Statements we say are Half-True
The Senate version of the economic stimulus package includes "millions of dollars to World War II Filipino
veterans in the Philippines."
How Filipino veterans could benefit from stimulus By Robert
Farley Published on Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 at 06:51 p.m.
plan includes plan to compensate Filipino vets, but no actual money
Jon Kyl, Sunday, February 1st, 2009. Ruling: Half-True | Details
To hear Jon Kyl tell it, the Democratic-backed economic stimulus package is so full of waste and clutter that legislators
ought to scrap it entirely and start fresh. "I mean, there are so many different
things that you can make fun of in this bill," Kyl said. "Let me just mention one — millions of dollars to World War
II Filipino veterans in the Philippines . Now, that may be a good thing to spend money
on, but not in a stimulus bill. It doesn't stimulate anything." Does the Senate
version of the stimulus package really include millions for Filipino vets? The
answer is yes. And no. We explain here.
The Truth-O-Meter Says:
The Senate version of the economic stimulus package
includes "millions of dollars to World War II Filipino veterans in the Philippines ."
Jon Kyl on Sunday, February 1st, 2009 in in a Fox News interview.
Stimulus plan includes
plan to compensate Filipino vets, but no actual money
In an interview with FOX News Sunday, U.S Sen. Jon Kyl, the Republican Whip,
argued that the Democratic-backed economic stimulus package is so full of waste and clutter that legislators ought to scrap
it entirely and start fresh.
"I mean, there are so many different things that
you can make fun of in this bill," Kyl said. "Let me just mention one — millions of dollars to World War II Filipino
veterans in the Philippines . Now, that
may be a good thing to spend money on, but not in a stimulus bill. It doesn't stimulate anything."
Does the Senate version of the stimulus package
really include millions for Filipino vets?
The answer is yes. And no.
Let's start at the beginning. During World War
II, hundreds of thousands of Filipinos fought for the U.S. with the promise
that after the war they'd get a path to U.S.
citizenship and would also qualify for full veterans’ benefits by reason of their active service with our armed forces.
Thousands of Filipinos died in the infamous Bataan Death March. But soon after the war, Congress reneged, and established
that Filipino veterans would not be recognized as “active service” for the purpose of any U.S. law conferring "rights, privileges, or benefits." Filipino veterans activists
have been fighting it ever since.
Fast forward to the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009, otherwise known as the economic stimulus bill. In the 735-page version of the bill now before the Senate, there
are a full seven pages dedicated to "Payments to eligible persons who served in the United States
armed forces in the Far East during World War II." It details a plan to compensate Filipinos
who fought for the U.S. during World War II with lump sum payments of $15,000
for those who are U.S. citizens, and $9,000 for those still living in the
Philippines . There are an estimated 18,000
Filipino vets still living who might qualify for payments; about 7,000 of them U.S.
citizens. The total cost: up to $198 million. In a statement explaining its inclusion
in the stimulus plan, Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, said the bill would right a wrong. "This nation made a solemn promise, and
with hardly a hearing, we revoked it," Inouye stated. "This is not the America
I know and love. This episode is a blight upon the character of the United
States , and it must be cleansed."
Time is of the essence, Inouye said. "It should
be noted that as you read this, many of the Filipinos who would qualify are on their deathbeds. Today, the average age of these men is about 90."
Whether or not the bill has merit is beside the
point, said Steve
Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense."This has no business being in an economic stimulus bill," Eliis said. "It's
just catching a ride on this legislation. It's just cluttering up an already complicated and wordy piece of legislation."
Retired Col. Romy Monteyro, who has testified several
times before Congress to lobby for compensation for Filipino World War II vets, said the bill has kicked around Congress for
several years and "Inouye wanted to create a shortcut and put it in the stimulus package."This is not a waste of money," Monteyro
said. "These people are suffering. They are in the twilight of their lives. They should be rewarded for all they did for the
U.S. during the war."
But here's the thing, if passed as currently written,
the money for the program wouldn't come out of the stimulus package. It was approved in another bill passed last year, said
Rob Blumenthal,
Democratic Communications Director for the Senate Committee on Appropriations. If the stimulus legislation passes, it would
authorize that money to be released, he said, but "the amount of money for it in the stimulus bill is zero. The money was
appropriated last year; it's not coming out of the stimulus bill."
So why is it even in the stimulus plan? Well,
it so happens that Inouye is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the very same committee that wrote this part
of the stimulus plan. No, Inouye stated, it would not appropriate any money, but "it will close a dark chapter in the history
of this country." Compensation for Filipino vets was not in the version of the stimulus plan passed by the House.
The original legislation has another high-profile
backer, President
Barack Obama. Back in the campaign,
in a May 2, 2008 "open letter to the people of Guam," Obama noted that he co-sponsored the Filipino Veterans Equity Act in
the Senate "because I believe deeply that we must honor the heroic sacrifices of Filipinos who fought side by side with Americans
on behalf of freedom…This bill finally provides Filipino veterans and their survivors with the benefits that they were
promised, and that they bravely earned in battle." However, we could not find any statements by Obama on whether he supports
its inclusion in the stimulus package.
So back to Kyl's statement that the stimulus plan includes "millions of dollars to World War II Filipino
veterans in the Philippines ." The Senate
version of the bill does include provisions for a program to compensate Filipino vets; and most of those who would be eligible
for payments live in the Philippines .
And, yes, the program is "authorized" for up to $198 million. But that wouldn't actually be part of the stimulus spending.
That brings us to a Half True.
Obama Promise Audit by The St. Petersburg
Pres. Obama Promise Equity for WW11 Filipino U.S. Veterans
Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:29
"m e" <>
"The Obameter" <>
Dear Angie,
I would like to thank you for your response. As a woman of both American & Filipino ancestry, nothing is dearer
to my heart than the Filvets & the cause that they are fighting for. Actually, I am looking forward not only to the inclusion
of the Filvets promise to your website listing, but most importantly to the fulfillment of Pres Obama's promise to one of
the most courageous military personnel that ever served the cause of the United States in her time of needs.
Should you need additional info regarding this matter, I offer you my websites as informal resource materials. I am
sure that although these websites are works on progress, yet they will be able to provide you w/ a glimpse of the urgency
of the Filvets cause.
Allow me also to send a copy of our e-mail communications to the 'powers', as part of my "praying to the (human) powers"
Maria Elizabeth Embry
here goes:
copy sent to Pres Barack Obama thru the White House website
copy sent thru the websites of:
Senators Akaka, Inouye & Reid
Congressman Filner
Speaker Pelosi
-- On Sun, 1/25/09, The Obameter <>
From: The Obameter <> Subject: Re: Pres. Obama Promise Equity for WW11 Filipino U.S.
Veterans To: "m e" <> Date: Sunday, January 25, 2009, 7:38 AM
Thank you for this, we will look into it.
Thanks so much for reading!
--Angie Holan, staff writer
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 8:49 PM, m e <> wrote:
Your website listed the 500 campaign promises that then Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama made
to the U.S.electorate. I would like to notify you that you neglected to include a strong promise that he had made to the WW11
Filipino U.S.Veterans to help them obtain their much awaited equity rights that they have been fighting for
so long.
I am pasting excerpts from Obama campaign websites & Sen Obama's Open Letter to the people of Guam that reflect the promises he made. Please note that this is a "time of the essence" promise, the
potential beneficiaries do not have the luxury of waiting since they are aging fast & their numbers are dwindling
I respectfully request that you include in your list the promises of President Obama to the Filipino
veterans, we fondly call the Filvets.
Thank you for your attention to this matter
Respectfully submitted,
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch California 94509
copy sent to Pres Barack Obama thru the White House website
copy sent thru the websites of:
Senators Akaka, Inouye & Reid
Congressman Filner
Speaker Pelosi
Excerpts copied from indicated sources:
May 2, 2008
Title: Obama's open letter to the people of Guam
That's why it's so disappointing that some have chosen to play politics and question
my commitment to critical issues related to Filipino veterans…I co-sponsored the Filipino Veterans Equity Act in the Senate because I
believe deeply that we must honor the heroic sacrifices of Filipinos who fought side by side with Americans on behalf of freedom
Earlier last year I was proud to join my friend Chairman Daniel Akaka in voting to pass key elements
of this important measure out of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee and send it to the full Senate as part of an omnibus
package of long overdue benefits for our veterans. I was on the campaign trail when the Senate voted on final passage of this
measure, but since the bill passed with a comfortable margin, I knew my vote was not needed.
I strongly support swift action on getting this package, the Veterans' Benefits Enhancement Act (S.1315),
sent to the president for signature. This bill finally provides Filipino veterans and
their survivors with the benefits that they were promised, and that they bravely earned in battle. Indeed, throughout
my time in the Senate, I have fought to increase care and benefits for our veterans and their families And I will continue to fight to ensure we are keeping that sacred trust
Where Barack Stands on AAPI Issues
Equity for Filipino Veterans: Approximately 250,000 Filipino troops joined American forces
in World War II.
However, our country has yet to recognize the sacrifice that these veterans have made for our country. Barack Obama is a strong
advocate of the Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2007, which will fulfill America
's promise to recognize and support these brave veterans.
sent via e-mail to Sen Kyl's website on 2/1/2009 4:15 P.M. (California time) and via snail mail
An Open Letter to Honorable Jon Kyl, U.S. Senator of Arizona
Dear Senator Kyl,
Sir, please consider
this as an opposing viewpoint to your position that the current “(stimulus) bill
wastes millions on WWII Filipino Veterans who live in the Philippines”.
First of all, the WW11
Filipino Veterans you had specifically mentioned are Filipino WW11 U.S. veterans who maybe holding U.S, Filipino, other foreign or dual citizenships, which incidentally
is not unique to these veterans, but may also be applied to many Americans, including elected public officials in various
states & even in Washington D.C. for all we know. Now, in regards to their
foreign domiciles, allow me to say this, that if you can show me a roll call attesting that all retired U.S. military personnel
reside in the territorial boundaries of the United States, you could send me back this letter and I promise that I will eat
it, including my words.
Furthermore, Sir, let
me respectfully ask you this- is it wasteful to compensate any U.S.
military personnel for their services, especially in a situation when it is long overdue? Undeniably,
we owe to all the veterans in the U.S.
military, including the Filipino WW11 U.S. veterans, fondly called the Filvets, the very existence of this free nation. True, that currently we are in the midst of a financial crisis, but then, bear in
mind that when the Filvets were drafted to the U.S. military, the United States then was in a greater wartime crisis than what
we are experiencing today. To argue that the defense of the Philippines
during WW11 is not a duty that falls to the United States is to deny the
historical fact that a colonial country like United States
is responsible for the defense of all its territorial possessions.
I believe that I need not explain all the particulars
of this issue, since I am aware that you had voted for S-1315 with the much examined and debated Filvets provision intact. As I believe that you are an honorable public official who does not seem to take his
vote lightly, then allow me to assume that at least, you found the cause of the Filvets worthy of your considerations. Please
accept my gratitude for your vote in this matter which is more that I could say to the presidential candidates of both Democratic
and Republican parties who actually did not show up to vote for S-1315 with the Filvets
equity provision called by Senator Inouye as the “Provision of Honor”.
Sir, lastly, I would like to appeal to your sense
of justice. To deny equity to these valiant Filipino WW11 U.S. military personnel in their twilight years is to perpetuate
not only a historical wrong, but also to continue inflicting moral injury to U.S. soldiers drafted to serve the United States
during wartime. I am a woman of Filipino and American descent. I treasure very
much the valuable wartime U.S. military
services of my ancestors and my children to the cause of liberty.
Thank you very much for your attention to this
Very Respectfully,
Maria Elizabeth Embry
California 94509
February 1, 2009
Copy of this Open Letter was distributed to all interested parties
“Kyl: Start from scratch on stimulus” by VICTORIA MCGRANE 2/1/2009
Kyl: Start from scratch on stimulus
prospects for bipartisan support for the stimulus package appear dim, according to Jon Kyl
Listening to Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), the minority
whip, the prospects for bipartisan support for the stimulus package appear dim.
Kyl said he has not started counting votes, but
“I see support for this legislation eroding.”
“I think the more people around the country
see it, the angrier they get because it’s very wasteful,” Kyl said on “Fox News Sunday.”
Kyl argued that the current bill does little to
actually stimulate the economy, and wastes millions on, among other things, World War II Filipino Veterans who live in the
Philippines, more than 30 new government programs, and a new $500 tax rebate—despite
last year's rebate doing little to stimulate the economy.
“I think you have to start from scratch
and reconstruct this,” Kyl said.
Among the changes Republicans will seek is to
have the stimulus focus on housing, which is where the crisis started, Kyl said.
Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.),
also appearing on Fox News Sunday, said he has been speaking with Republicans, telling them, “We’re open about
this. Come to us with your ideas… Let’s move forward.”
And, he said, the largest amendment added to the
bill in the Senate Finance Committee was a GOP-authored one to prevent the Alternative Minimum Tax from hitting more taxpayers.
The $80 billion amendment means that tax cuts now make up 36 percent of the more than $800 billion stimulus package.
Durbin said some Republicans have said they want
more spending on infrastructure, and therefore there will be an amendment to do add it.
Democratic leaders are also busy addressing concerns
of some members of their own party to prevent defections.
“This is not another bill. This is not another
political debate this isn’t something that we can just dismiss at the end of the week and say ‘well let’s
move on and do something else,’” Durbin warned. “We’re facing one of the most serious economic crises
in our nation’s history. … America
is counting on this.”
But Kyl defended his caucus against charges that
they’re just playing obstructionists.
“There is a crisis in this country. Republicans
full appreciate that. People are hurting and that’s why we don’t want to see this opportunity wasted,” Kyl
Obama Promise Audit by the National Journal
Monday, January 26, 2009 4:47 PM
"m e" <>
Re: Your Promise Audit Website:
Your website listed the 13 U.S. Veterans campaign promises that then Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama made to the U.S.electorate. I would like
to notify you that you neglected to include a strong promise that he had made to the WW11 Filipino U.S.Veterans to help them
obtain their much awaited equity rights that they have been fighting for so long.
same e-mail sent to
RE: Re your news article: Stimulus bill may include benefits for Filipino veterans
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 2:51 PM
"Simon, Richard" <>
"m e" <>
Thanks much for sending this....
Richard Simon
congressional correspondent
Los Angeles Times/Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau
tel XXXX
Re your news article: Stimulus bill
may include benefits for Filipino veterans
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 11:01 AM
"m e" <>
Dear Mr. Simon,
First of all, please
accept my gratitude for your very well written article that presents the Filipino WW11 U.S. veterans in a much better footing in
comparison to the other news articles that seem to mischaracterize & diminish their heroic role in the defense of
the United States & her territorial possessions that include the Philippines &
Hawaii during WW1 & WW11.
Additionally, I would
like to thank you for paying tribute to our tireless advocates like Senators Inouye & Akaka, Congressmen Filner
& Honda. However, allow me to hold on to my words of praise for President
Obama since he did not show up to vote for S1315 with the Filipino WW11 Veterans Equity provision at the time he
was a Senator. I believe that he has yet to earn his accolades regarding these
issues. Action certainly speaks louder than words.
I do not speak for any
political party or advocacy group. I am an amateur researcher of U.S. military personnel
of Filipino descent. I maintain several websites that honor the significant
role of the Filipinos in the defense of United States from WW1 to Iraq
War. I also participate in lobbying for the Filipino WW11 U.S.
veterans equity bill in my individual capacity, communicating thru letters, e-mails & phone calls by trying to explain
to many of our public officials, particularly to Sen
Burr & Rep Buyer what
I perceived as their misconceptions of the basic historical facts regarding the military role of the Filipinos. They seem to conveniently forget that the Filipinos were drafted in WW1 & WW11
to serve in the U.S. military. Additionally that the defense of the
Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico &
Guam in those wars is the responsibility of the United States.
Stimulus bill may include benefits for Filipino veterans
Filipino World War
II veterans have struggled for decades to receive U.S. military benefits.
The Senate's proposed
version of the economic legislation includes one-time payments for World War II veterans from the Philippines,
$15,000 for U.S. citizens and $9,000 for
By Richard Simon
February 4, 2009
Reporting from Washington -- After a decades-long struggle, Filipino veterans of World War II finally may be granted
U.S. military benefits thanks to, of all
things, the economic stimulus legislation.
A $198-million provision
of the proposed Senate stimulus bill would authorize one-time payments of $15,000 to Filipino veterans who are U.S. citizens -- many of whom live in California -- and $9,000
for noncitizens, including those in the Philippines.
The provision is a
small part of the overall $885-billion bill, but it has drawn criticism. North Carolina Sen. Richard M. Burr, top Republican on the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, "finds it difficult to see how spending money in the Philippines will help stimulate the American economy,"
a spokesman said.
The veterans, many
of whom are in their 80s and 90s, have fought hard for the benefits: In 1997 in Los Angeles'
MacArthur Park
-- named after Gen. Douglas MacArthur -- a group of protesters chained themselves to a statue of their former commander.
"We think this [stimulus
bill] is the best chance for us to get this benefit approved," said Franco Arcebal of Los Angeles, a vice president of the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans. "We're only
about 15,000 left now. I'm 85, one of the youngest."
The payments were added
to the legislation by Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), chairman of the appropriations committee and one of three remaining World War II veterans
in the Senate.
"It's a matter of honor
and the good name of the United States,"
Inouye said outside the Senate chamber Tuesday. He noted that in 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the benefits,
but Congress reneged on the pledge in 1946.
As for whether the
veterans' payments belonged in the stimulus package, Inouye said, "I'm looking for any vehicle that will carry this forward."
Congress last year
approved appropriation of the Filipino veterans' benefits, but authorization is needed before the money can be paid.
There is no provision
for the veterans in the House bill. If the item survives in the Senate, it will be the subject of negotiations to reconcile
differences in the two chambers' bills.
The veterans' measure
is among a spate of bills aimed at rewarding the sacrifices of World War II veterans -- who are dying at a rate of about 850
a day -- and healing wounds lingering from the war era.
Other bills include
the Belated Thank You to the Merchant Mariners of World War II Act to provide payments to members of the merchant marine,
sponsored by Rep. Bob Filner (D-Chula Vista), and a measure sponsored by Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Los Angeles) to create a commission
to investigate the government's actions in the World War II internment and deportation of Latin Americans of Japanese descent.
Among the critics of
including benefits for the Filipino veterans in the stimulus package is Rep. Steve Buyer of Indiana,
the top Republican on the House Veterans' Affairs Committee.
"I do not question
the valor and courage of the Philippine army, which fought alongside U.S.
forces to defeat Japan in World War II,
and I am not opposed to discussing ways to compensate these veterans. However, to do so and say it under the guise of stimulating
the American economy is a complete falsehood and is the lowest form of partisan politics."
Arcebal called the
payments a "small token to recognize our service."
Even if the benefits
do not make it into the stimulus bill, this could be the year that the veterans achieve victory.
Several of their longtime
champions are now in key positions in Congress: Filner and Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) chair the House and Senate veterans affairs committees, respectively, in addition to Inouye chairing the
appropriations committee.
And President Obama, during the presidential campaign, expressed support for granting benefits to the Filipino veterans.
"If the Senate decides
that this isn't the appropriate time or place, we're optimistic that we'll find the right vehicle in the future," said Rep. Michael M. Honda (D-San Jose), chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.
Senate puts Filipino vet pensions in stimulus
By Rick Maze- Staff writer Navy Times Posted : Thursday Jan 29, 2009 18:22:33 EST
Philippine Scouts and other Filipinos who served under direct control of the U.S. military in World War II would get
one-time payments of up to $15,000 for their service under a provision of the Senate’s economic recovery bill.
About 18,000 people might qualify, although numbers are declining every day as World War II veterans die.
Buried inside the Senate bill, which includes tax cuts and new spending initiatives intended to create jobs in the U.S.,
the Filipino payment was inserted at the urging of Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, the new chairman of the Senate Appropriations
Committee and a longtime supporter of monthly pensions for World War II Filipino veterans.
Providing a one-time payment instead of a pension is a compromise that first surfaced in the House Veterans’ Affairs
Committee last year as a suggestion from Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., committee chairman.
Under terms of the Senate bill, S 366, Filipino veterans who served under U.S. military control would file claims for
benefits. Payments would be $15,000 for an eligible veteran who is a U.S. citizen and $9,000 for noncitizens.
Veterans could not receive more than one payment, even if they served under U.S. control in more than one unit.
Claims would have to be filed within one year of the bill being signed into law. The bill includes $198 million to help
cover payments.
The fate of the provision is not clear. Last year, Inouye and Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, tried but failed to get the
Senate to agree to provide long-promised pensions to Filipino veterans.
Part of the problem had to do with funding, and part of the opposition came from senators who objected to spending scarce
veterans funding on noncitizens — many of whom do not even live in the U.S. — when stateside veterans still have
unmet needs.
That means there could be a fight on the Senate floor over whether to keep the provision in the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act, the formal name of the economic stimulus bill.
If the Senate keeps the provision, the final decision about including Filipino pensions will come in negotiations involving
the House of Representatives and the White House. The House did not include Filipino benefits in its version of the recovery
bill that was approved Wednesday.
Filipino WW11 U.S. veterans
Sunday, February 1, 2009 6:41 PM
"" <>
news about Filvets & stimulus bill:
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb… Republican Sen.
Susan Collins of Maine …met separately with Pres. Obama about their ongoing effort to slash
a long list of spending programs from a pending $900 billion economic stimulus bill. Nelson said he gave Obama a list of more
than $50 billion in spending programs that could be eliminated. He said Obama pledged to have his economic advisors review
that list and work with Nelson and other senators…The Nebraskan said
many of the spending programs in the bill may be worthy of support but would not stimulate the economy.
the items that Nelson and other senators have tentatively agreed could be eliminated from the bill:
$198 million in military benefits for Filipino veterans of
World War II….Nelson said Obama pledged that Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council, would work with the senator…Earlier
in the week, Summers defended some of the programs being targeted by senators, including Pell Grants used to send low-income
students to college. (what
did Summers say about Filvets???-Notes by M.E. Embry)
Nelson, Collins key in stimulus bill
By: Joseph Morton,
WORLD-HERALD BUREAU Contact the writer
Updated 02/05/2009 08:22:26 AM CST
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Ben Nelson and a bipartisan group of senators have struck a tentative deal to strip more than $50 billion in
spending from an economic-stimulus bill whose size now tops $900 billion, a spokesman for the Nebraska Democrat said today.
Nelson, along with
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and other centrists in the Senate have been working to remove from the bill funds that they say
would not stimulate the economy.
Nelson's spokesman,
Clay Westrope, declined to list all the items to be struck under the tentative deal. But he mentioned
a few highlights:
$198 million in military benefits for Filipino veterans of World War II.....
Nelson and Collins
have emerged as key negotiators in the debate. Nelson, though, said he was skeptical that their efforts would reach Collins'
target: $200 billion in reductions.
The two have counted up to 20 allies in their effort -- more Democrats than Republicans so far, they said.
Stimulus whittlers see small victory
By: Joseph Morton,
Updated 02/04/2009
coalition of more than 20 Republican and Democratic senators is working
on language that would strip $50 billion from the bill.
The group is headed
by Sens. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., and Susan Collins, R-Maine. The two, along with Sen. Olympia Snowe,
R-Maine, met with Obama Wednesday afternoon as he looks to find ways to salvage the bill by paring it down.
Obama has said he wants to sign the stimulus into law by next week.Nelson and Collins want to cut from the bill expenditures that include $198 million
for Filipino veterans.
GOP charge against stimulus bill gains steam
By Susan Ferrechio
Chief Congressional
Correspondent 2/4/09
The Senate still plans to take
up an amendment by Mrs. Snowe and Sen. Ben Nelson, Nebraska Democrat, that would cut the bill by as much
as $200 billion by eliminating non-stimulus spending.
About a dozen Senate Democrats
have either voiced support for their effort or proposed cuts, including $198 million for payments to Filipino veterans of
World War II
Reid: Dems have the votes for stimulus
S.A. Miller (Contact)
Thursday, 2/5/2009
Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid said Democrats have just enough votes to pass President Obama's stimulus bill later Thursday.
As for whether
the veterans' payments belonged in the stimulus package, Inouye said, "I'm looking for any vehicle that will carry this forward Source: 2/4/2009 Stimulus bill may include benefits for
Filipino veterans,0,5417769.story?track=rss
The reason the senator insisted on putting it in (the stimulus) bill is because our WWII veterans are
passing away in great numbers," said Jennifer Goto Sabas, Inouye's chief of staff in Honolulu.
"This is a matter of justice and there is no budgetary impact to the stimulus package because the dollars have already been
provided. Source: Veterans' funding tied to stimulus
By Peter Boylan
Staff Writer 2/5/2009
Senate bill must be reconciled by the joint House & Senate conference committee with the $819 billion version
approved by the House known as H.R. 1 & introduced by Rep David R. Obey. Not a single House Republican supported that
bill and there are signs of a brewing insurrection by the chamber's conservative Democrats over run-away spending.
Leaders of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of 47 conservative House Democrats, put Speaker Nancy Pelosi on notice
Thursday that more of the wasteful spending must be cut from the stimulus to win their continued support.
The letter was signed by the seven leaders of the coalition, including Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota, Rep. Baron
P. Hill of Indiana and Rep. Charlie Melancon of Louisiana.
Reid: Dems have the votes for stimulus
S.A. Miller (Contact)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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Obameter on Pres. Obama's campaign promises to the Filvets
Sunday, January 25, 2009 12:03
"m e" <>
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Maria Elizabeth |
Last Name: |
Embry |
Address: |
Address: |
City: |
Antioch |
State: |
CA |
Zip: |
94509 |
Home Phone: |
Work Phone: |
Email: | |
Subject: |
Veterans Affairs |
Contact Me |
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Thank you for submitting your request.
Prefix |
Ms. |
First Name |
Maria Elizabeth |
Last Name |
Embry |
Address |
Address |
City |
Antioch |
State |
CA |
Zip |
94509 |
Home Phone |
Work Phone |
Email | |
Subject |
Veterans |
| |
Thank you for expressing your views.
2/1/2009 8:05 P.M.
You forwarded this message Filvets & Stimulus Bill 3:15 PM 64KB
Ms. Maria Elizabeth Embry,
Thank you for contacting my office to express
your views and concerns. It is an honor and a privilege to represent the people of Tennessee in the United States Senate, and I want to be
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Please consider this e-mail an acknowledgement that I have received your comments. If you have included your full name and
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Lamar Alexander
United States Senator, Tennessee
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Best regards,
Senator John Barrasso
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Dear Maria Elizabeth Embry,
Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate hearing from you.
you may know, on Tuesday, February 3, 2009, I was nominated by President Obama to serve as Secretary of Commerce. Thus, in
my capacity as Senator, I will no longer be participating in debate in the Senate as the confirmation process moves forward.
has been an honor and pleasure to serve you for the past 16 years in the Senate, as well as in the House of Representatives
and as your Governor.
Thank you, again, for sharing your thoughts with me. Sincerely,
Judd Gregg United States Senator, New Hampshire
WW2 U.S. Veterans Provision in the Stimulus
Monday, February 9, 2009 9:47
"m e" <>
Dear Honorable Senator
Please support the Filipino WW2 U.S. Veterans provision in the Stimulus Bill
Thank you for your input. A reply will be sent
as soon as possible either by return e-mail or regular postal mail
Dear Maria Elizabeth Embry, Thank you for contacting
me. I will be in touch with you shortly.
James Inhofe United
States Senator, Oklahoma
Thank you!
Mike Johanns
U.S. Senator for the State of Nebraska
Thank you for contacting my office to express
your views and concerns. It is an honor and a privilege to represent the people of Nebraska
in the United States Senate, and I want to be responsive to your needs and concerns.
Mike Johanns United States Senator, Nebraska
Please consider this e-mail an acknowledgement
that I have received your comments
Mel Martinez
United States Senator, Florida
you for contacting me.
Lisa Murkowski
United States Senator, Alaska
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James E. Risch
United States Senator
order to best serve you, we ask that you use electronic mail for issue and legislative correspondence only.
Thank you for expressing your views.
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Thank you for contacting our office.
Someone will be in contact with you soon.
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Kindest regards,
United States Senator, South Dakota
Thank you for your interest.
We received your request and someone
from our office will be in contact with you soon.
Thank you!
Thank you for contacting me.
Roger Wicker
United States Senator, Mississippi
Ms Maria Elizabeth Embry, Thank you for contacting
us! We will be in touch with you shortly!
Shelby, Senator (Shelby) |
Tue, 2/10/09 |
8KB |
| |
Filipino WW11 U.S. Veterans
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:50 AM
Dear Honorable Sen Lugar,
First of all, I would like to thank you, dear Senator for all the assistance
you have given to the Filipinos, especially for voting with Senators Hagel, Murkoski, Specter, Voinovich & Warner
in S.A. 4572 that kept the Filipino WW11 U.S. veterans (Filvets) provision in the S-1315. I understand that most likely you
will not be voting for the stimulus plan that has the Filvets provision. I want you to know that you still have my utmost
respect & endless gratitude for being such a longtime supporter & friend of the Filipinos.
Allow me also to give you a copy of what I have been circulating to advance
the cause of the Filvets.
Maria Elizabeth Embry |
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