LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA, FEBRUARY 6, 2008 - Subject: Memorial
Services for Colonel Francisco B. Quesada in Las Vegas Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 01:20:31 -0700
FYI: Francisco B. Quesada Visitation 02/08/2008 2:00P Palm Mortuary
Eastern 7600 South Eastern Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89123 (702) 464-8500
Funeral Service 02/08/2008 5:00P
Palm Mortuary Eastern 7600 South Eastern Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89123 (702) 464-8500
Map/Direction to Palm Mortuary Eastern
PMA Coordinator: Nora & Rudy Ruelos tel xxxx
Local Coordinator in Las Vegas; Prof. Evangelista (PMA)
God willing, I'll be arriving Las Vegas Thursday 7 Feb (COS-DEN-LAS).
Pete Shane Feliciano from Colorado
"Hi Lee! This is Tita Lou Quesada. I would like to inform you that Tito Kits passed away last night Feb. 1st at 9:45 P.M.
at St. Rose Dominican Hospital in Henderson. He struggled and wanted to live but pneumonia on both lungs killed him. He is
now with the Lord. Thank you for your love and prayers for both of us."
Plains, NY: "Col. Frank B. Quesada passed away peacefully on the evening of Friday, February 1, 2008 at Las
Vegas, Nevada. He wished to have his body cremated and ashes eventually brought to the Philippines. Details of internment
is being formulated." (posted by Redford Quesada son of Romulo Quesada). Romulo B. Quesada - Brother and Co-executor, 9
Doyer Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605)
from the Internet Fil-AM Veterans Mailing List: STAUNCHED VOICE OF FIL-VETS SILENCED: Dear Pete, A salute
to Kitz! Sympathy and prayers to his wife and family. On behalf of the Illinois-based Fil-vets who organized the Confederation
of Filipino and American Veterans in 1996 with his guidance, thank you Col. Francisco Quesada. May you rest in peace. Lourdes
(by Lourdes Ceballos). --- Pete Shane Feliciano <felicianoyapitxxxxx> wrote: > -----Original
Message----- > From: Romy Monteyro [] > Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 11:47 AM > To: > Cc: Doy Heredia; Del Lorenzana; Jerry; Gene Simes;>; Pete Shane Feliciano > Subject: Staunch voice of FilVets silenced: > *I'm truly sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Col
> Francisco Quesada, > USA (ret.) > died yesterday Feb 1, 2008 in Las Vegas. We heard > the sad news from
his > wife. from Col Romy Monteyro.
from New Jersey, Norie Quesada-Catiis: It is with sadness that I advise you that my uncle (cousin of my
father), Tito Paquito, whom we fondly called Tito Kits, passed away last night (from pneumonia complications) Feb.1st at 9:45
P.M. at St. Rose Dominican Hospital in Henderson, Nevada. He is now with his Creator. Please join us in praying for the repose
of his soul and for the well-being and comfort of his widow, Tita Lou, as well as his siblings and immediate family. God bless,
Norie (Quesada-Catiis)
Retired Col. Frank Quesada's picture above was taken a few years
ago when he attended a Paetenians International Summit gathering in California where he was guest speaker. As a true-blooded
Paetenian, Frank has never stopped talking in his reminiscences of our little town of Paete, Laguna, the ever serene, scenic,
woodcarving capital of the Philippines; the place of his ancestors' birth, and where he spent most of his youth, a small town
so blissfully laid between the shimmering lake and the evergreen Sierra Madre Mountains. That's how he would always
remember Paete.
Frank is the oldest son of the late Roman Quesada, who along with 20 other prominent and useful citizens of
Paete were liquidated by the Huks in April 1945. Among the 20 victims of Huks' atrocities in the town of Paete were Roman's
brothers, Eusebio and Casiano, Casiano's son Eliseo and cousin Juan and son Felipe. They were taken (kidnapped) to the mountains
of Paete on promise of 'protection and custody' from the Japanese and eventually murdered by the Huks in the mountains of
Paete. The crime turned out to be a senseless consequence of the conflict between communism and democracy. The local Huks
group of persons were finally nabbed and sent to prison much later.
The massacred Quesada elders most of them in their 50s when they were wiped away made young Frank, being the
oldest boy, the imminent 'father' and guardian of the surviving Quesada family of mostly females and young kids. Responsibility
and duty fell upon his young shoulders. He in his own way went to the mountains to look for the kidnapped Quesada men. This,
I believe was how he became a tireless, passionate and intense soldier. Learning that his father along with the others, all
14 of them were already dead, clubbed to death by the Huks, he joined the local soldier-ship in Paete's fight against the
Japanese. As a young soldier, he relentlessly fought the way he could for freedom. He was a participant in the daring assault-rescue
of 2,146 American and Allied prisoners of war from near massacre in Los Baños, Laguna in 1945. He also
served as a soldier in the Korean war.
Go stranger go. and tell our fellowmen, that fourteen citizens of Paete, died not in vain,
They were
murdered, thinking that Democracy and Liberty were also dying with them.
Yet they were mistaken, for freedom and dignity
shall always live, in the hearts of freedom-loving,
and God-fearing men; Because, 'It is better to die on our feet, than
live on our knees.'
Col Quesada lived the rest of his long life pushing for, with all his might the Fil-Am Veterans Equity Bill
in the US Senate. He proffered from the bottom of his heart with great passion, a resolution in support of the WW2-Veteran's
Equity. He was awarded the American Legion's International Award by National Commander Ray G. Smith and the Veterans Affairs
Commission. Frank had a long military career. His last stint was Deputy Chief of Staff - G3 (operation plan and training)
and logistics advisor of the State Defense Force, which is based at the United States Army National Guard headquarters in
Sacramento, California. Frank was also Philippine Military Academy associate of Class '44 and was Senate Committee Secretary
on Veterans and Military Pensions and was in the senior staff of senior Senator Dan Inouye's U.S. Senate inquiry on the unsettled
claims and benefits of Filipino-American World War 2 Veterans. Part of his colorful life was being a member of the U.S. Defense
Committee during the administration of US President Ronald Reagan. Not only was he Vice President of the Veterans Federation
of the Philippines, but was also past deputy adjutant to the National American Legion headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Frank's recent federal service was with the Circuit Executive Office of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the ninth circuit.

Retired Colonel Francisco Quesada is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lourdes Vat-Martinez Quesada, an executive at the San Francisco
State University of Nursing before she retired, his twin daughters Christine Therese (Peachy) and Margaret Rose (Cherry Pie)
and their respective families. Col. & Mrs. Frank Quesada lived in San Francisco, California until they bought a home and
moved to retire in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Frank Quesada is also survived by his remaining siblings residents of Pasig City, RP: her youngest sister Mrs. Sonia Quesada-Calaranan,
Mrs. Helen Quesada (widow of younger brother Andy Quesada), second-to-him, his brother Nestor Quesada and in White Plains,
New York, youngest brother Romulo Quesada and wife Lolit and their 3 sons. Frank's parents are the late Mr. & Mrs.
Roman Navarro Quesada, nee Isabel Balquiedra of Paete, Laguna
Frank Quesada authored several books, the most popular was "Freedom At Dawn" (A chronicle on the earliest
Guerrilla Organizations in Paete). "World War II Experiences"; "Eight Days in Hell".
We bid good bye to our beloved
soldier and guardian. Thank you for the untiring guidance and priceless wisdom you have blest us with. We, your family will
never forget you! You will forever remain in our hearts and minds. God giveth! God taketh away!
The last time we talked, he was scared about the forthcoming hospitalization that may require surgery. He was not sure.
He was hoping he can do away without the surgery part. But he said when he prays and speaks to God the fears go away. And
so he said, although he still desires so much to live longer, to continue his fight for the War-Vet's family benefits and
trying to finish writing his long overdue memoirs, he also felt confident in himself, he is ready to meet his Maker anytime
the Lord is ready to meet him.
"We shall find peace. We shall hear the angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds." Until we meet again!
by Lee Quesada

by Gene Simes President VFVC/National
Chairman OFFE
Farewell, my friend,
I thank you Sir Colonel Frank B. Quesada, with my eyes to the heavens and a motionless salute that will last until we
all reunite in the glory of God.
On behalf of OFFE I thank you, and the members, Sheet Metal Workers Local 46, the Brotherhood of all Union’s and
all of our supporters throughout the nation, we thank you for your dedication to all veterans and the causes that allow the
continuation of Freedom for which we stand.
Thank you for allowing Operation Firing For Effect, to be apart of this moment in history, to be one of the many you
have touched.
You, sir are an example, of how we need to maintain freedom and liberty through the sacrifices and combined effort of
all God’s heroes and his children.
Colonel Frank B. Quesada, I will pick up your sword and use it as a voice in behalf of you and the many Filipino citizens
as well as all that served under the flag of the United States of America, for their benefits that they have been entitled
Sir, I will continue to ”Fire for effect” In your name. I will miss you, my friend. Thank you for the trust
and loyalty that you entrusted in me.
Simper Fi, I will always be faithful.
Gene Simes President VFVC/National Chairman OFFE
Statement of the NaFFAA National Chair on the Death of Col. Frank Quesada
A resolute fighter for justice and a long-time advocate for the Filipino veterans' cause has departed us, joining his
brave comrades who had lost their lives in a war that has left the few remaining survivors still waiting for the day when
America restores their dignity and honor. All his life, this is what Col. Quesada valiantly fought for.
Col. Quesada fought in WWII as a key officer of the well known Hunters ROTC Guerilla. He later served in and retired
as a Colonel in the U.S. Army. Through his mighty pen and passionate discourses, Col. Quesada's unstinting devotion to the
plight of Filipino World War II veterans has inspired all of us over the years to continue their struggle, from the grassroots
to the halls of Congress. While we grieve over his passing, we stand proud of what Col. Quesada has done to keep their message
of hope alive. It's as much a struggle for them as it is for our community, and for generations to come.
The surviving veterans don't have many years left. With one less voice advocating for them, our community needs to step
up the pressure on Congress and urge passage of the equity bill this year. For the sake of our veterans and the just cause
they lived and died for, we must keep on fighting.
Alma Quintans Kern National Chair
In a message dated 2/4/2008 10:04:24 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, GILPZulueta writes:
The news concerning the death of Colonel Frank B. Quesada brought so much sorrow. I feel so sad in the passing away
of a true warrior and a true gentleman. He had been a father figure to me and a very close friend. I will forever be grateful
for the visions he shared in the countless personal correspondence he gladly sent me. The personal guidance and invaluable
assistance he provided me in the public campaign for the Veterans Equity, as well as in my personal affairs are deeply appreciated.
My wife and I are deeply saddened. Condolence to the Quesada Family, our prayers are with you.
Gil & Lydia Zulueta Virginia Beach, Virginia
From Mabuhay Online Radio:
Dear Gil and Lydia:
We at the share your sadness on the passing of Col. Frank Quesada. We will add your remarks in the
Users Comments in one of the three articles so far that have been published about Colonel Quesada:
The Soldier and Advocate & the Grand Whitewash of 2007 (by Romeo P. Marquez)
Frank B. Quesada (1924-2008) Columnist Frank Quesada Writes 30
If you have photograph(s) of Colonel Quesada, please send to so that we can publish them in
the Obituary/Memorial Park Section of our web site. You may send in also the caption, which should name the persons appearing
with Colonel Quesada in the photos.
Dear Friends and Comrades:
You may like to visit Colonel Quesada's column in the and post your expressions of condolence and sympathy. The link to his column, Columnist Frank Quesada Writes
30 If you cannot access the link, then please copy and paste to your browser this URL
As stated in the article, Colonel Quesada's column will be continued, as he left with this editor several manuscripts for
editing and publication.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in publishing any and all materials that Colonel Quesada might have sent
to you,
Bobby M. Reyes Editor
From Bobby R. Price City of Chula Vista and San Diego County Veteran of the Year 2007-2008
It is with sadness that I hear this. This man dedicated his life trying to right a wrong that has occurred over the decades.
It is my hopes that his voice may voice may only be silenced but his soul lives in another leader who will carry his torch
until that which is the right thing to do is done. Please pass to his family both my wife Julia and my sincere regards. Bobby
Bobby R. Price City of Chula Vista and San Diego County Veteran of the Year 2007-2008 Community Activities & Outreach
Director Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of California National Legislative Committee Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States Hm: xxxx Cell: xxxxx
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly
proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation." George Washington