dono, and many others more. This unselfish and courageous act simply must be told and recorded for the young Paetenians to emulate. They could have been imprisoned, also tortured or killed by the barbaric enemy.

Finally, one of these women, Marcelina A. Cachola, was permitted by the enemy to enter the church and make an appeal to the men: (a) for the guerrillas to put up a sizable number of them to make a contrived gesture of "surrender" to Col. Makino, (b) to volunteer to surrender whatever firearms that can be surrendered, and ( c) that by complying with said terms of Col. Makino, food would be available to the prisoners.

A token compliance was made, although not necessarily totally agreeable to Col. Makino, but became a rallying point for enemy leniency. Makino saw through the determination of these heroic wives to seek leniency or release of their husbands and all the male Paetenians held as prisoners-of-war. Partial leniency was accomplished by these women leaders, however, continuous interrogation and torture continued. That was the way of the Bushido warrior.

This author - was one of the victims of continuous torture during the whole length of incarceration as a suspected guerrilla officer. However, so as not to betray his comrades, he preferred torture than surrender, and be made to point out who were his men. He chose to die rather than be dishonored by his peers.

He suffered serious disabilities thereafter like hundreds of those who were beaten and maltreated. He survived with disabilities. Guerrilla officers, like his comrade, Col. Daniel Adea (PMA Class ’44) also survived the ordeal but also suffered broken limbs. See another story of this author entitled: "In the Edge of Hell."]

Mentally Shocked

A sizable number of Paetenians, however, suffered various mental and physical impairments from enemy excruciation. Nervous breakdown and shock was common among: them: Sesinando Navarro, Mariano Agbada, Cornelio Aseoche, Mariano Bautista, Faustino Afuang, Paulo Salceda, Leon Fadul, Carlos Asido, Laureano Asido, Fausto Asido, Santos Cadang, Canuto Navarro, Conrado Limlengco, Alfredo Bague, Eduardo Cagandahan, Gregorio Cadayona .Casiano Villarin, Faustino Baisas, Eustaqiio Dalay.

Their incarceration included psy-war techniques that weakened their physical resistance, so the flipped, so to speak.

They were temporarily out their wits in anguish. But all recovered later. They lived to tell their own experiences, however, some which still have to be recorded. They are also my heroes.

Physically Consumed

In he course of the beatings, there were those elderly and infirmed who became seriously ill: Esteban Cajipe, Jose Caancan [ a contemporary of Jose Rizal ], Leon Dans, Pelagio Caguin, Pedro Pacla, Carlos Asido, Conrado Limlengco, Canuto Navarro, Andres Valencia, Andres Caguin, Julian Madrigal, Pedro Cadawas.

They were not spared despite of their advanced age and ailments. In sufferance - they endured. They were held under house arrest but weary and closely guarded.

Repeated Beatings and Drowning

Among those seriously beaten, tortured by "water cure" [ drowning ] and starvation were" Rev. Fr. Francis Vernon Douglas, the white parish priest of Pillilia, Rizal; Paetenians: Generoso Balquiedra, Daniel Adea, Enrique Cadayona, [ myself, Frank B. Quesada ] as suspected guerrilla leaders, although the enemy was without proofs or confessions from us.

This "water cure" (suffocation by drowning) was, nevertheless not new in the history of the Philippines. During the American colonization, Filipinos were subjected to this harsh treatment by American occupation troops who want to extract confessions by force.

This author, suffered this brutal treatment from the Japanese in World War II in Paete under the barbaric hands of the enemy. The method was making the prisoner lay down on the floor with his face pointing upwards, while his hands were tied in the back. A burlap covered the face and pails of water are pored over the face, denying the prisoner precious air.

He struggles for life drowning, while the enemy kept on beating him, stepping on his stomach. Asking the prisoner to yield information what the enemy wanted. The sensation of drowning – have broken down the toughest man.. The body is not made of impervious steel, and under the torture, his flesh had to give up. A few of them gave up and tattled. Others gave false information to mislead the enemy.

It was our united resolve by the majority to take the heat (beatings and torture) and spare all others who may not survive the crucifixion. We, resisted all forms of torture as much as we could endure. Nevertheless, we saved hundreds of our kababayans And preserved the morale of all Paetenian under captivity..

There was a escape plan. But only one was successful in his escape from incarceration : Alfonso Acac. He slipped out of the church, crawled towards the dark shadows of the convent,. High-tailed towards Baryo Bagumbayan and on to the Sierra Madre mountain lair of guerrillas..

He was able to relay my message to my comrades in the Hunters guerrilla combat unit at Baryo Humarap - for them not to assault and liberate us for fear of massive retaliation by the Japanese garrison troops awaiting orders to massacre men of Paete in detention if necessary.

He also related the tortures perpetrated by the enemy inside the Catholic church to the American USAFFE stragglers former members of Gen, McArthur’s staff who sought protection and shelter of guerrillas hiding in the mountains of Paete.

It was a wise move to spare the town from scotch-earth, and to preserve the community from Harm’s Way at the expense of a few (us, who endured the tortures). It paid off. And the Japanese moved on to other towns of zonification.

Beheaded and Killed

There were three who were mercilessly killed: (1) Rev. Father Francis Vernon Douglas, parish priest of Pillilia, Rizal, suspected of being chaplain of guerrilla; (2) Dr. Ariston Baet (of Paete), and (3) Major Agapito Valera, of Pangil both found guilty by their confessions. They were reported beheaded by decapitation in the enemy garrison.

Then there was Col. Rafael Reynoso, a USAFFE Philippine Scout straggler, who suffered death in the hands of his countrymen coerced by the Japanese to execute him with bamboo spears In Lumban, Laguna .He died another unique heroes death. I vividly remember him asking me to take care of his wife should he be captured. We worked together while in his mountain lair in Caliraya, Laguna.

Remains of these intrepid heroes were never recovered. And also of our iron-hearted comrade, Francisco Rellosa of Siniloan. Their glorious deaths and their blood have enriched our soil so others could be free to live in freedom.

Sincerity in their hearts was the basis of their virtue – until the end.

"It is the cause, and not merely death that makes a martyr," said Napoleon I.

We, in the Hunters (PMA) Guerrilla coined the motto:

"Those who are not afraid to die for God and country, are fit to live in freedom.."

Those words inspired our fellow prisoners-of-war to endure harsh punishment from the Japanese invaders. Many have died for the cause of democracy, human rights, justice and liberty for all. – which we must impose to ourselves as a duty and obligation to remember them. They wrote history in blood, sweat and tears – that inspired our revolution that never went backward.

Paetenian, intense belief in God, patriotic discipline and determination have saved themselves from adversities then – and now. The Japanese invaders in 1943 could not have chosen a more appropiate place (the Catholic church) as the prison for Paetenians who have suitably wnet down to their bended knees on the altar during the incarceration to pray for salvation along with a white priest who took the most of the savage beatings. He, (Fr. D.V. Douglas).

He showed and led us, Paetenians how to rely on the divine grace and power of prayer to survive the ruffian maltreatment by the Japanese sons of the Bushido, trained to slaughter anyone sans mercy. Our heroes literally also died on the Cross, so to speak.

Fr Douglas told me, " Be not afraid, for we were imprisoned in the house of God." He led to pray the rosary that gave us faith and hope for deliverance. Thus – we felt we were not forsaken. And that was true.

Nevertheless, he was killed by the enemy as the reserved sacrifice being Caucasian and a hated race by he Japanese, while we were spared to tell the tale. It tells us that we have to live life forward and not backwards. Life must go on no matter how difficult it was. Even if we must steal one day at a time to be able to survive. One ecstatic crowded hour of our lives is worth a lifetime to enjoy it. For a useless life is just like an early death.

Our journey during World War II was a long and agonizing trip to Hell and back.

A Puzzling Thought

However, what really puzzles me, is the hopeful odd and popular desire of majority of us to go to Heaven, but who reject the idea of death, by refusing to die. Why is that?

Logic states one must first die – before one does go to either eternal blessedness in Heaven, or to the bottomless pit of torment which is called Hell.

Such myopic desire of rising to Heaven, rejecting death defies logic and the order of life and death. Man falls so in love for himself and without any rivals, he knows more about the Universe, but never knew himself any better.

Like the burning candle of life, one never encounters anyone but himself through hell and high water - who have confused no one but him. Death makes all of us reject it because it is the end of a privilege of man. For without death - an everlasting life is just but paying taxes and elbowing the next door neighbor with snobbery. So boring, that makes us weep because we spend the rest of it asleep, wandering without direction until the finger of God touches our forehead – and finally sleeps forever.

Power of Exhortation

After consistent lobbying by Paetenian women, Col. Makino’s heart drooped and finally – relented but imposed these conditions: (a) for the local guerrillas to surrender their arms, (b) orderly conduct of all the prisoners inside the church, ( c ) for all men to agree to end all resistance against the Japanese but reluctantly - and for the sake of the majority, the women and children of Paete, a few guns and weapons were surrendered. Makino must have something to show his superiors to grant concessions.

The dialogue paid off – and the treatment of POWs improved. However, torture was concentrated n the suspected guerrilla. officers

A Dozen Unsung Heroes

Then – there were a dozen or more unsung and uncelebrated heroes who were murdered in cold blood for saving the town of Paete from being scorched by the enemy. They were concerned citizens who took the courage to act for the whole town during a perilous hour., however, were not spared from harm.

They accepted their destiny believing that living is death, and dying is life – and that freemen disguised, unknown were sons of God destined to Heaven – never sorry for being a Christian. For Christians never meet for the last time.

These are men were never ready to live until they were ready to die for God and country. Through the years – their memory housed in our hearts has been the only shelter we have to live in. Heroes and martyrs showed their best in his hour of adversity. They died with honor and honesty which has been the noblest work o given them by the Almighty.

These noted concerned citizens were beastly killed: they were: (a) Capt. Alejandro Ac-Ac, (b) Capt. Roman N. Quesada, (c) Eusebio N. Quesada, (d) Casiano N. Quesada, (e) Juan V. Quesada, (f) Eliseo M. Quesada, (g) Felipe A. Quesada, (h) Alpio Afuang, (i) Vicente Cachola, and many unsung others whom I failed to record.

They would die mercilessly and slighted.. They deserved to be remembered as plain and concerned citizens. They did not seek to be heroes, but merely perished for a worthy cause. Their demise was a severe blow to the town they served so well. Life then goes on – but their feats of courage lingers on in the annals of history so cruel but noble.

A Century-life with Potable Water

Water is life-sustaining substance, and was part of Paete’s colorful history. The town was blessed with fresh potable water – that sustained the town’s pride of its succulent lanzones. It made Paete famous and synonymous to these rare fruit that thrives upon fresh flowing precious water.

Then, even before the early days of American imperial occupation, there was also the altruistic and charitable donation of Pedro Quesada [ Tandang Pitri ] to the townspeople of Paete - of a primal potable spring called the "Benditang Tubig" [blessed water] with a century-life duration of potable drinking water for the whole town.

Paetenios enjoyed the unlimited luxury of using ample fresh spring water supply for many years, in the process, carelessly depleted the supply after a century of misuse. Water was wantonly wasted by leaving open spigots – water flowing freely unused until the consequence caught up with them.

It was only lately, when Banditang Tubig was drying up. So a new source of potable drinking water for the whole town had to be procured. A crisis had to be headed off.

Of late, another safe water spring was found in Barrio Kasili, southeast of Paete. It was donated by an unassuming and benevolent Paetenian* residing abroad who shunned any fan fare. He had a condition [colatilia] to his grant and deed of donation of his spring well. He had faithfully followed his parents and grandparent’s altruistic tradition and willingly donated the parcel of land and the spring well to the Municipality of Paete.

His deed of donation, provided, however, that the townspeople would have to acquire and use water meters in order to conserve water, and pay revenue to the municipality. It was grudgingly fulfilled. And the townspeople are again enjoying safe and potable water.

Policy of Authentication and Record

For the information of those who have been inquiring why there were no other accounts of other possible or potential heroes and martyrs in the publication (Matanglawin or the Paetenian International).

Positive authentication requires real and valid documentation of indubitable records of proposed local heroes and martyrs, which must be positively verified, must pass the verity test, duly authenticated by the Adjutant General of the Armed Forces, and by a Board of Review.

Journalism does not merely consist of printing on newsprint at five cents a pound, and then distributing it at ten cents or given free. It is not the art of hurrying to print literature to pass it as truth. For the easiest thing in this world is to deceive ourselves with what careless writers merely believes what is true.

We, in the historical field believed that anything short of the truth or anything beyond the truth is a lie. Truth does not need to be defended, all it needs are veritable witnesses and concrete records. For nothing ruins the truth when it is stretched. Its durable fabric is authenticity. A dying man’s last word most at times are true, however, chronicled bald and naked of the truth. And truth if revealed with un-savory intent beats all the lies constructed by man. So – we prefer to chronicle what is authentic. We separate facts from theory.

To those who ask why we do not chronicle what the observers or readers – suggested supposed "heroes" which they conceived under their criterion, we say - that personal prejudices may appear as a hurried truth, but personal opinions sans searching for facts are partiality or bias that is immature.

"History is cruel – because it is just." said Apolinario Mabini, the sublime paralytic – who was deported by the American colonizers to Guam because he adhered to God’s truth. He passed away with his deep conviction that only the truth shall make all of us Filipinos free like any citizens. He carried that deep conviction to his grave – happily which the Americans colonizers could not comprehend. Mabini was the authentic Filipino gentry whose vision was far ahead of his Caucasian captors. A man denied capacity to walk but blessed with pixy intelligence and articulate gift of gab. He was a national sublime paralytic – who was one of the brains of the Revolution.

It has also been said that if one does not stand for something, he will easily fall for something arrant. Mabini showed and taught us that persuasion with faith wins in the end..

This author, along with the editors of the Matanglawin Quarterly and the Paete International publications – have agreed to abide by the rule to check with authorities like the AFP Adjutant General’s office and the Military Review Board for authenticity of events and heroic feats of individuals in World War II.

Our role and responsibility as journalists is to publish what is authentic, which contribute to mankind’s goal to be wiser and be felicitous.

This system therefore screens claims and stories from unverified sources which could dilute the authenticity of the rich history of Paete.

It (the reported individual heroism) can not merely be suggested or by any incredulous source without positive authentication, confirmation and/or review of events and historical accounts.

History’s hard facts must be authentic - for it to be cruelly sustained without impairment to last forever. Those who have facts written or taped recorded are encouraged to submit them to the two publications mentioned above for verification and publication.

We are the ones charged with the disquieting responsibility to write our own history, and never left to foreigners who hug the credit at our expense. Andres Bonifacio, our intrepid Katipunero once said,

"Di dapt natin ipagkatilwala ang ating karapatan, kasarinlan o ang ating kasaysayan kanino man."

• (Donor of the Kasili water spring was this author: Col. F.B..Quesada, A Paetenian, retired in the United states




by Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada
former Senate Committee Secretary Veterans and Military Pension Associate PMA ‘ 44

Jan 19 2003

Varied reactions on Bush’s bruited war are gathering so much dust – now have escalated negative concerns. Latest polls that became public, according to Associated Press says – "two thirds or more in the Pew polls says people favor military action against Iraq, but only under certain circumstances."

"There is widespread support for ending Saddam’s rule, but such support is conditioned on proof of threat from Iraq."

"The American public does not buy the administration’s argument that Iraq must prove it does not have weapons to avoid U.S. attack. And almost two thirds (63 percent) said Iraq’s failure to prove it does not have weapons would not be sufficient reason for war."

"More than half (53 percent) say the president has not yet explained clearly what is at stake to justify the U.S. using military force to end Saddam’s rule. But 42 percent say that he does."

"The number that said that Bush has clearly explained what is at stake has eroded since his September address to the United Nations, when it was 52-to-37 saying he had given clear explanation."

In the face of such poll findings, American protesters against war have massed in Washington and cities around the country to press for peaceful way out the crisis with Iraq, and an end to U.S. own weapons of mass destruction.

The "International Answer" organization are demonstrating in Washington D.C. and in San Francisco, California exhorting war opponents everywhere to "stop the Bush administration from threatening and killing the people of the world who are not our enemy."

Meanwhile in Congress, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) had a bill proposing resumption of the military draft. Rangel was a Korean War veteran who believed that there has been an unequal use of the draft deferment n the past, and have brought pressure that resulted to the volunteer military forces used in several minor conflicts like the Desert Storm.

Rangel voted against Bush’s authority to attack Iraq. "Carrying out the administration’s policy toward Iraq will require long-term sacrifices by the American people, particularly those who have sons and daughters in the military."

In contrast, majority in Congress voted overwhelmingly to allow the use of force in Iraq. But Rangel insists that, "We need to return to the tradition of citizen soldier with alternatives national service requires for those who can not serve because of physical limitation or reasons of conscience."

It can be recalled that among the noted combat-dodgers who successfully elude combat in Vietnam were former president W.J. Clinton, who was a conscience objector, and the-now president G.W Bush, who was able to only serve in the National Guard at home away from Vietnam.

Rangel in defending his idea of renewed draft further explained that, "A disproportionate number of poor and members of the minority groups have made up the enlisted ranks of the military. While the most privileged Americans are under-represented or absent."

It can also be noted that the prevailing policy of depriving war veterans of their rightfully-earn compensation and benefits have contributed to the people’s indifference to serve the military.

I am only too familiar with this as former Senate Committee Secretary –of the Veterans and Military Pensions Committee - who witnessed how the U.S. government mistreated the Fil-Am ex-servicemen who served the U.S. Army in World War II, and then later stripped of their wartime-earned benefits by the inhuman and brutal act of the 79th Congress – that enacted the merciless Rescission Act of 1946.

Said ruthless and savage treatment of war veterans have no place in a democracy that spouses human rights. This deceit and double-talk is not only immoral but a social offense against citizens – a violation of human, moral and even divine laws.

And it has no stopped. Of late, the government has deprived military retirees ( World War II and Korean war veterans) of their hard-earned retirement pension. Veterans are very angry against Pres. Bush because he supported Pentagon’s insistence of depriving (approximately 1.7-million retirees slowly diminishing ) after honorably serving for over 20 years – were deprived of their rightful pensions.

They had to pay for Medicare services in lieu of their military health care entitlements. They can enjoy disability benefits but not retirement compensation.

And only recently, another cruel hoax was perpetuated by the Veterans Affairs Department to temporarily stop providing medical care for higher-income veterans suffering from ailments not related to military service. This cock-eyed policy took effect recently that affects not les than 164,000 .

Veterans, however, could not see the rationale of the government in cutting their benefits when they saw that $5.1 billion dollars was electronically wired to Uruguay. And condonation of billions of loaned-dollars for foreign countries. Albeit, wanton wasteful expenditures of Congress.

According to the American Legion, "There are 300,000 veterans waiting in line for primary care appointment in the VA health-care facilities in the country."

Veterans had a good reason to be angry because, the government that sent them to Harm’s Way has a core responsibility and mission to take care of those wounded in battle and who shed blood for the flag. Albeit, the political interests of those in power.

As this unpatriotic and "criminal" neglect of war veterans who sacrificed their lives and properties foe the nation – are now totaling 6.8 million today.

In the case of the Filipino-American U.S ex-servicemen who were conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt totaling aproximately. 200,000, there are only less than 50,000 of them left to die of disease and want under the cruel hoax of deprivation by a truculent government.

In sum – these indentured veterans ask Pres. Bush, Congress, -the Pentagon and the Dept. of Veterans Affairs – "What kind of message do you al want us to tell our comrade in uniform today? Under such mistreatment who are those played for fools – would like to serve the military under this deceitful and betraying policy?" # #




NEVADA, USA, August 15, 2003 (By Col.(Ret.) Frank B. Quesada,  Former Senate Committee Secretary) Veterans and their organizations are up-in-arms against Congress that have barefacedly precluded legitimate World War II Fil-Am veterans from benefits they rightfully deserved.

An irate excluded veteran said, “Like the devil, congress have built a wall surrounding us like peons. In Congress there are those like an artist who could paint sin in very attractive colors to deceive war veterans.”

What are they really complaining about?

For over 60 years, since the “devil” 79th Congress arbitrarily took away their veterans compensation and benefits, Congress have played these intrepid heroes of Bataan, Corregidor and the Philippine Campaign as fools while those who wield power in the name of partisan plot up in the Hill preserved their slimy pork for themselves.

Of late, there were a bumper crops of legislative measures that is once again raising fragile hopes under the harvest of, albeit unfair bills filed before re 108th Congress.

There were three distinct bills from coming from both Houses under partisan consideration of the GOP controlled committees of Congress. These are:

(I) House bill No. 2352 filed by Rep. Simmons and some sponsors – seeking amendment of title 38 U.S Code to provide eligibility for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs health care for certain Filipino World War-2 veterans residing in the U.S. It is clear in this bill that in “sub-section (a) applies to individual who is a commonwealth Army veteran or new Philippine Scout, and who (with a distinct feature for veterans – (a) “is residing in the U.S, and (b) is a citizen of the U.S. or a alien lawfully admitted to the U.S.. for permanent residence.”

(II) S-1213 filed by Sen. Specter seeking to amend title 38 U.S. Code. seeking to enhance the ability of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs to improve benefits for Filipino veterans of World War -2 and survivors of such veterans, and for other purposes. It will cost the government $11.3 million dollars.

Most distinct feature in sub-section (a)” applies to individual who is a commonwealth Army veterans or New Philippine Scout and who: (1) is residing in the United States and (2) a citizens of he U.S.. or an alien lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence.”

This bill will cost the government $19.3 million dollars.

(III) S-68 filed by Sen. D. K. Inouye seeking to amend title 38 of U.S. Code, to improve benefits for Filipino veterans of World War-2, and for other purposes.

While this bill also provides improved benefits for Filipino veterans who are U.S. citizens and who are residents, but it has a distinct provision “for providing a $100 monthly pension for Filipino non-U.S. citizens veterans who reside in the Philippines.”

Sen. Inouye felt that. after seeing for himself in his last visit to the Philippines – those Filipino veterans left out of and from US laws and bills should at least be helped with at least $100 per month at this point and time when they are subsisting only from that the Philippine government could only afford to provide for them in the amount of $100 per month in the absence of any US assistance.

Sen. Inouye after he returned from his official visit to the Philippines saw the plight of the indentured and excluded Filipino veterans from U.S. laws and current legislative measures, and who are allowed by the U.S.. to wallow under poverty level, who are fast aging, sickly and are dying by the hundreds daily without wartime-earned rightful compensation and benefits.

During the last hearing, Sen. Inouye stated a strong enjoinder pushing his bill (S-68) to cover all Filipino veterans regardless of their residence and be it in the U.S or in the Philippines.

It will cost the U.S. government only $60-milion dollars.

“One of these bills, S-1213, nevertheless, gives the most pressure for its passage because it reflects the terms of President George W. Bush’ commitment that he made to Philippine President Gloria M. Arroyo during her last State visit last May.” said PN correspondent Rita Gerona-Adkins.

In the flurry of excitement and merriment during the visit, no one in President G. M. Arroyo’s entourage, including foreign Affairs Secretary Blas Ople and Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes, nor Ambassador Albert del Rosario had scrutinized the specific provisions of S-1213 that have barefacedly discriminated the majority of the bona-fide Filipino ex-U.S Army (who are non-U.S. citizens and who reside n the Philippines.

What now favorably exists is a VA grant of medical equipments worth $500,000 to the VA medical facility on Manila, where not all veterans outside Manila will have access to said facility.

It is apparent that these bills appears to narrow down the beneficiaries of those eligible for veterans benefits who are residing in the U.S. and who are lawful residents.

In the language of the senate bill, it states upon closer look – that an eligible recipient ( a Filipino veteran) who is residing in the U.S. The term”: includes” implies that the others may not be excluded.

On the other-hand, existing law is much broader than the Senate version, and is more likely to conclude the intention of the legislature was to narrow the eligibility, rather than to expand or clarify it.

The bottom line is that the proposed law is more likely to be detrimental when compared with existing laws. Therefore, it is proper and n order for the veterans precluded from such benefits to oppose such negative bills, according to a law practitioner in San Diego.

“If and when these bills are enacted into law, veterans fear that it will have established. a firm precedent that only Fil-Am veterans who have acquired US citizenship or are lawful resident in the U.S. can become beneficiaries of current and future legislation.” According to Jerry Adevoso, the Philippine Presidential Representative and head of the Office of Veterans Affairs ()VA) based in Washington D.C.

“It is also feared by the indentured veterans as well as those who are favored with goodies – that these bad bills when enacted into law forever excludes their bona-fide comrades of the U.S. Army in WW-2 who have remained Filipino citizens, and who opted to reside in the Philippines from receiving future US veterans benefits” said Adevoso.

This is a burning issue which troubled Filipino veterans as well as their kin in the Philippines why the U.S. Congress continue to mistreat them Is it because they are not bona-fide ex-US Army veterans in the interpretation of some powerful U.S legislators who classify and segregate them as “second class veterans?”

Or is because they are not registered voters in the U.S. ? Or is it because they are not white? Veterans view such unfair act of legislation partakes the form of racial and economic discrimination prohibited and abhorred by the U.S. Constitution. And such unequal treatment does not reflect the will of the whole American people

I have been a senior contributing staff of Sen. Inouye in the “U.S. Senate Inquiry on the Unsettled Compensation and Unpaid Benefits by the U.S. Government,” and the findings of the inquiry showed that Filipino veterans were bona-fide members of the US. Army that rendered honorable and active military service in the U.S. Armed Services during World War-2 and thereafter. (See: USVA legal opinion )

“Inouye in his full page statement submitted to the July 10th hearing traced the background of the Filipino veterans issue and argued for their equal treatment regardless of where they reside , in the U.S. or in the Philippines.

He related the following: “ As a result of a citizenship statue enacted by Congress in 1990, some Filipino veterans who were able to travel came to the U.S. to become U.S citizens.

“At the same time, many other Filipino WW-2 veterans were unable to travel to the U.S. to take advantage of the naturalization benefit because of their advanced age. The law was subsequently amended under Fiscal Year 1993. The following Departments of State, Justice, Commerce and the Judiciary Appropriation Act (Public Law 102-395) to allow the naturalization process for these veterans to occur in the Philippines. Since then, a distinction had been made to provided benefits only to Filipino veterans residing in the U.S. leaving out those who are in the Philippines.

“I therefore believe that it is unfair to make a distinction between those how are here as residents and those who are in the Philippines.” Inouye said.

I am herewith quoting the benchmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on Insular cases, to wit:

“The Philippines is not is not a foreign territory within the meaning of the U.S. Constitution and that the Commonwealth of the Philippines was under the sovereignty of the United States. The U.S. legally involved the Philippines in a war of the U.S. against Japan. Likewise dictated the political and military strategy of the conflict.”

What some in Congress has been perpetuating against Filipino veterans is no less than critical perception which is anti-veteran and un-American.

Here is another U.S Supreme court decision, which Congress can not, and must not ignore, to wit:

“Equity is rooted on conscience equal protection of laws not achieved through indiscriminate imposition of inequalities. Historical text of the 14th Amendment became part of the U.S Constitution should not be forgotten. It is clear that matter of primacy concern was establishment of equality in the enjoyment of basic civil and political rights and the preservation of those rights from discriminatory action on the part of the State (or by individuals) based on consideration of race and color.”




NEVADA, September 26, 2003 By Col (Ret) Frank B.Quesada - I just received an e-mail – stating that "the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) yesterday announced that there is growing support for the enactment of a law in the United States that would benefit 8,000 Filipino World War II veterans living in the United States."

Concocted Event

It further stated that "on August 30, 2003 a meeting was held at the embassy with the Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA), Veterans Fedeeration of the Philippines (VFP), Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) and the Sons and Daughters, Inc., (VFPDAI) and the American Coalition of Filipino-Veterans (ACFV) .

No Such Agreement

The supposed meeting suggests that an agreement was made to keep on working for passage of Senate Bill –S-1213 and House of Representative Resolution (bill) HR-2357.

Bogus Announcement

As far as I know, I am the VFP representative to the USA. I have not been physically present in said meeting and not aware of such agreement. I have inquired from the rest of the agencies mentioned in the above- announced meeting. They also denied having attended such meeting. Likewise were not aware of any agreement. Therefore the above (bogus) press release appears to be a cruel hoax to veterans. It never happened And is therefore misrepresentation of facts concocted by the source of such press release, presumably from the Dept. of foreign Affairs, mentioned.

There is something fishy and mistrustful of this questionable press releases misleading veterans, and the public. I therefore enjoin the readers not to take such announcement seriously. It has smacks of suspicious motives and what appears as a cover-up for something that may have involved a scam.

Veterans and the public is therefore cautioned to verify bogus-looking news items in the gullible media being that were being used by self-appointed unfit and opportunistic advocates misleading the the public as well. Report such occurrence to this columnist and publication such anomaly so it can be acted upon accordingly.

Veritable Facts

What I have been officially informed through e-mail in August 19th were as follows:

(a) that – "Pres. G.M. Arroyo wrote a letter to Col. Emmanuel de Ocampo, President of the VFP strongly pushing for passage of House Resolution (a bill) HR-677 filed by Rep. R.Cunningham (R-CA), seeking full benefits to all Fil-Am WW-2 veterans, in a letter to sent by Pres. G.M. Arroyo a copy of which was received by me. (b) The letter stated that "she would during his visit to persuade the U.S. Congress to approve HR-677, but definitely not S-1213 and HR-2357, because these two bills are discriminatory that have specifically precluded the preponderant majority of veterans residing in the Philippines, and who are unable to secure U.S citizenship, but who are bona-fide former U.S Army World War II ex-military servicemen. They are fragile, hungry and dying of disease and want

witnessed by U.S Sen. D Inouye in his last visit to the Philippines sans appreciable relief. It was the reason why Sen. Inouye proposed passage of his senate bill S-68, that provides at least $100 dollar pension per month for these wanting veterans, merely subsisting under the meager $100 (in the equivalent of RPPesos of P5,000 barely enough to pay shelter rental, thus are all un der-nourished.

Bad Legislation

The following specific leglslations (#1213 and HR-2357 containing unacceptable provisions excluding veterans who are not U.S. citizens and who reside in the Philippines, which has been rejected by indentured Fil-Am veterans as un-American, anti-Filipino veteran and a travesty of justice. It was also denounced by the Jewish Veterans Association of America was unjust and a critical perception and economic discrimination against the Fil-Am veterans.

Earlier Concerns

Affected Fil-Am WW-2 veterans have earlier appealed to the U.S. government for correction of such unfair and unjust legislation inflicted upon the aging, sickly and indentured heroes of Bataan and Corregidor and the Liberation Campaign (1941-to 1945) to no avail.

Veterans bewailed the lack of enthusiasm, savvy and inaction of Philippine authorities in Washington D.C. who appeared just sitting on their ukulis while unfavorable legislations have been going on. The youth advocates led by a certain Mr. R. Mulvaney of Chicago recently attacked and asked for the relief of the Philippine Ambassador for lack of positive action..

Blind leading the Blind

If Pres. Arroyo accepts the offered unfair legislations with mistreatment of unequal benefits from Pres G.W. Bush, such as bills if passed into law i.e., S-1213 and HR-2357 - a great international embarrassment for both herself and Pres. G.W. arises as a horrible case of destitution of knowledge, and breach of protocol; which signify a mischievous prank that creates "second class "of veterans during U.S. State visit.

OVA’s Effort – Brushed Off.

Veterans have also tried to reached the Dept. of Veterans Affairs through Mr. J. Adevoso, Pres. Arroyo’s Special Presidential Representative and head Philippine Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) elucidating the above anomalous situation to save both Chiefs of States from possible ridiculous deride and mockery to no avail.

OVA’s Positive Direction

Mr. Adevoso’s press release expressing the popular demand of and majority veterans here and abroad v was disavowed by the Ambassador, in a counter-press release, thus creating not only confusion but disunity in the Fil-Am community and the veterans population that are up in arms.

Angry Veteran Leaders

I received many phone calls from angry Commanders of the National Advisory Council of Fil-Am WW-2 Veterans USA (of which I am consultant) urging me to write another letter to Pres. G.M. Arroyo to straighten up the Embassy elements in Washington D.C. who are anti-veterans. Also the Sons and Daughters, Inc., deplore amd abhor the irresponsible statement of Amb. A. Del Rosario before the headof the OVA and the Defense Attache, saying ":forget the veterans in the Philippines.." This is not only irresponsible for an ambassador sworn to and paid to protect Filipino citizens (veterans) from foreign discrimination and maltreatment. . Veterans who read this column recommend the recall of Del Rosario, and/or replace him with a career diplomat capable of lifting ghr morale of RP’s diplomatic corps.

Veterans thus interprets that elements in the Philippine government in Washington D.C. has been devious, and is not implementing Pres. G.M. Arroyo’s doctrine of securing full equity of Fil-Am WW-2 benefits underlined and mandated in her letter to Col. E. de Ocampo – for immediate compliance. It can be gainsaid that Pres. G.M. Arroyo, as a daughter of a WW-2 veteran (former Pres. Diosdado Macapagal) has a soft spot for the demands of WW-2 veterans for full equity.

Arroyo’s Affiliation

She is a regular member of the VFP Sons and Daughters, Inc., originally organized by J. Adevoso (its former President, Emeritus) now led by former congressman Eduardo Pilapil. The VFP and the VFPSDAI collectively ( that includes as much members of their families) to no less than 2.5 million voting power which catapulted former Pres. C. Aquino and former Pres. F. Ramos to the presidency. And in part support of Pres. Estrada during his election.

Therefore, the VFP and the VFP-SDAIs is a powerful segment of Philippine political and societal segment of society to reckon with. Pres. Arroyo must have the full support of the VFP and the VFP-SDAIs for apparent reason.

Let there be no mistakes and/or un-informed disregarded knowledge about this.!

The Mandated Doctrine

Let it be therefore crystal clear to the veterans, the Fil-Am community, and not to leave out the nonchalant elements in the Philippine Embassy – that the veterans’ demand for full equity is buttressed by Pres. G.M.Arroyo’s mandate for full equal rights of Fil-Am WW-2 Veterans with, and like any member of the U.S Armed Forces that saved democracy for America and her imperial interests in the Philippines in the war.

Mutual Need of Cooperation

Pres. G.W. Bush administration badly needs the Philippine’s cooperation and support in America’s War Against Terrorism. America needs Filipinos to help America rebuild Iraq and other countries where the U.S. have thinly spread its military personnel and resources all over the world.

And the Philippines is also in dire need for jobs for its struggling population for economic existence. Therefore, both presidents are to scratch each other’s backs to ride and survive the obtaining crisis. This entails Filipino soldiers sent to die in Iraq in exchange for loans and favors from the U.S.

Cloture of the Benefit Impasse

Out of the original 200,000 Filipinos conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt into the U.S. Army, who were inducted and incorporated into the USAFFE, as well as the Recognized Guerrillas and the Philippine Scouts – there are pnly no more than 24,900 of them as survivors of U.S. cruel policy of retarded and piece-by-piece payment of wartime-earned compensation and benefits.

Arroyo’s Firm Position

Pres. G.M. Arroyo stands firm in backing up the demand of the remaining sickly and aging Fil-Am WW-2 veterans that had more than enough punishment under U.S, cruel policy allowing veterans die so that there would be no more veteran claimants to be paid benefits.

And therefore le there be any recalcitrant self-appointed advocates who use the veterans as their whipping boys for their own whims and caprices and misplaced desire for fame and fortune at the expense of the veterans.

America’s Benevolence

While Amercia’s present benevolent policy under Pres. Bush of settling the U.S. obligation to the Fil-Am WW-2 veterans exists, let there be a final cloture of this over 60 years of truculent critical perception and economic discrimination. Kindness of the U.S. government could be a golden chain which nations are bound together. And in justice and fairness - there is no truly great Godlike moral duty.




NEVADA, USA, September 29, 2003  By Col (Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA  - Of late, there has been confusion at the Embassy as to what is the specific job assigned to the Presidential Special Assistant, as Head of the Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA).

I feel that I should shed light on this matter, having privy to the creation of the OVA, which badly needed in establishing a respectable official lobby for the interest of the Filipino-American World War II veterans, who were ex-US Army servicemen conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt in 1941 to fight American’s war against Japan.

In my career as Senate Committee Secretary – I have seen the necessity of an office to specifically protect the interest and welfare of my comrades who have been the object of racial and economic discrimination by the U.S government,

I have worked with many RP Ambassadors in fighting for the rights and privilege of my comrades in World War II (i.e., Ambs: Elizalde, C.P. Romulo, S.P. Lopez and many others) since 1947 who stood courageously against the US racial and economic discrimination.

This recognition, however, could not be said the same to the preset diplomatic representation in Washington D.C. today which does not hold a candle to them with fortitude that deserved US respect and acknowledgement by US officials .May be because of politics, which spawned non-career diplomats to to be thrown to the delicate position of diplomacy, Such job requires utmost in-depth selection, not resulting to dilettantish and chance,

The old and former career diplomats have satisfactorily ( in my observation though my work with them) secured as much, although not full compensation and benefits for my comrades, with the exception of what the US denied paying, especially under the cruel hoax perpetuated by the infamous 79th Congress that stripped all benefits from us, veterans under the invidious Rescission Act of 1946.

Ambassadors come and go, and the fight for rightful compensation and wartime-earned benefits had been left to veterans by political administration that have neglected the welfare of veterans. The problem had come to a situation that t veterans have used their own resources in lobbying for their wartime-earned compensation.

I have worked with US veterans associations and spent my own personal resources since 1947. And so with many other veterans who took the initiative to join the fight for justice and fairness – that the US government so carelessly ignored. It should not have been that way if our own politicians cared for us veterans with compassion.

It was only during the time when Cory Aquino was elected president when the veterans was able to place an item in the Constitution that the nation owed us veterans much, and requires full respect. attention,. and assistance..

The Philippines is perhaps the only country n the world whose Constitution mandates all administration to take care of the nation’s war veterans.

I have seen for myself how Col. Emmanuel de Ocampo, President of the Veterans Federation of the Philippines, and some of us in successfully persuading Pres. Aquino to allow us to include in the Constitution a provision protecting the veterans and their compulsory heirs.

Under the continued US maltreatment of Fil-Am have reached the point and time when the original 200,000 Filipino-American nationals conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt in 1941 have been dwindling by the thousands from disease and want. And even until now when the veteran survivors are only less than 30,000 – mistreated by the US without full equity compensation.

This is indeed a black mark in the history of the US shameless mistreatment of its own war veterans that put their lives in Harm’s Way and then trashed like garbage.

And this has also been marked by lack of Philippine aggressive representation in the US for and in behalf of the war veterans of WW-II.

The total accumulated obligation of the US to the Filipino-American WW-II veterans was admitted by the USVA at $3.2 billion dollars at the end of World War II.

While there has been some successful collection by the Philippine government representing the veterans, there appears a token settlement of varied benefits, But the US government have heartlessly devised an artifice to retard the settlement of its obligation under a step-by-step and/or piece-meal basis which has been the cause of death of thousands of (veterans) claimants for unpaid benefits entitled to them lie any member of the US Armed forces.

Through the years, the US government have been short-changing and deceiving veterans through deliberate means as a means to avoid payment of its constitutional debt to the Fil-Am veterans.

As a matter of fact, until today the US government in reaction to the worldwide criticism of other countries and by the World Veterans Federation (WVF) established ia heartless policy against veterans which resulted to partial grants of benefits but still on a piece-meal (step-by-step basis) on a retarded schedule program to grant health care services and facilities limited only to service-connected disabilities of veterans.

This has been denounced by Brig. General Ret.) Carlos P. Romulo in his speech at the U.S. House of Representatives in May of 1946, describing such maltreatment by the US government as anti-veteran and un-American, if not inhuman. It shook the conscience of the American people.

Such courage of a career diplomat. Regretfully - has not been seen today. What I see today is a meek and frightful posture of political diplomats dreadful and timid performance in asserting our veteran’s rights before a whiteman.

In my over 40 years of veteranism work, if have yet to see such qualities of former diplomats like Amb: Elizalde, Romulo, Lopez and a few others who stood eye to eye sans any reservations in defending the demand of the Filipino-American war veterans.

Thus, we, veterans urged for the establishment of the Office of Veterans Affairs ( OVA) specifically to undertake the following official lobby work for and in behalf of war veterans. And releave the job of lobbying from the ambassador, albeit not completely. The ambassador can not micro-manage the official job of lobbying by the OVA head and his office.

Let there be no mistake abut this! !The job of the Special Presidential Representative, and Head of the Office of Veterans Affairs promulgated by the President of the Philippines - are as follows:

(1) To pursue settlement off veterans claims and benefits and the restoration of the rights, benefits and privileges of Filipino World War II veterans provided for in the U.S. Veterans Benefits Code as members of the U.s. Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE)..

(2) To co duct negotiations and representations with the authorities of the Legislative and Executive branches of the US government and initiate a campaign in the US to enlist support of both the public and the private sectors for the cause of the Filipino veterans of World War II.

(3) To coordinate with Filipino veterans groups in the US so that all efforts in support of Filipino veterans claims may be marshaled toward one specific objective.

(4) To secure, authenticate and reproduce records and documents essential and vital to the accomplishment of your (the OVA task) task; initiate the preparation of such publications, communications and position papers as any necessary in the prosecution of the Filipino veterans claims; conduct an information campaign through radio. television, and publication; and hold conferences with U.S. government officials and leaders of American veterans organizations in order to enlist their support for the settlement of Filipino veterans claims through appropriate legislation or executive issuances, as the case may be.

(5) To submit progress reports, from time to time to the President of the Philippines through the Secretary of National Defense.

Fidel V. Ramos

Sgd: President of the Philippines

13 April 1993

(end of text)

The initial OVA head was Brig. General (Ret) Tagumpay Nanadiego, followed by Lt.(Ret.)Gen. Raul Urgello, and now Mr. Jesus" Jerry” Adevoso, organizer and head of the Hunters Guerilla Sons and Daughters, Inc.

I am publishing this presidential directive in order for all veterans commanders of Fil-Am vet organizations, the Filipino community, not to leave out Fil-Am organizations to recognize and respect the official lobby work assigned to the Office of Veterans Affairs, now headed by Mr. Jerry Adevoso.

I enjoin those self-appointed organizations (i.e., so-called coalitions and federations) using the veterans cause as their “whipping boy” for their private ends and private schemes to respect and work with Mr. Adevoso for the sake of unity, and success of achieving full equity settlement of veterans claims and benefits, sans any confusion and mishaps.

There has been so much dysfunction because of the selfish and undisciplined schemes of those outside the loop of official lobby by the OVA.

I also urge those organizations bypassing then OVA, and using the ambassador as their prop and artifice to gain publicity for their personal fame at the expense of the veterans. Such perfidious practices jeopardize the official lobby authorized by the President of the Philippines, at thee behest of the Fil-Am WW-II veterans.




NEVADA, USA, OCTOBER 20, 2003 By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada USA - Reports from Washington D.C. have it that war veterans of World War II and Korean veterans are very angry at President G.W. Bush for supporting a past (1955) government policy and decision to rescind an old promise of free and life-time benefits of military retirees who are in their twilight years.

It can be recalled that it was Pres. Bus who told the veterans as well those in active duty military personnel after the year 2000 campaign that, to wit: "I promise made to the veterans will be kept."

It can also be recalled that Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) have recently renewed his support for a bill reinstating the retirement benefits to veterans, which was earned by them while they served the armed forces. Reid said that it is unfair for the government to deny retirement benefits, which veteran richly deserved, and which can not just be swept under the rug . This is a running debate and issue today under the war fever against terrorism.

Veterans are angry because hey feel that they had been short-changed, and especially in the current government’s preparation for another war, hoping for more volunteers to serve. And who may also be betrayed.

In the past administration, these veterans had to pay for benefits through Medicare that cost them $60 or more, and for approx. 80 percent of the expenses. Veterans is also mad against Pentagon that welshed on the deal which their recruiters promised them upon signing up for active duty, stating that – "if they served for 20 years or more, they and their dependents would get health benefits for life."

These retirees have appealed to the government for justice to discuss the situation, however, they said Pentagon, the Justice Department and the White House – have ignored their appeal to overturn the 1995 decision – lodged by them for and in behalf of the 1.7 million military retirees.

It could be gleaned that the government have eluded to correct such travesty of justice. These retirees have property rights taken away from them under smacks of evasion of payment.

I can recall the same injustice and cruel hoax heaped by government against the Fil-Am, World War II ex-servicemen who, after rendering active an honorable military service – were left to fend foe themselves for the past 60 years. Up until now, only a minute part of the $3.2 billion unpaid veterans benefits – had been retarded what these veterans view as racial and economic discrimination, and "involuntary servitude" (slavery) forbidden under amendments to the US. Constitution. These set of veterans are dying of old age and disease without full benefits.

On the part of the retirees, represented by Col. Col .(Ret.) George Day (USAF) and a former POW, Medal of Honor recipient – have lost their case in the U.S Court of Appeals in Washington D.C. he vowed to take the issue t the Supreme Court whatever it takes. On the other-hand, Sen Reid also vowed to push the issue in Congress to secure justice for these heroes who she blood for Uncle Sam – but who have turned Uncle Scrooge



February 21 2003 at 7:31 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada 
Culled By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Associate, PMA '44

Part I

Note: The author is among those who have completed doctoral studies abroad on Comparative Structures of Governments, and Politico-socio-economic Systems. Here, he relates experiences which he recommends acceptance by the citizenry.


Following the current agitation of the people back home, after Pres G.M Arroyo’s withdrawal or retirement from possible political bid for re-election in 2004, window of opportunity became wide open for a lot of proposed changes in the government, not to leave out a constitutional amendment through a people’s convention, over the unpopular amendment of the national constitution through a national assembly dominated by politicians.

Persisting quivering trepidation for a constitutional convention was a result of the citizen’s clamor for a better working governance – therefore have proposed. amendment of the present constitution, and explore the parliamentary form of government which seems catching fire, but not yet accepted by the electors. The idea of parliamentary system needs nation-wide education of electors and taxpayers.

The parliamentary system is not new to Filipinos, because it had incautiously been tried before during the infamous, arbitrary and despotic conjugal dictatorship of the Marcoses. The national referendum was unwieldy and was ridden with anomalies. Nonetheless, was farce forced upon the hapless people.

Such experience was not protracted and tedious enough to compare to, and with that of England and other parliaments world-over. Winston Churchill once said that the presidential system of government is the worst form of government. But the parliamentary system experimented in the Philippines however, appeared as ineffective compared to that in England.

While there was a parliamentary system that was tried then in the 70s in the Philippines, citizens had mixed reaction over the coerced change from the dictatorial form to parliamentary system which only favored the despotic regime. It was just as an excuse to camouflage and conceal the authoritarian regime.

Albeit, under such authoritarian system, present politicians, however, saw the possibility of improving the parliamentary form to suit the present clamor and temperament of the constituents for a better government desired. It remains to be sampled by the people yearning for a better government.

There are basic differences between the current presidential system compared to the parliamentary form currently being mulled as follows:

The Presidential System

The presidential system is based on the simple separation of powers. The president (as chief executive) has no power to dissolve the legislature. Nor must he resign when he loses support of the majority of its membership.

There exist no mutual responsibility between the president and his cabinet. The Cabinet is wholly responsible to the president.

The executive is chosen by the electorate.

The Parliamentary System

In this form of government, government is based from the diffusion of powers. And there is mutual responsibility between the executive branch the legislature. Hence, the executive may dissolve the legislature or he must resign along with members of the cabinet when his policies are no longer acceptable to the constituents, and the majority of the legislature.

However, there is mutual responsibility between the executive and the cabinet.

The executive (the president) that is the nominal (symbolic) head of state as well as the prime minister, is the head of government, is chosen by the majority of legislature.

In the case of the Philippine experience during the authoritarian regime, there was a president in the parliamentary setup. However, the prime minister was only a symbolic head of state. He was supposed to symbolize unity and loyalty of the constituent.

And during the Marcos regime, he controlled the actuations of the prime minister. He still called all the shots as well as Imelda, who meddled in the affairs of state. Thus, it was arbitrary conjugal arrogance that was brought down by “people power” in a bloodless upheaval.

In the Marcos constitution, he was chosen among the members of the national assembly by majority vote of the members – for a term of six years. And in that constitution, the president shall be a member of the national assembly, but eases to be as such, and any political party.

Duties and Functions of the President

Under and during that regime, he addresses the national assembly at its opening of the regular session, and the State of the Nation.

The president proclaims the prime minister. He issues a proclamation dissolving the national assembly and calls for a national election.

He accepts resignation of the cabinet. Likewise attests to the appointment or cessation from office of cabinet members, and officers. He appoints all officers and employees in his office in accordance with Civil Service law. And performs social and ceremonial functions of state.

Prime Minister’s Function

He is actually the leader of government. His status has been described as primus inter pares, meaning that he is first among equals, namely the minister of the ministries, He appoints them and presides over meetings. However, in cases of serious conflicts within the cabinet, resigns or forces resignations.

The prime minister is also pre-eminent, and is the leader of the party. Is position must be acknowledged by the electors. He is also the successful campaigner of his party, and its spokesman.

His statements of policy are given attention by the citizens. He is the leader of the national assembly that proclaims policy development. He replies to all questions on vital issues.

His advice is sought by members of the cabinet that required immediate action upon his own responsibility, wit support of his colleagues.

Powers of the Prime Minister

The prime minister exercises executive. power. And is responsible to the national assembly for the program of government, under the guidelines of national policy. He controls all ministers.

Part - II

He shall be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and when necessary can call the armed forces to prevent, or suppress lawless violence, invasion, insurrection, or rebellion. And when public safety requires. He may suspend the privilege of habeas corpus, or place the country or any part thereof under martial law.

He appoints members of the cabinet. Likewise, his deputy minister. He enjoys appointive powers – such as members of cabinet, heads of bureaus, as well as officers of the armed forces (from the rank of brigadier general, commodore), and in all officers of government as may be authorized by law.

He grants pardon, and reprieves- except in the cases of impeachment. He may also contract an guarantee foreign and domestic loans on behalf of the nation.

Albeit, all powers vested in the president under the existing constitution as well as the laws of the land which are not provided or conferred upon by official in a new constitution shall be deemed vested in the prime minister, unless the national assembly provides otherwise.

Choosing the Prime Minister

He is elected from among the members of the national assembly.

And his relationship with the president and the national assembly is that of full cooperation and coordination.

The cabinet, in a way, controls the legislative procedure.

It does the legislative planning under the supervision of the prime minister who answers to the public demands for legislation. And if accepted by the citizens, it becomes part of the national development program.

Efficiency of the National Assembly

Its efficiency is enhanced by the control of the Cabinet through party caucuses and representation in the national assembly. And the prime minister, his ministers answers to the national assembly.

By a resolution of censure, as to executive performance, or by adverse votes on a bill which the cabinet has declared to be of “confidence” , the nation assembly may force the prime minister and his cabinet to resign.

In practice, such votes are infrequent - the majority party supports the prime minister and his cabinet. But as a possibility, it forces the cabinet to adapt its policies to the wishes of the members of its own party in the national assembly, or pay the consequences. However it can be appealed to the electorate.

Role of Opposition Party

The opposition party subjects the government measures to thoroughgoing criticisms. The Opposition Bench (or otherwise called the shadow cabinet, composed of the leaders of the opposition party – subjects the measure to pitiless and unrelenting scrutiny and points out the defects as well as inconsistencies.

It may obtain their modifications or withdrawal; but the objective of the opposition is to convince the electorate that the government policy is wrong. So the next general election, the opposition may form then government.

And one of the best opportunities of the opposition party is the “question hour” in which the grievances against the administration can be aired or exposed, or may even force a minister to make a damaging statement.

The constitution provides for a “question hour” during which the prime minister maybe required to appear and answer questions and interpellations by members of the national assembly. Written questions are submitted to the speaker at three days before the scheduled question hour.

Formal Dissolution of Assembly

This process is also called “prorogation”. The prime minister may advice the president in writing to dissolve the national assembly, not earlier than the five days but not later than ten days from the receipt of the advice and call for an election on a determined date by the prime minister shall not be earlier than forty-five days nor later than sixty-days from the days of dissolution.

Exception to this Power

No dissolution of the assembly shall take place within nine months preceding a regular election or within nine months immediately following any general election.

Pending a General Election

The prime minister and the cabinet shall continue to conduct affairs of government until a new assembly is convoked and anew prime minister is elected.

Powers of National Assembly

Concurs in the treaty-making power. It has sole power to declare existence of a state of war. It grants emergency powers t the prime minister. It has power of taxation. It has power over appropriation, and law-making power.

It conducts legislative investigations and public hearings. It puts questions to the prime minister and his cabinet. It may force the incumbent administration (government) to resign by adopting “motion of censure”. And performs miscellaneous duties.

Composition of National Assembly

It shall be composed of as many members as may be provided by law to be apportioned among the provinces, representative districts, and cities in accordance with the number of inhabitance and on the basis of progressive ratio. (based on proportional representation).

Qualification of Assembly Man

He must be natural born citizen. Must be at least 25 years old on the day of election. Must be able to read and write. Must be a registered voter in the district he shall be elected and resident in that district one year immediately preceding the day of election.

Frequency of Assembly Election

The shall regular meet every year on the 4th Monday of July and shall continue to be in session until 30 days before the opening of its next regular session, excluding Saturdays and Sundays and legal holidays.

Assembly Recess?

Yes. It may but not to exceed 30 days. It may also hold special sessions which is called by the prime minister to consider vital subjects or legislations.

The Internal Organization

This includes: (a) the speaker, (b) several recording secretaries, (c)functional committees.

The speaker is not and can not play a partisan role. Although a party-man when elected , there upon assumes an attitude of a politically dis-interested person , and an impartial arbiter. He never uses his power to favor is own or any party. He in the presidential government who plays a partial role.

Under the proposed constitution, he us elected by majority vote by the national assembly.

Majority of the assembly constitutes a quorum to do business. A smaller number may from day to day and compel attendance of absent members in a manner the assembly may provide.

Part – III

Parliamentary Immunity

A member of the assembly shall, in all offenses is punishable not more than 6 years imprisonment, be privileged from arrest during his attendance at its sessions, an in going to and returning from session.

He shall not be questioned nor held liable in any other place for any speech or debate in the assembly or in any of the committees.

However, the national assembly must surrender member involved to the custody of the law 24 hours after its adjournment for a recess, or its next session.

The prime minister is immune from ordinary civil arrest, but may be impeached and tried for an act of treason or other offenses stipulated by law.

Any member of assembly shall not hold any other office or employment in the government or its agency during his tenure of office , except that the prime minister or any member of congress may not be appointed to nay civil office created by the assembly.

Or the salary of which was increased while he was member of the assembly.

Prohibitions for Assemblyman

He is prohibited from appearing as counsel in any court, except in collegiate courts such as the Supreme Court or court of appeals. They are prohibited from financially being interested in contracts, franchises, privileges granted by the assembly. They shall not intervene in any matter before any office of government for his financial benefits.

Filipinos Ready for Parliamentary?

The parliamentary system is not novel or new to Filipinos. Take the case of the Malolos Constitution promulgated as early as January 21, 1899.

It actually, it established a parliamentary form of government. However, after the American colonization, the presidential system was introduced, stayed in place for over 50 years. Filipinos found the system agreeable, and compatible with that of the U.S. Constitution – that governed the Commonwealth of the Philippines.

Why Parliamentary system?

It has a greater participation by the citizens in shaping and in repudiating programs and policies directly affecting them. There will not be those deadlocks between the executive and the legislative which can not agree on policies. This can be avoided under parliamentary system.

Parliamentary is more democratic because the power will be lodged in the assembly. And the constitution can not be desecrated.

Government will be more responsive because of people power to recall officials at will. It will not have a fiscal tenure as in the presidential system.

Note: There are still a lot of meaningful details which can be incorporated in the constitution being mulled by the Filipinos. They are sick and tired of the presidential system which had been bastardized. And a copy-cat from the U.S. emasculated Federal system that is out of control. And a constitution ignored and set-aside by powerful elites.

This treatise is only an example of guideline for the laymen and those who will compose the constitutional convention, and not by a constitutional assembly that could be emasculated by politicians with selfish intentions.

Notes about the author:
He is among the pensionados who accepted grants to attend foreign (European) institutions to take up doctoral studies on Comparative Structures of Governments and Respective Politico-socio-economic Systems. He served as psy-war consultant to the late Sec. Ramon Magsaysay, who later became president of the Philippines He was Senate Committee Secretary for over a decade, and served many administrations.

He immigrated to the U.S. by virtue of his World War II veteran’s status, and served the U.S. Armed Forces (SDF) reaching the peak of is career as Deputy Chief of Staff, after being G-3, and Logistic Advisor, ARNG headquarters in Sacramento, California. He retired from the military, and was hired by the Circuit Executive Office of the U.S. Federal Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

Now retired from all jobs, devotes writing syndicated columns in popular Fil-Am newspapers, and is completing his manuscripts of books, i.e., "FreedomAt Dawn", about his participation in the liberation of 2,146 American POWs in Los Banos in 1945, and "Ordeal In War’s Hell" about his POW interment and classic escape, and exploits in World War II and subsequent conflicts (Korean and Vietnam).

At age 80, is still up and about enjoying simple pleasures in life with his wife Lou, also a retired exec from the San Francisco Sate University School of Nursing – in their retirement new home in a desert city in Nevada.



March 21 2003 at 5:48 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
Culled By Col (Ret) Frank B. Quesada
Former Senate Committee Secretary
And former Psy-War Adviser
Associate, PMA ‘44

In the case of the Philippine problem of terrorism, it grew up as a radical epidemic of hate, rage and destruction of those not part of their movement for separatism from the Philippine democratic system.

A Seething Volcano

Basically, radical Islam developed through the years of mounting rage and hate against the non-Islam population dating as far back in 1890’s when they resisted the foreign domination by the Spaniards and the Americans, that wantonly killed their ancestors.

Since then they carried a permanent grudge. A form of irritability. Their anger has been more intense which erroneously convey primitive affect.

“Rage has been described as a great excitement which is high in a popular flavor.”

While hatred is” a bitter aversion, and a is a hostile of one’s feeling.” It is, however, the cognitive effect of it with distortion of super-ego and it function.

The Pinoy Muslim

As a particular group of descendants, they came from a common stock in a separate and distinct root, language and culture. Initially, their irritation is an aggressive life borne from frustration and poverty.

On the other-hand, They carried hate as a complex aggressive effect in contrast to their acuteness in life.

From the womb, their mothers sang the song of revenge and destruction whom they desired. In its extreme form, it demands elimination of an object, And today’s extreme has been expressed martyrdom in a suicide. The Muslim (Moro) “huramentado” (the suicidal self-created martyr ) believed that they will have a special spot in paradise is they killed as many non-Muslims. As in the cases of self-destructive bomber abroad blowing themselves, dying as martyrs under the same belief.

I have witnessed this myself in early 1935, in Jolo when my father was assigned there. And in Basilan, where my uncle settled there as a businessman. The Moro, as they were called then – vowed to do this they are committed to destruction of their imaginary “:infidels”.

What do they really Want?

They want to overthrow the established democratic government under a :”Jihad,” (holy war), to rid the world from Christians, Jews, Hindus, .etc., And establish. A separate nation such as for example; (a) eliminating Christians who stop terrorist are their accord. (b) they have no qualms of killing under the “jihad” as an anathema to our social, religious and democratic values.

They have common purpose to eliminate, Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc., through jihad to establish their own Islamic order., or am Islamic state. It is a tool to purposeful killing innocent people for a heroic cause. However, there were moderate and educated Moros – who believed in co-existence with non-Muslims.

The Abu Sayyap, for instance - have concentrated in ridding Christians in the most brutal manner (i.e.,. the beheading of a Fil-American visitor, holding hostages of US and kidnapping of missionaries of other nationalities for huge ransom, etc.

This form of hatred is also “manifested in or expressed in suicide, where self is identified with hated objects or people, or self-elimination has his only means of to destroy the object or people.”

Literate Muslims

In the experience of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in Mindanao, Not all Muslims are radicals. They are the vanguards of mutual understanding and tolerance. These are the moderate Muslins with their Imams condemn violence. They disassociate themselves away from the glory and bloody tactics of narcissism , ego-syntomic aggression, and anti-social tendencies.

They do not pretend that they do not know who are responsible for terrorist assaults, bombings and kidnappings. Albeit, they know who are the real enemies of Islam.

These moderate Muslims know that hatred is also a bridge to sublimatory function of a courageous Muslim at the service of his commitment to Islam ideals and their ethics.

These moderates are potential mediators with militant Muslims that should be made to understand that they can not merely or just supplant the duly established an Islamic order through radical terrorism. likewise deny the basic freedom which they themselves enjoy.

Born to the Environ of Rage

As I have said earlier in this treatise, their mothers have sang the song of revenge, and destruction of the oppressor when the baby is still inside the womb. The child, therefore, had been “a product of temper-tantrum of the mother. Rage reaction could be engendered in children (both intense pleasure or psychic pain mostly by deprivation or hostile care.”

Growing under the environment of hate, rage and hostile destruction – Muslim children are affected by such behavioral evidence of irritability. Exposure to the elders with hate and rage against the established democratic government – and society, naturally influence the children.

And is has been said that “the more primitive destructive and higher levels of hostile destructiveness and rage, the greater disruptive influence on the growing mal-adaptation. A reaction capable of becoming activated since birth.” (Rocklin-1973).

The Real Enemy

It is not Islam, per se (as a whole) who is the enemy. It is only a segment of the whole Islam nation in the world. It is only the radical Muslims – who kill innocent people, in their perspective is a noble undertaking which is negative in the modern society.

Jihadists, however, believe differently. They are cold-blooded fanatics killing people in behalf of Allah.

Not all Muslims subscribe to such sensual belief, and they are divided in this issue.

Sensible Approach

Terrorism – is an act of implementing intimidation and terror. It excites dread, and to govern with fear. Terrorism and tyranny are the exercise of irregular power. And both terrorist and tyrant have yet to invent any chains that can subjugate the mind of free men.

It is only the fool that said to his heart – that there is no God. Islamic terrorists believe in (their) own God. Extremists are the problematic Muslims – that perpetuate terrorism.

Islam as a religion is not a violent religion. Its central article of faith. from which all else flows. God God is Allah, in Arabic El Elohim, Jahweh, in Hebrew; Khuda or Yazdan, in Persia; Tanri in Turkey. And to them, God in plain English has spoken to man in the Qur’an

Cultural situation of Arabia was not too dissimilar to that described in the Christian Book of Judges, one is struck by the similarity of Muhammad to the prophets of the Old Testaments.

So there should not be any animosity between moderate Muslims and Christians. Qur’an is in Islam what Christ is in Christianity, and Muhammad stands in relation to it as the Twelve Apostles to the Logos.



March 21 2003 at 7:51 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Associate, PMA ‘44

Agitations on constitutional amendments, or a national referendum, plebiscite, etcetera - again occupy a lot of time and space – in preparation for the 2004 national elections, following the announcement of current Pres. G.M. Arroyo that she will not run for re- election.

Politics of Michiavellian provocation has been the opium of our people back home. Without it – the nation would be a country where political parties die, coalitions end, and politicians swallowing their own lies.

In sum – it is all money, power and turf. In the process, the layman view political election as a transition a turn-over of money (ill-gotten or not) from the hands of the politicians to the electors. Corrupt politics in the process breeds parties as bad as its leaders.

Restless Pinoys are agitated to explore new avenues to afford a democracy (Philippine style not a copycat of the U.S. jingoism). The temper of the Filipino is miles apart than Americans.

Search for Durable Constitution

Since the post Commonwealth era, a constitution was born. After World War II – the Philippine Republic adopted a new constitution.

However, in the intervening years – restless citizens wanted a more meaningful constitution, (the amended constitution during the conjugal dictatorship, then the post-marshal law regime).

Hereunder are some proposals culled from the different proponents of changes in the constitution and government set-up.

The Nitty-Gritty Factors

Features of a proposed pro-forma amended constitution i.e., The president shall be head of the State and chief executive of the Republic. And he shall be elected by direct vote of the electors for a term of six years that begin at noon of the month following the election

The executive power shall be exercised by the president, with the assistance of the vice president.

The president shall have the control and supervision of all departments of government. He formulates the guidelines of national policy.

He shall be immune to, or from law suits during his tenure. And thereafter, no suits whatsoever shall extend on official acts undertaken by him during his tenure. Such immunity, however, shall apply to the incumbent president.

However, after learning from experience, citizens strongly want a provision to take past presidents to task and be liable to prosecution for his negligence, and or, plunder under his administration. This also includes all public officials who can be brought before the court to answer for acts that are 0r have caused graft and corruption. Not to leave out unexplained wealth.

Legislative powers shall be vested in the legislature composed of representative cross-section of the citizenry. (includes regional and sectoral representatives with a term of more than six years.).

Regular election of members of congress shall be held on the chosen date by the constitutional convention and to be elected every six years thereafter.

Members of the cabinet are chosen by the president.

NOTE: Hereunder, is a culled treatise from those who experimented on the parliamentary system in the past.

If a parliamentary form of government is desired, then the above set-up changes completely. There will be a slot for a prime minister, who shall be the one assisting the president. He shall be nominated by the president and to be elected by the legislature from its own members.

This set-up has been tried and experimented during the term of former president Marcos, however, needs some modifications.

Supervision of the prime minister and the ministries in under the president.

Regular election of the legislature shall be set by the constitutional convention and shall be held every six years (as the case maybe). The legislature may withdraw its confidence from the prime minister by a majority vote of all its members, after which, the president shall nominate a new prime minister.

On the other-hand, the prime minister may recommend in writing dissolution of the legislature if a need arises for a popular vote of confidence on basic and vital issues. Then, the president may call for a special election.

The prime minister and the presidential cabinet shall be responsible to the legislature for the program of government duly approved by the president.

There shall be an executive committee composed of the prime minister and a number of members specified by the constitutional convention, a least half of which shall be member of the legislature designated by he president.

The executive committee shall be headed by the prime minister and shall assist the president The committee is headed by the prime minister to assist the president in the exercise of is powers and functions in the performance of his duties, prescribed by the constitutional convention

What System of Government?

There still is a question of choice by the citizens on what system of government shall work for the nation.

It is the supreme will of the citizens to choose from what system would be realistic and applicable for the nation.

Will it be: (a) the presidential, (b) parliamentary or (c) a combination of the two?

This is the golden opportunity for the citizens (the people power) to correct the present imperfect constitutional set-up of government.

It is the constitutional convention no matter how expensive it will be – to secure a suitable constitution with the proper correction of deficiencies in the present characteristics of government.

The concept of what suitable form of government shall be the product of the constitutional convention which the citizens should approve.

Proponents of a constitutional assembly has been frowned upon by citizens because of their suspicion against political interests and possible manipulation. Therefore, a constitutional convention is more palatable.

Under such close scrutiny, any amendments should correct the weaknesses of what ever form of government is proposed.

Under a parliamentary set-up, there could be frequent changes which has no stability and continuity.

On the other-hand, in the presidential system – where has been rigidity in the relations between the legislature and the administrative department has always resulted to constant stalemates and deadlocks. Enactment of important laws hindered the flow of good government.

Here in the U.S. take the consideration of operation of government, there are over 300 congressional committees and sub-committees that scrutinizes every move of the administrative branch, Therefore the president can not make a single decision without being subjected to all kinds of congressional inquiries. This has resulted to backsliding of flow of government service. Not to leave out the bureaucracy of the huge size of government. And huge deficits.

Just What Type of Government ?

What citizens are looking for is a type of government that would suit the temperament and character of the citizens. As of now, the nation is in dire need of a strong president to cope up with both local and global problems. What the nation needs is a symbiotic operation of government with the citizenry. He must work closely with representatives of the different sectors of the business, commercial and industrial segments – sans any selfish political ambition or personal gain.

Past experiences by citizens have made them quite suspicious in every move of both the president and all politicians who have amassed so much wealth from corruption.

One taxpayer asked me to name one president and other noted politicians who left the government poorer than when he or she began working for the people. Sadly and frankly, I could not name one.

A strong president, on one hand, ensures the quality and continuity of policies. However, he must remain above all political quarrels and be a mediators and arbitrator of any or all conflicts. His or her affiliation with any party ends, from the time he or she becomes president.

There shall be no ceremonial president. The Philippines does not need a king and/or royalty. That runs contrary to Filipino culture.

Some Prohibitions

The constitutional convention must provide limitations for appointment or election to dual public office of any position during his tenure of office, unless provided by law.

And bona-fide candidates for public office shall be free from any form of harassment and discrimination.

Also – no elective official shall may change political party membership or affiliation during his term of office, unless provided by law.


About the author: He was among the pensionados who completed studies in European schools of the Comparative Structures of Governments and Respective Politico-socio-economic Systems.

A retired military U.S. officer, and Federal Court official with vast experience in both government ant private sector.

He devotes maintaining a syndicated column in selected newspapers and other publications. He is completing manuscripts for his books for publication. (See: biography and treatises in the e-mail nets):



March 21 2003 at 6:38 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
By Col. (Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pension
Associate, PMA ‘ 44

"Peace has its victories – however, no less renowned than war," John Milton could not have said it more clearly.

And peace have always been brought to us at too high a price. In the history of battles, war was said to have perished in known civilization, however, new civilizations such as ours today have spawned new types of societies at the threshold of humanity that uses war as instrument for conquest for power, gold, oil and turf.

We are now mere statistics in a principal factor in a seemingly collective conspiracy in a so-called politico-socio-economic transformation.

In our studies of wars in the War College – it has been used by big powers as a remarkable artifice for of changing social life. Billions of US dollars has been thrown into laboratories devoted to research on cancer, tuberculosis, plague, aids, and fatal diseases – it is a wonder why then such as war – that claims more lives compared to all calamities put together – have not established a research on how to stop wars.

Polemology – as the study and science of war (its forms, causes and effect) have remained almost incognito .It has been seen, however, as a matter which depend on our will that has a beginning and an end.

Is it “juridical illusionism” asked Gaston Bouthoul, who researched on the anatomy of war. Jurists merely see it as a quarrel between parties, as a brawl or a duel. But with analogy of contracts of civll law, or penal codes - it is seen as merely revival of international agreements, laws and courts, etc.

Pacifists want to ban wars, or sort of policing through regulations – but even arbitrations fail. It has been said that we are too quick to find or recommend remedies for an evil nature which do not fully comprehend or know. Or to believe that instead of understanding what it is all about.

Today we find ourselves confronted by war which we do not fully comprehend. Is it a religious or economic war or just an individual lust for power. gold, oil or turf?

There are two mail protagonists:

(a) the wayward Muslims using Islamic jihad against the U.S., or (b) a Christian adventure for black gold, or a disguised offensive to protect Israel from the surrounding potential enemy under one religion.

Under the Koran, propagation of Islam through arms is a religious duty. And war is an ideal command from God.

“Fight those who believe not in God and the Last Day, and do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden; such men as practice not the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book – until they pay the tribute out of hand and have been humbled.” (Sura 9, verse 29)

When the Israelites took possession of the Promised Land it was God’s command:

"For, behold, the Lord will soon come in fire, and his chariots shall be like the whirlwind, to render His anger with fury. For fire will the Lord contend , and His sword with all flesh; and the slain of the Lord shall be many… And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcass of the men that have rebelled against me against Me." (Isaiah 66)

These are two beliefs that now interface each other.

The famous “paradise” depicted by Mohammend, “has been reserved for his warriors who die in battle. Because God has prepared for them gardens underneath which rivers flow therein to dwell forever, that is mighty triumph” (Sura 9, Verse 90)

On the other-hand, Christian theology, early Christians had a striking original view of war. that condemns and rejects it.

“Whosoever taketh the sword shall perish by the sword.” And the theory of non-violence assumed by Tolstoy and Gandhi is essentially a Christian invention.

Chinese philosophers deliberately Refrained from exalting war.

Confucius said, "A really great General does not like war, and it is neither vindictive nor impassioned."

Now, to understand war more clearly, there are two types of war: (a) a necessary war and voluntary expedition, to defend national territory, and goes to war with its own authority, and the second (b) he who wages war must have the assent of other allies.(Maimonides)

To the nation that is the defender either shamefully or gloriously – all means are good in defending its sovereignty. It earns the respect and support from allies that believe in what is right and fair.

But for the invading country, Machiavelli has no illusions in such respect, and said: "The invader (prince) not with impunity exercise all virtues since the interest of his act is obliged to violate laws of humanity, of charity, and of religion."

Updating our thinking of war as we see it today, this war possesses above all the problems of finance, of accumulation and production – and in order for the U.S. to wage war there three vital factors to consider: (a) money, (b) money and (c) money that must be borne by the American taxpayers.

My associates in our logistics association of logistic advisors, have indeed confirmed the tremendous cost of this war being wages by Pres. G. W. Bush that bears heavily on taxpayers.

To give a concrete example, here is a credible estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, to wit:

"This un-fully explained war would roughly cost the U.S. economy no less than $6-billion to $9-billion dollars each month?" The military occupation would approximately cost $$5-billion to $7-billion.

"In terms of deploying U.S. military forces from the start could cost $9-bilion to $13-billion. And when the military forces are returned home from the war, it would cost $100-billion to $200-billion.

Adding these reported awesome expenditures which already weighed heavily on our fragile current economy, taxpayers are beginning to see through the real impact of Pres. Bush’s war over the citizen’s well-being and the tottering national economy.

Also revealing compromise Republican bill of $335.4 defense bill which would deliver most of the dollars to Pres. Bush to support Pentagon’s battle against terrorism. Meanwhile Bush faces rebellion from farm-state Republicans.

And $10.5 billion legislative measure for finance bill therefore would increase a 4.1 per cent raise in pay for military personnel, while the almost 1-million military retirees are denied their service pension and/or health care for having served as career servicemen for over 20 years. They are now up in arms and mobilizing to drop Bush from re-election ballots in the next election.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) stated:

"I will not tolerate any further delay of this plan. Why should a soldier receive less?"

"Who should we (senators) rather have on our backs? The President or the veterans of their state? I know I would rather have the president on my back than the veterans.?

In Congress, There were to similar bills filed in favor of the military retirees (veterans of several conflicts and wars) known as “concurrent receipts” designed to offset between military retired pay and VA disabilities for these deserving veterans.

In effect, when denying disability and/or pension therefore were made to pay for their own disabilities out of their own pockets – which was grossly unfair and in legal terms – violation of the taking clause – earned in the service.

"This is not fair and a way to treat those who sacrificed so much for this country." said Rep.Bob Filner (D-CA).

The solon on the forefront of this remedial bill was Rep. Michael Bilirakis (R-FL).Records have it– that there were no less than 100 co-sponsors of the bill, (100 out of 435) who co-sponsored HR-303 that would allow concurrent receipts of both retired pay and disability pay.

In a nutshell, both the Senate and the House had approved the provisions in the Defense Appropiations Act to fix the problem and provide justice.

There were two versions of the similar bills being reconciled in the Conference Committee (On October 10, 2002) in an effort to protect the concurrent receipt provision.

But a mysterious and unexplained enigma concocted by Congress up this time of writing, has not been cleared which killed the concurrent receipts provision when the Defense Authorization Act was taken up.

It has been said that “nothing is to be held for gold but mediocrity.”

Here is a clear example of a notorious and abominable act in the form of legislative excesses and abuse reportedly that emanated from the White House and Pentagon. Thus – have watered down the concurrent receipt provision almost to nothing, and have dashed the rightful pension of military retirees.

"I am very angry about this turn of events – and angry about the unbelievable process used." said Filner. In a and secret cabala the Defense Authorization Act passed by both Houses in a voice vote, with almost no representatives on the floor. Rep .Bilirakis (R-FL) and his supporters were perfidiously betrayed by his own peers in Congress. The Senate followed suit on a voice vote sans a quorum the following day that also played false those loyal veterans.

This is the rust that eats the steel of democracy under partisan excesses which in every age are vile specimens of human nature found among demagogues.

Hopes of every war veteran hoping to be paid for their rightful benefits were dashed by their own representatives in Congress. These perfidious acts were reported being hushed up by the administration.

It has been said that angry veterans made the wiser to make right over might, and unleash their fury of a patient hero against traitors who trashed them. The next national election will certainly tell on the re-election of Pres. Bush, and his fellow GOPs that mistreated these veterans.

In such legislative partisan abuse, this political excess of power has been a means of vulgarizing the citizens, and in the process brutalizing society.

"What is very difficult to bear during a reverse of fortune is the baseness and hideous ingratitude of men” said, Napoleon-I.



March 21 2003 at 6:47 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pension
Associate, PMA ‘44

Firstly, I want to correct the false claim of some unauthorized, self-appointed bogus advocates that they have been working with Senator D.K. Inouye on this proposed act. These notorious scams have claimed that they work in drafting the bill, which is false and a brazen lie.

I hereby warn the veterans, the Fil-Am community and the general public not to take such yarn seriously. They just want to justify their scam of victimizing money from hapless veterans who are unaware of the real work done by the legislative staff, and the senator.

I am quite familiar with Sen. Inouye’s method, having been his assisting staff in the U.S Senate Inquiry on the Unsettled Claims and benefits of Fil-Am veterans in the past.

Beware of announcements using some gullible media as conduits to such scam to perpetrate a racket by bad eggs.

This bill was the result of the recent trip of Sen. Inouye to the Philippines to find out for himself what the actual needs of Fil-Am veterans are, and especially those who reside in the Philippine, and those who were not able to acquire U.S. citizenship. He was very much aware of those veterans who had been precluded from benefits.

The bill or otherwise known as Senate No. 68, seeks to amend title 38 of the U.S. Code, entitled as "Filipino Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2003," filed by Sen. Inouye in January 7, 2003.

I hereby quote the bill – S-68 for the information of veterans, and the general public, here and abroad, to wit:

108th Congress, 1st Session
S - 68

“To amend title 38, United States Code to improve benefits for Filipino veterans of World War II, and for other purposes.

In the Senate of the United States
January 7, 2003

"Mr. Inouye introduced the following bill, which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Section 1. Short Title.

"This Act may be cited as "The Filipino Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2003"

"Section 2. Rate of Payment of certain benefits for the New Philippine Scouts residing in the United States.

“a) Rate of Payment – Section 7 of title 38USC, is amended-

“(1) in the second sentence of sub-section (b), by striking “Payments” and inserting “Except a provided in sub-section (c), payments “; and

“(2) in sub-section (c)

“(A) by inserting “or (b)” after sub-section (a) the first place it appears; and "place it appears and inserting “the applicable sub-section”.

“(b) Effective Date- The amendment made by sub-section (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply to benefits paid for months beginning on or after that date.

“Section 3. Rate of Payment – of dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Surviving Spouses of certain Filipino Veterans.

“Rate of Payment- Sub-section © of section 107 of title 38, USC, as amended by section 2 of this Act, is further amended by inserting “, and under chapter 13 of this title”.

“(b) Effective Date- The amendment made by sub-section (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply to benefits paid for months beginning on or after that date.

“Section 4. Eligibility of Certain Filipino Veterans for disability Pension
“(a) Eligibility-Section 107 of title 38 USC, as amended by this Act , is further amended.
“(1) in sub-section (a)
“(A) in paragraph 3 of the first sentence. by inserting “15” before “23” and
“(B) in the second sentence, by striking “sub-section (c) and (d) and inserting “sub-sections (e), (d) and
“(2) in sub-section (b)-
“(A) by striking paragraph (2) of the first sentence and inserting he following new paragraph (2):
“(2) chapter 11, 13 (except section 1312(a), and 15 of this title; and
“(B) in the second sentence, by striking “sub-section (g) and inserting “sub-section(c) ands (e).
“(b) In the case of benefits under chapter 15 of this title paid by reason of service described in sub-section (s) or (b), if
“(1) the benefits are paid to a individual residing in the United States who is a citizen of, or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent resident in the United States, the second sentence of applicable sub-section shall not apply, and
“(2) the benefits paid to the individual residing in the Republic of the Philippines shall be paid (nothwithstanding any other provision of law) at the rate of $100 per month.”
“ ( c ) Effective Date- The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply to the benefits for month beginning on or after that date.

“Section 5- Eligibility of Filipino Veterans for Health Care in the United States.

“The text of section 1734of title 38 USC, is amended as follows:
( The secretary within the limits of Department difficulties, shall furnish hospital and nursing, home care and medical services to Commonwealth Army veterans and the New Philippine Scouts in the same manner as provided for under section 1710 of this title.

“Section 6- Outpatient Health Care for Veterans Residing in the Philippines.
“a) In general- sub-section IV of chapter 17 of title 38 USC, is amended-
“(1) by re-designating section 1735 as section 1736; and
“(2) by inserting after section 1734 the following new section 1735:
“Section 1735, Outpatient Care and Services for World War II Veterans residing in the Philippines.
“(a) Outpatient health care – the Secretary shall furnish health care and services to veterans of World War II Commonwealth Army veterans, and the New Philippine Scouts for the treatment of service-connected disabilities and non-service connected disabilities of such veterans and Scouts residing in the Philippines on an outpatient basis in the Manila Outpatient Clinic.

“(b) Limitations- The amount expended by the Secretary to furnish care and services under sub-section(a) is effective in any fiscal year may not exceed $500,000.
“(2) The authority of the Secretary too furnish care and health services under sub-section (a) is effective in any fiscal year only to the extent that appropriations are available for that purpose.
“(b) Clerical :amendment- The title of sections at the beginning of chapter 17 of such title is amended by striking the items relating to section 1734 the following items:
“1735 Outpatient care and services for World War II veterans residing in the Philippines.
“1736 Definitions.
© Effective Date- The amendment made by this section shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act,”

---- end of text –

NOTE: This bill S-68 is a popular bill for World Wart II veterans who had been previously precluded from compensation and benefits under infamous Rescission Act of 1946. It is a correction to the injury and harm caused by indifference and neglect by Congress.

Veteran and the Fil-Am community are urged to write to their respective congressmen and senators in their respective districts to help pass the much-needed relief for veterans.

Lastly, refrain from dealing with them or listening to false information concocted by scams using the gullible media to further their racket.. Beware of a reported fake colonel posing as such but is counterfeit, and a forger assisted by a non-veteran novice photographer using an alias and not his father’s surname, posing as an advocate asking money from innocent veterans under misrepresentation for his fee and allowances.

Also beware of a certain reported “federation or association” supposedly headed by a disgraced newsman acting without proper authority of veterans. He was reported taken to court by over a dozen creditors for non-payment of accounts, thus have filed for bankruptcy.

Then there is also another impostor who advertise himself as a legal eagle, but was sanctioned by the U.S Court for negligence, thus have also filed for bankruptcy. They use the gullible media to further their cover-ups.. They belonged to the bunch who took money from veterans during the citizenship proceedings of veterans and did not return the money under misrepresentation.

Legislators have been warned about these racket – thus, solons have been distancing themselves from these racketeers who had bee asked to pose for photos and released to the media.

Deal only and directly with legislators and with Philippine Ambassador A. Del Rosario head of the official lobby. Do not waste your money being fooled by scams. One of them had already been convicted to serve five years in jail here in the U.S.

The most effective lobbyists for veterans is Pres. G.M. Arroyo who is in close rapport with Pres. George W. Bush .Our last vet resolution which I handed to her in San Francisco was taken up with Pres. Bush that resulted to grant of more benefits to Fil-Am veterans.



March 21 2003 at 6:59 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Associate, PMA ‘ 44

This treatise will guide veterans who immigrated here n the U.S - on how to deal with Congress. It will also eliminate disappointments why they do not get satisfaction from their communications, etc. Gabay sa tao.

Potency of Congress

Defined in Article 1 of the Constitution, Congress is given legislative powers. There are two Houses: The Senate and the House of Representatives, whose members are chosen by direct election in the different States. The are two senators in each State who serve for six year terms. One third of them are elected every two years. Takda ng kanilang lingcod.

It should be distinguished separate that senators of the same state are not elected in the same year.

Currently there are 435 seats of Representatives, and the State legislatures determine the congressional district boundaries for each Representative that serves for two years.

Congressional session begins in Early January of the year at odd number. It lasts for two years, however, divided by the year into the first and second session. Pagbubukas ng sesyon.

Elections for the Senate and the House are held on November of even numbered years. Ileksyon ng Batasan

It is the Vice President of the U.S. that presides over the Senate, however, he does no belong to any standing Committee. With very minimal powers. He is sort of a ceremonial official of the Senate. Isang ritwal.

It is the Speaker of the House who presides over the House of Representatives. And is elected by themselves my majority vote. It is the majority party that selects the Speaker vested with legislative power.

Congress Create Laws

Congress write Federal laws and has powers to inquire and examine public concerns, likewise monitors the implementation by Federal agencies, as well as programs. Pag-gawa ng Batas

It is only Congress that declare war. It ratifies treaties, regulates interstate and foreign trade and commerce, raise or lower Federal taxes, mint coins or print paper money, approves the nominated judicial appointments. It can impeach Federal officials - including the elected President and Vice President of the nation. However, it requires two-third majority vote in both the Senate and the House to over-ride a Presidential veto Both Houses.separately are the judges of each member’s qualifications. Ang tunkulin

Legislation Making

Each house handles proposed legislative bills in its chambers. They receive legislative measures and are refers them to the appropiate Chairman of each sub-committee or committee where, who determines the fate of each bill whether to take it up or “mark up” the bill. It is in this level whether the bill dies or survive. Nasa alinglangan pa.

The sub-committee provides the forum where the bill will likely o receive it – and provides a thorough consideration in a public hearing of witnesses (for and against ) and interested parties duly recognized.

If the majority of the body approves the bill, then the bill goes to the full Committee where it will again be approved by majority vote. The bill goes to the House or Senate floor. The bill, however, must be cleared by the Rules Committee – where the debate time limits, and were amendments are offered by the sub-committee of full Committee, or under exceptions may be offered on the floor. Pag-aamenda

If the Senate or the House enacts the bill, then the bill goes to the other chamber – where it is referred to the appropiate Committee. Of majority of the Committee approves it, then it goes to the floor . Here is where amendments are also offered in Committee or on the floor . Approval on the floor – aptly means both House and the Senate have separate cleared the bill. Di pa lusot.

The conferees of each chamber selected then work out the necessary compromise in the difference on the bill, then writes a Conference Report that moves final passage of the bill - for the signature of the President in the White House) into law. Walang bisang batas.

Or if the President sends it back to the Congress with his noted objections, the bill therefore does not become a law, under a Presidential veto.

Such bills not considered in a two-year Congress, do not automatically carry over to the next Congress. It must be re-introduced. In such case, most bills are not favorably considered.

On record, in the 11 Congresses (the past 22 years) an average of more than 20,000 bills have been introduced n the House during each two-year term. Only 5 per cent of these bills became law. Sobrang aksaya ng panahom.

Role of Lobbyist

In a democracy, the duty of any solon is to follow public opinion that expresses desires, wants, interests, needs and aspirations and ideals of the citizen taxpayers. Congressmen and senators are public servants ad not masters. They follow the true desires of the citizens and not their own or collective political party’s interests. People’s interest is supreme. They are not purely and agent but a trustee but deals fairly for the interest of the constituents which is above any partisan interest. Makararungang tiwala

Orderly Lobbying

There is a Federal lobby law designed to enlighten Congress and the public. as to motives that seeks to influence legislation. Nauukol at wasto.

In the case of the case of Filipino-American struggle for justice and fairness for their wartime-earned compensation and benefits, amidst so many indecorous and gratuitous individuals and groups – in order to establish an orderly and propitious official lobby, former Presidential Legal Advise, Justice Pamaran, established a government-to-government level form of lobbying. Maayos na paraan.

There now exists an official lobby for Fil-am veterans of WW-II under the leadership of Philippine Ambassador Albert Del Rosario, for and in behalf of the Office of Veterans Affairs Office (OVA) that was temporarily closure for lack of funds.

It was devised to weed out as many unwanted and undisciplined individuals and groups posing as advocates who have victimized veterans.
Legislators have kept distance from these bogus advocates. Veterans had become the “whipping boy” of these pretentious scammers. Lubos na biktima

Besides, disunity of veterans emanated from such disconcerted advocacy by self-adorned lobbyists without competence, and sans adequate resources. Legislators were also complaining about the abused state of advocacy from the community. Case in point since then, were racketeers and/or opportunistic shady entrepreneurs posing as advocates that have used the gullible media for their own selfish interests .Mga walang pakungdangan.

There were a slew of notorious individuals, groups, coalitions and federations that sprouted like mushrooms – all injuring the duly constituted official lobby. The end result was injury to the interest of veterans. (See: past scams on naturalization of veteran, and the social security fiasco cashiered by irresponsible and dissemble parties of unsavory characters.) Maling-gawain at pinsala.

Retarded and Inadequate Laws

Slow process of legislative work have worked against the Fil-Am WW-II veterans who were made to wait for over 50 years for piece-meal compensation since they were discharged from the military service. They were dying from a cruel hoax and as victims of said unauthorized and unwanted self-appointed advocates. Sawing -palad

There were unwanted suggestions from these poseurs on provisions of the bills already studied that were offered without the approval of the preponderant majority of the veterans – therefore have retarded the gains of the official lobby. Di-maingat.

Injury to the Cause by Posseurs

The kernel of sound and intelligent amendments to the bills which had to be incorporated in the draft were obliterated in the shell of impractical proposals not sanctioned by the preponderant majority of veterans. Which reflected the cheap and common chauvinist peculiar temperament ( kanya -kanya) of the Pinoy. Walang pagkakaisa. Nakasisira pa.

Thus – a realistic view of advocacy must recognize discipline towards a favorable success in securing a just law for veterans. But – said destructive coalitions and confederations of “riot squads” have nullified the honorable lobby of veterans. Mga huwad

Pictogram of Advocates
This treatise will not be complete without exposing the villains in veteran’s advocacy. Take the case of a newsman, and a handful of legal pretenders who have taken the unsanctioned liberty of misrepresenting the veterans, have taken money from them under promises – during their naturalization. He and his pal outdid themselves, winded up in bankruptcy. An educator was sanctioned in a Court order for negligence of his kosher profession. Purong masamang gawain.

There was one who recruited veterans from abroad, exploited and abused them – and winded in jail for 5 years. Another, who have put them in a farm, took their social security checks and chained the veterans in their beds, fed them with dog food – winded up in Court. Ka-alipnang gawa.

Then there was a duo who have cunningly used the media to advertise their bogus advocacy, who were reproved in public by legislator for not knowing what their were doing. One was a fake colonel exposed by the AFP Adjutant General, as a counterfeit; and a forger. He pals around with a novice photographer that uses an alias, bringing dishonor to his father by not using the real surname. The former retired due to bad health Walang nang unawa.

These are only a few distinct bogus personalities in the lobby function. They have injured the official lobby which had to be repaired by the Ambassador. With such bums in the advocacy process – how can you trust them? Kaawa-awa ang mga beterano !

So there – beware of phony and spurious advocates.



March 21 2003 at 8:13 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA
Associate, PMA ‘44
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pensions

About half-a-century ago, in December 8, 1941 – World War II reached Manila, after so much rumors of war.

By almost the end of November, there were two important historical events that bothered attention of Filipinos: (a) the raging war in Europe, and (b) the ensuing Christmas holidays in the country.

Nonchalant People

People were more concerned with Christmas as a traditional holiday that was forthcoming that kept them occupied. The war going on in Europe that has a far-flung threat on the Philippines was the subject matter on the front pages of Manila’s newspapers.

People viewed the European conflict with lesser attention, than the thickening rumor if an invasion by the Japanese Imperial Forces. Filipinos were hooked-line-and-sinker on U.S propaganda that - so long as the American flag flies over the Philippines, no invader could land on Philippine soil – which was proven wrong later.


There were intensive air raid drills, blackouts which the people did take quite seriously until much later, Government personnel and school children were the ones who complied with the drills, while the nonchalant population People just sat tight at home, or wander about not attending much to the air-raid siren.

During the night blackouts, they would merely light candles or lanterns – listening to the radio. Only a few violators were caught with their electric lights switched on, curfew and were fined P20.00 for violations.

Pres. Quezon in Malacanang

At Malacanang Palace, Pres. Manuel L. Quezon - gave a speech over the radio, which have caused some form of fear on the intelligentsia on the seemingly adverse effect of Philippine-American relations. However, he was careful in affirming loyalty to the United States of America and to Pres. Franklin .Delano. Roosevelt.

Quezon was referring to the misinformation received from the U.S. that gave wrong impression of what he and Gen. Macarthur was doing to prepare for war. No sooner, Quezon would find out later in April, in the USAFFE headquarters in the soggy tunnels of Corregidor that priority was agreed upon between Roosevelt and Winston Churchill of Great Britain to support the war effort in Europe.

Therefore, the USAFFE was made a wretched pawn in America’s inadequate gambit to wage war.

Chaos and Disorder

Manila and other cities were already suffering a rash of disorder and confusion. Officials were getting edgy while the people are in a mad rush of storing provisions should the hostilities begin.

Commodities were getting in short supply especially sugar due to the deficit in the country’s quota for export. Prices were rapidly rising, and even the supply of natural cooking gas added about 10% for surcharge on its delivery service.

Political Promise of Bonuses

In Congress, legislators had suggested an advance “bonus” of at least 20% or more, on the wages of government workers, only to be bypassed by a majority, and have gone haughty.

People groaned over the high prices, and of monthly rent of P20,00; P1.20, for a kilo of tenderloin, even P0.07 centavos for a copy of “The Tribune.”

Government Crackdown

The government tried to crackdown on profiteers Newspapers and radio newscasts pounded against profiteers ton to avail.

At the juncture, in November of 1941, the country was facing an election. And only 100,000,000 out of the registered electors of 300,000,000 cast their ballots for some reason. Politicians wailed over such performance of apathetic electors.

There was something on the air that made them behave differently.

People in a Dilemma

City folks tried to forget their worries by going to the movies. American films have fascinated the populace such war classics “ Sergeant York” starred by Gary Cooper; etc.

One reason perhaps that lulled the people into false security was partly traced to the military that tried to deny and squelch rumors, and even warding off gossips of alert.

Macarthur’s men tried to cover up the impending emergency. However, they have already been issuing war equipment, gas masks, and steel helmets to inducted members of the USAFFE.

And at night, the suburban hides such as the La Loma and Sta. Ana dancing halls (cabarets) were as usual filled up with aficionados of boogie woogie and tango.

Morning newspapers were read which featured attractions in the comic pages: Prince Valiant, Buck Rogers, and other cartoons.

During the heat of the preparations for defense of the Philippines, continuous recruitment of able-bodied men into the armed services, university and PMA cadets, like us, were inducted into the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE). War has become a reality indeed.

Impending Hostility

Every day the situation became tense as dispatches between Washington D.C and Tokyo became ugly.
Reports then had it that Japanese Foreign Minister Shigemori Togo was quoted having stated that – “ U.S. and England simply refuse to understand the ideals of the Japanese Empire to create a new order in Asia.”

On the other-hand, the U.S.. charged that, “Japanese policies were based on force in everyway – politically, especially, economically and socially.”

Simulated Diplomatic Ploy

It was also reported then that – the Japanese envoys: Ambassador Saburo Kuruso and Kichisaburo Nomura - in the U.S. had tried to conduct their affairs morally, and with equity – which handed Secretary of State Cordell Hull a document of basic American principles.”
The Japanese envoys expected that diplomatic negotiations would continue. But they were not advised by their head office in Tokyo that Japan had began action against Pearl Harbor.

Back In Manila

How little Filipinos knew and have seemed to be aware of the impending hostility.
Immigration Service had become more tough with incoming visitors and crew of carriers, however, were allowed to stay ashore, but were told to return to their ships before night.
The entrance of Manila Bay was mined – as part of the defense of Manila.
The fate of the 20,000 Japanese immigrants in the country was sealed. They were to be deported back to Japan for security reasons. Earlier, they have established a community in Davao City, in Mindanao island, and have invested approximately P40-million in trading, hemp workers, banking and small businesses. However, this was just a cover for their presence in the Philippines. Most of them were spies.

They have been repatriated to Japan in groups as earlier than December 1941. Those who were caught by the war in the country were rounded up and concentrated in camps.
However, they were liberated by their own Army that invaded the Philippines in 1941. They would form part of the Japanese civilian population in the country during the duration of the Japanese occupation (1941 to 1945). It was not surprising to us seeing that some of them were commissioned officers of the Japanese Imperial Army.

Frightening Excursus

In Baguio, the Japanese owner of a photo studio turned up to be an enemy commissioner officer in uniform when the Japanese landed. Cadets of the Philippine Military Academy have long patronized the studio, and therefore had a file record of their pictures. The enemy knew each and everyone of them. The army G-2 only realized this later.

Prophetic Words

The prophetic words of Pres. Quezon in his speech at he University of the Philippines in November,, saying that bombs will fall right in the campus later became true.
The government urged people to build air-raid shelters – but nobody could not afford it. So it was ignored. Thus, the government, in December 6, 1941 - had to do it in strategic locations at the cost of approx. P15,000 each, which was not used because it was to late. War rudely came on December 8th.

Bombs Fell In the Islands

December 8th was a sunny day. The people were in a festive mood, on a the feast day of Immaculate Concepcion.

In Pasig, and so with other towns all over the country with the same feast day.

Amidst the gaiety, came the sudden shock in the news of the Japanese Navy’s attack in Pearl Harbor, followed by the bombing of Manila, Cavite Clark Field and American military bases n the country.

Most people realized that the country was already involved in a full scale hostility against the Japanese Empire .Pandemonium broke lose in the city.

We, cadets were inducted into the U.S. Armed Forces after taking the oath of allegiance to the United States of America, and subjected to the Article of War. The Philippine Commonwealth Army was incorporated into the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE) under the command of Gen. Douglas MacAhrtur. The Japanese had only one formidable adversary, the USAFFE.

Pres. Quezon In Baguio

From Baguio City, Quezon told the Filipinos to – “Stay calm, have faith .God has never forsake out people !”

The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) cadets in Baguio was ordered to stay on alert.

Shocked and Confused

The people listened but with more concern in their own lot. They still have not grasped the implication of the tolls and ravages of war. It took long enough for them to imagine what war was like – since the Philippine American War since 1898.

People had the mistaken idea that war would end shortly after it had come. They were completely wrong – as the Manila, Cavite, Clark Field and other military installations all over the Philippines went up in smoke. And retreating USAFFEs had torched their installations and barracks to deny the enemy from its use

The defense of Manila was crushed, and the USAFFE hastily retreated to the desolate peninsula of Bataan, and the island fortress of Corregidor under the outmoded defense plan -War Plan Orange - liken to an infirmed seed nurtured on the drawing board until it withered on the vine when the Japanese surprisingly routed all the USAFFE beach defenses all over the archipelago.

A Protracted Vacation ?

Initial reaction of the youths to the outbreak of the war, was that it could be a long vacation from school for them, beginning Christmas. As the old people were furious against the Japanese – the youths could not care less about the them.. For them - the cut in classes was with elation.
Little did they know that – their fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins were conscripted by Pres. Franklin Delano .Roosevelt into the USAFFE to fight and die for the U.S. flag. But later they would find out that their teachers and professors were in uniform, willing and able to lay their lives in the altar of freedom and democracy.

The United States have involved Filipinos in a war inherently not their own. They had no choice. The Philippines was a Commonwealth (protectorate) of the United States.

Virgin Innocence

These people have been successfully indoctrinated by American propaganda – believing that those “foolish Japanese could not wage war against mighty America with their warships and airplanes made of sardine cans?”

They were indeed - in for a rude surprise. The elders found the Japanese an obdurate and formidable enemy in frontline battles.

Even some parents felt that Japan might have overestimated their own military capability in going against the mighty armada of the U.S. and England.

Students hurriedly picked up their books and decided to celebrate the expected long vacation in their favorite nearby Japanese “halo-halo” refreshment (mongo-con- yelo ) parlors, only to find out that the stores were closed.

They never figured out that the chinky-eyed bespectacled Japanese store-owner was a disguised high military officer in the Japanese Imperial Army. This turned out to be true in many cases everywhere in the islands. They were actually spies who waited for their troops to land in the country and respectively took command.

PMA and ROTC Cadets

Those in the university ROTCs and in the Philippine Military Academy (the West Point military school in the Philippines) cadets were already in battle gear uniform, and were inducted into the reserve armed services.

Regular army inductees had been assigned to their respective army divisions commanded by American and Filipino commissioned officers.

Philippine Military Academy cadets overtaken by World War II prosaically graduated in the battlefields as they had their baptism of fire in action. PMA Classes (Class ‘42, ‘43,’ 44 and ‘45 would shine on their wartime record of active military service in their unconventional and irregular warfare against the obdurate Japanese Forces.

Members of the USAFFE was composed of the: (Old) Philippine Scouts, Commonwealth Army and the Philippine Constabulary, all of them , were incorporated into the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE). They fought the enemy as one solid and formidable unit.

It marked the honorable and active military service of Filipinos in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Contrary to views expressed by segregationists in the U.S., the USAFFE is sole American defense force in the Philippines under the designated Commander, Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

The USAFFE was routed out in every beach and other defenses – and were ordered in a hasty retreat to Bataan and Corregidor.

The archipelago was occupied by the triumphant enemy – and began a new order under martial law.

(Note) The next series of articles cover the Battle of Bataan, Corregidor and the American surrender to the enemy in April 9th in Bataan, and May 6th in Corregidor, and subsequent the guerrilla resistance during the enemy occupation, and the Liberation Campaign (1942 to 1945).



March 21 2003 at 6:55 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
By Col.(Ret.)Frank B. Quesada USA
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Associate PMA ‘ 44

My attention was called by a fellow war-veteran on a piece written by an uninteresting columnist in Nevada who asked if there is such thing as true friend in this modern world. The article was referring to Filipino-Americans (300,000 of them) who, in World War II were conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt, made to shed blood and die for American imperialism. And the present U.S. troops sent to Basilan in a joint military exercises against terrorism

The article said, “Filipinos were special friends, and the U.S. enjoyed their company both during the times of piece and international stress. During the infamous Bataan Death March in 1942 when American and Filipinos died together, they earned our admiration.”

“Our nation (the U.S) spent large sums of tax dollars keeping the Philippine government afloat and insurgents suppressed for several decades.

“Despite receiving $203 million annual rent for the base the senators wanted Uncle Sam to leave. The U.S.. finished its withdrawal and closed down the naval facility a Subic Bay.

“Ten years later, 2002, the Philippine government felt threatened by the Abu Sayap, a Muslim terrorist group at Basilan Island, Because of our own war on terrorism the Dept. of Defense sent 1,300 special troops to train Filipino soldiers and guide them in combat. Americans were not allowed to use their weapons except in self-defense”

Facts and Rationale

I am compelled to facts (the truth) because the author failed to do his homework And also failed to provide facts about the real actuations of U.S.. investors and military presence in the Philippines. The local media, of course is led by propaganda, believing such as the gospel truth – when in fact a lot of truths were concealed for some reasons.

1. The presence of U.S. bases in the Republic of the Philippines was illegal from its inception. And because it runs afoul of the general accepted principles of international law, which are part of the law of the land.

To ask and seek the reply to the question” How valid in law is the Philippine-U.S. Military Bases Agreement? This question came up initially in January 17, 1933, overriding Pres. Hoover’s veto, the U.S Congress approved the Hare-Hawes Cutting bill which contained the provisions on U.S. bases, namely, that the U.S. receive “upon final withdrawal of sovereignty from the Philippine Islands such land or other purposes which has heretofore, been designated for military and other purposes or as they be dismantled immediately.

“The bill required that it be accepted by the Philippine Legislature. On October 17,1933 – albeit, the Philippine legislature using very polite language, declined to accept the bill. And one of the reasons why it did so was “that the military bases provision were inconsistent with true independence.. and violate national dignity, and are subject to misunderstanding. Shorly, after Pres. Manuel L. Quezon sailed to the U.S., he conferred with Pres. F. Roosevelt and obtained the new independence bill.

“The new independence bill was approved. On March 24, 1934, with the provision on the bases. Under the Tyding-McDuffe Law, the U.S agreed that it would surrender sovereignty and all rights of control over all military reservations existing in the Philippines except for such naval reservation and refueling stations as within two years after independence (which was July 4, 1946,). The President of the U.S. and the Pres. of the Philippines agreed upon. It.

The bill also contained provisions of perpetual neutralization of the Philippines. The Tydings McDuffe law became a part of the Constitution because of Ordinance 3 of the 1935 Philippine Constitution.

World War II broke out, and the Commonwealth government was evacuated to the U.S. The Japanese Army occupied the Philippines. There were amendments, and more important one was Res. 93, authorizing he advance of independence for the Philippines on July, 4, 1946 as an earlier date.

In the same resolution, however, was contained categorically that the U.S President may find appropriate to withhold or acquire certain bases and refueling stations, subject to approval of the Filipino people (as the owners of the land).

In any case, such resolution was never submitted for approval by the Filipino people. As the two government entered into an agreement for a base agreement, none of any said agreements were submitted to the Philippine Congress for ratification. So any agreement was not valid on military bases presence.

Both the U.S. and Philippine governments held that any law was a solemn compact between the two countries, but also between the two peoples (the U.S.. and the Filipino people). Thus- without it – everything would not changed without said approval.

Further, the Tydings-McDuffe law was part of the Philippine Constitution by virtue of Ordinance No. 3, the change in a law to enable any military bases agreement to be approved was virtually a change of the Constitution. And therefore, for it to be valid, it should be submitted to the people for approval. And the only way that can create servitude (of the bases) is by consent of the sovereign power (the owner, the Filipino people)granting the base.

2. Lately, there was a reported agreement between the Pres. Bush and Pres. G.M. Arroyo to send U.S. troops to Basilan which appears invalid under RP Constitution?

The issue became a hot controversy, backed up by the people (as shown by continuous demonstrations against presence of U.S. troops in the Philippines.) bugged the joint military exercise which had to be retarded to be able to present some sort of justification.

The Filipino intelligensia knoes very well that Philippine Army has no full capacity to rid the dissidents, and that U.S. troops can perhaps temporarily help the government secure peace. What was apparently lacking was a positive appeal to the Filipino people to permit the President to secure peace through sincere thrust-worthy and practical. Solution.

However, it was politics that placed hurdles over the presence of U.S. troops that hampered the quest for peace. The color of opposition, however, rested on the existing and correct provision of the constitution prohibiting presence of foreign troops and bases in the Philippines. And it can not be violated nor taken for granted.

Filipinos, also believed, however, that any military presence, or bases in the country do not and can not avert attack. Instead they invite it. Bases do not ensure the survival of the nation. (See: how the U.S. shamelessly and un-conditionally surrendered the USAFFE in Bataan, Corregidor, etc.)in 1942. And examine the U.S. propaganda sold to the Filipino people – saying the so long as the American flag flies over the archipelago, no power can dislodge the U.S. military in the Philippines.

Such deluding proselytization was, however, proven wrong when Filipinos ( including myself) saw the U.S. flag was hurled down by the objurate Japanese Imperial Force, and defeated the U.S Army in the Far East (USAFFE). Likewise made the Filipinos suffer under the iron heels of the invaders for almost four punitive years of agony and - abandonment by the U.S.
As pawns in a war not inherently of Filipinos, but of the United States

Bases are not instruments of defense, but of aggression. It threatens destruction. It hampers national development (it spawns prostitution, sexually transmitted diseases, gambling, inordinate consumerism. And above all, violates Philippine sovereignty.

One of the hidden reasons of why U.S. presence and bases in the Philippines is mainly to protect U.S. investment, among other military considerations. Its is mainly about dollars and cents, and imperialism.

This torny issue, therefore, elicited a review of past U.S. presence in the Philippines. While the U.S. appeared as a lily-white benefactor (through economic and military aid) pushed by U.S crafty propaganda, facts, however, showed differently backed up by the following, and I quote:

(a) “For every dollar U.S. investors sent to the Philippines ( for example in 1973, as a case in point) U.S investors borrowed U.S $3.58 for every dollar available. Of their profits US$2.00 have been remitted to the U.S., and US$1.58 have been left in the Philippines - used to repeat and continue such clever but ruinous cycle of investment, profit, repatriation and re-investment, at the expense of the Philippine stability. This, of course, is not known or told to the local media in the U.S which has been dubbed as a controlled monopoly..

(b) “The same study-review showed that (when the studies were made) US trans-nationals earned an average of 15% profit at a time when the profit rate in the developed world was 7.5%. And in the Philippine financial system, they earned a whooping 33.13% average annual profit over preceding years.

“Therefore, the consequence of this situation on the Filipino people seemed very obvious. U.S investors in the country apparently was going berserk in its foreign trade policy, and was a great danger to the Filipinos.” This too – is not told and known to the local media, or if at all, does not fit the publicity supposed to be told to the American people.

3. Sending U.S.. troops to the Philippines under the guise of military exercises appears not the real motive. Pres. Bush took advantage of the unstinting support of Pres. G.M. Arroyo on anti-terrorism. It could also be seen as mutual need. Americans were kidnapped and killed by the Abu Sayap demands Pres. Bush’s protection and deliverance of U.S. citizens became top political issue or he loses his dreams of re-election.

Presence of U.S. troops whether in such exercises or not merely helps speed up the Philippine campaign in its anti-terrorism campaign, and facilitate by donating and leaving behind military (outmoded or not, surplus) equipment after the exercise. And without the necessary logistical maintenance – these weapons of destruction find their way in the hands of the dissidents.

Lastly, these exercises afford a pool of U.s. trained soldiers for Pentagon’s capitalism - as a reserve manpower - if and when the U.S. have to go into combat in the area.

But on top of all these top-level decisions - foreign relations, sans sound advice, both forces waded into the critical killing field of joint maneuver disregarding people’s consent. And without constitutional endorsement. The Filipino political opponents were not only correct but had the backing of the Filipino people. (See: raging protests objecting to said presence of U.S. troops in the country.

4. Bases or even temporary presence left toxic chemicals have placed Filipinos at great risk and jeopardy. The U.S simply refused to clean it up or pay for damages incurred which is wrong.

After the bases were abandoned, so were poisonous chemicals left behind (intentionally or not) have caused deaths and disabilities to the residents within the bases. Denial by the Defense Department was duly recorded by Philippine government

Not leave out another problem dumped on the lap of the Philippine government - thousands of American babies – more particularly thousands of unwanted bastards abandoned by irresponsible servicemen as dead-beat fathers were also of no consequence to the U.S. government. These living bastards are the symbol of madcap libido of U.S. servicemen that is tolerated by the War Department.

5. While the author of the reported article says, the U.S. spent large sums of tax dollars keeping the Philippine government afloat, and insurgents suppressed for several decades. It did not provide verity.

The obvious reason behind U.S imperial interest. in the Philippines was primarily its commercial opportunity to which American statesmanship can not be indifferent, It is just to use every means to the engagement of American trade and investments, and the show of force by the armed forces.

Here’s the history why U.S. value the Philippines so much for what they harvest from their investments, etc.

“Throughout history they have hungered for land, gold and slaves and have treated colonized peoples as moral inferior, indeed, as non-persons. “ said Michael Parenti, author of the book, The Swords and the Dollar.

“But in short term the imperialists found it necessary to rationalize the exploitation in racist terms as well. And on purely racial grounds became indistinguishable from economic oppression.” Said Walter Rodney, a Guyanese scholar.

As part of its imperial conquest, the publication U.S. publication, Argonaut, reported, to wit:

“Argonaut defended the atrocities of American troops in the Philippines, to wit:

“Let us be frank. We do not want the Filipinos. We want the Philippines.”

As the U.S plunges into the U.S. Philippine. War, overseas imperialists ventured there. Denial of human qualities of the natives based on physical distinction has been the essence of racism

“Philippines in 1902 by exhulting over enormous riches and fertility of the islands. But unfortunately they were infested by Filipinos. There many millions of them there, and it is to feared that their extinction will be slow.

“Racism has been the crudest justification for imperialism. When pondering what to do with the Philippines after having wrested it from Spain Pres. W. McKinley once decided to leave the Filipinos to themselves –“ as they were unfit for government.” “Almighty God for light and guidance – he was visited by the revelation that it would be cowardly and dishonest to give the Philippines back to Spain. And bad business to turn them over to Germany or France, or any commercial rival in Asia. There is nothing left for us t do but take them all, and to educate Filipinos and uplift and civilize, Christianize them, and by God’s grace … the very best we could by them, as our fellow men for whom God also died.”

This statement, however, puts Mckinley, a dreamer whose tongue dealt with inaccuracies and an insult to his ignorance. Little did he knew that the Filipinos at that time were already Christianized by Spain for several centuries. The University of Sto. Tomas was older than many U.S. universities - that produced equally competent professionals.

And since then, Filipinos were not put to rest by Mckinley’s divine impulse. Instead, Filipinos valiantly resisted the U.S invasion at great cost to themselves.

“Then in 1990, an irresponsible imperialist spokesman, Sen. Albert Beveridge, woved together themselves for God, dollar and the sword., to wit:

“We will nor renounce our part of the mission of our race , trustees under god of the civilized world…. The Pacific is our ocean.. where we shall turn for consumers our surplus The power that rules the Pacific is the power that rules the world. And with the Philippines, that power is and will forever be the American Republic.” (See:Imperialism, Revolution and the Arms Race, by Michel Parenti)

What fired up the issue of U.S. troops presence in Basilan was the much contested speedy agreement between the heads of states of the two countries announced by Pentagon lately, “that special Forces and Marines would be sent this time with the ability to engage the enemy when possible,” as reported by Greg Miller of the Los Angeles Times.

“Unlike recent deployment of Americans for training exercises with Philippine troops,” official said, “ the new commitment calls for the first time direct involvement of U.S. forces in patrols designed to capture or kill members of the Abu Sayyaf, the militant Islamic group on the jungles of Sulu province.”

In the face of this statement, Filipino officials led by Vice President T. Guingona challenged both Pentagon and Pres. G.M. Arroyo to justify presence of U.S. troops in the country which was clearly prohibited by the Philippine Constitution.

Pres. Arroyo, out on a limb for justification, dispatched Defense Sec. Angelo Reyes to the U.S. to explore and find the correct words in the English dictionary, and from Sec. Rumsfeld, likewise, “dance around the issue” to justify the joint military exercise presumably to merely train Filipino troops, which was suspected by Filipinos as concealing the real purpose of the exercise, that ran afoul against the Philippine Constitution.

Truth always win and makes all of us free. It simply must come forward. Pres. G.M.Arroyo has been threatened by the opposition to face impeachment proceedings unless she finds justification under the constitution of the presence of U.S. troops in the Philippines contrary to the provisions of the Philippine constitution.

The Filipino intelligentsia, and the Muslims in the southern Philippines recall the past misadventures of U.S troops in southern Philippines in the 1890s, where thousands of Filipino Muslims were slaughtered mercilessly by American troops who sang the 1900 version of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic, which ran this way reported by Mark Twain, to wit:

“Mine eyes have seen he orgy of the launching of the sword. He is searching out the hoarding where the strangers wealth is stored; He hath loosed his faithful lightnings, and the woe and death has scored. His lust us marching on.”

The burning myth today of the realities of capitalism, imperialism, intervention, militarism - by the U.S. has been left unexamined, and abated foreign policies which had suffered many defeats, not to leave out clumsy mistakes produced by a foreign relations council reported as under the thumb of America’s monopolists – that blindly see their handicraft as successful and consistent.

It should, however, be distinguished clearly that criticism herein by this author does is not against that of the U.S. as a nation. Nor against the American people. It is that the American people, and its leaders, and the world deserved a lot things better., than what past and present administrations had been dishing out to them

As a matter of fact, Americans themselves had been victims of U.S. policies abroad that do not represent the true interest of the citizen-taxpayers. To criticize those wrong policies is the duty of each citizen as a democratic right. To raise our voices, and our arms peacefully against avid imperialism and militarism is not to deliver this nation to our enemies – but to identify them.

The history of imperialism has been laden with dreadful injustices atrocities perpetuated by elites with temporary popular powers. Our ideal concept of democracy is for a peaceful nation, and not as a military garrison, or a popular economic power in hell.

Economic imperialism exported throughout the globe perpetuated by corporate American, and financial interests does not necessary have to be alongside military force or presence. Pentagon capitalism and its promoted low intensity conflicts, either is not the answer to world peace. The anti-war movement of yesterday and today raised underlying class interests. Such interests are closely linked with freedom and preservation of humanity.

However, is reported by the Committee on the Restoration of the U.S. Constitution – that, and I quote: “America need not become a land of yesterday’s people. Our people are exploited and terrorized by coercion, our sons are betrayed in a “no win” military adventures abroad. Our national honor and integrity are compromised all over the world.”

Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts {AUS.Ret.) – said there is indeed a solution to the U.N. strategy of perpetual war for perpetual peace.

He asked, are the rights and, freedom and privileges guaranteed to the citizens of the States by the U.S. Constitution preserved intact vt operations of federal government who accept and carry out decisions and directives from the U.N organizations or any agency thereof?



April 18 2003 at 3:12 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada  
By Cav. Frank B. Quesada
Associate, PMA Class ‘44

April 1st of the year is April’s Fools day for everyone, except for the up-and-coming and aspiring cadets of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), the West Point (USMA) of the Philippines, who are reporting for four years training at the Academy in Baguio City.

This story is about the plebe’s tribulation (an account before World War II ), when they reported for training at the Teacher’s Camp, the former Academy’s hallowed venue.

However, currently - in Fort Del Pilar, Baguio City, - the present site of the Academy, the routine is much more the same, except for the permanent edificies in Fort Del Pilar, unlike the former venue of PMA at Teacher’s Camp.before World War II.

Much-Vaunted Career

Cadetship is one of the most-sought career of a young man willing and able to hurdle rigid cadetship to be a regular officer of the armed services, willing to shed blood, die for God and Country, under the inspiring Academy’s maxim: Courage, Integrity Loyalty.

It was said - that in a soldier’s life is not for him to die – but to lead and survive. His integrity is coupled with fidelity to moral principles. Also loyalty in the state of fidelity. Those three words in the maxim above are closely integrated that stands for excellence which are held sacred.

Cadets are trained for inimitable leadership, and sound judgment as the attributes of future officers. Everything rises and falls on leadership, so to speak, and leaders who conquer are said as the ones who go for it in a judicious offensive manner in war and in peacetime.

Old warriors say, “When God calls a leader, He always furnishes followers. For civilization is in great danger when those who lead have never learned to obey - or when given the right to command fumbles. For if the blind leads the blind – they both perish in the trench.

Ability to lead as officers taught in the Academy is not a just a poor man’s wealth, but a wise man’s ability with great skill. Lives of those whom he leads are in his hands which is an awesome responsibility.

Capability of honesty is coupled with discipline. It was said, only wicked men obey from fear, however, well-trained men obey with reason and courage. The valiant only taste death but once, but only those who are afraid of their own shadow die many times before their own death. It was said that the poor’s best friend is death. But for the soldier – death is no stranger.

It is in the Academy where it begins, and ends in the battlefield, so to speak. The first test of a great officer is humility in practice not as a virtue that is preached, but in deeds.

Courage to Lead

Test of courage is not to die, but to exist. It is not the courage desired, but is gallantry to die manfully for God, and Country with reason.

For a plebe to reach upper-classman-ship through the years of training for perfection, they learn the meaning of conviction – for if one does not stand for something – he would easy fall for anything cheap or wrongful.

The Corps exist under those three guiding words, (Courage, Integrity and Loyalty) from day to day, the model for any cadet who strives to be a gentlemen-officer revolves around that sacred maxim.

Men excel in many ways, but where is that one who can do things so well? From the good old PMA, of course, let there be no mistakes about that !.

Excellent Attributes

Those attributes are molded from the start from the first day they enter the imposing gates of the Academy.

Emerson said, “ A man is a hero, not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for even only ten minutes longer.” He moves positively with careful consideration and resoluteness protecting his men.

To be an accomplished cadet towards officer-ship of the armed services - there are things they learn to hurdle travails of a fourth class cadet. They learn things what to fight for, and those he would first fuss - not to die for.

These newcomers in the Academy are molded into men who learn to view funks who ask first, “:Is it safe?” but his conscience firmly asks, “Is it right?” They are hazed by upperclassmen because of unacceptable old habits which have to be ridden off. Standing orders, new rules and regulations must be strictly obeyed and followed, in order for a change to take root - to become a leader.

Price to Pay

Anyone of the so-called young adventurous “Dumb Johns” or “Ducrots” so to speak, have to be molded literally from raw, and once carefree “teenager” to a gentleman. They go through the eye of the needle, as a tradition - and under the tormenting heels of upperclassmen who take fancy upon their arrant habits as unwrought neophytes.. So they would be heaved into esquire cavaliers.

Plebes must determine to overcome all the afflictions and unyielding demands from the Academy, and, of course - from the “uppies” who make them endure adversities necessary to wig them into resilient, but into resolute daring future officers. Academy cadet training is a mental-physical matriculation for a near-perfect conduct and custom for those who wear the uniform to command respect.

Inevitable Beast Barracks

As a plebe, he has to survive the punitive period of the “beast barracks” under the uppies’s eagle eyes, the never-ending chastisement, and life-redeeming routine under the whims of the upperclassmen, who, by the way, also underwent the same discipline as a plebe, or may even have suffered worst rawhide spanking by yearlings who were ahead of them in the Academy’s roster. This is a sacred tradition unbroken.

Constructive hazing is a vital tradition held sacrosanct no matter how grinding and beastly the punishment. And is held inviolable regardless of the consequence. It part and parcel of the sacrifice of promoting oneself to the rank of a gentleman officer. And is the test of discipline inculcated for everyone who strive to be a product of the Academy.

Such, being a consecrating tradition, plebes, had to suffer aches and pains acquired from hazing. This punitive treatment, however, is unintentional grisly routine. A few get bruised - but he never have to be a songbird quisling, who yelp, or cry as a blab to dishonor his tormentor. It is part of the code of deference as a tradition.

If he spills the beans and chose to be a blab – he suffers a lifetime in Coventry, a thunderbolt worst than death. This is an unwritten tradition unbroken by honorable men in the Corps. Rather than be a dire example of a wingless stool pigeon. Branded as a weakling. A chastisement worse than death.

Some are turned back from ranks to a lower class, but are returned to another class, to graduate later. He had paid a price of a code of honor - which he would take pride and is remembered for the rest of his life. He has to earn the respect of a cavalier through merit and sacrifice.

Hallowed Tradition

It is a hallowed unbroken tradition - come rain, come shine or storm, any disasters or war. Esprit ‘ d Corps is borne from this culture as part of the Academy colorful folklore and custom.

Unintentional accidents from hazing are not bandied around as a personal feud among them, but as an unfortunate mishap in a resplendent decorum that make them endure the castigating purification of their old beaten habits that has to be recast. Perfection is the overall goal.

The enduring pain turns to faith as a reward to have trust and confidence in the Corps, for it was said that there was never faith in a comfortable environ.

Faith in the Academy’s tradition is like a daring soul looking at the future with half-blind eye, but with empowering hope. To the timid and the hesitant – things look impossible as it only seemed to him. A plebe learns not to give up cadetship - for if he quits, his will is broken down along with mal du pays (nostalgia), which would haunt him forever perhaps with remorse. Cadetship is an opportunity for greatness that knocks on one’s door only once in a lifetime. It is not dismissed lightly.

To do or die?

To survive the plebe’s writhe and stress – is nothing else but a matter of honor and undying challenge both physically and mentally. He has to become a soldier-scholar and a leader. A plebe’s life as a fourth-classman starts as colorful routine of squirm – because for every hardship - it has a reward of triumph in the end.

He is prohibited to keep much money, however, he manages to convince an enlisted man, or a janitor to buy bread, a crunchy hopia, or candy bar for him to quench his pangs of hunger and chilly thirst. This is held secret or suffer enduring consequences.

He cleverly hides it inside his hat, or elsewhere and devours it as quickly as possible, away from the ever-prying eyes of the yearling tormentors. Otherwise hell has its fury that breaks loose upon discovery.

Survival – An Artifice

Plebes may not be rich devoid of money in the Academy, but he feels the richest of them all whose pleasure are the cheapest. It is a kind of simple pleasure as a plebe the world can will never understand. A minute of that pleasure makes even the strongest mind frivolous. It is stolen triumph enjoyed with utmost pleasure from the torment of being discoveed .He has cleverly mastered the technics of escape innovation, which also becomes handy in a soldier’s life in war and in peace.

Survival – is the main course for being resourceful. (i.e. in procuring anything to get him through the night.}. He skillfully eludes the serenata of upper-classmen before taps. He must learn the art of escape innovation from the “hunter” as a successful “hunted fry” tactful enough to distance himself or to keep away from fraternizing pillory by the tormentors.

Extra Senses ?

It has been said that the average plebe has four senses: the sight, smell, touch, and hearing. They also have one other extra sense which is - instinct. A successful plebe, nevertheless, has two others which are: (a) common sense and (b) horse sense. He learns the art of good down-to-earth horse sense. His success is measured by overcoming obstacles met in trying to reach his goal with utmost proficiency. And above all, to graduate from the Academy.

“But common sense is in spite of adversities is not the result of, education.” (H.Greeley) And there is no education like adversity. (B. Disraeli).

As a plebe, he would face a year of lack of sleep, un-quenching thirst, nagging hunger pangs, and enduring molestation. His day begins from the awakening bugle call of reveillie, early morning, and ends the day at taps before resting, after each tedious day which seemed endless.

But there will always be another day, and another night that would bring them closer to good fortunes ahead. Recognition as an accomplished cadet already free from torment, and after graduation to be commissioned as an officer of the armed services is the fruit of all that reformation and edification.

He leaves the academy as a brand new gentleman – wrought from the furnaces of followers of great leaders of thought, and of officers holding on to a doctrine. He learned to swim together in numbers, as a smart fish, so to speak.

Game of Endurance

This continued scabrous routine finally have molded the Ducrot into a brand new man, wrought in gold tempered under the fires of the Academy’s furnace, and waters of the shifting sands of Poro Point facing China Sea.

After that tormenting (beast barracks) meaningful plebe year of homage and submission to his fastidious upperclassman – he breaths the fresh air of deliverance, away from netherworld through incessant purification during and finally after recognition day– when unashamed tears well in his cheeks of joy and sigh of relief.

He acquires the true meaning of freedom, freedom from torment. “He learns man is born free, and that everywhere he is in chains,” said Jean J. Rousseau. For the plebe to be free – he has to be recognized by his tormentors as equals. And that – at last, freedom has a thousands charms to show.

He now can begin to look point-blank into the upperclassman’s eye with assuring defiance and eager prospective of recognition of his toil as a tenderfoot underling. Equality was borne out of toil resulting to lasting emancipation.


Everything comes with ease, only if man learns to wait. For those who wants to sing will always find a tune, because his emancipation from plebe year - of being a child of obedience.

He then becomes ennobled at par and adjusted in the level of his tormentor as cadet-equal – finally have been acknowledged with reciprocal honor of recognition on recognition day. The hunted plebe and the hunter upperlassman embrace each other during this freedom day for the plebe who survived a year in the seemingly bottomless pit of the beast barracks.

Finally, he is hugged in a tight embrace by his tormentors – as unabashed tears flow un-ashamedly from their cheeks – ending the hazing. Previous tentative chastity of honor and freedom denied from the plebes during the hazing was felt like a blot in the wound which is now instantly healed and soon forgotten without any scar.

These cadets of culture becomes the apostles of equity among themselves in the Sprit d’ Corp – that binds all of them into one fortress of lifetime fellowship as cavaliers forever. A day of relief indeed - but with three more years of restraint and more drills. His poise changes into more self-confidence as a kinsman in the Corps of future gentleman officer of the military.

Perseverance Pays Off

As the grueling struggle passes away each day, each week, then each month becomes a stairway to the much vaunted end of hazing, and a tear to shed on recognition day, when the campus becomes a theatre of ovation and joie de vivre. A day indeed of liberation from uppies who listlessly “loved” (kuno) the plebe like his pet peeve.

Looking Back to Recollect

Class ’44 was overtaken by the war, therefore prosaically graduated in the battle fields of World War II. It is a celebrated Class because they wrote history in blood, sweat and rears. It was a class that also withstood the travails of political hound falsely suspected of pulling a coup ‘d main borne out of needless skulldruggery. However, they prevailed.

It was a Class that graduated from Command and Staff Schools, War Colleges etc., abroad and returned to serve the Armed Forces of the Philippines to complete their career up to retirement. It was the most cohesive Class since 1941 to this date..

They shared the viscissitude of prewar cadetship, wartime struggle against the enemy invader, endured barbaric enemy occupation, and brought honor to the Academy and the nation during the liberation of the Philippines. Cavaliers earned the respect of the U.S. Army liberation forces through meritorious performance in the field of battle. Their counterparts from West Point (USMA) have associated with cavaliers of excellent reputation as combat veterans and discovered lifetime friends.

Both products of the Philippine Military Academy and the U.S Military Academy in World War II – discovered themselves as equals before the face of the enemy. And both of them is never too young or old were never too busy to attend to his own funeral. And that - it never requires a decision to go to hell.

I remember during World War II when some of us were captured by the enemy in 1943, during the Japanese military occupation. The enemy wanted forced confessions from us by applying the notorious “water cure” punishment (by drowning us to deny us precious air to breath to yield to the captor’s caprices. And were beaten days and night to break our will.

However, we were able to seal our lips, endured the savage punishment to save our comrades from the same brutality and/or execution by the enemy.

The first to die in the face of the enemy (killed in action in 1942) was Cavalier Miguel :Mike” Ver (Class ’43) as the CO of the PMA Hunter Guerrilla.

Cavalier Eleuterio “Terry” Adevoso (Class’ 44) the Ex-O took over command and avenged Mike’s glorious death by ambushing a company of moving Japanese troops from Laguna to Rizal province, at Pugad Lawin’s mountain vastness.

At least one company of Japanese troopers were annihilated by the ragtag mobile patrol of the PMA Hunters in the that turkey-shoot, so to speak. – that angered and demoralized the Japanese occupation forces.

Since then, the PMA Hunters guerrilleros was the most dreaded and hunted by the enemy in Luzon. The dreadful enemy Kempai Tai (military police) began a systematic dragnet of all males Filipinos town-by-town sorting them out for guerrillas and sympathizers.

Some of us were captured in the hamletting (zona) through the collaboration of Filipino spies. Yours truly was one of them. Some PMA-Hunters were caught (they were either suffering from the killer disease “malaria, “ etc.

I was one of them who failed to heed the noted guerrilla 11th Commandment, “Thou shall not get caught.” We were repeatedly brutally tortured days and nights, hanging from the ceiling beaten to the pulp by the barbaric Japanese Military Police (Kempei Tai} for consecutive days and nights sans food, given only filthy water.

A few were executed by beheading (by decapitation by Japanese Samurai sword of the heartless Bushido warrior ). However, a handful of us miraculously survived to tell our stories. We vowed at that critical moment to go for broke – and fulfill the soldier’s moral byword “ To die with honor is more triumphant than defeat.”

Each time the beatings eased up, we, (prisoners-of-war) would compare wounds inflicted upon each one. In the words of cavalier, (the late) cavalier Danny Adea, (Class’ 44,) – who underwent same excruciaton like us under captivity, he said:.

“ Had it not been for our plebe year of beast barracks, and hazing, we could not have survived such brutality under the iron heels of the savage enemy. That punitive plebe-year certainly provided us the firmness to endure and tolerate all the Japanese savaged solecism and hate.”

Cavalier Gustavo C. Ingles (Class ’45) suffered the most in captivity, bouncing from the torture chambers of Airport Studio, then to Fort Santiago and then to the National Penitentiary in Muntinglupa, Rizal – broken down to his bones and flesh, however, lived to see the dawn of freedom in 1945, and participated asoverall coordinator of the emancipation of the 2,146 American prisoners-of-war in Los Banos, in 1945.

For my part, I could only add to that with utmost candor – “Thanks be to the fraternal upperclassman tormentors, who provided plebes the firm endurance and toughness that came in handy to survive wartime crisis as a prisoner-of-war, etc.” That rigorous hazing saved lives later at a time of calamity, and extreme barbarity under the hate of the son of the crazed Bushido who believed in massacre of as many enemies.

Lesson of Survival

The “beast barracks” of yesteryears was history repeating itself in a different time and place. It was a life saver at a time of annihilation. But, of course, our guardian angels were always there above us to oversee that the excruciation would not be the end of our calendared destiny. But fate of some had to be sacrificed.

The Hunter’s maxim was borne, which ran this way,:

“Only men who are not afraid to die for liberty are fit to live in freedom.” This was in everyone’s lips as we were hailed by the enemy in the torture chambers. At he end of our prayer, this became part of it – ending, “so help me God.”

Each one of us, was said - has his mate-star up there in the wide universe that guides us every day on this planet earth. Without it, we would stumble in the dark. The Almighty has a specific purpose for each one of us, and provide us a rendezvous with destiny. Until He touches our forehead with His finger – in the end when we must face life’s terminus and sleep forever as He has ordained.

“Our hour is marked, and no one can claim beyond what is fate, a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined.” (D. Arnott)

That wartime episode was just another crucial test of courage to survive, loyalty to the Creator and country, and integrity of their patriotism was nevertheless said – “as the most foolish of fashions but exalted and patrician.”

Victory over Malaise

But we have ultimately won, even as we ended up as disabled war veterans. Said in tongue-in-cheek, “Thanks to the yearling’s benevolent pokes. It provided plebes the rehearsal for the real garble. In enduring all the punishments, they accomplished mastery over the ordeal.

A plebe’s saying is -“ If he does not stand for something Herculean – he would fall, but must learn lessons. Afterwards becomes titanic.”

As the plebe staggered through manhood in the Academy – he develops his own new identity that would bring himself through his career in uniform, forever snappy – never shabby !

And are proud to say – he was “perceptively killed” by his tormentors in the thunderbolt process of hazing. On the other-hand, he survived, and also give thanks to the uppies who (some) were also “very kind” to him, or those who have ignored his flesh, so to speak - as a survivor until recognition day.

Nevertheless, those are rare species. Majority bears the scars of constructive hazing as a nostalgic lifetime souvenir. It is an invisible tattoo in his soul – that marked a chapter in his life.

The plebe’s first lesson (like a child) is obedience, and the next lesson (as a man) will be a fight to overcome deterioration.

At reunions, he can heartily cry and laugh at the way he survived the plebe’s travail. He remembers in detail his rendezvous with almost resigning from the Academy, and give it all up. But something held him up to look to the next day with resolve.

After recognition day, then he passes the dreadful tradition to the up-and-coming plebes who dared enter and cross the imposing gate of Fort Del Pilar as a “dumb John.”

The Initial Entry

Before World War II, as I vividly remember,every cadet candidate, from day one, on Apri1st, must race to the train station at Tutuban train station in Manila – to board the special coach for the eager-beavers, and would-be fourth-class cadets bound to Damortis, La Union, and then to Baguio City as wannabes.

He would meet his would-be classmates, or room-mate, or tent-mate after going through the roll call, and registration upon reaching the processing area. They receive the initial baptism of fire from his would-be tormentors for the ensuing year of endless running on double-time, and punctilious obedience to upper classmen from day one to kingdom come. The plebe therefore would serve as a tractable and submissive creature of the Corp’s mandate for excellence.

He must have a “white-side wall” haircut with the least hair around the head. He has to leave any jewelry or any ornaments which would be on the way of existing as an under-privileged Dumb John, learning a completely to carve a brand new lifestyle of a cadet “Ducrot.”

He would make new friends, schoolmates – all fascinated about cadetship. Very few of their families would not like them to miss them upon leaving their homes, however, were about to begin an exciting introduction to his new caste’s life, and destiny for the first year, to the next three years under strict restraint, drills, corrections and schooling in a military academy of strict obedience and firm discipline.

Virgin’s Journey

As the train rolls toward Damortis, La Union – it is where and when these novices have to say goodbye to his lazy, spoiled home-life of ease. From here-on, every move, each word spoken, body language is observed by the eagle-eyed trainers (yearlings), and instructors who expect utmost perfection. Nothing must be left to mutate. He must be molded into a new clay and baked to prepare them for war and peace.

Each mistake made by him is proof that he has discovered and tried something new in life. Albeit, he has to look out for those who make their mark, who try to best them as they could. And watch out for those who disgracefully make a hectoring grade – are nevertheless, the ones armed with erasers as crafty casuals. He becomes a “goat” if he does not shape up.

Starman and the Goat

Everyone have to look forward of being a model cadet ( strive to be a star-man, if possible), – and later be among the honored gentlemen officers of the Armed Forces. However, there are also marveled ones who, no matter how they try so hard, remain in the bottom of the dean’s list - dubbed as the “Goat” of the class. However, they will also hurdle the challenges in the Academy with special effort.

Abeit – he also receives the diploma with profound cheers of his classmates upon graduation. He too becomes an officer who would later unexpectedly shine in the service to no surprise of his peers as a cavalier.

Alexander the Great said; “By different methods, different men excel, but there is he who can also do all things well.” It is in the Academy, of course. Albeit, the goat of the class is then vindicated. He could have been at the bottom of the class but has pushed all of his peers upward bound over his shoulders. He becomes the lovable goat. And a celebrity during graduation.

He breaths the air of accomplishment – saying, “I did it my own way - didn’t I?” He is proud to be one of the men. And carries on as an officer and a gentleman. Success is one law of men in life, and by accomplishment man becomes man. After all man – was said - was made by Him a little lower than the angels.

Day of Reckoning

At Damortis, La Union – everyone disembark to board a bus for Baguio City. For some of them, it is a familiar trip, but to the first-timers, they would surmise how they would be welcomed in the Academy’s processing area. Somehow they have heard about the reception beforehand, but still diverted.

That intriguing thought have held them gazing until finally they see themselves at the Academy’s hallowed ground jumping u and down,, raising their knees to the height of their chin obeying the frightening command of the yearling.

Famous zig-zaging Naguilan Road is an unending winding way going up Pines City greets newcomers with aromatic smell of pine trees, its odorous resin that has always kept the environment in the Academy with a healthy and pleasant scent. It was also a myth how and why the future kaydets (cadet’s girl-friends) fall hard under the spell of “Baguio fever.”

Half-way towards Baguio, these young plebes would be wondering how they would be treated. They would imagine just how the much-talked about hazing by upperclassmen would look like, and these entrants would actually be – in a suspended phantasmagoria of expectation.

It is time to pause and ponder in a state of imagery. That state of anticipation have already killed them a thousand deaths, so to speak, expecting the unknown. Finally they are resigned to everything –“Que sera sera !” (come what may).Bahala Na as a final mood of resignation to reality.

Unexpected Mildness

Some of them knew beforehand some upperclassmen, who were (their acquaintances and friends) ahead of them who entered the Academy. But they would not know how to react to them. To presume that they would be spared from hazing is a “dumb John’s” conjecture. He is fair game to any upperclassman in the Academy’s erudite “jungle”, so to speak.

It certainly is a different ball game upon entering the hallowed ground There is no assurance what, and how they would get protection from friends (upperclassmen) already in uniform – or who are already eagerly waiting for them to be their pet peeves for 365 days and nights - at their pleasure.

Finally, their bus enters the hallowed grounds, and would hear the resounding command from the Officer of the Day who screams: “Corporal of the Guard, Convoy !”

Then the gates of the trucks were swung open. Squads of upperclassmen stood waiting that would order newcomers : “Detruck !” Meaning get off the truck – “On the double.”

Then order “Baggage Down” everyone jumps and keeps in line. The first lesson and order was, “Keep your eyes straight, chin in, chess out no rolling eyes, stand attention, and listen to the roll call.”

He is now in a brand new world of systems of rules for conduct. Here, humility becomes a strange thing, if one loses the moment he thinks he possess it. And he has to shed of his pride which is a huge stone as his stumbling block. The Academy is the institution that makes one break his habits – to be molded into new good ones. Because before entering the Academy – one acquires a chain of habits that may look generally small to be felt until the become too strong that needs to be broken.

New Garbs

Before World War II, each newcomer are issued a duffel bag, ready-fit grays, (uniforms), towels, shoes, and athletic gears. Next move – tent assignments were assigned.. He would then discover his tent-mates. They are not yet stationed at the Teacher’s Camp, still being prepared that was just vacated by teachers from all over the country on a summer spell (April and May).

Only few minutes, at the tent station (at Pacdal) are allowed for each one to change to field gray uniform, and to be back in line on the double.

Plebes always run on the double, while upperclassmen walk. That’s the standing order all year round.

Smoking was strictly forbidden. Even for the uppies, there were only specific areas where they could smoke. Comfort rooms became the only place where they could indulge to such addicting habit – during vacant periods of the day. Or a precious stolen moment.

The initial hazing begins - as upperclassmen shake the daylight out of each plebe, continuously barking orders, divesting each one of any past and undesirable bad habits, and unwanted mannerisms. This would become the day-to-day routine. Yearlings bark – and plebes dutifully obey orders always on the double sans any lament or complaint.

Then comes the close order drills, and starting a routine when he stands in formation ready to take the oath of allegiance as cadets of the Armed Forces. This routine, becomes fulfillment of an implied contract between the government, and the plebe- sworn to serve the armed services as per contract.

Each Event has a Uniform

Then each dumb John quickly runs back to his tent to change to rubber shoes and athletic sweaters, for the calisthenics, Immediately after he - then double-times back to the tents to change to bathrobes.

Cleanliness as a Habit

Everyone lines up on the row to take a shower in the camp showers. At the shower room, plebes keep their cadet posture: naked, at attention,. eyes forward, chin up, shoulders back, fingers thumbs along the sides, and chest out. All he wears is his breath. Then the cold water shower begins to drip – as plebes haplessly shake shivering, standing at attention. Everything in a cadet’s life has a cadence, as they move never to miss a beat. Or hell comes like a breeze with fury from instructors.

Drenching Experience with a Purpose

Drenching experiences have taught them to endure what comes, what may. No sooner, they are back to their tents dressing up for dinner mess. His excitement melts down, and the next is business as usual from hereon.

There are assigned tables, six plebes and two upperclassmen on each head of the table. First lesson: each plebes has to shout out loud, “Good Evening, Sirs.”

Each time he addresses a yearling, or other upperclassmen, he always say “Sir.” This routine, he carries through his lifetime. Even after he leaves the service. Upperclassmen are senior officers, therefore are always addressed with a respectful – “Sir.”

The change in a plebe, by way of reform, is not secured form the noise and the shouting of the upperclassmem, but by his awakening willingness to cast out all that is unnecessary, and come out as a brand new man as an impatient patriot.

Plebes are permitted to sit only on an inch end of the seat, chest out, shoulders back, chin up, eyes straight. They partake their meals also in cadence closely watch by the uppies. And closely watch their table manners.

Upper-classmen takes the first serving, Whenever any plebe wants anything, he shouts: “Rice for dumb cadet( so and so, please !”

Hazing of plebes is a continuous routine all throughout the appointed hour, day and night of the academic year. However during the study months was a respite. They are less bothered by the uppies.

Always Thirsty and Hungry

Plebes are always hungry, and always on the double. They hardly finish their meals, so they have to be skillful and versatile in producing added nourishment from elsewhere.. A hungry man knows no law – but not in the Academy. The law prevails over hunger. How they survive is their secret business.

Under the rules and regulations there is no exception. Albeit - they surprisingly manage to survive.

This strategem of procuring food elsewhere is never discussed publicly among them. For if discovered, he either becomes punished by the uppies. With much of demerits piled up, he loses his liberty pass on weekends, etc. And he has to make up for those demerits by “touring” (pacing ) the parade ground for a time equivalent to the hours of demerits to be erased.

Anything Goes – with Fun

Plebes are required by their tormentors to memorize the day’s menu, and are asked by upperclassmen what is the menu for day. At the pleasure of the uppies, plebes would be asked to sing, or recite a poem, or recall how many electric bulbs are in the mess hall, or how many nails on the ceiling?

Or asked how many days from graduation day. Each day is an ever challenging day for the struggling fourth-classmen - stacked with full of endless surprises. He looks forward to the end of his crucifixion on that much- coveted recognition day ( liberation day from hazing).

And there are standing orders from particular upperclassman. Hell has its frenzy if the plebe forgets it. Pardon has its grace but not without punishment. By this time, the plebe have discovered changes in his posture, his manners, and outlook as the fruit of the endless hazing. His mind ever alert, everything must be snappy, that becomes a habit.

Beast Barracks – From April

The first month of April is ”beast barracks”, of intensive drills, training, maneuvers and disciplining of plebes.. Drills are spent ( before World War II) during summer at Polo Field. It was said that the toughest part of a plebe’s life is when he is “dismantled and then assembled again” ( liken to the M-1 rifle ) to a better man ready for a future career.

He endures all of the aggravations until recognition day- when he finally accepted as part of deserving cadets of the Academy If he can’t stand the heat of repair or overhaul, – he could choose resign and be separated. Which he would regret all his lifetime.

Cadetship is no less liken to a sweepstakes, “ A quiter never wins. And a winner never quits ! Albeit, at times, there are some who gets unintentionally hurt in the process, and are hospitalized - until he is ready to return to another class to graduate later.. There are those who are academically “turned back” to other class and academic year for many other reasons. But they graduate just the same. He has a contract with the government to fulfill and to complete. When is already able and a whole, he returns to the Corps as a brand new man.

Maneuvers At Poro Point

The month of May – is time for camp and maneuvers.. This was often conducted at Poro Point, La Union. A beach area facing China Sea. Uniform of the days are coveralls and headgear, etc.

The whole four classes of the cadet Corps - practice exercises on defense and offense maneuvers. After which, plebes are back in Baguio for academic study for the year..

Touring is a voluntary punishment for those who exceed many demerits made. Misdemeanors made are for examples: filthy and dis-arranged rooms, un-shined shoes, filthy rifles, misbehaviors, etc., Everyting must be spic and span.

Tours (pacing) are often done on Saturdays - walking forth and back in the parade ground with a rifle and cartridge belt, for a cadet to make up for demerits. But conscientious cadets sans demerits - never had to tour. However, these are only a handful of them owing to their almost perfect behavior and disorderly conduct.

Pre-World War Break-Time

In November of 1941, before the war. The whole Corps is brought to Manila for the Commonwealth Anniversary Parade, which all cadets look forward to. They have a furlough to visit families and visit what they dubbed as “skirts” (prospective girl-friends) on their pin-up list..

Oh – that smart-looking uniform and the man inside it - surely attracts the female coldest hearts. And the cadet is very much in the market for aspiring astute and discerning collegialas, or a hometown hopeful. etc. This is a time for hunting, and a time to discover one’s heart. “Friendship often ends up with love, but love in friendship never,” said C. Cotton. It is also a sickness full of woes – that would drive the plebe into a diviner. For it is also said that, “It is God that makes women beautiful, but it is the devil that makes her pretty.” (Victor Hugo).To the plebe’s eyes – the sight of a girl is like his shadow, if he follows her, she flies. So he must catch that opportunity that would fly away.

Romance in the Academy is the spice of life for a cadet where distance (from Baguio) from a (kaydet) girl friend (in the lowland) lends to fascination – and inspiration. Love therefore makes the cadet reckon every minute, every hour, weeks and months and every little silence from her sees to be a year. She becomes another course to overcome. He thinks and plans marriage way ahead, ready to lose his bachelors degree, and the girl-in-waiting gains her masters.

Post World War II Routine

After the World War II, the cadet corps are brought to Manila on June 12 for the Independence Day Parade. It is also precious time for them to visit their families, and girl friends-in-waiting which they look forward to. And those fair maidens are dying to be invited to the Academy for socials, and that much-coveted “Ring Hop” that would perhaps end in engagement or marriage after graduation.

All mankind needs a lover, said someone, but it is a sickness full of woes. God made women beautiful, but the devil makes them look pretty. Once beaten by it is like a cough that cannot be hidden. And to the cadets, it is said, as the wisdom of the fools. “All for love, or the World well lost (Dryden).

Holiday Breaks

Next respite, and escape from hazing is during Christmas – when the uppies are on leave, and plebes are left to run the Corps in the Academy.

By January, cadets are all back burning the midnight oil, devouring books on academic days. Drills, drills and drills – never ending, but never sickening. Their goal of perfection must be fulfilled.

March Week

March ushers the month when plebes are finally recognized as equals by yearlings and uppies. First-classmen graduate to become Second Lieutenants in the armed services. Third-classmen moves up the ladder, and the yearlings follows the mobility in the Corps.

During recognition day – upper-classmen heartily offer their hands in a handshake to the battered plebes, and address them “brother cadets.”

In a formation, the uppies face the plebes, and the first Captain screams the command -“Carry On” – then followed by a pandemonium breaking lose among all cadets. Uppies rush the plebes most especially the ones he punished most.- his favorite pet peeve. After the traditional handshake – the heavy yoke over the plebes is lifted.

Plebes now becomes the new “Hunter”. A tradition of hazing system is passed on to the incoming newly recruited cadets ( plebes) , as the fair game - “Hunted.”

Recognized plebes has the license to turn on the uppies. Sober retaliation is indeed sweet. They would run after the uppies and drag the latter to the cold showers. But there is no violence inflicted on the uppies. It is just all in good clean fun.

Recognized plebes have etched in their memories the 365 days and nights of agony under the playful hands of their tormentors. It is the sufferance that binds them into the corps of cadetship until they all graduate and leave the hallowed grounds of the Academy with buoyancy in their hearts. And to be commissioned as second lieutenants in the armed forces. They have finally completed their contract with the government.

Cavaliers Forever

The PMA has produced Generals and Flag Officers - up to the highest ranks until retirement . While others chose to pursue another career in civilian life after honorable discharge. Some have gone abroad, and even have accepted foreign commissions, after their contracted service has ended, which could forfeit their earned benefits.

They have attended service schools abroad to acquire added perfection. And further learn all the tricks of the trade in all the services

. Tribute to PMA Class ‘44
This celebrated and re-known Class was overtaken by World War II in 1941, and prosaically graduated in the battlefield.

They fought and survived World War II. Afterwards, they were all sent to top command and staff schools in the U.S. and abroad. Later served the Armed Forces of the Philippines, most of them reached the apex of their careers in the military. There were originally 72, with 4 associates, 1 returned from Class ’41, 4 left for USMA West Point, 1 left for USNA Annapolis, 9 returned from FNU.

About half of them have already crossed the Great Beyond. A handful are still enjoying their retired lives, in businesses,watching developments in the Academy, and fellow cavaliers in today’s political jingoism. When together they proudly hum or whistle that haunting plebe’s song.

Once a PMAyer Always a PMAyer

The Plebe’s Song
That song ran this way:

Each Saturday adds to our past
Every month filled with memories that last
We have left at the end of each day
Some weak habits of work and play
Significant in their esteem
Till the day that is still but a dream
The parades and inspections and then
The corrections are part of a glorious scheme
Knock ! Knock !

O, We’ll do or die
Raise our knees waist high
For we have learned to do without asking why
Though we often doze
Change with us grows
An true manliness clearly shows
Knock ! Knock !


Note: The author opted U.S citizenship, and retired from the U.S armed services reaching an apex of his career in the U.S. military as Division Deputy Chief-of-Staff, and as (G-3) Plans Operations and Training, and later Logistics Advisor, State Defense Force, at the California National Guard Headquarters (ARNG) at Sacramento, California, of 4 Brigades. Was Logistic Advisor to the 2nd Infantry Brigade at Fort Funston in San Francisco. California.

He survived as a POW in WW-II, and have been decorated as a noted participant of the assault and rescue (liberation) of 2,146 American and allied POWs by Filipino (PMA-Hunters) Guerrillas and U.S. 11th Airborne Division composite in 1945.

No sooner tapped as a counter-intelligence, psy-war specialist to assist the then Sec. Ramon Magsaysay, who later became President of the Republic of the Philippines. Then, had a colorful stint as Senate Committee Secretary of the Veterans and Military Pensions, and vice president of the veterans Federation, concurrently, as Director of Public Relations, Phil. Veterans Bank.

He was a noted part of the emergency rescue-evacuation of the Chinese Nationalist (Koumintang) government and army of Gen. Chiang Kai Shiek, from Lunghua, China to Taipeh to freedom from the surging Chinese Communist Army.

And later in the mass relocation of displaced and stateless White Russian, Estonians, etc., refugees from China, USSR, Asia to Guiuan Islands and other parts of the globe by the Flying Tigers Transport, manned by WW-II air-force veterans.

Also was a participant of the U.N.“ Operation Airlift” re-supplying logistics for troops in the Korean War.

No sooner, was again tapped to gather thousands of Jews and Palestinians from Asia, etc., in a mass “reverse exodus” flown back to Lydda and Jerusalem for repatriation in the Middle East.

Was later a psy-war observer in Laos during the Vietnam War.

Took up higher studies in Europe under U.N. grants on doctoral study of “Structures of World Governments and ComparativePolitico-Socio-and Eco-onomic Systems (in Stockholm, Sweden, Torino, Italy, and Geneve, Swtizerland garnishing a “Gold Medal” for excellence.

Completed studies at the Defense and Political War College (ROC).

Was a ranking delegate to the International Conference on Human Rights and Social Welfare in Helsinki, Finland.

Regional Public Relations Officer/coordinator of Flying Tigers Transport based in Hongkong.

Returned to the U.S. as a resident, subsequently served the California State Defense Force as: initially as G-3, then as Division Deputy Chief of Staff, at the California National Guard Headquarters, in Sacramento, California and Logistic Advisor to 2nd Inf. Brigade at Fort Funston. Was a senior staff of U.S. Senator D. Inouye in the U.S. Senate Inquiry into the Unsettled Claims and Benefits of Fil-Am WW-II Veterans.

His top-most stint was as member of the United States Defense Committee, chaired by Gen. Daniel O. Graham based at the White House, during the Administration of President Ronald Reagan.

Earned an array of 26 World War II, and post-war service, campaign medals ( including the highest ARNG Military Merit Medal). And foreign awards (more particularly, the Order of Renaissance and Honor awarded by Pres. Chiang Ching Kuo, Republic of China and the Veterans Medal of Honor presented by Gen. Chao Tsu-Yu (ROC).Gold Medal from United Nations Consultant, Robert Lonati. for excellence. Holds U.S. Congressional Citation awarded by House Rep . Don Clausen.

Later, was hired by the Circuit Executive Office, U.S Federal Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. He retired from the U.S military. in San Francisco, California, resides with his wife, Lou Valt Martinez, an executive of the School of Nursing, San Francisco State University.

They relocated in Nevada and built their retirement home. Membre, PMA ((Norcal) Association and PMAAA Overseas, Associate PMA Class ‘44) and the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (McLean, Virginia, and Association of the U.S. Army (Washington D.C.)



April 18 2003 at 3:30 PM
Col.(Ret) Frank B.Quesada 
It has been said that everywhere Paetenians go or embark on a project, they shine like stars.

Siegfredo Calabig, a Paetenian, faculty member of the Philippine College of Commerce and the Principal Gloria Talastas who both ventured in the project without realizing that it would be a world-acclaimed musical band.

They saw through a project of organizing a school band at the Philippine Polytechnique University performing with bamboo instruments made in the Philippines.

Popularly now called “Bandang Kawayan” [or Bambo Band ] have gained popularity everywhere they perform, in Malacanang, domestic and foreign hotels and tourist destinations sponsored by the Department of Tourism It became the Philippine’s pride.

Tourists returned home with their memories of Bandang Kawayan, and have recommended them to perform around the world, in expositions, conferences etc., that brought then to Australia, Japan, Spain, France and the United States.

Their unique musical sounds and repertoire of various Filipino and universal loves songs, lullabies, have led them to widened their renditions of almost all types of musical classic, jazz, and pop songs – that won the hearts of their audiences.

Their performer member’s age starts at age 11, up to teen-ages and after a brief period of training, they have learned to perform lke professsional musicians.

Calabig, actually was the founder of the band, as its musical arranger not to leave out his work as language professor, and chief of the PUP’s Center for Culture and Art, and Mass Communication.

The band grew in number through the years, now numbering 50 – all scholars of the university.

But what amazed the audience are their instruments ingeniously crafted from Philippine bamboo, wood which were all hand-made by Calabig. It included the equivalent of the marimba that provides the melody, the Muslim lira gabbang, the bumbong that provides the wind instrumental both bazz and rythms of the cord, the angklang also providing melodies that augments the marimba. All these instruments were fashioned by Calabig to suit the different sounds of an orchestra. He also invented instruments like what he called kalagong that brings out a gong-like sound, he kalatok as a percussion instrument.

Their music caters to the different types of people in the audience which gain them so much appreciation and popularity. Its wide selection of both Filipino and universal tunes, more particularly the favorite tunes of the countries where they {i.e. in Australia – Waltzing Matilda, in Japan – the Chisai Yaki, in Latin –American countries, the La Paloma, and the like.

At the end of each perfomance, they pick from the audience who can play simple instruments like the kalantong (bamboo shakers with different sounds) that perfomers merely shake upon cue from Calabig, accompanied by the band.

This takes the cake and bring the house down seeing the audience participation by simply shaking the instruments without much effort. This band reminds me of the banduria ensemble organized by my beloved cousin, Eliseo Madrinan Quesada, a teacher of the Mapa High School who also gained kudos by performance of the banduria ensemble – of which fame was established by their universal performances.

Talented Paetenians not only have brought pride for their kababayans but also for the nation. It is propitious time to discover more of them and bring them the open. This publication encourages any Paetenian to send us stories like this to us for publication for the Paetenian Hall of Fame.


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