"We will continue to honor our promises to all veterans
including Filipino veterans, especially with regards to citizenship and family reunification." Source: Democratic
Party Denver Convention 8/25-8/28/2008
Pls forward to: Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 1:14 PM
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
S. 1315 9/2008
Thank you for contacting Majority Leader Steny Hoyer
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 1:29 PM
"Steny Hoyer" <steny.hoyer@mail.house.gov>
Dear Ms. Embry,
Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion. I believe citizen input is an essential part of the democratic process,
and I value hearing your thoughts.
Due to the volume of email I receive, it may not be possible to personally respond to your comments. However, please be
assured that your opinion will be read and considered by my staff.
I would also suggest that you share your opinion with your local member of Congress.
You can do so on their individual website or on the official House website.
Finally, I would like to invite you to sign up for my Leader’s Report e-newsletter, my report from the Capitol to the American People on what House Democrats are doing to lead America in a new direction. The report is sent out on the Friday of every week Congress is in session.
Sincerely yours, STENY H. HOYER
From Rep James Clyburn:
Your information was submitted.
This is an exciting time in Washington, DC. I am honored
my peers have elected me to serve as Majority Whip for the 110th Congress. I look forward to this challenge, and thank
the people of the Sixth Congressional District for giving me the opportunity to represent their interests and those of our
country in the new Congress.
Best regards
Support from: Rep. Ellen Tauscher
Response from Representative Tauscher
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 16:21:35 -0400
2459 Rayburn HOB - Washington, D.C. 20515 - (202) 225-1880 2121 North California
Blvd. Suite 555, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 - (925) 932-8899
Dear Ms. Embry:
Thank you for informing me of your support for S. 1315,
the Veterans' Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007. Currently, this bill is awaiting consideration by the House of Representatives.
I look forward to supporting this bill when it comes to a vote.
Correspondence from constituents like you is essential
to my work in Congress, and I hope that you will continue to inform me of your concerns. I value your input as I work
to shape national policies to reflect the views of California 's 10th District. To learn more about what I'm doing in Washington, please visit my website, www.house.gov/tauscher, and sign up for my e-newsletter. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact my office at 925-932-8899
or 202-225-1880.
F/U e-mail sent to Cong. Ellen Tauscher by calling & leaving messages
to her Wash D. C. & Antioch Ca offices; talked to "Annie " of Walnut Creek office 8/18/2008 3:30 P.M. verbalized concern
to her Re: S. 1315 esp. Cong Tauscher together w/ Blue Dogs. Annie stated "not a Blue Dog this
year, but has not taken any position yet w/ S.1315"
My name is Maria Elizabeth
Embry. I am a 9th generation American (Embry from colonial Virginia). I am also a native of the Philippines & I care about
the passage of S.1315 Veterans Benefits Enhancement Bill. I respectfully
ask your position to this bill which I understand will be hopefully on the calendar this coming September. If you are supporting the
bill, please accept my heartfelt gratitude.
However, if you are objecting its passage, I humbly ask the reasons why you
would not vote for a bill that passed the Senate 96-1. I would like to offer arguments to your position. Incidentally,
I am an amateur researcher who maintain six websites that deal with the participation of the Filipinos in U.S. military
while the Philippines was a U.S. colony (WW1 & WW11) & later as an independent republic (Korea, Vietnam & Iraq wars). My 6th website is
about Filipinos buried in the Arlington Cemetery.
I believe that
because of my strong Filipino military heritage & intimate knowledge about my country's history I am capable of responding to
any misinformation about the role of the Filipinos in the U.S. military.
One argument that was circulating in the Senate before this bill was adopted was - it is not appropriate to extend benefits
to foreigners like Filipino veterans who are not U.S. citizens & are Philippine residents. But then, does anybody
ever figure out why foreigners like Filipinos would be conscripted, drafted to U.S. Armed Forces
(WW1 WW11)? Another argument was-it is the duty of the Filipinos to defend the Philippines during the 2nd World War. Actually,
it is the duty of the U.S. to defend the Philippines, since it was her colonial possession during WW11. To quote: Colin Powell "if you break it, you own it". Therefore, to reject S.1315
is to perpetuate the evilness & historical military injustice created by the Rescission Act of 1946.
I hope
to hear from you or your office regarding your position on this matter.
Maria Elizabeth
Antioch Ca 94509
/2/2008 e-mail sent to Rep. Bud Cramer of Alabama, 5th district thru website, will not print
copy of recepit
Thank you for your e-mail to my office. I appreciate having the benefit of your thoughts.
This auto-response
is to ensure that I have sufficient information to be able to respond to your concerns. It is not a complete response
to your letter. If you are a resident of the Second District of Arkansas, please be sure that you included your address
in your previous mailing. If you did not, please forward it to snyder.congress@mail.house.gov <mailto:snyder.congress@mail.house.gov>. This will enable me to respond to you more quickly and with a complete answer. Regrettably, due to the large
number of e-mails I receive, I am only able to reply to citizens of Arkansas. If you are not from Arkansas, I encourage you to contact your representative in Congress by going to <http://www.house.gov/writerep>.
Please know that I appreciate your taking the time to write. I hope that you will contact me if I can be
of service to you in the future.
Vic Snyder,
Member of Congress
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 19:44:18 -0700 (PDT)
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
Re: Keeping track
Mr. David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Dear Mr. Plouffe,
With all due respect to you, Sir you seem to be out-of-touch yourself like you accused Sen McCain of being so. I
sent your campaign operatives an e-mail because I am concerned about the matter of S. 1315 which Sen Obama “I supported
it first, before I did not really supported it by not showing up in the Senate to vote for it” (BTW, the same stance
that Sen McCain pulled & I am holding him also accountable for such dastardly act). I believe this is the reason why my
e-mail address landed in your mailing list of supporters which was never my intention.
You see Sir, I do not spend sleepless nights
worrying about who’s the richer, more thrifty/spendthrift or what not, among the two economically well-off presidential
candidates. Although, I both wish them well for the sake of the United States & all Americans, however my main worry is
the passage of S. 1315 (with the provision for WW11 Filipino Veterans) in the House of Representatives considering it met
such a fierce opposition in the Senate given the strong lobby of The American Legion.Now, that its fate
is in the hands of our Representatives, many had taken notice that the Blue Dogs & other Democrats running for re-election are in a vulnerable position to fight The American Legion’s lobbying efforts and most
likely will vote against the passage of S. 1315.
I am not in any position to scare the daylights out of our good Senator Obama, but should the S. 1315 fail, the situation
of elderly WW11 United States Filipino veterans subjected to elder abuse & neglect
by the United States government will be more dire. Either as a Senator or as an elected President of the United States this
situation will follow Sen Obama.
Therefore, I would be very appreciative of Sen Obama stating not only his support of S. 1315, but importantly
in lobbying among the Blue Dogs & other Democrats in the House of Representatives.
Thank you for your attention to this
Very Respectfully,
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Registered Voter
Political Party: Did not State
David Plouffe, BarackObama.com" <info@barackobama.com> wrote:
Maria --
If somebody asked you,
you probably wouldn't have to think about it.
But when a reporter asked John McCain how many houses he owns, he stumbled
and said, "I think -- I'll have my staff get to you."
If you're like the millions of people who are struggling to keep
up with their mortgage, you might have a different perspective.
Not only does John McCain have trouble keeping track
of all his houses, he looks at record gas prices and a crippling foreclosure crisis and thinks the economy is fundamentally
"strong." And last weekend he said anyone making less than $5 million a year isn't rich.
This is the side of John McCain
his campaign wants to hide.
So yesterday, we launched a TV ad to show everyone how out-of-touch John McCain is with
the economic realities of regular Americans.
But if we're going to get the truth out, it's going to take all of us
working together to make it happen.
Wake up folks! Re: Sen Obama & Mccain- it does not matter how both of these honorable gentlemen spin their
so-called support for the Filipino WW11 Veterans Equity Rights S.1315 check the vote records in the Senate and it will tell
'ya that both of them did not vote that day. 96 voted yes 1 voted no. None of
these votes came from Sen Obama or Sen Mccain. Now the fate of S.1315 is in the
hands of the House of Representatives. Call your Congressman (woman) & let them know that you care
for the welfare of this bill. Peace!
Response by Sen Obama's campaign org. to the above blog I had posted:
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 20:43:50 -0400
"Maria Embry" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
"Obama for America" <info@barackobama.com>
online receipt 8/11/2008
Thanks for signing up.
Thank you for contacting the DCCC. We value your feedback because we know that
together America can do better. With your help, we are confident we can maintain a Democratic Majority and get America moving
forward again.
The DCCC Action Center
sent the ff e-mail before I found out that both Senators Obama & McCain
did not vote for S. 1315. I don't know about you guys but, such action taken in the context of political tactics-It is brilliant!-
considering that they would be facing opposition from the powerful The American Legion.
However, talking about personal courage-Sucks! Stink-o! Numero Uno!
S.1315 and Democratic Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
Mr. Chris Van Holdem,
I am requesting that you forward this e-mail to all Democrats Members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
This is regarding the pending bill S.1315 (waiting for calendar). I fear that if I sent this e-mail to them individually
that it may end up in their junk mail. Copy of this e-mail could be accessed thru my website: http://filipinos-ww2usmilitaryservice.tripod.com/id18.html
I would
like to extend my gratitude to Sen Obama for his support to S. 1315. Good luck to him and to the Democratic Party in
this coming convention & election.
Elizabeth Embry
To: The Honorable Member of the U.S. House of Representative
Dear Sir/Madam:
(e-mail similar to the e-mail sent to Hon. Ellen
Tauscher pasted here)
Sun, 10 Aug 2008 16:31:04 -0700 (PDT)
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
Re: S. 1315
Kristen Hawn
Communications Director
Ms. Hawn:
I would appreciate it very much if you could forward copy of this e-mail to the members
of the Democrats Bluedogs Re: S.1315. I sent similar request to Hon. Ellen Tauscher (D-Ca), of the Congressional
district of my residence and Hon. Steve Buyer (R-Indiana). I am also enclosing a
copy of my e-mail to the American Legion, Legislative Division.
you so much for your attention regarding this matter.
Elizabeth Embry
Ca 94509
For viewing convenience
copy of this letter is online on this website:
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude
in your support to our WW11 Filipnos Veterans. Allow me to give you copies of letters & e-mails I had sent to the American
Legion, Legislative Division, Rep. Ellen Tauscher, the Blue Dogs Coalition, Rep. Steve Buyer, the American Legion and others
who I feel would be reluctant to vote for S. 1315, the overdue bill giving justice to the WW11 Filipino Veterans. Again, thank
Maria Elizabeth Embry
receipt 8/11/2008
Us Thank you!
Thank you for your e-mail. Your views are very
important to me and I appreciate that you have taken the time to contact me. I will respond to your concerns as soon as possible.
Please be aware that my office is receiving approximately 400 e-mails from constituents every day. I personally approve each
response regarding my policy positions so our response time is slower than I wish. My staff is working very hard to make our
system as efficient as possible.
This automated response is to acknowledge that your e-mail has been delivered to my e-mail account. Thank you so much for
taking the time to complete the webform on my House website and for sharing with me your concerns. I truly appreciate hearing
from you.
Thank you for contacting the Office of U.S. Representative Grace Napolitano. If you included your
mailing address in your message, and you are a resident of the 38th district of California,
you will receive a response. Unfortunately, we cannot reply to email from outside of the 38th district of California.
Please call our district office immediately at 562-801-2134 if you emailed concerning problems
you are having with immigration, veterans, social security, or other federal services. For questions on the status
of issues and bills before Congress, please call 202-225-5256 or visit our website at www.napolitano.house.gov for more options.
Many thanks for using my website contact form. Hearing from constituents of California's 36th Congressional District is
the best way for me to represent your views in the United States Congress.
However, due to the large volume of e-mail I receive, it is not always possible to immediately and personally answer each
message. If you need timely assistance and/or help with a casework issue, please contact my offices in El Segundo, Wilmington, or Washington.
8/2008 Dedicated to The American Legion, The U.S.
House of Representatives & others.
With some tweaking of the lyrics by M.E. "Pinay",
the original song credit belongs to Bob Dylan.
Blowin’ in the Wind
Contact Us Online
Thank you for contacting
us. We appreciate your comments.
Friends of Hillary
4420 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA22203
Headquarters: 703.469.2008
Fax: 703.962.8600
10/11/2008 11:30 PM
California Time
Thank you for taking
the time to write us.
Please be assured that
your email will be read. However, due to the high volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to each email
individually. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Thank you for your
Clinton Foundation Web Team
Sunday, October 12, 2008 1:40
John Lewis" <imaga05.pub@mail.house.gov>
Thank you for contacting me via e-mail. I appreciate
hearing from you and learning your views
Contact for Joan Baez:
claire@rwpublicity.comBlowin’ in the Wind 12:58 AM 7KB
Read richard@rwpublicity.comBlowin’ in the Wind 12:55 AM 7KB
Readmary@sacksco.comBlowin’ in the Wind 12:55 AM 7KB
Read crook@crookpro.comBlowin’ in the Wind 12:53 AM 7KB
Readinfo@highroadtouring.comBlowin’ in the Wind 12:53 AM 7KB
Readjbwebpages@aol.comBlowin’ in the Wind 12:46 AM 6KB
Read ms44post@aol.comBlowin’ in the Wind 12:44 AM 7KB
Pres Bush Administration Policy:
S. 1315 - Veterans Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007 April 22, 2008
The Administration has supported
appropriate expansion of benefits for veterans, including Filipino veterans. In 2003, the President signed a bill that increased
disability compensation, survivor benefits, and burial benefits for certain Filipino veterans living in the United
States. However, the Administration has concerns with S. 1315 because it would increase benefits
for Filipino veterans who reside in the Philippines to a much higher level
relative to benefits provided to veterans who reside in the United States.
..S. 1315 would provide annual pension benefits for Filipino veterans living in the Philippines of $4,500 for married veterans and $3,600 for single veterans. Given
that the average annual family income in the Philippines is $2,864, these
Filipino veterans would have a relative benefit much greater than the average veteran pensioner living in the United States, who receives about 30 percent of the average U.S. family income as a pension. The bill also would increase the disability compensation
rate and burial allowance paid to Filipino veterans living in the Philippines
from 50 percent on the dollar to 100 percent, which is equivalent to the rate paid all veterans living in the United States. The bill would eliminate the ability to differentiate
between the standards of living in the United States and the Philippines. In addition to the benefit expansions, S. 1315
also would entitle all Filipino veterans living in the Philippines access
to the ManilaVA outpatient
clinic, doubling the eligible population and straining the clinic's capabilities and quality of care. These expanded benefits
would increase mandatory spending by $2.1 billion over 10 years.
The Administration also has serious concerns about certain insurance provisions in S. 1315, including a provision
that would shift the cost of administering the Service Disabled Veterans' Insurance program from the General Operating Fund
to the Veterans Insurance and Indemnities Fund. To ensure transparency, the cost of administering these entitlements should
be separate and distinct from the cost of the entitlements themselves. Furthermore, supplementing a discretionary appropriation
with mandatory receipts is not an acceptable budgeting practice. The bill also would more than double the maximum amount of
Veterans Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI) and create a new life insurance product for veterans who are under 65 years old and
have a service-connected disability. The Administration believes the current range of life insurance benefits, which includes
Veterans Group Life Insurance, Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance, and VMLI, provides an appropriate level of insurance.
These provisions would increase mandatory spending by $382 million over 10 years.
The Administration notes
that the bill includes an Administration proposal to ensure consistency in determining special monthly pension benefits. The
Administration believes, however, that the savings from this proposal would be better spent on priorities identified in the
President's Budget to increase direct care and support to wounded, ill, and injured veterans
RE: Web Site Contact Form
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 1:40 PM
"John Boehner" <AsktheLeader@mail.house.gov>
Thank you for contacting the Office of the House Republican Leader. Your thoughts are important to me and are appreciated.
Due to the volume of E-mail I receive, it may not be possible to personally respond to your comments. However, please be assured
that your comments are important to me and my colleagues.
John A. Boehner
Republican Leader
Thank you for Contacting Republican Whip Roy Blunt
Thank you for taking the time
to pass along your comments. They have been recorded, time-stamped, and sent via email directly to the member of my staff
best equipped to respond to your inquiry or suggestion. If you require further assistance, please contact my Whip office at 202-225-0197. Thank you again for stopping by.
House Republican
Policy Committeehttp://policy.house.gov/htbin/formproc/republican-policy/form_mail.txt&display=/republican-policy/thank_you.shtml
Thank You
Thank you for sending
your message about “S.1315” to the Committee.
(receipt of e-mail sent 9/3/2003 by M.Embry)
The ff e-mail was sent to Mr. Alfarero, Filipino member of the California delegation to GOP National Convention on 9/1/9/4/2008
& I also let a message on his phone (XXX-XXX-XXXX) 8/19/2008 5:42 P.M. that I am very concerned about Sen McCain not voting
for S. 1315, etc Later, that evening Mr. Alfarero returned my call; verbalized concerns w/ him Re: Sen McCain not voting for
S.1315; also talked other topics like convention, etc.
Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:56:37 -0700 (PDT)
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
Truth About Senators Obama & Mccain's Re: S.1315
Wake up folks! Re: Sen Obama & Mccain- it does not matter how both of these honorable gentlemen spin their so-called support
for the Filipino WW11 Veterans Equity Rights S.1315 check the vote records
in the Senate and it will tell 'ya that both of them did not vote that day. 96
voted yes 1 voted no. None of these votes came from Sen Obama or Sen Mccain. Now the fate of
S.1315 is in the hands of the House
of Representatives. Call your Congressman (woman) & let them know that you care for
the welfare of this bill. Peace!
Republican National Committee.
We certainly appreciated your email, and will include your thoughts in our report to the Chairman. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the future with any of your thoughts, opinions or observations
I sent the ff e-mail before I found out that both Senators Obama & McCain did
not vote for S. 1315. I don't know about you guys but, such action taken in the context of political tactics-It is brilliant!-
considering that they would be facing opposition from the powerful The American Legion.
However, talking about personal courage-Sucks! Stink-o! Numero Uno!
Mon, 11 Aug 2008 07:03:40 -0700 (PDT)
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
S. 1315 and Republican Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
Office of the Chairman Mike Duncan, RNC Chairman
Dear Mr. Mike Duncan,
Sir, I am requesting that you forward this e-mail to all Republican Members
of the U.S. House of Representatives. This is regarding the pending bill S.1315 (waiting for calendar).
I fear that if I sent this e-mail to them individually that it may end up in their junk mail. Copy of this e-mail could be
accessed thru my website:
I would like to extend my gratitude to Sen McCain for his support to S. 1315. Good luck to him and
to the Republican Party in this coming convention & election.
Maria Elizabeth Embry
To: The Honorable Member of the U.S. House of Representative
Dear Sir/Madam:
similar to the e-mail sent to Hon. Ellen Tauscher pasted here)
Mon, 11 Aug 2008 19:39:03 -0700 (PDT)
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
List of Republican Members of House of Representatives
Would it be possible to obtain from your office a list of current members of the House of Representatives running for
re-election 2008-2009?
If you have the info online I would appreciate if you could provide the website address.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch Ca 94509
ReadSteve.Buyer@mail.house.govBlowin’ in the Wind
12:50 AM 7KB
Dear Maria Embry, Thank you for contacting me. Our staff will be in touch with you shortly.
Ted Stevens United States Senator, Alaska
E-mail Senator Stevens
Please type in your message:
Sen Stevens Dear Sir: I would like you to know that I am sincerely praying for you & your family at this difficult
phase of your life. I would also like to extend my profuse gratitude for your assistance to the WW11 Filipino U.S. veterans
during their fight for equity in the Senate. Rest assured, Sir that your place in history is not as significant as your
place in the hearts of the people that you had given the utmost devotion & to whom you had given excellent service. You
already had built your monument in our hearts and after everything has been said & done, this will endure more than anything
else. God bless. Sincerely, Maria Elizabeth Embry
Please use the following
form to contact Senator John McCain with your questions, comments, and concerns. Fields marked with an * are required to receive
a response.
Your comment has been submitted. You can review
and print a copy of your message below.
Re: Your article "Lawmakers Compromise on Filipino Vet Pensions" Source:
Army Times online dated 9/18/2008 about the following:
"Buyer still is not completely on board, expressing concern that providing payments to Filipinos
could lead French, Italian and other nationalities who helped in World War II to also seek benefits
from the U.S."
I am truly amazed that Honorable
Rep Buyer keeps on verbalizing such lack of historical knowledge. Other nationalities were not drafted in the U.S. Armed Forces during WW11. Filipinos were drafted not only during WW2,
but also during WW1 in the United States Armed Forces because the Philippines was a United States colony.
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch California 94509
Army Times: Lawmakers Compromise on Filipino Vet Pensions
Monday, September 22, 2008 4:55 PM
"m e" <pinay_492001@yahoo.com>
Letter (similar to Rep Tauscherr letter) mailed 8/9/2008 with copy of American Legion letter to :
Thank you for submitting your comments and/or questions. The information below has been transmitted to my office and constituents
of California's 26th congressional district will receive a reply via the U.S. Postal Service soon.
Thanks to Mr. Pete Shane Feliciano Yapit for giving permission via e-mail on
9/20/2008 7:09 AM to publish RE: Reply from Congressman Doug Lamborn: S.1315 Filipino WWII Veteran
-----Original Message----- From:
Congressman Doug Lamborn [mailto:co05ima@mail.house.gov] Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 8:51 PM To: Mr Pete Yapit e-mailxxxxxx.com Subject:
Reply from Congressman Doug Lamborn
This is a
note to let you know that I received your email, and I appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns.
As always,
it’s good to hear from my constituents. Once again, thank you for your insight. Rest assured that I will keep your comments in
Should you
have additional questions or concerns about this or any other legislative issue, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.
If you are
inquiring about a scheduling request, or a matter that requires further assistance, please contact my Colorado Springs office at (719)