For Pres. Truman visit our webpage Rescission Acts of 1946
Fact Sheet: Pres. George W. Bush Announcements
Related to the Visit of Pres Arroyo May 19, 2003 |
Veterans Benefits: Commitment to support legislation extending new benefits to veterans
lawfully residing in the United States, including: full rate service connected disability compensation; eligibility for burial
at national cemeteries and burial benefits for New Scouts; full rate dependence and indemnity compensation (DIC) to the survivors
of New Scouts, Commonwealth Army veterans and guerrillas; and comprehensive health care eligibility to Commonwealth Army veterans
and New Scouts. Commitment to support reauthorization for the regional Veterans Affairs office in Manila…$500,000 in
medical equipment to the Veterans Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City to improve medical care for Filipino veterans in the Philippines.
Pres. George W. Bush Remarks Following
Discussions With Pres. Gloria Arroyo of the Philippines
and an Exchange With Reporters November 20, 2001 |
Q. Did you ask the U.S. President to support the veterans equity bill?
President Bush. The what bill?
Q. The Filipino veterans equity bill.
President Bush. Oh, the veterans security. She did bring up the issue. And she strongly brought
it up, and she was an advocate
Joint Statement Between President George W. Bush and President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines on the 50th Anniversary of the U.S.-
Philippine Alliance November 20, 2001 | The United States and the Republic of the Philippines today commemorated
the 50th anniversary of the signing of the U.S.-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty, during the visit of President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo to Washington, D.C.In commemorating the anniversary, President Bush acknowledged the brave contribution that Filipino
Veterans of World War II have made to freedom and democracy, and stated that he will carefully consider all legislative proposals
to ensure the sacrifices of these veterans are recognized
Pres Clinton 2000
This legislation also enhances benefits for Filipino
veterans of World War II who currently receive disability compensation and burial benefits at a rate equal to one-half the
rate that U.S. veterans receive. It reinforces the long-overdue step taken by the Departments
of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001, that authorizes
the payment of these benefits at the full rate to Filipino veterans who have
become U.S. citizens or are permanent residents and reside in the United States. In addition, this Act extends to these
veterans the eligibility for burial in national cemeteries.
Note: S. 1402, approved November 1, was assigned Public Law No. 106- 419.
Remarks Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson Upon
Signing Bill Providing Benefits for Philippine War Veterans. October 11,
1966 |
When Pres. Marcos of the Philippines visited us a short time
ago, he talked to me about a number of inequities and injustices which the passage of time had brought to our Filipino allies.
I urged the Congress to correct these unintentional inequities as promptly as they could.
The Congress responded wholeheartedly. So, today,
we have come here to sign the last of three measures enacted by the Congress since President Marcos' visit to deal with these
The first act expands educational benefits for
children of diseased and disabled war veterans; the second act provides greater hospital and medical benefits for Filipino
This measure deals specifically with two matters
of importance to Filipino veterans. It will enable us to refund to them wartime insurance premiums, which they need not have
paid, but which were collected in error during those hectic and confusing days of the Second World War. It will also restore
to them the full amount of benefits that were originally intended in 1946.
As enacted, the bill (H.R. 16557), providing benefits for Philippine veterans, is Public Law 89-641
Congress enacted Public Law 89-641(38 U.S.C. 107) changing the payment basis from
1 peso per dollar to the peso equivalent of $0.50 for each dollar
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