Filipino WW2 U.S. Veterans Fight 4 Equity

Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2002

Filing of FVEC Claims thru the VA
Advocacy for FVEC
FVEC, Equity or Not Equity?
Ongoing Lobby post FVEC
Filvets Excluded from "Missouri List"
Sgt Realuyo: Bury Me @ Arlington
FVEC in the Media
H.R. 1 & S. 366
Lobby for S.366
H.R. 2638
Other Bills Enacted to Law
Pending Bills
Legislation GRAVEYARD
H.R. 6897
S. 1315 & S.A. 4572
S. 1315: the Democrats & the Republicans
The American Legion & Other Oppositionists
Senate & House Honoring Filvets
Legislative Reports
Legislative Testimonies
Supporters 4 Filvets
In Their Own Words
PhilAm Organizations & Activists
Immigration & Nationality Act
Hibi & Other Court Cases
Gregorio Rivera's Citizenship
Rescission Acts of 1946
U.S. Presidents & the Filvets
A Plea for U.S. Apology
Philippine Presidents & the Filvets
Filipino WW2 U.S. Veterans Name List A-Z
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2002
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2003
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2004
Balitang Beterano by Col Quesada 2005-2007
Ordeal in War's Hell by Col Quesada
Freedom @ Dawn by Col Quesada
Col Frank Quesada, RIP


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Webpage Contents:


FEATURE SERIES: BALITANG BETERANO (VETERANS NEWS) 11/11/2002 11/13/2002 11/14/2002



DISCRIMINATION IN THE U.S.A. 11/18/2002 11/19/2002

BELIEVE IT OR NOT 11/20/2002















( A Reconstituted )




History: Bataan has fallen (part 2)








NEVADA, USA, November 11, 2002 Special to PHNO (By Col. Frank B. Quesada, USA Ret. Former U.S. Senate Committee Secretary; Veterans and Military Pension Associate, PMA Class ‘44)


In response to many queries from Fil-Am WW-II veterans and the public, on war veteran’s matters, here are some vital information to their questions as regards to Fil-Am veteran’s struggle for justice and fairness.

This will also familiarize my cavaliers, some of them were World War II veterans, and those whose parents saw how the Stars and Stripes was hurled down by the triumphant Japanese Forces that invaded the Philippines in 1941.

This, however, included some rough edges of lopsided Fil-Am relationship – if the truth must be told.

Re: Matter of how Filipinos were involved in America’s war against Japan.? And why American politicians wanted the Philippines as its colony?

Historical Background

The Philippine Islands became a Commonwealth of he U.S. ( a colony or a protectorate of the U.S.) by virtue, and under the terms and conditions of the Treaty of Paris.

Spain ceded the Philippines to the U.S. after it he defeat of Spain by Filipino freedom founders ( the revolucionarios) that vanquished the Spaniards after 300 hundred years of abuse and cupidity.

Consequently, in 1998 - U.S. Admiral G. Dewey, an enterprising hustler intervened as an alien broker, who convinced the Spaniards to surrender to the itinerant U.S. forces instead. But not to Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, after a mock battle staged by Dewey to justify a U.S. scheme - even though President E. Aguinaldo had already established a Philippine Republic earlier that had sovereignty over the islands, and over the vanquished Spaniards. Cowering Spaniards dreaded to surrender to Filipinos to suffer reprisal under the blow of Filipino unforgiving retaliation. A shaman, Dewey therefore had suckered trusting Aguinaldo into a sham surrender of the Spaniards to him rather than the triumphant Filipino revolutionaries to implement Pres. McKinley’s enchanting scheme of a "benevolent assimilation" of Filipinos under fascinating annexation.

Pres. W. McKinley’s Gambit

History had it - that Dewey was acting under the secret orders of Pres. W. McKinley, who had avid designs of owning the Philippines as a U.S. priced colony - if artfully weaned from Spain.

Filipinos and the Philippines–was ceded from Spain, and paid for by the U.S. for the paltry sum of $20 million dollars in a disrepute baratillo (garage-sale) purchase.

To describe it more succinctly, the Philippine Islands, one of the richest in natural resources and under-priced man- power in the Asian region, was taken over by the U.S. as its colony under what Filipinos perceived under concessionary terms. And under a guise of making the archipelago as a coal-refueling station of American naval battleships and later by commercial merchant vessels.

Priced Possession

Behind such overt reason, the Philippine archipelago was actually a vital strategic cluster of islands – nested at the mouth of South China Sea. Its geographic location, virtually control the gateway to the international and regional shipping trade routes, more particularly the vital flow of fuel oil from the Middle East to the Pacific Rim ( Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, and China being carved by Caucasian colonial powers ( Great Britain, U.S., France, Netherlands, etc., in Asia. for themselves as their pet colonial turf.

Whoever command and control access to this narrow sea access – dominate the politics and economics of oil – as a nutrient to the health of any aspiring world power.

The U.S. therefore have placed a high price and vital importance of America’s presence in the Philippines – to the doorway to the oil dependent South Asia region. Thus - have (von mot) strived to conceitly remain in the Philippines as long as possible to maintain U.S. dominance as a world power in Asia, and at the same time exploit the abundant natural and mineral resources.

An Adroit Purchase

Such adroit bargain basement purchase – was seen as an adept act of conceding the archipelago to the U.S. under at dirt cheap deal - considering that:

(1) The Philippines consisting of 7,112 islands, with a combined area of no less than 200,000 square kilometers, with then a population of 10,000,000 Filipinos – could be a garage-sale baratillo concessionary purchase of approximately. $2.00 per head of a Filipino, and approximately $0.67 cents per hectare of abundant natural and mineral resources sorely needed by the U.S.

(2) The abundant natural resources of the Philippines that could be exploited under a so-called "special relations" has been despised and criticized by Filipinos as a cruel hoax, and a grave insult to the Filipino race and sovereign ownership.

(3) And especially the exploitation of Filipinos manpower under a so-called "special relations" that was said as an artifice of deceit and double-talk.

Likewise grave insult to the Filipino race. Filipino irritation over Yankee persistent presence in the country, and their lack of concern towards problems of relationship, has been more often felt more by Filipinos than by the in-planted Yankees.

Raw deal perpetrated by the U.S. politicians, but not the will of the benevolent American people continued for half a century, not to leave out the subsequent shabby treatment by he U.S. government of the Filipino-American World War II ex-servicemen of the U.S. Army has been one of the noted irritations that drives Filipinos to conclude that something putrid is behind an avid policy.

Start of active military service of Filipinos in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Filipinos were conscripted by Pres. F.D.Roosevelt, by invoking powers vested upon him by the Tyding-McDuffe Act of 1934, as Commander-in- Chief, by virtue and under Public Law 73-127, Section (2)(a) 48 Stat. 457, 458 (1934).

It provided that the President of the U.S.could conscript Filipinos as U.S. "nationals (born within the dominion), were U.S., citizens," according to the opinion of U.S..Circuit Court Judge Harry Pregerson, stating that ", and were legitimate members of the organized military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines."

Conscripted By Roosevelt

Filipinos upon conscription by Roosevelt into the U.S. Armed Forces – legally commenced their active and honorable military service as bona-fide member of the armed services of the U.S.A like any member of the U.S. Armed services. Let there be no mistake about that !

The text of Pres. Roosevelt’s Military Order of July 26, 1941 stated as follows:

"I hereby call and order into the service of he armed Forces of the United States for the period of the existing emergency, and ace them under the command of a General Officer , U.S. Army, all organized military forces of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines."

Upon formal induction and incorporation of Filipino servicemen into the United States Army Forces in the Far East (SAFFE), and after taking the oath of allegiance to the United States of America, Filipinos legitimately became bona-fide members of the U.S. Armed Forces, were subjected to and under the articles of War, more particularly Sections 58 and 61, made applicable to them. Foremost of which – was desertion and absence without leave punishable by death.

By November 1941, there were reported around 200,000 Filipinos who answered the call to colors by Pres. Roosevelt, majority ( some 154,000) of them were trained by, and under the tutelage of the Command of Gen. Douglas McArthur, as Philippine Military Adviser to Commonwealth Pres. Manuel L. Quezon, and under the U.S. defense plan War Plan Orange. To be continued in this section



NEVADA, USA, November 13, 2002 Special to PHNO (By Col. Frank B. Quesada)

Filipinos were U.S. Servicemen

Their status as members of the U.S. Armed Forces, more specifically in the United States Army Forces in the Far east (USAFFE), actually made them U.S. servicemen like any other member of the U.S Armed Forces, in the Philippines under Gen. McArthur, assisted by the then, Col. Dwight Eisenhower.

Eisenhower was an associate of my late father, Capt. Roman N. Quesada, member of the Corps of Professors, who help train the Reserve Service School (ROSS), consisting of Filipino professionals, holding ranks as Commissioned Officers..

Failure of Conveyance

However, in the case of the Filipino enlisted men (EM) in the U.S. Army - they were not clearly informed or formally advised by American officers who inducted and incorporated them into the U.S. Army – of their rights and privileges as well as benefits entitled to them as members of the U.S.. Army.

They were issued U.S uniforms, U.S. rations, outmoded arms and ammo of (1903 World War I vintage) nevertheless, were left vague about their wages, allowances and benefits as they were assembled and driven into combat against the Imperial Japanese Forces that invaded the Philippines in 1941.

They fought blindly under War Plan Orange, like an infirm plant gingerly nurtured on the drawing board of the USAFFE, sorely lacking from adequate logistics to repel any invading enemy.

They were deployed in different land and sea defenses of the USAFFE in the archipelago, in 10 different military districts, commanded by American and Filipino U.S. commissioned officers.

Second Class U.S. Servicemen

Came – December 8, 1941 – the invasion of he Philippines by he Japanese Imperial Forces, Filipinos in the USAFFE remained bald and naked about their rightful wages, allowances and benefits, only to discover in the frontlines that the Filipino EMs were paid only half of the pay received by American comrades. They wore the same uniform, partook the same rations, commanded by U.S. General Officers, fought shoulder-to-shoulder with American comrades against just one enemy – the obdurate Japanese Military Forces, but remained as "second class EMs".

Racial and Economic Discrimination

With low morale, they rudely woke up to such invidious discrimination. Grievance was lodged to their commanders, who in turn brought it to the attention of their top commanders, not to leave -out Gen. Macarthur,

In the heat of battles in Bataan and Corregidor, efforts were made by the top echelon to request by radiogram the U.S. War Department to equalize the pay of the EMs, to make it at par with the pay of their fellow members of e USAFFE to no avail.

Filipino Soldiers were Misled

Filipino EMs contended that they were misled by their officers of the precise terms and conditions of their conscripted military service, under an implied contract that was punctiliously created by the Commander-in-Chief with the Filipino EMs of the U.S. Army, albeit, was un-enforced by the USAFFE which perpetrated a "second class" status of servicemen within the U.S. Army, and which created a big perplexity within the U.S. government.

Well-Guarded Top Secret

It was tightly kept out of the attention of the enemy, and the media, when the USAFFE was still fighting in Bataan for its existence in 1942,. Washington authorities feared the winning Japanese troops could use it as a counter-propaganda against the crumbling USAFFE having been abandoned by Washington D.C. It was a decision reached by Pres. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill to provide priority and support to their distant kin in the European Theatre. Thus – have sacrificed the USAFFE defenders in the Philippines as wretched pawns in World War II.

The USAFFE had been orphaned, critically left to its own existence under the iron heels of the barbaric Japanese Samurais who hated America and Filipinos as their adversary.

In the soggy foxholes of Bataan and the humid laterals of Corregidor’s tunnels, a haunting doggerel was borne out of whack, which was in every lips of the distressed Filipino-American USAFFEs, ran this way:

"We’re the battling Bastards of Bataan, no papa, no mama, no Uncle Sam> No aunts, no uncles, no cousins, no nieces,. No pills, no planes, no artillery pieces; and nobody gives a damn."

Commonwealth Pres. Manuel L. Quezon, deeply concerned about their status and welfare of his constituents, writhing in anguish, had candidly told Pres. Roosevelt and Gen. McArthur, and I quote:

"The fate of a distant cousin (referring to Europe) to be saved by America, came first, while a daughter (referring to the Philippines) is being raped in the back room." This stunned Roosevelt and McArthur, however, was kept from the media for fear of being used by the triumphant Japanese invaders against the withering USAFFE in Bataan and Corregidor.

The War Department, however, urged Congress to correct this glaring mistake, however, while bills in Congress were being acted upon, the USAFFE was surrendered by American officers unconditionally to the obdurate Japanese in April 9, 1942 in Bataan.

Both Roosevelt and Churchill’s initial betrayal of the USAFFE since 1941 took its heavy toll against the wretched pawns in the Philippines even before the Japanese had breached he Bataan and Corregidor main defenses. To be continued in this section.


NEVADA, USA, November 14, 2002 Special to PHNO (By Col. Frank B. Quesada).

Cruel Betrayal

Subsequently, Congress ( in a subsequent betrayal) had let the bill lapse stating that, "the USAFFE has already surrendered, and the increase in pay of Filipino servicemen in the USAFFE was therefore useless," which created the unfair economic discrimination, while other members of the U.S. Army enjoyed the full rate of pay, allowances and benefits..

And to add insult to the injury, the outstanding obligation of the U.S to these aging and sickly U.S. veterans have been allowed to fend for over 50 years (since 1946) of indifference and attempted escape by evasion of responsibility of compensating the Filipino U.S.. Army (USAFFE) servicemen.

However, ponderous public opinion of the American people have pressed for justice and fairness – so bills in Congress have been filed in the 80s and 90s to recognize and settle the U.S. debt and obligation to the surviving approx. 50,000 Fil-Am veterans out of the reported 300,000 Filipinos who reported to military active duty n 1941.

Meanwhile, Fil-Am U.S. Army servicemen had been wining court cases in Federal courts, and n the U.S. Supreme Court – but barefacedly ignored by Congress that have posed as an independent and separate republic.

Pres. Abraham Lincoln once said in an enduring speech during the critical time of the Civil War, and I quote:

Excerpts in the Declaration of Independence (dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal). Lincoln set the moral tone ( that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.)

Before the Gettysburg address, the United States was always a plural noun, afterward, we became singular. The United States, one nation, under God, indivisible, said J. Kakim. Therefore, Congress must act accordingly, in consonance with what the Judiciary have decided, and/or have interpreted laws in a final decision. Under God, this nation cannot rise or fall divided.

By union, this nation thrives but by discord this nation crumbles. The obligation of the United States to its fighting men sent to Harms Way – can not just be swept under the rug in the scheme of political misconduct and injury. It is not the will of the American people (taxpayers) to maltreat any loyal servicemen of color, creed and origin that shed blood for freedom. and justice for all Americans.

Accumulated Huge Obligation

The omnibus unsettled obligation of the U.S. was $2.3 billion dollars that included arriers-in-pay, unpaid allowances, wartime-earned benefits, and other earned compensation. Only a minute part thereof has been met – while the U.S. Filipino ex-servicemen are dying quickly each day of disease and want under poverty – sans appreciable relief.

Pressure by the American public and allies that have seen such truculent treatment of Filipino-American veterans of World War II - have finally punctured and pierced the American ‘s conscience, more particularly wandering politicians who have filed some bills in Congress to end the injustice and discrimination, likewise pay the constitutional debt to these hapless WW-II veterans that is now very much less in number.

In a nut-shell, out of the original 300,000 Filipinos conscripted by Pres. Roosevelt in 1941, there are only less than 60,000 survivors left who may yet taste the fruits of their sacrifices that was left to dangle and droop – so there would be very much less to pay.

The notorious Yankee shell game of attrition (not in casinos but in the legislature) – ultimately found it stain upon a government that advertises and enforces human rights all over world. Albeit have also made a negative mark upon its fragile reputation.

It had delimited and injured rightful claimants from enjoying their wartime-earned compensation and benefits in the battlefields denied and/or reduced at a titanic price. ( See: US Army, OMH J.A. study on the matter)

It is more dangerous that even the innocent person should be punished (through prejudice and discrimination) without force of law - than the guilty"

A government, unlike a person has neither shame nor gratitude. And that should be part of the lesson learned from the shifty relationship between the Philippines and the United States.

There are no permanent friends nor allies. No guarantee comes from the bottomless pit of Acheron on a Hill called Washington D.C.

Napoleon I – said, "What is more hard to bear than the reverse of fortune is the baseness, the hideous ingratitude of man."

"And man’s inhumanity to man – makes a countless thousands mourn." R.Burns




NEVADA, USA, November 15, 2002 Special to PHNO (By Col. Frank B. Quesada).

Veteran’s Day was again celebrated with pomp and ceremony here in the U.S.A. - with President George W. Bush leading the honors at Arlington National Cemetery, the hallowed burial ground of my comrades in World War II, and other Conflicts – in a promontory overlooking the Potomac River.

It was also celebrated in many cities by several veteran’s organizations leading the occasion to pay homage to our comrades who have given up their lives for all of us , the living to enjoy the fruits of their sacrifices when they shed blood for Uncle Sam and the U.S. flag.

In the Philippines, Veterans Day ceremonies had to be postponed for the first time owing to the persistent threat of terrorism against freedom-loving Filipinos.

In the backdrop of the U.S. ceremony, President GWB said. "We will not permit a dictator who’s used weapons of mass destruction to threaten America with chemical and biological or nuclear weapons."

Bush was reported to have began his day to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, where there were 58,229 names of our comrades in a war that was not too popular with the American people dead or missing-in-action. He later called the generation of warriors to draw inspiration from those who served – and in many cases have died - before.

"Especially this time of war, we see our veterans an example of courage and selfless sacrifice and service that inspires a new generation and will lead this country to victory."

As taps was played in Arlington, on a rainy day, veterans and guests endued the cold and wet day – to lend honor to our comrades whose foreheads was touched by the finger of God to rest eternally. This day has always been a solemn occasion – for those who offered their supreme sacrifice.

However, amidst this holiday for intrepid heroes, no less than 400,000 retirees from the military who served in different wars and conflicts have greeted the Administration, more specifically the coming lame duck Congress with a simple but direct question, to wit: "Are they (legislators) going to continue to make military retirees (veterans in their own right) pay for their service-connected disabilities?

This issue cropped up when the Administration threatened to reject the per bill of Sen. H. Reid (N-D) seeking payment of both retirement pension and disability. What angered the veterans was the statement of the Administration saying that it is too costly to pay their pensions. Top defense officials and the Administration object to granting retirees both disability and pension benefits saying it would cost too much and would jeopardize national defense priorities.

Something is indeed putrid here. Retirees are only getting disability and burial benefits, but not pensions earned through honorable service. Thousands of retirees and veterans affected could not see the logic of such lame excuse because hey recently saw how the Fed electronically transferred $5.1 billion dollars to Uruguay. And the condonement of billions of loan to Egypt, etc., not to leave out wasteful expenditures of Congressional officials.

Sen. Reid has also attacked President G.W. Bush’s spending millions using government and taxpayer’s funds for his find-raising campaign travel all over he nation for the Republicans.

In contrast, Filipino WW-II veterans who are residing in the Philippines are precluded from receiving any of the similar wartime benefits accorded and awarded to WW-II white veterans. The U.S. Congress chose to excluded them without just and reasonable explanation.

One of our comrades in World War II, Wiley Smith, 84 years old, member of the USAFFE Battling Bastards of Bataan, abandoned by the U.S. in 1942 in favor of the European theatre – a survivor of the notorious Bataan Death March, residing in Bossier City, La., bitterly said, and I quote: "I feel like they (the Administration) are cheating me. It just isn’t fair. It is just isn’t right.

Wiley retired from the air-force after 22, years of honorable and active service to Uncle Sam did not complain about his nearly 4-years as POW with broken bones and malnutrition. He remain loyal to the country and was proud to have served. But now, as he claims 100 % disability for his war injuries, he can not understand why the government doesn’t show him the same loyalty.

Wiley s only one voice in the dark – who have joined the lonely voices of the surviving 50,000 Filipino-American WW-II veterans precluded from the same and equal benefits enjoyed by their white comrades n the USAFFE in World War II. There were no les than 300,000 Fil-Ams conscripted by President F. Roosevelt to fight under the U.S. flag (USAFFE) to save democracy and U.S. interests in the Philippines.

However, after the guns of war were silent, Uncle Sam turned into Uncle Scrooge and invidious discriminated Fil-Am U.S. servicemen in the U.S. Army that fought under General D. McArthur.

Records have it that, "The Philippines was not a foreign territory within the meaning of the U.S., Constitution, and that the Commonwealth of the Philippines was under the sovereignty of he United States. The United states legally involved the Philippines in a war of the U.S. against Japan, otherwise dictated the political and military strategy of the Conflict." (See: U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Insular cases, U.S. S.Ct.).

It is very clear here that the U.S government is playing a fool of both the U.S. retirees and the Filipino-American veterans.

But what appears worse was – as long as the Fil-Am WW-II veterans are not paid their rightful compensation and benefits, the veterans denied payment appears as having been made to served active military service under "involuntary service" which is not less slavery strongly and explicitly prohibited under Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. ( See Amends. U.S. Const. and Cit. Exparte, McClusky CC.C Ark. 1891)

This patent and blatant discrimination against the intrepid veterans have smeared a black spot in the morale of the U.S. Armed Services. Now that President GWB is asking our fighting men to put their lives in Harm’s Way for a cause still unclear to the American taxpayers – and they see that hypocrisy prevails at the top – who will render faithful military service? ###




NEVADA, USA, November 15, 2002 Special to PHNO (By Col. Frank B. Quesada).

The Basic Issue

Fairness in any word and way means just, unbiased, un-stormy and fair. And honest devoid of injustices. No other definition fit such word.

An someone said, "There is no greater virtue and god-like as justice and fairness.

Of late, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) strongly raised the pertinent issue – re: opportunity to pass legislation as a unique opportunity at present as President G.W. Bush prepare to send soldiers to invade Iraq - but first to give the nation’s fighting men what was due them for their service-earned disability compensation and military pension.

Reid was peeved by the rejection by White House officials of his pet bill allowing war veterans to collect simultaneously both disability pay and military pension.

Critics described the bill as "double dipping" – to which Reid defended his bill that war veterans deserved both payments more specifically : (a) pensions are for years of military service, and (b) disability pay is for suffering and pain.?


Under a past law, injured war veterans must waive amount of their retirement pay equal to the amount they received in disability.

Such past law have forced no less than 499,000 military retirees to forfeit a dollar of their retirement pay for every dollar they receive in VA disability compensation. This is a policy that retirees call discriminatory and unfair.

Familiar Injustice

My comrades, case in point - in World War II, especially those mistreated by Congress saw this as a familiar ingratitude by a recreant Congress. They have been screwed so bad and classified as peons of war inherently not their own were sent to Harm’s way by Congress, and their compensation (allowances and benefits) taken away after the war by the truculent 79th Congress. Up until now, they have not been paid in full, And haven victims of deceit and double-talk. (See: Minutes of Hearing of House of Representatives ‘ Veterans Committee re: Filipino-American World War II Veterans, )

These heroes of Bataan, Corregidor and the Philippine Liberation Campaign have been cruelly dispossessed, while other veterans of other allied nations who also fought WW-II were fully compensated.

Reid’s Strong Position

Reid, however, along with many legislators believed and argued that a disabled war veteran who hater retired from Sears still gets his full Sears pension, plus military disability pay.

Reid then asks, "Why should a career soldier receive less?

Undersecretary of Defense, David Chu, for personnel and readiness, said – "Disability pay is designed for injured soldiers who do not spend their careers in the military and don’t qualify for pensions."

"White House plan calls for funneling money from weapons buying and other funds that benefit active soldiers." Chu said.

It was described further by Chu that, "We are going to rob Peter to pay Paul. And the question is, should Peter really lose here?

Read, nevertheless does not buy that Pentagon’s program. And he dared Pres. Bush to veto the bill, and predicted that the Senate will over-ride the veto.

Reid along with many Senators echoed other senators voice saying, "Who would (senators) have on their backs? The President or the veterans? " I know (for the State of Nevada) would rather have on my back than the veterans." added Reid.

Congress have been quickly winding up their works to campaign in the local elections, and left the bill hanging on the line to dry. Congress have been reported to brashly defer to take up this bill after this coming local elections as an act of procrastination.

Veteran’s Reaction

Military retirees who have been lobbying the bill, expressed anger over the mistreatment. And some have described such mistreatment to carry over their votes in the elections.

American Legion Commander of Post 655, Don Levender, said, "It ticks me off that we are the only federal employees that have to forfeit one or the other."

Military retirees were "coerced" to choose disability compensation under the situation because it is tax-exempt, even if they are actually eligible for both benefits.

Such malpractice under a bad law have been allowed to stay despite the travesty of justice which only reflects on the carelessness of solons.

" You know what is harder to bear than the reverse of misfortune? It is the baseness, the hideous ingratitude of man." (Napoelon I)

White House tactics have bruised relation with veterans al over the nation, who contend that "Pentagon is using misleading arguments."

It was reported in the Hill that 90 per cent of legislators have said that they wanted to end the malpractice. However, "these are just empty words" according to war veterans who instead ask why members of Congress can not share the sacrifice in sharing their pork – to protect the war veterans.

Reports have it that – this "deceit and double-talk" up in the Hill will surely show in elections to come. "War veterans are tired of being lied to, and being made a fool, while Congress avidly hug the pork for themselves."

The Senate plan was reported would cover $58 billion dollars benefits for disabled veterans. This is chicken feed compared to Congressional wastes.

"If President G.W. Bush makes good in is threat to veto the bill because it would appear to be too costly, then he would face the wrath of war veterans in his bid for re-election," said an irate veteran who saw trillions are for war against Iraq. He promise to take up this as a political issue in the election.

Veterans believed that "it is only when the government needs them when they are promised ‘heaven and earth.’ But after the guns of ear became silent, they are slighted and forgotten. And Congress acts as if they have swallowed a canary."

He main reason why war veterans put their lives on the line and shed blood for the flag is also for protection of their property, our freedom and society – not to be taken without due process. So why Congress fleece poor citizen-veterans who put them there in Washington D.C. Benjamin Franklin said, "Peaceful rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God."###




NEVADA, USA, November 18, 2002 By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada USA, Former Senate Committee Secretary, Veterans and Military Pension Associate, PMA Class ‘ 44

The struggle for justice and human rights in the United States, more particularly by the indentured Filipino-American World War II veterans have lasted for over half-a-century of continuous legal and political flounder, writhe and squirm to no avail.

Determination and perseverance under peaceful means have sapped too much of their strength in tactfully seeking fairness from the very government that sent them to Harm’s Way in a war inherently not their own.

It was an imperial war of the United States against Japan - another imperial colonizer that fought for the natural resources and man power of the Philippine Islands since the turn of the century.

The subject matter of the thirst of the Caucasian colonizers in carving Asia for their imperialistic design dates back when they themselves were competing in subjugating minorities to exploit peoples of color – and own them as peons.

As the popular former senator from New York, Jacob K. Javits put it, and I quote:

"Over the whole of the minority, America hung the aura of ‘caste’. One vaudevillian would ask, ‘Why is the wheel barrow the greatest of all inventions? The other vaudevillian replied, ‘Because it taught the Irishman to walk on their hind legs.’ And the audience roared.

"Polite Americans thought nothing of using phrases wit derision, as "bohunk" for Hungarians, "greaseball" for Greeks, "Kike" for the Jews, a "Dago" or "Wap" for an Italian,"

And later – "Flip" for Filipino, "Chink" for the Chinese, "Jap" for the Japanese, "Gook " for Vietnamese, "Kraut" for the German, and "Limey " for Australians. Every immigrant had a caste trademark. That has been the American way of identifying those whom they consider as "second class" Americans.

Snobbery have been the rude manner of unduly maintaining one’s social position as a hypocrisy.

It was said that wars was the best equalizer. And I saw this quite true and personally experienced a bit of it when I first resided here shortly after World War II in 1947.

After World War I, after the dough boys returned home - the crust of caste attitude chipped away a bit. And after World War II, there was a landslide of permutation.

Racial discrimination and critical differentiation eased up a bit after the war. I still remember, and caught up with certain discriminatory practices (in the South) where the Negro had to sit in the hind seats of the bus, while the whites occupied the front seats. There were obnoxious signs such as "Dogs and blacks not allowed."

I still recall that abominable "Exclusion Act" that was directed against the Chinese "Coolies" which prohibited them to marry a white woman. It somewhat sideswiped me as "Brown American." Because, at times, I was mistaken for a "Chink" which I detested.

However, as a member of the United States Armed Forces then, in military uniform at that juncture, I did not suffer the white man’s burden, so to speak. But I was a sore thumb between the white man and the Negro.

And I could feel the reluctance of white EMs to salute me. However, no matter how depraving on their part, they had to salute, the uniform, if not me as a non-white American.

It was indeed funny, at that time when segregation was still on its height. I ventured to enter a Negro club to order a glass of beer. This may sound funny but true. Guess what happened. I was thrown out by the bouncer because I was not black.

There were times when and where I was hanging lackadaisically worrying in what category or race I belong. I was neither white or black – therefore a sentimental sandwich carefully roasted as a brown toast for breakfast. I simply have to belong – and not forlorn like a stateless refugee, or a wandering Jew.

However, as a Christian, I believed that "God hath made of one blood all nation of men." (Acts, 17:26) And that "I know of no rights of any race superior to the rights of man, according to D. Douglas.

And as explicitly put by my boyhood chum, the late Senator Jose Wright Diokno, "All men are born equal, and there are only two categories: the geniuses and idiots." And he was correct. Likewise men of culture are the ambassadors of equality. There rest were the lost generation – who insult their ignorance.

The barrier then was a high wall, but soon was pregnable until Pres. D. Eisenhower had appointed a Negro, Clifton H. Wharton as U.S. Minister to Romania. He was the first Negro, initially as chief-of-mission in a predominantly white population.

And soon when my former Commanding Officer in the 11th Airborne Division, Lt. Gen. Joseph M. Swing, was appointed as Commissioner of Immigration. He removed the color barrier in the Commission and approved minority workers in the Federal service.

The Federal Civil Rights Act was passed and the color barrier slowly faded away., especially after the Korean War. I was again activated to the military service as the first Filipino-American in the General Staff as Division Deputy Chief of Staff of the California State Defense Force, at the Army National Guard Headquarters in Sacramento, California, after serving as G-3, as Plans, Operation and Training of the growing force of 4 Brigades. And as Logistics Advisor.

In the service, I found no trace of critical perception. Merit finds its abode in its proper place, until I also found myself a member of the reputable U.S. Defense Committee, headed by Lt. General Daniel O. Graham, at he White House during Pres. R. Reagan Administration.

Desegregation moved on and the 1954 Supreme Court decision along with the landmark Emancipation Proclamation plus the 14th Amendment to the Constitution provided wider equality for Americans.

Albeit – the walls of discrimination tumbled down slowly, disguised critical perception still showed its ugly head once in a while from the renegade sector that could not simply accept integration.

Along with other prejudices – was religious prejudice. However, the most spectacular evidence that religious prejudice does not prevail in the 20th century was the election of Pres. John F. Kennedy (a Catholic). National votes were dominated by non-Catholics and expected Kennedy to lose. Surprisingly, it did not happen.

Then, what I observed was that law and order has been the vanguard of the much-needed social and economic reform. Law became the standard that served notice to the bigots, to the belligerent and the racists as well.

However, there were always an underside of the situation. America has been a melting pot of races. A boiling caldron of little men, and also of great men. A nation so free – that freedom without responsibility exists like it was absolute right. Abuse of that sense of right have been quite strong to be broken. Bigotry therefore has been the effort of the feeble mind which expresses itself with force in the white man’s burden.

Therefore – in order to solve differences and disputes, the power and prestige of law has been the essential referee which can remove the threat to our democratic way of life.

An example of this is the long-overdue retarded settlement of the unpaid compensation and benefits of Filipino-American honorable and active military service in the United States Armed Forces that has been cruelly taken away by the 79th Congress under a dastardly inserted "rider" in the Rescission Act of 1946.

Such cruel hoax perpetrated by a few little men of power – have screwed up veterans so badly these hapless aging and sickly intrepid heroes of Bataan and Corregidor were maltreated as if they were the present terrorists that have invaded the nation.

Laxity in government service which has contributed to the security of our shores still haunts the government. The legislature have failed to pass the remedial measure to honor, recognize and pay the debt of Uncle Sam to those who were sent t Harm’s Way to fight for the U.S. flag. And which would help America lead further, likewise head off racial disorder even before it starts.

Congress had been recreant. And therefore, these indentured war veterans went to the U.S. Court for legal remedies.

There were at least many outstanding court decisions which Congress can not ignore, or nor set aside anymore. And I hereby cite them, to wit:

(1) " The Philippines was not a foreign territory within the meaning of the U.S.. Constitution, and that the Commonwealth of the Philippines was under the sovereignty of the United States. The United States legally involved the Philippines in a war of the United States against Japan, likewise dictated the political and military strategy of the conflict." ( U.S. Supreme Court decisions on Insular cases).

(2) Justice Frank Murphy, had been very candid and explicit in his decision as regards economic discrimination in Steele versus N.R. Company 323 U.S. 192 (1944), to wit:

"Economic discrimination practiced … under the color of Congressional authority raises a grave constitutional issue that should be squarely faced. Utter disregard for the dignity and well-being of colored citizens shown by the record is so pronounced as to demand the invocation of Constitutional condemnation.

" The cloak of racism surrounding the action… refusing membership to Negroes and entering into an enforcing agreement discriminating against them, all under the guise of Congressional authority still remains. No statutory interpretation can erase the ugly sample of economic cruelty the accident of birth, has been used as to the basis to abuse individual rights by an organization purporting to act in conformity with its Congressional mandate. Any attempt to interpret the Act must take the fact into account and must realize that the constitutionality of the statute in this respect depends upon the answer given. (To be continued tomorrow)




NEVADA, USA, November 19, 2002 By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada - " The Constitution voices its disapproval whether economic discrimination is applied under authority of the law against any race, creed or color. A sound democracy cannot allow such discrimination to go unchallenged. Racism is far too virulent today to permit the slightest refusal and in the light of the Constitution that abhors it, to expose and condemn it whether it appears in the course of a statutory interpretation."

(3) Justice Frank Murphy – in his decision in Takahashi versus Fish and Game Commission 334 U.s. 410 (1948), opined to wit:

"Even the most cursory examination of the background of the statute, demonstrates against such person in a manner inconsistent with the concept of equal protection of the laws , legislation of that type is not entitled to wear the cloak of constitutionality.

" The statute in question is but once more manifestation of anti-Japanese fever which has been evident in California in varying degrees since the turn of the century. Fever, of course is traceable to the refusal or inability of certain groups to adjust themselves economically and socially. Winds of racial animosity blew un-abated.

" Equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, however, does not permit the State to discriminate against residential aliens in such fashion, whether the purpose is to give effect to racial animosity or to protect the competitive interest.

(4) Justice Reed in the case of Railway Mail Association versus Corsi 326 U.S. 88 1945, - opined, to wit:

" The new Civil Rights Law provides penalty against organizations that shall deny a person by reason of race, color or creed equal treatment.

"They violated the due Process and Equal Protection Causes of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and were in conflict with Federal power. We see no constitutional basis for the contention that a State can not protect workers from exclusion solely on the basis of race, color or creed by an organization functioning under the protection of the State, which holds itself out to represent the needs of employees."

(5) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. stated in the case of Hurd versus Hodge 334 U.S. 24 1948, to wit"

" All citizens shall have the same right in every State and Territory, as is enjoyed by white citizens thereof to inherit, purchase, ease, sell, hold and convey real and personal property."

They have property rights.

"It is rooted in the conscience equal protection of the laws is not achieved through indiscriminate imposition of inequalities. Historical context which the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should not be forgotten.

"It is clear that the matter of primary concern was establishment of equality in the enjoyment of basic civil and political rights and the preservation of those rights from discriminatory action on the part of the State based on consideration of race or color.

(6) Justice Brown in Plessy versus Ferguson 163 U.S. 537 1896, to wit:

" The amendment to the U.S. Constitution primarily have been intended to abolish slavery (also in the case of Butcher’s Association versus Crescent City L.S.L. & S or Slaughter House cases) were to have been intended primarily to abolish slavery, .. that to forbade Mexican peonage, or the Chinese "coolie" trade when they amounted to slavery, "involuntary servitude" was intended to abolish the use of all forms of involuntary slavery, of whatever class or name. It was estimated to protect people of color or race onerous disabilities or burden curtailing their rights in the pursuance of life, liberty and property."

If the Filipino-American WW-II veterans are not fully compensated and their benefits are denied, then the government that have sent them to Harm’s way in 1941-to-1945 had been made to shed blood and die under "involuntary servitude" as slaves in no other condition.

(7) In he case of Quiban versus the USVA 928 F 2d 1154 D. D.C. 1991 – Judge Aubrey Robinson – opined, to wit:

" There is no rational basis for treating World war II Philippine Army veterans differently from members of the U.S. Armed Forces."(continued in proceeding news file)



NEVADA, USA, November 19, 2002 By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada - Filipino-American veterans have submitted evidences that they were conscripted by no less than the President of the U.S. Pres. F.D. Roosevelt in 1941, inducted into the United States Armey in the Philippines (USAFFE), the single defense force that save democracy, and American interests in the Philippines. .

Judge Robinson further rejected the government’s argument that the political and economic plan which Congress had for the Philippines, provided a rational basis for the statute. He interpreted the government’s political and economic argument as merely involving a plan for saving money and fund no logic between such plan and the legitimate purpose of the veteran’s benefit.

Moreover, the Filipino-American WW-II veterans produced evidence that 66,000 nationals of 16 allied nations that also fought for the U.S flag in World war Ii, were all fully compensated, except Filipino-American U.S servicemen that were singled out and dispossessed.

Judge Robinson’s opinion provided for benefits that were arbitrarily removed by the 79th Congress under a "rider" in the notorious rescission Act of 1946 that took all benefits entitled to Filipino World War II veterans.

Those benefits earned in battle in Wold War II in the Philippines under the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE) were as follows:

(1) non-service-connected pensions.

(2) medical care

(3) special-adopted housing

(4) Automobile grants

(5) home loans

(6) educational assistance

(7) burial at U.S. cemeteries

(8) vocational rehabilitation

(9) job training and placement

Such above benefits are being enjoyed by their comrades in the U.S. Army – like any member of the U.. S. Armed Forces. Congress took it away. Why he invidious discrimination?

Lastly, the U.S. government dastardly offered the Philippine Government in a colatilla (proviso) stating that " $200 million dollars be appropriated for building up of the Philippine Army – with a concessionary provision denying all benefits to Filipino WW-II veterans, to wit: "that service in the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines should NOT be deemed to be r to have been service in the military or naval or air forces of the United States."

This unjust offer made to the Philippine government was not accepted and was denounced by Gen. Carlos P. Romulo – in his speech in the House of Representatives in May 1946. (See Congressional Record, May 1942).

Such cheap stunt by the U.S. was seen by veterans as an affront to the dignity of the U.S. servicemen of color under the whiteman’s burden.

Filipino veterans have therefore invoked the Due Process Law, which secures all persons equal and impartial justice under the law. (See: D.C. Pa. 1920 267 F 861, Cooley on Constitutional imitation p-434 6th Ed 1820 and Columbia (1819) 3 W What 244 AL Ed 559)

The economic necessity as furnished reason for he passage of the Rescission Act of 1946 – will not place the law beyond the reach of Constitutional guarantees concerning obligations and contracts. (See: Brown versus Ferdon Cal (1935) 45 P 2d 218)

In her disgust, Senator Barbara Boxer.said, "Pay these veterans and end the injustice and discrimination."

As this treatise is written ,Congress have remained adamant to share their suet pork to pay Uncle Sam’s debt to veterans. There simply is no will to appropiate dollars that will diminish their hold on the taxpayer’s wealth which they squirrel away in junkets and political extravaganza.

Of late, a senator from Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid have accused Pres. George W. Bush of spending the taxpayer’s money to attend to political fund-raisers around the country.

Reid requested an accounting of all travel costs associated with political travel of Bush and members of his administration.

"Spending taxpayer’s money and on political campaigning and fund-raising is the type of frivolous spending I thought Pres. Bush vowed to curb." said Reid.

"During a time of war and deepening recession, are these appropiate expenditures to the American taxpayers."

On the other side of the coin, what abut the reckless spending of congressmen and senators that use taxpayer’s dollars? From the Speaker of the House down the line and the President of the Senate – are also guilty of the same sin, if not a crime. They deny GAO to audit their books.

Both political parties have been doing the same to the disgust of the voters they have deceived. Upheaval is near.

If only they pause for a second and ask themselves – should I pay these aging and sickly veterans who fought the war which we approved – or let them all die so there would be no more claimants for their denied benefits? And we could have all the fat from the pork !

The answer to this question would be quite revealing. Every sin is the end result of legislative collaboration. Of all the evil spirits – the most dangerous is the insincerity of purpose. And all sins – are the brothers of deception.

Men up in the Hill have chosen to love darkness – rather than the light because their deeds were corrupt. The nation backslides toward bottomless Hades. God save America ! ##




NEVADA, USA, November 20, 2002 By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada - It has been boasted that the United States is the richest country in the World. And politicians and free-spending bureaucrats as well as thousands upon thousands of entrenched public workers – yawning at work, spending most of their time sipping coffee – have been doing what they do best –spending the taxpayer’s money.

Congressional Privileged?

Congress is not exempted from this routine. They hold inflation sacred so they can spend people’s money at will, while this country reels under so much government waste, then national debt rises to trillions, thereby rendering Social Security and Medicare bankrupt.

But there is always money around to spend for reported goofy grants – which render this country, broke. Americans are scratching their heads why those unconcerned "bubble-heads" up in the Hill spent and are still spending billions of inflationary dollars in funding wacky government projects.

Disappearing Money

There seems so much money coming from nowhere, but the 63 year-old constitutional debt (wartime benefits) of the U.S. to the Filipino-American World War II veterans remains unpaid for the last 50 years.

We take pride abroad boasting as the greatest nation – but great for what? For being whacky? Most American now realize that predictions of Nostradamus are being fulfilled – which says that confusion and the value of the U.S. dollar would become ZERO.

Let is take a closer look at the lavish and wasteful projects funded by Congress. Poor taxpayers are groaning under so much fatuous folly. Precious dollars are spent which denied much-needed public services, money delivered to district to insure re-election of politicians who gets away with it.

Golden Fleece Award

When the late Senator Bill Proxmire was still around, he inspired a reverse award for his colleagues entitled "Golden Fleece Award for those who have been wastefully squandering valuable tax dollars for projects, those in the insane asylum can identify.

As matter of fact, there is a book written by Sheryl L. Roberts about the fleecing of America entitled, "Goofy Government Grants and Wacky Wastes".

I have culled the reports of Sheryl Roberts, Gary Allen and Martin Gross which I will enumerate below some of these reported unbelievable projects... I suggest that while you read this – to first find a comfortable seat, and brace yourself. John Harris has also compiled these r unavailing expenditures. Firstly, here are the small ones:

1. If you are from Indiana, did you know that a replica of Egypt’s Great Pyramid was built there for a couching amount of $500,000?

2. Some people want to make waves. But for a $145,000 – a wave-making machine was installed for a swimming pool in Salt Lake City.

3. For $500,000 a project was mounted to determine when monkeys and rats feel cheated, they get angry, kick, scream and clench their teeth.

A case of two air-force officials who used a military aircraft to fly to Washington D.C. for a quail breakfast at the cost to the taxpayers of $22,000.

An odd project for $2,000,000 to construct an ancient Hawaiian canoe.

To construct a fantastic restroom atop Mt. McKinley to the tune of $800,000.

For a whooping sum of $19,000,000 to study the effects of gas emission from a cow’s flatulence (fart) on global warming in the sphere.

For the amount of $10,000 for a study to determine the effects of naval communications on potency of a bull.

To find out if the sunfish that drink are more aggressive than the sunfish that drink gin.

For the sum of $150,000 to study between Hatfields and the McCoys.

$1,000 for research in manure handling and disposal in Mississippi.

$750,000 for research the peanut.

$750,000 to investigate grasshoppers in Alaska.

$250,000 to have caffeinated chewing gum developed.

$250,000 to study the genetics of lettuce in Salinas, California.

$100,000 for research into Visalla onions in Georgia.

These are part of the staggering $500 billions of the people’s tax dollars charged to the Congressional budget. (continued in next news file Part 2)



NEVADA, USA, November 20, 2002 By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada - (continued from preceding news file) However, the above are puny compared to other reported expenditures by government officials as follows:

$2.3 million to bring 700 workers to San Diego from all over U.S. as far away as Alaska to photo-copy records

$5-million for a new Parliament building in Solomon island which is partly-owned by the British Commonwealth.

$1.9 million for an Irish genealogy project as going-away present for Speaker Tip O’Neal.

$119 million per year for newspapers and periodicals for Pentagon.

$1.2 million to replace the lobby marble (plus $600,000 Italian designed desks) of the European Bank got Reconstruction and Development, which gets $70 million per year from U.S taxpayers.

$1-million on government in gold and silver used by a private contractor to make presents for Federal employees.

$5-million in Fed anti-poverty funds given to Sears and Roebuck in interest-free loan.

$29-million in vehicles and other equipment which the Bureau of Indians Affairs could not find.

9. $15-million for preservation of antiques in Egypt.

10. $1-million to study brown tree snakes.

These list can on and on from the researches of: Sheryl Roberts, Gary Allen and Martin Gross, etc, which makes the blood boil of citizens toiling each days to make both ends meet under the manipulated inflation.

Gross and Allen recommends that all Congress has to do is pass a law that no member of any committee – especially the Appropriations Committee not top use any bill to authorize any money for his district, or for the district of any member of the same committee.

Halting the pork epidemic in Congress could perhaps save no less than 10-billion dollars a year.

Sadly, the constitutional debt of the U.S. to the Filipino World War II war veterans cut and held for the last 50 years could have been paid – only if Congress has a political will to end the travesty of justice and invidious discrimination against the ex-servicemen of the U.S. Army that fought for the U.S. flag in World War II. In the Philippines.

This mistreatment by the U.S Army and the government was described by Rep.N.Pelosi as a notorious black mark in American’s history.

And Sen.. Boxer castigated her peers by saying, to wit:

"Pay these aging and sickly war veterans and end the injustice and discrimination."

In the U.S. Administrative Department, records show that the Fed agencies had no less than 1,300 private planes used to ferry bureaucrats and their wives around the country.

The Vice President lives royally in a mansion on Navy premises, enjoys a motorcade of cars, jet plane, a $90,000 or more for entertainment allowance, with no less than 60 employees and 4 government offices during the term of Al Gore.

During the term of VP Dan. Quayle, he and his wife had 10 people under her, and more than as twice as many as Pres. H. Truman’s whole staff.

The General Service Administration (GSA) that handles planes, which lost track of how may planes it owned. But he Inspector General counted a total of 1,384 planes that includes 237 missing "ghost" planes the GSA did not know it had. It had a $2-billion cache of planes that cost approx. $1-billion to maintain.

Could anyone believe it that the U.S. government spent approximately $2 billion a year on furniture a decorating, which the GSA denies?

In the government accounting system, listed as "Other services" – Gross reported that under that account heading, it was $246 billion.

It is also unbelievable that the U.S. government buys and sells land. It owns 30 percent of the land mass of America but spends $300-million per year buying land. It owned 60 percent of land in California and 80 per cent in Nevada. It includes gambling resorts in Nevada. Is the Fed in the real estate business?

Washington has authorized over 50 more buildings around the country to the tune of $5-billion.##




NEVADA, USA, November 21, 2002 By Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada - Raging debates over the Homeland Security bill in Congress have produced substantial insight on the citizen taxpayer’s free speech and due process protection.

According to my former associates in Congress, present draft of the bill, if not amended, and if approved gives the government complete intrusion on our privacy.

The bill, was reported to have contained sweeping raid and stealing of citizen’s privacy rights, etc. What does this mean? It aptly means almost everything is open to scrutiny i.e., every transaction made with your credit card, every purchase of medical prescription, subscription to publications, every time you visit a website, and each time you send or receive e-mail, every bank deposit, each time you book for travel\\el, or even every meeting or convention you attend, al such transaction goes to what the Dept. of Defense’s "centralized grand database."

Whew ! No wonder the American Civil Liberty Union (CLU) have been having sleepless nights and burning the midnight oil trying to counter as much of the sweeping theft of citizen’s privacy rights.

Thinking back – and recollecting Orwell’s movie, big brother will come to life when this bill is passed into law. It is quite scary to dwell into the consequences of a law that provides government an awesome power to keep a computerized dossier of each of us, including all our actions in peaceful private life, that documents all what we do, not to leave out commercial transactions, passport data, and application, driver’s license, divorce records, and judicial data – reflecting a complete lifetime paper trail. It makes the citizens bald and naked in front of the surveillance camera of the government’s snooper.

All these function if given to one man in government that heads the Information Awareness Office of the said Defense Advance Research Projects agency – makes former J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI a small fry.

Currently, one man candidate to this much-coveted position is – remember that top of the class - "middy" in the U.S. Naval Academy, who holds a doctorate in physics, rose to the rank of Admiral, and later became presidential adviser during the R. Reagan Administration.

I recall these details vividly, when I was a humble member of the Defense Committee, chaired by Gen. Daniel Graham, based in the White House.

This top "middy" had a colorful career but also had a projected idea and sensitive job, like "raising dollars by secretly selling missiles to Iran to ransom American hostages, then turning around using whatever proceeds to unlawfully support the then Contras of Nicaragua. His ambitious career jibed with another up-and-coming Marine Colonel that similarly operating on clandestine projects.

Their fantabulous projects were exposed to the media and was investigated by Congress. A jury, in a Court, convicted him in 1990 of felony of misleading Congress, however, in appeals, the verdict was overturned because, on record, Congress had given him immunity for is testimony. To cut the story short, he got off clean. Although disgraced, reports in Washington D.C. have it that he operates with confidence that he could still push his patriotic dream of putting up a mechanism to play detective and pry over the citizen’s lives under a establish a national database.

His project ran parallel to that of Attorney General J. Ashcroft"s Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS) which the American condemned with public outrage at the suggested use of postal workers, etc. Thus, the House of Representatives junked it.. Same with the Senate that chose to forget all about it.

Anyway, it is vital for the American public to watch the outcome of the pending bill in Congress which could identify, and render the taxpayers as merely numbers, liken to the Jews tattooed in the arm, as their identification before they were ridden off. Frightening isn’t it?

On the other side of the equation, a Federal Court in Washington D.C. ruled that, ":the Justice Department has broad discretion in the use of wiretaps, and other surveillance techniques to track suspected terrorists and spies."

It was further ruled by a 3-man judge court that " the expanded wiretap guidelines sought by the Attorney General , J. Ascroft, under the new USA Patriotic Act law do not violate the U.S. Constitution. And that "the spy court’s restriction "are not required by ( the law) or by the Constitution."

The ALCU, argued "that Ascroft’s proposed guidelines would unfairly restrict free speech and due process by giving he government far greater ability to listen to telephone conversations and read e-mail."

It was not reported whether the ACLU would appeal the court decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 1978, an Intelligence Court was created charged with overseeing sensitive law enforcement surveillance by the U.S. government.

In conclusion, all these developments, has been perceived by the American intelligentsia as unprecedented. War veterans familiar with surveillance system, hope and pray that abuses on the part of the government could be avoided, if not totally eliminated.

Veterans are just as concerned as any taxpayer with protecting their privacy, which they fought for in wars and conflicts by shedding blood and dying for the U.S. flag, and preserving human rights, freedom and liberty for all Americans.

As democracy develops, veterans have contributed in giving it with conscience absolute liberty. The health of our democracy is measured not only by governance of Administrations, but by the vigilance of the citizens over government’s performance and safety and comfort of the taxpayers.

People power rests on the taxpayer – who merely temporarily elect officials to give them borrowed power, therefore – citizens have the undiluted ultra-power to remove officials, or even change the form of government they do not deserve.

It is the citizens who trust secrets to the public servants – that makes citizens as the master. Let there be no mistakes about that !

Let us always remember "That government has no right to control individual liberty beyond what is necessary the safety and well-being of society (J. Calhoun). ##




Nevada, USA, November 26, 2002 By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA (Associate PMA ‘ 44; Former Senate Committee Secretary Veterans and Military Pension )


The old saying goes, "Let there be peace and let it begin with me," but how practical is it? Reality is what this world is and how we deal with each other. And ever since peace has been elusive as ever.

I culled these observations together which reflects varied views of what is ideal and what is real. More heads are better than one, so to speak.

East Never Met West

Will East meet West? Only by force of necessity perhaps simply because men are all different in color, origins, race, creed, and persuasions - even in how they speak, pray and hate each one. Some are richer, and others are simply born poor. Nothing is really symmetrical or up to mark.

America, sadly has failed to recognize or respect the folklores, mores and values of the Third World nations, evidenced by its confusing foreign policy.. Its arrogant imperialism have offended other nationalities which it thinks can be bought with the almighty dollar. Such cash register diplomacy have insulted many nations that are sensitive to be bought and bullied as a cheap ally.

However, we all have common hopes, different dreams, aspirations, desires and diverse goals. Then "there is that common anathema - the lethargic white man’s burden that separate East and the West." ( Sen. J.W. Diokno)

Stark Realities

Reality, of course is how man wanted to never be cold and hungry, sick, destitute or homeless. Crisis does not exist while the "haves" cling to what is material and a condition of pre-eminence, nothing but sultry arrogance.

Instead, as common sinners, we engage in wayward status symbols, bogus and arrant status devices, a shaky culture aided by gossipy journalism which as nothing but a show-off in society pages - as a daily gazette and obelisk of humbugs who just made it to a select club and exclusive fraternities.

Such macho style of projecting a divided society in today’s eminent journalism has been the rust that eats up the steel of an orderly democracy. Instead, could have been devoted to something constructive - simply by helping promote a bridge between the haves and the have-nots.

Rich and the Famous

According to P. Drucker, "What impresses the outside world about the United States is not how our rich and famous live, the world have seen riches before and on a larger or more ostentatious scale. What really presses the outside world is how the poor of the country live and exist."

But how the greater world view America is with a jaundice eye. What other people see that the U.S. as:

"A nation with many mistakes and have often adopted a policies that that ran direct opposition to the values they allegedly hold so sacred."

"Upon numerous occasion they have shown the world that they are champions of freedom and democracy only to the extent that they do not infringe upon their own interests."

"Recent objections to the U.S. has to do with the notion of cultural imperialism. Many other peoples and religions feel that the overwhelming barrage of American culture in the form of entertainment, fashion, and the worldview is contributing to the erosion of other nation’s and religion’s values.. And from their perspective, it must seem quite rational to react defensively." (James Morgan).

Prepotency and Control

The strength of a nation primarily lie on the ideals and its execution by a compassionate and caring society. It is the national action commonly identified as prepotency and control. This is what has been lacking in America.

A. Simon, however, put it in another

way. "Prepotency which is power is nothing novel or new. The world has seen power as long as nations existed, at times trembling before it, submitting to it, but never loving it.

Others have loved America, many don’t - and seldom for its power. Rather what captured people’s admiration world over, even for all its failures and contradictions - this country wrested its independence from England and started a new experiment in freedom. "It declared all men equal and shaped the nation’s destiny along democratic principles. But have failed to put in practice by listening to an elite few" .( American History)

Ravaged by Colonizers

Third world countries like the Philippines, with its people who all along have been freedom founders, and have been oppressed by colonial intruders [ America no exception like Spain ] , Filipinos, however, have shown the world that "people democratic power" can peacefully win over conjugal dictators and repression.

On the other-hand - "To invoke national ideals is not to deny fundamental departures. Freedom concept of the colonials and pioneers also meant freedom to seize land from the Indians, to make slaves or second class citizen," as in the case of Fil-Am WW-II veterans denied their wartime-earned benefits for 60 years. These violations of human dignity have left a deep scar in the psyche of Filipinos, and Philippine-American relations..

Up to now, in the U.S. however, the vestiges of slavery and colonial haughtiness lay deep in its society that pretends to live in equality. A national hypocrisy that divides the nation trying to offset all kinds of discrimination and prejudice.

Lessons Tells All

The lessons of this nation’s past tell us that what justice and liberty cannot be secured for ourselves and kept from others without turning sour.

Up until now, however, this condition is true and existing. How the U.S. maltreats small third world nations which actually reveal the past and present attitude based on avid materialism and excesses of power.

We, the matured generation of Filipino-Americans have cherished justice much. For most of us have lived during the "golden years" from the date of American intrusion in the Philippines through dubious occupation, pre-World War II, the enemy occupation era, post World War II and thereafter [ not to leave out the horrific conjugal dictatorship of the Marcoses ], we have actually seen and can testify for ourselves what is Filipino-American relationship, (that cuddled the Marcosses) which could generally be described as a sham. (R .Constantino)

U.S. - American Relations

What was much advertised as "special relations" born out of war and U.S colonialism, could be described as synthetic arrangement," in reality was ersatz.

And America have been receiving a rude, perhaps inevitable awakening. Filipino irritation over American presence has risen, specially at American avid attitude, or simple lack of understanding or concern towards problems of relationship, felt more deeply by Filipinos than by Americans. (F. Golay ).

Friction due to Inequality

The attempt to maintain a fiction of equality is dealings increases the psychological strain on the representatives the weaker power.

This has been shown in the struggle of Filipino WW-II veterans to secure their rightful wartime benefits for their active and honorable service in the U.S. Army [1941 to 1945] - which was dastardly taken away from them after the war, while their comrades in the same army continued to enjoy the GI Bill of Rights benefits conferred to them by law. (S.P. Lopez)

While a tragic experience in war, occupation and liberation has intensified Filipino’s emotional ties with Americans - Filipinos seriously felt that their military service and civilian struggle against the Japanese during WW-II had proven more than their loyalty and friendship for America. For it was not inherently a war of Filipinos against Japan, but of America that involved Filipinos in that war. ( U.S. Supreme Court)

No less than Pres. Harry Truman reinforced such perception of Fil-Am relationship when he said, " that the heroic and loyal stand of the Filipinos has won the affection of the Americans and all freedom-loving peoples of the world. ( C.P. Romulo)

Recent Events – Cruel History

After the September 11th attack on the twin towers in New York, immediate national course of action. Months have passed, and we have began to reflect the tragedy. The cause and effect of past policy therefore requires rethinking and change.

"While majority of the people think and feel that action is necessary and inevitable, the whole nation must reach a consensus, and much more for the rulers to rethink its foreign policy. Current policy coming from an obscure hired group in New York City, funded by monopolists, have to reform and must be from direct consensus of taxpayers."

"Majority are saddened and angered by what they witness as unjustified destruction and loss of civilian lives in the country, but neither do they see killing of civilians in others as being legitimate response."

Reflect and Take a Hard Look

It is opportune time now for the rulers "to take a hard and second look at what the government’s foreign policy has done to engender hatred that has recently become so horribly apparent."

A painful examination of conscience indeed is necessary. "Not so that they can flagellate themselves with the thorns of their mistakes, but rather to be able to avoid same mistakes in the future, and hopefully begin to redress the grievances they have caused."

"Crime of hatred has no place in a democracy." (James Morgan)

"Thinking citizens review past mistakes not by way of remorse or in hopes of reconciliation with those who have slaughtered their countrymen. Rather, they look at history in hopes that they might learn from it; that they may never again be subject to the kind of naked hatred for America.

"Indifference and hatred for America perhaps have been based on many factors involving long term American policy and arrogant imperialism". ( R. Constantino)

"America simply have to deeply comprehend the values, folklores and mores of other nations, and even their religion. The almighty dollar can not buy or cover up the hurt suffered under its un-avowed policy. At the very least, the government must attempt to understand that the government has dine done to inspire such hatred (James Morgan).

The U.S simply have to be more sensitive towards the cultures of other nations. It has the ability to change its foreign policy in the interest of justice and fairness, and equitable humanitarianism. As in the case of the 60 year old mistreatment of Filipino-American members of the United States Army who fought for the U.S flag and then betrayed.

This is viewed all over the world as a filthy subterfuge and deception upon a hapless minority in the armed forces – who, if not paid have been made to fight World War II under "involuntary servitude" no less as peons (slaves), prohibited under amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Correction has been elusive – that irritates freedom founders.

"The final word: it is true that in a perfect world, none of the myriad events and loyalties that led to the atrocities of September 11 would have manifested. As in the case with virtually all forms of power that have existed through\out humanity’s spotty career, America’s international power as far from perfect."

"But it is not a perfect world after all – so it must act with responsibility as a reasoning of an intelligent nation." Now more than ever – it must choose its path with care."

+ + +

Note: This is a compendium of ideas and reasoning that portray varied faculty and sagacity. I merely put them together to obligate varied points of views into one treatise.

In-depth reading of the works of Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, Amb. S.P. Lopez, Sen. J.W. Diokno, James Morgan, F. Golay – will enlighten both Filipinos, Americans and other minorities in the Third World that the source of irritants and hatred stems from lack of deeper intercourses and respect for fellowmen.

‘Many are destined to reason wrongly, others not to reason at all, and others persecute those who do reason. (F.M. Voltaire) E-mail:




Nevada, USA, November 27, 2002 By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA - Bank Pioneers in the U.S.

A sizable number [ over 250 ] of former executives and staffers of the pioneer Philippine Veterans Bank, otherwise now known as "Heroes Bank" - as original professional staffers that started with the bank after WW-II, most have retired and immigrated to the U.S.A.

From the outset, veterans - have been ridiculed because it was said that "war veterans and their sons and daughters do not know banking,, cannot put up and run a bank." Detractors have eaten their words.

Proven Concept

But to the surprise of those detractors, a commercial bank owned and ran by veterans grew the most stable and fast-expanding commercial banks. in the Philippines. It has now been rated as among the top ten banks in the country.

It grew rapidly, after it was rehabilitated from the rapacious plunder by the "Marcos conjugal dictatorial regime". And continued to function due to its accrued income as a government depository even under receivership. Its remaining assets were intact, and was credited to composed part of its fresh capitalization.

Long Road toward a Come Back

From receivership - the bank opened banking services to the general public, after Pres. C. Aquino signed the re-opening of the Philippine Veteran Bank [PVB], a unique bank owned and operated by war veterans and their next-of-kin. Later, Pres. F. Ramos provided the bank more facilities in order to compete not only nationwide but also worldwide.

Government’s Parentship

Traditionally, the Veterans Bank has been made possible by government assistance through the leadership of WW-II veterans in the Veterans Federation of the Philippines [VFP] since the beginning, because part of its capital came from the Japanese Reparations, shortly after WW-II as an act of atonement and apology for the atrocities inflicted by the Japanese soldiers during WW-II, in exchange for amnesty and forgiveness.

The VFP was the parent entity of the bank - having ownership of the bank itself. World War II veterans are members and preponderant majority of the VFP now reported at 70,000 surviving war veterans and their compulsory heirs a s share-holders.

The VFP was chartered under Republic Acct 2640 in a final effort to confederate all veterans organizations in the country into just one umbrella organization. While the Philippine Veterans Bank was created under Republic Act 3518.

Dirt and Cut-rate Chicanery

It has been quite a travesty because, it had to be a former acrid enemy [Japan] that had helped the Filipino-American war veterans rather than the former ally[ the United States] that sent them to their disabilities and deaths. Likewise rapaciously exploited the Fil-Am veterans to fight America’s imperial war against Japan.

And Filipino veterans were by the U.S. paid less than half of their American comrades while they bleed and die during the battles and the infamous "Death March" and the privations inside the gates of hell of Camp O'Donnell and Capas, where burial details carried half-dead POWs, gasping their last breath of air, crying out to God and their mothers for help as the last spade of dirt were thrown over them.

Tribute to the USAFFE Defenders

If there was a holocaust in Germany in World War II that killed thousands of Jews, little-known were what happened in the Philippines during the Bataan Death March and in the POW concentration camps, is a parallel to man’s inhumanity to man in Europe.

After the Hostilities

The U.S. have held the Filipino veteran’s rightful benefits since 1946, while the comrades of Fil-Am veterans who fought alongside with Americans cozily enjoyed the same benefit What a parody? Is America a friend or a floundering fiend? You be the judge.

Lingering Cruel Hoax

Up until now [at this point and time] the intrepid Fil-Am veterans have been truculently maltreated by the U.S. government under racial discrimination. For over a half-century, the Fil-Am veterans have been precluded for their wartime-earned benefits under the GI Bill of Rights by the hostile 79th Congress that took away their wartime-earned benefits under the Rescission Act of 1946.

A Cruel Game of Attrition

Each day, about 10 to 15 of these gallant heroes of Bataan, Corregidor and of the liberation campaign in 1945, die with hate in their hearts having been cruelly betrayed by the government that sent them to fight for America’s interests in the Philippines - and later thrashed them under critical perception under the perishing dilatory Whiteman's burden.

When all of the Fil-Am freedom defenders are all gone - American politicians can deliriously despoil whatever budgetary surplus it now has for perks and once more fleece America.

WW-II Veteran’s Shares

Its original shares of stock of veterans were held in trust by the government for and in behalf of the war veterans until a time when their shares of stock were fully released to the WW-II veterans. Now every WW-II war veterans control their own bank.

It must be said that persistent leaders of the VFP, a fraternal vet organization was born out of whack - in their persevering desire and effort in owning a bank of their own and operating it as commercial bank. They have proven to the world that they could put up and run a commercial bank.

A Living Tablet to Honor Sacrifices

As the years went by - under surging challenges, is today - and was dubbed as a continuous memorial, a living and eternal monument, to the men who constituted the Philippine Armed Forces, who fought to redeem the country’s honor during the dark days of WW-II under the enemy’s invasion and occupation.

It is a tablet in a pantheon in honor of the sacrifices of the Filipino soldiers who dolorously suffered with their families in the last war. Sons and daughters who looked up to their parents helped run the bank.

Rusticated Pioneers

As the world turns, the bank’s management and operations must yield to technology, progress and change. Veterans pioneers who are professionals who started with the bank must give way to the younger generation [sons and daughters] erstwhile mandated by law to man the management of the bank. Advancing tide must go with the flowing stream. And so with those a who chose to retire in the abroad [in the U.S. and Canada, elsewhere in the world] have formed an association - a large part of which are in California, U.S A.

Association Officers

Its present set of elected officers are:

president - Maritess M. Famacion, vice presidents - Angie Verola and Juliet Leodones,; secretary treasurer - Melvyn Balanon and others.

Their advisers are: former PVB vice president Marshal de Jesus, and Col. Frank B. Quesada, USA Ret., former assistant secretary of the board of directors., and public relations director. The outgoing president was Emilio Baldia Jr..

This organization of bonafide sons and daughters of World War II veterans should, however, be distinguished separately from similar organizations with the same calling . This group were the pioneers of the original Philippine Veterans Bank that was ravaged by the Marcos conjugal dictatorship.

These sans and daughters were forced to immigrate - for they abhorred dictatorship. They were not able to return to the Philippines. As professionals - they found profitable businesses and jobs herein the U.S. Their organization is one of the most formidable Fil-Am associations that has no derogatory record what-so-ever.

New Philippines Veterans Bank

The new bank is on its feet again, that was revived after the rapacious Marcos regime was toppled down by "Filipino People’s Power" led by former Pres. Corzaon C. Aquino and all the freedom-loving Filipinos.

It was former Pres. Aquino that saw to it hat Filipino veterans and their siblings should receive a fair shake from government. She defied the overwhelming advices of her financial advisers who were against reopening of the bank.

With the persistent lobby by the veterans and the sons and daughters - Pres. Aquino called on Col. E. de Ocampo, president of the Veterans Federation of the Philippines [VFP] to prepare for the reopening of the bank and recruit a new set of veterans, sons and daughters to set it up. He assumed Chairman of the Board, by virtue of Rep. Act 3510 making the president of the VFP as the bank’s chairman.

The Heroes Bank as it is called today - stands as a fruit of the sacrifices of Filipino veterans and their sons and daughters in war and in peace. The ex-Veterans Bank sons and daughters who are here now - have the distinction of pioneering the one and only bank in the world owned and operated by veterans and their siblings.

A Living Witness

These events - I saw as a living witness of how the bank was incepted from the beginning up to now. I was once its director for public relations and acted as assistant secretary to the board of directors - until I returned here to the U.S.

I was a resident here since 1947, after taking up both military and civilian schooling, here and later in Europe thereafter. Up to now, I am still in close touch with the bank, and the VFP as its Liaison Representative to the U.S. assisting in the official lobby of veterans claims and benefits n the U.S. Congress.




Nevada, USA, November 29, 2002 By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA - Under present dispensation of Pres. G.W. Bush, reports have it that he is mulling in providing war veterans guidelines for eligibility for GI housing.

Current Benefits Law

There is an existing law, the Servicemen’s Readjusting Act of 1944, otherwise known to veterans as the GI Bill of Rights for servicemen and women that qualifies for housing benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (formerly USVA) Under the DVA’s rules and regulations, servicemen and women can borrow as much as $240,000 dollars at the current rate of the .market value with no down payment. And with a small down payment, veterans can borrow as much as $300,700 dollars.

Lowest Mortgage Interest

The DVA grants the best mortgage program available to war veterans. It is a very liberal program that allows veterans even those who previously have take advantage of the program can use the privilege again. It can be used any number of times.

The GI Bill of Rights signed by Pres. F. Roosevelt since 60 years ago, the benefit program has provided guarantees more than $740 billion dollars in mortgage financing. The DVA has summed up to 17 million loans.

Based on the last census of the year 2000, there were 264 million Americans considered as war veterans of different wars and conflicts. This figure translates to 13 percent of the U.S. population. Or a ratio of 1 in 8 civilians with an age of 18 years. Veterans house ownership can be described as one of the best house owner assisted by the DVA. Reports also have it that the program since 1941, on record - still have WW-II veterans living and enjoying the benefit.

Some Limitations

Veterans who have been n active service for at least 90 days during World War II, Korean, Vietnam Conflict are eligible, and if they have been honorably discharged.

Same benefit holds true to for Reserve personnel and members of the National Guard (State Guard) who were in active duty after August 2, 1990 for Persian Gulf veterans.

However, for those in uniform with recorded service during peacetime and military personnel presently in active military duty – must have served 180 days. This, nevertheless, includes those in the National Guard and selective service who have rendered 6 years are also eligible. Albeit, their eligibility ends this Fiscal Year (on September 30, 2003).

Some Pertinent Details

Those who qualify for the loan actually are serviced by private lenders and not by the U.S. government. But the U.S. Government guarantees as much as $60,000 dollars of the amount borrowed by eligible veterans, provided the property is appraised for the contract price, and the borrower’s income and credit standing is qualified.

There is no maximum loan amount. However, banks and mortgage firms will generally give loans as much as 4 times the borrower’s available entitlement with having to pay down payment with a ceiling of $240,000 on no down payment plan.

Veterans who borrow more than that, the money lenders require a down payment

Equal to 25 percent of the difference. This results to, for example – with a down payment of $15,000 required on a $300,000 DVA mortgage.

Another example is – if the veterans is borrowing under $144,000, then entitlement allowed is $36,000. Or if the veterans is borrowing from $144,000 and $184,000, the entitlement is $46,000 dollars. If the amount borrowed is above $184,000 the entitlement is $60,000.

And after paying off the DVA loan and sell the property, the veterans can have his eligibility restored and use it all over again.

There are more details which can be secured from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Other WW-II Veterans

In the case of Fil-Am WW--II veterans, in order to secure more precise information – go to or call the Department of Veterans Affairs near your residence.

They should not expect to much from the DVA before getting the exact and pertinent information. And do not use any fixer. Do not also believe what other unqualified veterans tells you.

Scams and Cruel Hoaxes

Beware of scams perpetrated by some 'kababayans' posing or pretending as veterans advocates, who uses the media to announce hoaxes and false information.

Watch out for a certain Filipino-American supposed veteran who is a fake Colonel, already exposed as a fake and counterfeit officer, and a forger. He pals around with a non-veterans also claiming as a son of a veterans, but uses an alias (false surname) to hide

something rotten, and have dishonored his father by using a bum surname. This bum instantly appears in veterans meetings and promises false claims, collecting money for supposed membership to a coalition organization that has no resources, that is why he fleeces veterans money to line his pocket. He successfully uses and guiles the media for a scam, using photo opportunities with legislators and officials. He is a photographer.

Then there is also a discredited publisher who have a long string of court cases for unpaid accounts to creditors including a bank. This poseur claiming as a veterans also has been exposed as a non-war veteran. He is nobody but a loud-mouth hustler, now down and out, with creditors running after him.

He colleted money from veterans during the veteran’s naturalization process, and did not return the money after failing to make good in his promise to secure citizenship for veterans. He advertises himself as a federation organizer, and have relocated in another state after declaring bankruptcy. He hobnobs with top society personalities to cover up his fraud.

The there is that husband and wife team posing also as a veteran advocate. They recruit them to reside in a dormitory, then coerce veterans to join casino tours – so they can collect handsome commissions from casinos for sending veterans. He claims to be a veteran’s commissioner, when in fact is another hustler. The wife has a standing warrant of arrest in the old country for, absconding money from the Dept. of Education. And the husband also claims to be a Colonel, but in reality is a fake, and was a bus driver in the Philippines.

So there - be aware of fast talking felons posing as veterans advocates. Go directly to the DVA for precise information and help. # #







Nevada, USA, November 30, 2002 By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA - Most of us, who belonged to the old school, so to speak, have one way or the other had a stint with or long association with some of our home-grown patriots and nationalists, popularly regarded as great Filipinos.


I am one of those who have humbly learned many things not written in books, but have acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience from close personal association with men of intense love of God and country and high ideals, not to leave out their inborn wisdom. And became national leaders and legends.


Unlikely Heroes


We lost some of them so soon along a distant relative, Joaquin “Chino” Roces, and others at an era when we needed them most - like today. And foremost one of them, is Jose “Pepe” Wright Diokno, son of equally famous lawyer, in his time, Don Ramon Diokno


Pep, as we fondly call him, passed on as a victim of cancer, after his release from prison as a political prisoner of the Marcos conjugal dictatorship, however, was able to see the fruits of his sacrifices and heroism during World War II and during the notorious “martial law” perpetrated by an uninteresting dictator together with his over-ambitious wife in a seedy conjugal despotic and rapacious regime that reportedly plundered the nation.


Pepe’s Fate


Pepe was a senator when Pres. F. Marcos had him unjustly arrested by the military without any charge sheet, and incarcerated together with my other close chums: BGen. Eleuterio “Terry” Adevoso [Ret.] a war hero, and the famous incidental martyr, Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, all of them - avid nationalists who would not compromise the truth, what is right they swore to defend it at any cost. They all distrusted Marcos and suffered under his iron hand. Let us not forget these unsung heroes.


Terry was my wartime comrade and commanding officer in the Hunters Guerrilla during WW-II, and Ninoy was a long-time associate during his stint as a correspondent of the Manila Times, when we shared coffee cups in Tokyo, and Korea during the Korean Conflict.


Ninoy, was already senator when Marcos grabbed power and truculently threw him in jail as another political prisoner. All of them were considered by Marcos and his American [CIA] conspirators as a threat to Marco’s covetous personal goal as dictator for life at the expense of the lives of Filipino people and their hard-earned democracy.


Boyhood Chums


Pepe and I grew up before World War II in Ermita, Manila .As boyhood friends, whom I found as a firm believer of what is right, what is just and what is lawful. A son of a legalist father and a mother, a Caucasian mestiza who trained him as a bell-weather without fear of quietus especially when defending right over might.


One with Photographic Mind


Diokno was perhaps the only Filipino granted by the Supreme Court to take the Philippine bar examination, who never went to law school, and then topped the bar exams. He learned law in his father’s library under self-grinding study, and became one of the nation’s leading lawyers.


Actually, earlier - he took up accounting in school and also topped the national certified accountancy exams. Despite of all these he remained a humble man.


Entry to Politics


During his prosperous law practice, he was tapped and convinced by his peers, among them, was another flambouyant lawyer, the then Mayor of Manila, Arsenio Lacson, to enter politics. No sooner - Pepe was taken in by the then President Diosdado Macapagal as his Secretary of Justice. But not until a time when their political agendas crossed each other. Pepe chose to remain to maintain what is right.


His loyalty to his constituents was foremost and over his loyalty to any political


party. He parted ways with Macapagal after he raided the office of an American businessman [ Harry Stonehill ] and swore to put him in jail - proven as a notorious “grafter and corruptor that had top politicians in his pocket,” which threatened national security.


Diokno - as I have known him have always firmly believed on what is correct, who had guts and would die for it. He believed that the Filipino who could bring his native talent to full flower. Even if every citizen could not take part in the decisions that affects his life. He had always asked me [during his detention] whether the nations is moving forward towards the correct direction. And I quote some of his concerns:


“Are we moving toward real democracy that is really the dictatorship of a class dependent on a foreign power? Do we want our politicians to belong to or use their offices to belong to higher income class, and to present that class and the foreigners who control it? Shall the political elite protect the economic elite most of the time , and only marginally the poor who make up the vast majority of out people?” Diokno seriously asked us.


Diokno’s challenge to the youth of the land, not to leave out the fading generation that have shown indigenous lapses, to wit:


“It is a challenge, we Filipinos - not American, not Chinese, not Japanese or Russians, etc., that but we Filipinos must face and meet. And for at least two reasons:


“[a] First, we are proud to be Filipinos. That pride will not allow anyone else to make so important a choice for us. We, and we alone, must choose between genuine Democracy or ersatz Democracy, between going ahead all the way without stopping where we have been before.


“[b] Secondly, whatever our choice, we must live with it. Even if foreigners chose for us, we must still live with or reject their choice, Of course, we can err, but so can they. If we err, let us pray for it. But let us not pray for another’s error.


“It goes with saying that we Filipinos want real Democracy. What should we do now to make Democracy a reality? The we will soon approve a Constitution. What should it provide to make sure we enjoy our freedom, independence and social justice?


“ What else is authentic Democracy may require? It does need at least two conditions in the Philippine setting:


“[a] That what happened under the conjugal dictatorship should not happen again.


[b] That the government seriously attend to the problem of poverty, unemployment, under employment, low wages, social justice and without foreign control.”


His Foresight


Those (above) were Pepe Diokno’s resounding concerns and queries long before the new leaders who took office after the conjugal dictatorship, and the Filipinos who rose through People’s Power to regain Democracy from Marcos and his American elite friends who care less about Filipinos and freedom and human rights.


Diokno’s foresight haunts all the succeeding leaders that succumbed to graft and corruption, and to foreign domination once more. They have set-backed and backslided into yester-year's failure of standing against foreign stunts and deception.


Abject Lessons - Forlorn


The future of the Filipinos belong to the youth of the land whose God-given morality and course must be pursued and well-governed by them. Or they will succumb to failure if they also succumb to covetous politics and party swindling of the people.


We, the elders [ who have seen the golden years, specifically pre-WW-II, the enemy occupation, the ruthless looting by foreigners of our natural resources ] have shown the incoming generation the correct way to no avail. .


But careless politicians - once they have won, have returned to the decadent ways of political patronage forever turning their constituents as hapless mendicant followers imitated from American imperial debility. We were looked down upon by them as inferiors under the relentless white man’s burden. Our World War II veterans have been trashed as “second class” veterans unworthy of equal pay to the American soldier. While our leaders have stood by haplessly frustrated.


Rich Natural Resources


The nation’s rich natural resources lay under-developed, our basic economic infrastructures [ building blocks of industrialization ] are left under the hands of foreigners, the nation’s economic structure are under control of foreign advisers, foreign lenders dealing with exorbitant interest rates, and our elites with power are easily duped under alien pseudo eco-political man-made pressures, etc.


It is time to wake up to the realities of nation building that must start with sincerity if purpose coupled with firm determination to establish a stable Democracy - Philippine style - free from alien bluff and knavery.


Consuming Corruption


Latest gimmickry have seeped into every election which have provided an excellent door for widespread graft and corruption in the country. Crooked deals pervade elections as a handy instrument in cheating opposite candidates.


Political turn-coatism has been a ready excuse to gratify one’s greed and mistaken ambition of robbing the treasury blind - all under the label of evil politics, politics which has been the haven of crooks and their conspirators.


Musical Chair


All such cheap stunts are all liken to the musical chair game of merely changing coats and parties perpetrated over and over as part of the common practice of subverting democracy. Turn-coatism has become a perilous fad by foolhardy politicians.


There has been less discourse in the country than political reform promised by, and with the politicians’ tongue pressing his cheek.


Necessary Evil ?


Like cancer, graft and corruption has been accepted as necessary evil not only in the Philippines but in he United States, as well as other countries that have institutionalized the anecdotal proof of power grabbing of an individual or political party that thrives n corruption as a common practice.


Graft and corruption has spread to the vital centers of government that has almost secured the complete approval of the constituents who have been bribed at he polls.


A Developing Cancer


This cancer is not just an individual act but now has become a system ingrained in government offices - simply because the people has accepted it a necessary evil.


Liken to capitalism, it has created a public demand for people’s needs. And the legislators have promoted more ills by enacting more laws which could not be implemented - thus paving the way for more corruption.


Let the Clean Ones Come Forward .


Poor small officials who do not have sheer power find it difficult to thrive in an atmosphere of graft around him. He wants to be honest, but he sticks out like a sore thumb - among his peers who are brainless protgs of politicians out to rob government.


Laws provide discretionary power of and corruption. While the lesser officials are caught in the web of debauchery. Most at time the lesser official becomes the sacrificial goat.


The big question is who will be the super-ombudsman to investigate the lousy ombudsman?


Now, corruption is the domain of government - and has transformed the private sector as an accomplish. A vicious cycle that is part and parcel of what is called Democracy Philippine style, copied from the U.S.A.


Latest Scandals


After the notorious Marcos conjugal dictatorship that plundered the nation - comes the grandchildren of new style of pillages.


Hand Me Down Syndrome


In the Aquino administration, it failed to prosecute the avaricious Marcos family to cough up all what they have looted from the people and government. A few cronies made out marginal compromises to return sequestered assets and the like. Then Marcos cronies began to return to power and have infiltrated subsequent administrations.


In the Ramos administration, grand bribery had become the order of the day, i.e. the notorious Amari scandal, etc. A foreign grafter have set a brand new standard of thievery which have defied the government’s check ad balance. It may even have directly involved the President.


In the Estrada administration, Malacanang have finally secured durable control of “pork barrel” funds - that have been turned in the past administration into kickbacks from contractors and suppliers, not to leave out much that went into the pockets of solons.


Estrada vigorously opposed this but to no avail succumb later. Sorely needed in Congress is to pass his economic bills. So they have to scratch each others’ back ,so to speak. Pork barrel is back as greasy as ever.


Blatant Violations


Reports of the Commission on Audits and the government on these administrations showed that billions of pesos of overdraft was for debt servicing. It noted this as violation of provisions of Exec. Order #292, or the Administrative Code. In any language, insertions in the budget by any congressman is questionable. It is the basic principle of budget process, violates provisions of PD-1177 [Budget Reform Decree of 1977]. But who really cares?


Robbing the People Blind


In sum - this is no less robbing the people blind. The so-called country-wide development [ CDF] fund has been described as loose change comparable to these billion peso insertions. A clear abuse of congressional power to hold the purse and safeguard the people’s money. A callous swindle by no less the guardian of the people’s purse.


Manipulation of the national budget to suit the self-interest of solons - no less a criminal act - if it has to be described as legislative pillage through immersion.


Fighting This Evil


According to my close chum, Rev. Fr. Prisco Intines, and a Jesuit Fr. Guido Arguelles - “The fight against graft and corruption is a struggle between the good an evil, between light and darkness.”


“To fight it will have to involve the grace of the Almighty, “ said Fr. Intines.


“Graft and corruption has driven the nation back and down to the buttocks of the earth, thus - have set back the nation for at least hundreds of years. Corruption have been ingrained so deep in the nation’s psyche that no one, except those who have not yet been born - can cast the first stone upon anyone that has been caught as a grafter, who asks the question.”


Moral Enforcement


But it is still possible to change with the help of the Almighty. Despite of the neglect and failure of the churches - speaking of the problems of “enforcement of morals” and the problem of “victimless crimes” - the Filipino loves and fear God. But they have to sharpen their focus on a thesis of collective coercive enforcement through the wise exercise on how to prevent harm to others.


In simple words - practicing the golden rule and trying hard to follow the commandments as possible.


Look at the Mirror, Wipe the Nose


Politicians- if they want a real democracy bereft of desecration of morals - simply have to look at the mirror each day and wipe their noses even before they start the session prayer - then answering the roll call.


Public servants who have strong feeling of repugnance against corruption, working in the different branches of government, say a simple prayer before interfacing the public - with a resolve toward moralism., and chumship – has been all for show. Only a handful are sincere.


And lastly, for all of us - to be Samaritans, always keeping in mind the propriety of laws enforcing moral duties to each other – hope and pray that divine intervention comes to once and for all save the nation from ruin




MANILA, December 5, 2002 By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada - Life, it was said can be understood backwards – however, must be lived forward. And man - is truly a man who is a master of his fate. He is the captain of his soul. And the blood of a soldier is more sacred than the ink of a scholar, so to speak.

And his humility is the initial test of his greatness. He chose to be a soldier to see that peace can be bought not at too high a price.

He does not mistake oppression for peace because peace has its victories, no less popular than war.

As he concludes his career, neither shall he comprehend war as his job anymore.

He has earned the esteem and honor from his peers, and from a nation that he loved so well. He departs this planet earth carrying that badge of distinction and glory.

As I write this piece, I solemnly dedicate this to our fellow cavaliers – who made sacrifices, even it the cost of his life and property.

The latest list I received from our Class ’44 which are slowly diminishing who have crossed the Great Beyond were as follows: Gen. (Ret.) Aurelio Ugalde, Colonel (Ret.) Eufracio "Frasing " Villanueva, Col. (Ret.) Jose "Joe" Perlas, Capt. (PN Ret.) Godiardo "Budol" Nonato.

I do not have the latest list of fellow cavaliers who also passed on to the other dimension – but just the same with reverence and commiseration – I have adopted and re-composed these words of compassion from ars poetica by versifiers and vers d’ societe.

Quiet Cavalier Heroes

"He is the quiet type, no marching bands, no media hype, but through our eyes – it is plain to see a hero, that God has sent to us.

"With his gentle strength and quiet pride, all self-concern, he has set aside, to reach out to his fellow cavalier and fellow veteran. Always be there with a helping hand.

"He is a rarity, a blessing to humanity. With all he gave, and all he did, we can all bet the things we never knew and saw – this quiet hero has always been like you."

But we must not grieve for him, for he wants us to know that is free. He tells us"

"Please do not grieve for me for I am truly free. I follow the path God has laid you to see. I took His hand when I heard Him call. I follow Him and gave it all. I could not stay another day to laugh, to love to work or play.

"Work undone must stay that way, for I found that peace at he close of the day. If my parting has left a void then fill it with remembered joys.

"A comradeship shared from plebe year to graduation, an onward, will never die. Those things I will never miss. But do not be burdened with moments of sorrow, for I have always wished you with the sunshine of tomorrow.

"My life has been full I enjoy with God and with chums, the loved one’s touch, a kiss from her whom I married, and the children I sired. If ever my life seemed so brief, You must not lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and peace God wanted me now – he set me free. (Rehashed)




MANILA, December 9, 2002 By Col. (Ret.( Frank B. Quesada USA, Former Senate Committee Secretary, Veterans and Military Pension; Associate, PMA ‘ 44

Deprived and Dishonored War Veterans

Something is indeed wrong in the current policy in rewarding and providing compensation for war veterans who shed blood and offered their lives in the altar of freedom for the country.

A nation that can not honor and provide for the rightful wartime-earned compensation and benefits for the intrepid heroes who faced the enemy in times of wars and conflict so that the citizens and politicians may live – certainly requires serious reform of such disdainful, ungrateful policy.

I have exposed this putrid policy in the past, along with other columnists, however, powerful administrators have managed to persist in such wrong doing – all under the name of politics, bureaucracy of tyranny and grievous burden.

Here are a litany of oppressive policies that permeates the mission of government in indemnifying the honorable and active military service of citizens sent to Harm’s Way, but have been double-crossed. And screwed up so badly – which the nation abhors.

(1) In World War II, those conscripted by Pres. F.D. Roosevelt went to war to save democracy and freedom. The sneak attack in Pearl Harbor involved this country in one of the bloodiest war in history. It was a war nobody wanted, nevertheless we answered the call to arms that marked World War II, the bloodiest in our history of thousands of war heroes.

After the guns of war became silent and veterans returned home, the nation never knew the sacrifices and terror these intrepid veterans went through.

However, when veterans collected their compensation and benefits from government, promises were broken, and they found such promises were easily forgotten by politicians. Distinctly, while there were benefits paid and provided, the most important of them was their retirement pay.

American veterans rudely woke up one day to discover the some powerful politicians have deprived them of their retirement pay. And only provided them disability indemnity benefit. No plausible reason was provided. Medical coverage was provided but they were severed from military medicine, and thrown into the Medicare pool at age 65 or over.

Those who earned full retirement of 20 or 30 years in the active service that were deprived of retirement pay have a good reason to be angry at such corrupt policy. They were just allowed disability benefit, but deprived of retirement pension. American citizen tax-payers and veterans can not understand why and how this country throws away tax dollars abroad while starving citizens of their hard-earned compensation. Of late, the Fed have electronically transferred $5.1 billion dollars to Uruguay, and had condoned hundreds of billions of dollar to Egypt, and other countries – thus have en-burdened the nation’s economy and national security.

(2) during and after World War II, the government tested the Atomic bomb in Enewitok and Kwajelein islands that exposed GIs to radiation. Again the government denied veterans claims for such injury, but the government dragged its foot - took so long to admit that the veterans were suffering from injury.

(3) After the Korean Conflict, veterans returned home only to discover that the government dilly-dallied in being paid compensation from disability (i,.e. frost bite, etc.) Maimed and handicapped – they suffered from the injury and from securing work, not to leave out those who perished from related diseases – veterans were irresponsibly mistreated

(3) During and after the Vietnam War, veterans have suffered from exposure to "Agent Orange". Again veterans have died and suffered injury from exposure to such uncivilized experiment, and evasive treatment Meantime many have died and score of them were maimed and handicapped.

Government‘s response was negative and so little, so late.

(4) In the Desert Storm (U.S-Iraq) Conflict, U.S servicemen were again exposed afflicted with deadly chemicals, and veterans complained, claimed for medication and compensation – but the government denied their medical conditions. It took the courts to direct the government to take positive action and pay these hapless veterans. Many are incapacitated

(5) The most notorious of these government’s ruthless and reckless policy was after World War II, perpetrated against the Filipino-American World war Ii veterans. Since 1946, full compensation, allowances, arrears-in-pay and benefits had been unjustly taken away from them.

It has bee over 50 years hence, that the U.S government had turned its back to the huge constitutional debt of $2.3 billion dollars to these indentured WW-II veterans who were involved by the U.S in its war against Japan in 1941 to 45). The perfidious 79th Congress passed the infamous Rescission Act of 1946 – was a cruel hoax in taking away all their compensation. Allowances, and benefits they earned on the battlefields of Bataan,, Corregidor and in the Liberation Campaign in the Philippines (1941-to-1945). They die feeling cheated without full remuneration.

Only two benefits which could not be denied further by the U.S were: (a) indemnity disability compensation and (b) burial benefits, And on top of these repressive acts – after veterans won in the U.S. Courts, Congress therefore had to obey the gospel truth. (c) albeit deletion of no less than 121,000 names of bona-fide Fil-Am WW-II veterans from the Revised Reconstructed Rosters of WW-II Fil-Am U.S. ex-servicemen (RRGR) by AFWESPAC that illegally dropped the names of genuine veterans from the roster to supposedly save dollars.

Payment of Disability Benefit

But still Congress had to act gracelessly by merely paying one half (1/2) of the cost of disability benefit to these aging and sickly veterans dying by the hundreds each day. The U.S. paid the Fil-Am veterans 50 cents to the U.S dollar that were enjoyed by the white American veterans.

It was only recently when much noise and demonstration against the U.S. that forced government to finally recognize its ruthless mistake, therefore had to grudgingly fork over to Fil-Am veterans equal rate of compensation for disability, and health care services.

Along with this materialistic incredulous invidious discrimination against Fil-Am veterans, was the denial of citizenship for said veterans promised by the U.S. during the heat of battle in Bataan and Corregidor in 1941-42.

After July 4, 1946, Uncle Sam turned its back to them, and pulled off the local Immigration Officer from the Philippines to deny them processing of veteran’s applications for naturalization. It had to take Court action and Sen. Inouye to direct attention of government to naturalize these indentured Fil-Am WW-II veterans.

POW’s Claim for Compensation

During World War II, scores of American prisoners-of-war were taken by the Japanese Army to Japan, China and other held territories as forced laborers during the duration of the war. Many died in captivity under harsh torture and diseases. They were sick.

Compensation for US-Japanese

` Survivors were recovered and repatriated to the U.S. While other nationals had been compensated, not to leave out Japanese-America internees – were paid $20,000 each for the U.S illegal detention of these citizens.

These American ex-servicemen POWs wanted to be compensated for their sacrifices for the U.S. flag. The government gave a lot dilatory excuses.

Contrasting Policy

In contrast, the 66,000 nationals of 16 allied nations who also fought for the U.S. flag in World War II were all amply compensated. Germany and Japan (former enemies) received more aid.

Current Political Situation

As Pres. G.W Bush appear pushing his family’s war against Iraq, he can not afford to lose the military’s confidence and loyalty – so he has to play along with legislators who have been aggressively pushing for payment of unpaid veterans benefits.

Sen. Harry Reid (N-D) has been the key legislator pushing legislation of allowing military retirees to also receive their long overdue retirement benefits alongside their disability benefits. The Administration had frowned upon and was fighting the package of benefits to retired servicemen to kill the bill.

Before the end of the 107th Session, a compromise was agreed upon providing for retirement benefit alongside their disability compensation of combat-related disability. Sen. H. Reid and Sen. John Warner of Virginia plus several members of the House of Representatives vowed to fight for an expanded legislation for benefits,

Lessons Learned Here

If actually there is a legislative and Administrative will to face and correct this shameful and deceptive charade in the top-most level of government, these immoral and excessive indulgence – this country can be great again.

If we have to support the fight Bushes" war in the Middle East, and have finally learned our government’s past grave mistakes – the fighting men of the U.S military can again regain respect, here and abroad and secure necessary support they rightfully earned.

Napoleon I – once said, "What is more hard to bear than reverse of fortune is the baseness, and hideous ingratitude of man." And man’s inhumanity against fellow men produces helpless thousands suffer and mourn. Fraud even coming from government is the brother of injustice that spawns hate of citizens. The greatest of all faults comes from excesses in government, and in the squander of the nation’ wealth. In facing the question of U.S. Army retirees what was most abhorred was the hidden agenda of Congress. It gave themselves a raise in salary – while they held the full pay for retired servicemen.




NEVADA, USA, December 12, 2002 (Culled from the original draft of Vicky Viray-Mendoza’s interview).

Colonel (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada, an avid proponent of equality and justice for his comrades, the Filipino World War II veteran’s compensation and benefits still unpaid by the U.S. government.

In his 20’s, was a Captain of the most wanted resistance movement against the Japanese invaders in the Philippines, the Hunters-PMA-ROTC Guerrilla unit ( composed of members of he Philippine Military Academy and ROTCs) that inflicted heavy casualties upon the enemy with the least casualties on their part, during the dark days of brutal occupation under the heels of the Japanese Imperial Army. (1942 to 1945).

Caught inside the notorious Japanese Kempei Tai (military police) dragnet in July 21, 1943, was imprisoned in the Paete Catholic church along with a Caucasian priest and 2,000 others.

He was repeatedly tortured for eight days and nights, tied on a bench, at times hanging from ceiling - in the baptismal spot by low-ranking Japanese guards forcing him to divulge whereabouts of his fellow guerrillas and American stragglers from Bataan who joined them in the mountain vastness of the Sierra Madre,

Several attempts to drown him by water torture, (similar to the "water cure" applied by American colonial troops to Filipinos defenders in 1898) all the heavy blows that broke his back.

At his weakest point and hour, sensing that he would also be beheaded by decapitation like others who suffered the harsh punishment, there was very little time to survive, he requested the guards to permit him to take his last Christian confession to a fellow Caucasian prisoner ( Fr. Frances Vernon Douglas of New Zealand ) which was grudgingly granted.

No sooner the guard had his razor sharp Samurai sword over the nape of his neck, while he was made to kneel down before the enemy interrogator to answer more questions,

Kneeling prostrate before the torturer, shaking with awe and terror, while dying a thousand deaths in his longest time of his breath – quickly recited his last act of contrition, also remembering how decapitated heads of this buddies rolled as it twirled on the ground. He was prepared to die a simple death rather than squeal names of this comrades.

At this juncture, a Japanese officer arrived and intervened, told the guard to set aside his sword, and questioned Quesada as to why he continues to side with the Americans who were Westerners, rather than the Japanese who were brother Asians like him.

Quesada, in no condition to go through another several rounds of beatings and hellish ordeal, finally collected his will, thus desperately decided to go for broke. For he had earlier learned from his late father, Capt. Roman N. Quesada, that death is a privilege of human nature, and life ends in death when God’s finger touches him to walk with Him. And that man is the master of his fate, and the captain of his own soul.

He then perilously but rationally replied to the final question, declared the gospel truth to the Japanese officer –

"Sir – if you are being tortured and beaten like this by an Asian ." he said. "but if Westerners treat you kindly, then whom would you side ?"

To that honest reply, the Japanese officer was taken aback, gravely pondered deeply, shook his head, then ordered the guards to untie him, help him up – and release him at once to set him free.

As the Japanese officer bowed back to Quesada’s bow of Heaven be praised – a pendant of the officer’s neck swung free from under his collar, it was a crucifix.

Quesada gingerly walked out flightily from that torture chamber, dazed and bewildered – wondering in disbelief if he was till alive, after knowing how some of his comrades were beheaded on that prodigious day.

Unswervingly – disabled, with bloodied head, but still standing, he returned to his unit to resume his fight for freedom and democracy so that others may live, despite the loss of almost a dozen members of is family.

His crowning achievement in this struggle – was his noted participation in the liberation of 2,146 Americans and allied prisoners-of-war before they were massacred by the guards - in Los Banos, Laguna in February 23, 1945 by a joint operation of the guerrillas and U.S. brown boots of the 11th Airborne Division.

Both POWs, and the liberators (himself), on that historic day – hugged each other and thank the Almighty for answering their prayers and supplication while on their knees in the past - for their separate emancipation. Tears welled on their cheeks, and flowed with relief from their pain of torture and emancipation. The internee camp was a theatre of hallowed moment of ovation and thanksgiving.

Camaraderie borne out of war and ensuing peace was fate that made them lifetime friends like long lost relatives. Communication between them never needed until the end.

Escape from death by all of them is a digression from their lives with different close encounters

"I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience," said Patrick Henry.

"And it is the extract of suffering" said Arthur Helps.

In such gilded experience, we perceptively learn that we begin to die as soon as we were born, and death ends what was began. In a crisis – one’s faith in destiny is the substance, and the last hope for salvation - we finally accept.

But why do all of us want to go to Heaven – but ungenerously begrudge dying? Why? (FBQ) ###



MANILA, December 16, 2002 By Col .(Ret.) Frank B. Quesada - By popular request, I am herewith quoting the statement of Hon. Joseph P. Kennedy – in his effort to defend and fully support the 500 year old plight of the Filipino-American World War II veterans – who were mistreated by the 79th Congress in their cruel hoax against those veterans by enacting the infamous Rescission Act in a ‘rider’ that took away all of the compensation and benefits. (except for disability and burial benefits).

Rep. Kennedy has been close and have warm regards towards Fil-Am WW-II veterans, whom the late Pres. John F. Kennedy regarded as his comrades in the Pacific War during World War II.

Here is what Rep. Kennedy had to say, to wit:

"We have heard a lot of hemming and hawing over the years from bureaucrats in defense of fundamental injustice – more particularly the injustice- the denial of full veterans’ benefits to the brave men and women of the Philippines who fought and died under the stars and stripes in World War II.

"No less and authority on the sacrifices of our armed forces than President Harry S. Truman wrote in 1946, - "I considerate a oral obligation of the United States to look after the welfare of Philippine army veterans ."

For 50 years these men of the Philippine Amy who were drafted by executive order to fight under U.S. command have been treated as second class soldiers. Veterans from other territories and commonwealths of the United States – uh as Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands – have received full benefits in recognition of their service.

"It is only the Filipino veterans who have suffered what I would call discriminatory and bias treatment.

"I receive a fax message yesterday from a daughter of a Filipino veteran who said her father was denied veteran’s benefit because his skin was brown. The 79th Congress denied benefits to Filipino veterans n the ‘Rescission Act of 1946’.

"Congress did this because they decided that service in the Philippine Commonwealth was NOT considered to be active military service for purposes of receiving American veterans’ benefits.

"If fighting and dying isn’t active service – then I don’t know what is !" Discrimination is shameful and is NOT how we choose to pass laws in this country. But that bad law was passed WAS passed 52 years ago, and it is an injustice that we must rectify.

"We have seen this shameful treatment before un U.S history. During the Civil War he first black regiment was raised in Massachusetts – the Fighting 54th – made famous by the movie ‘Glory’ – and most recently commemorated with a statue in the Mall.

"These men of the 54th refused to accept the War Department’s offer of less pay than the white soldiers – in fact served without pay until our country rectified the insult. I is disgraceful that 135 years after the 54th radiant assault on Fort Wagner, are still engaged in a debate over the worth of our fighting men. Their blood was as red as any soldier’s and its worth the same gold.

I want to thank my friend and colleague, Bob Filner (D-CA) for introducing the "Filipino Veterans Benefits Equity Act, together with Mr. B. Gilman (R-NY) , and I am proud to be a co-sponsor. ‘ mark it up’ and send it to the House floor for a vote. It will amend our federal laws in order to provide benefits to these Filipino veterans.

"We do not ask to give Filipino veterans retroactive benefits for the past 52 years. We do ask that they be given benefits from now on. They are in the twilight years of their lives. I ask that we give them their due benefits, and let them live out their lives in dignity. # # #




MANILA, December 17, 2002 By Col .(Ret.) Frank B. Quesada - One of the staunch fighters of, and against war-veterans inequity and discrimination, who never missed a beat in raising his voice against his peers is the champion of my comrades in war – in fighting for what is right over might. He is no other than, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV). He stands tall over his colleagues when it comes to correcting inequities and discrimination of war veterans.

Of late, he has mounted a good fight against the Bush Administration that had continued to precluded no less than half-a-million U.S. Armed Forces military retirees who were deprived of their retirement benefits. I have seen Reid in action, and he impressed me as a no-nonsense man who is a man of conscience.

He is a brave legislator who believes that "conscience is a coward, and that it has no justice to indict." He loathes cruelty which he saw as a vice especially if it victimizes war veterans.

In the Filipino-American World War II veteran’s struggle for payment of their rightful wartime compensation and benefits discriminately with-held by the government, even if such debt to veterans could be adequately paid.

He stayed alongside another Senator Daniel K, Inouye (D-HI), a highly decorated World War II veterans himself who lost his arm in Europe during that war fighting for democracy.

They both worked hard to push the ‘equity bill’ in Congress for Fil-Am veterans, however, more powerful elements on the Hill had frustrated the equity bill by denying its funding, so the pork can be reserved for he spoilers.

Sen. Reid, had this to say about the inequity and discrimination of the Filipino-American WW-II veterans who have been maltreated as "second class war veterans" after they had honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces, to wit:

"For over 100 years, the Philippines had a strong ties to the United States beginning as a possession, established a Commonwealth, and finally attained independence.

"Before that, it was President F. D. Roosevelt issued an executive order on May 26, 1941 – calling into the active military service of the United States Armed Forces all organized military units of the Commonwealth, and incorporated it into the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE)., and were entitled to full veterans benefits.

"With this order, more than 100,000 Filipinos answered the call to the colors willing and able to defend democracy for the United States

"These loyal and valiant men first fought lines delaying the Japanese invasion, then forced to walk by the Japanese in the "Bataan Death March", after a shameful surrender, then mounted a nationwide resistance movement (guerrillas) against the Japanese occupation troops, dying under the same commander and with other members of the United States Armed Forces.

" Under the command of Gen. Douglas McArthur, Filipinos fought to reclaim control of the Western Pacific, remaining loyal to the United States during the enemy occupation of the Philippines. Yet. in February 18, 1946, the 79th Congress declared that the service of those in the Philippine Commonwealth Army was NOT active service, and denied several benefits these loyal Americans were entitled to.

"Not long after the Japanese surrendered, Congress passed the U.S. Armed Forces Volunteer Act of 1945. Its purpose was to send American troops to occupy lands and to oversee military installations at various overseas locations. A provision called for the enlisted men of Philippine citizens to form a new unit of Philippine Scouts. Although hostilities were over, the wartime service of Philippine Scouts continued under the law until it was dissolved in 1950.

"Qnce again, Congress has called upon Filipinos to serve as members of the U.S. Armed Forces while denying them benefits they so honestly deserved.

Although Congress has attempted to rectify the wrongs committed against the

Filipino veterans of World War II, each time the efforts has fallen short, The sacrifices of these brave men should not be discounted.

"We must see that they, like all other veterans are recognized for the honorable active duty they performed so valiantly when our country needed them. To continue to do less now only perpetrates the injustices they have suffered under for so long.

# # #

Discussion: This is only one of the sincere and honest statements on record in the Congressional Record, which this author collects and reports to veterans and for the World Veterans Federation to support the fight for justice and fairness.

There are many other statements collected, and will be featured in many publications and in the internet. The world should know and read how war veterans who bled and died for the U.S flag has been maltreated as a minority of color in the U.S. Armed Forces, screwed up by solons who boast that they are the (supposed vanguard) and keeper of the U.S. treasury.- but in fact – wanting.

This statement is a very straight forward and honest statement from a reliable legislator – who portrayed the deceit and double-talk of his peer up in the Hill. He and Senator Inouye are he ones among others who can be trusted upon by war veterans for their rightful benefits which have been subject to unjust reduction and denial.

It has been over 50 years of this Congressional exercise in duplicity and double-talk War veterans had been played as fools by the very elected guardians of fairness and justice.

With such mistreatment of veterans - who will volunteer to fight for Uncle Sam ? – who is now Uncle Scrooge? It’s time to throw the rascals out who damage democracy.

Veterans are not that dumb to sit in the dark, and suffer the indignities and dishonor from Congress and Administrations that considers war veterans as dumb Johns – trashed like expendable PX items. Veterans, their families and friends certainly will speak with resolve in the ballot. They truly identify inequity present in government, which vulgarizes the citizen-taxpayers, and brutalizes veterans.

Napoleon–I once said, "What is more hard to bear than reverse of fortune – is the hideous ingratitude of man."

Like the devil – some solons can site the bible for his selfish purposes, or for the party’s lust for pork they want for themselves. In today’s world, no soul is exempted madness of little men with power - we entrusted to them. # #




By Frank B. Quesada

Nevada, USA, December 18, 2002

We know not where you came from

not until you stirred and fanned a fire storm

From Washington to the Dixieland of Strom

where your choice of words had hurt this nation;

You have risen to the highest Senate seat

now have been a center of the heat

Now we know now how you feel about race

a sensitive problem of this nation without grace;

Your apology appear not enough to erase

the hurt this nation reels from debase

You have served the Senate well - as it appears

but it is time to go - after these years;

To retire in your beloved Dixieland

In the cotton fields, equality is sowed by hand

the harvest of tolerance rises from the land

It is home, at last - where divisive words don’t hurt

Best wishes, and God bless - Mr. Lot !


Additional writings Col Quesada (some w/ undetermined dates) 

(posted 6/4/2004) BALITANG BETERANO
Culled by Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pensions
Associate, PMA €˜44


As Filipino-American World War II U.S. Army ex-military servicemen landed on the shores of the United States of America, not in chains in slave ships, as freemen, they would discover and find themselves sucked into a trembling nation so divided by race, of bedeviled stereotypes, of creeping fears and by lickerish people waiting to exploit them
They came upon a promise as a reward from a rapacious nation, with an over-keen appetite for gain €" under a cultural shock these war veterans were not accustomed to. It was cultural shock, so strong which have confused them, lost upon feeling as instant Americans during a random naturalization.
These intrepid war veterans conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt in 1941 to fight America€™s war against Japan €" have blindly offered their lives in the altar of freedom and democracy €" only to find out later that they have been misled when they discovered that they were paid slave wages (half of their comrade€™s pay and benefits) enjoyed by their white comrades in the armed services. And their benefits cruelly denied.
In order to collect from Uncle Sam€™s constitutional debt of the remaining $3.2 billion dollars unpaid for over 50 years of simulated evasion, veterans came to the U.S. to press payment of their unpaid wartime-earned rightful compensation and benefits to no avail.
These hapless veterans sold their worldly belongings in the old country (the Philippines), pinched pennies, spent their savings just to come here to mainland America, albeit ushered with a sudden shock full of resentment. They were to rudely discover that people, of good €" continue to struggle to pursue unity with fellow Americans, but degraded.
Up until now, 200 years past from the wickedness of slavery, this nation faces a dilemma how its people can live together, and how to overcome the pestilence of racial and economic discrimination, under an ever eroding racial prejudice.
It has been a day-to-day struggle for people trying to help victims of bigotry so that there could be no more victims of enthralling intolerance. No other country like this was discovered and born with people harboring distaste for each other after the fortunate have acquired money, influence and power.
It has been an anathemized
curse upon a nation of wealth and plenty, and with people that have turned away from God, from the golden rule, and from the Ten Commandments. They have been tearing religious statues under the flimsy excuse of separation of State and religion.
Hypocrites pray before holding congressional sessions, but honor the almighty dollar with the words €œIn God We Trust,€ and trashed the words €œone Nation under God€ in its pledge of allegiance. A nation that has gone impious and rabid.
A nation with people that pretend to be Christians and other religions whose €œidée fixes€ of freedom without responsibility, and take pride upon being rude to fellowmen as a national fad, not leave out flagrant government lawlessness with a badge of arrogance.
It was, however, a product of an erzats personal and family value in a society besieged by fierce struggle for the almighty dollar, and worship of a false god printed on the green back of the country€™s illegal tender that grossly violates the U.S. Constitution that says - it is only Congress that can print the dollar and not the Feds. An entity that barefacedly manipulates the nation€™s interest rates and inflation. Cuddled by a banking system more powerful than government.
It is not at all surprising to to see the eroding life style which broke the family unit, that have changed what America used to be. It was supposed to be a nation of equals €" but quite separate through intentional discrimination and race prejudice, envy and hate .
Under a captious recession obtaining from reckless budgetary abuse and spending, have exacerbated a climate of exploiters and the exploited, not to leave out the resultant racial disdain of the political process. And avid leaders seeking money, power and influence at the expense of citizens and allies.
Travails of Filipino-American World War II U.S Army veterans ( namely the USAFFEs, Recognized Guerrillas, the Philippine Scouts ) is a epic of itself of how they were made to look like contemptible mendicant mercenaries, and as pawns in America€™s military misadventure in the Philippines €" under a self-seeking imperial colonization in Asia which breed intense aversion.
These hapless war veterans were sent to harm€™s way by the U.S. under a beguiling artifice: to fight under the U.S flag, albeit a pretense under slave pay and a flagrant violation of, and abhorred by the U.S. Constitution
Much more a direct violation of American direct governance over the citizens.
We, veterans were deluded to believe in what America was the land of milk and honey. But in fact, was €œ A house divided against itself.. A government that could not stand. And endure permanently half-slave and half-free.€ (A. Lincoln 1864).
We, were lured to be U.S. citizens since 1942, in the filthy foxholes of Bataan and in the humid lateral in the tunnels of Corregidor when America needed us badly in her desperate hours €œnecessitas non habet legem €œ (Necessity that knows no law and decency).
We came here to take up that promise of reward for our active military service, only to wallow in poverty in the ghettos of the homeless, propped by the inglorious SSI (a public charge) which was not a veterans benefit, but an affront and treatment with insolence so offensive to the honor and dignity of a faithful soldier.
We were deprived of the Bill of Rights, taken away by a perfidious Congress in 1946 that sent us to our deaths and suffer disabilities paid 50 lousy cents against the full dollar. Full compensation and benefits that were enjoyed by our comrades in the U.S. Army since 1941, which left us destitute suffering from want and shame. We may have been born poor and humble, €œbut upon our brows disgrace is ashamed to sit.€
We were duped into wandering as €œsecond class citizens and veterans€ unworthy of respect and relief - dispossessed by Uncle Sam that turned its back against us €" as Uncle Scrooge. We were made again to undergo another sacrifice under the government deceit and doubletalk in a exercise of political swindle. No less than Pres. F. Roosevelt words once more spoke to us , to wit:
€œWe know that there are chiselers At the bottom of every criticism and obstruction, we have fund selfish interest, some private axe to grind.€
Heavy-ladden rhetorics of empty promises and well-arranged words of beguiling political speeches have kept veteran€™s hopes for survival as they haplessly die by the hundreds each day away from their loved ones.
Nothing could vividly describe such maltreatment by way of the candid words of the late Brigadier General Carlos P. Romulo, who took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1946 to castigated spiritless legislators by exposing the cruelty heaped upon the hapless Filipino-American war veterans, which he described government€™s excesses as €œanti-veteran, un-American and inhuman €" if not a crime against humanity.€
Over 60 years of oppression and with a purpose of evasion of retarding settlement of the remaining portion of the debt of $3.2 billion dollars under a piece-meal basis €" was a €œpanem et circenses€ (stale bread and circus game), no less seen by the San Diego Veterans Association as nothing but €œcrumbs thrown from the master€™s table to the floor to keep the dogs quiet.€ (harshly attributed to them).
It€™s here where un-disguised avarice of the elites that increases with the mounting pile of gold, where poverty exists in the ghetto of the damned.
Use of racial apprehension by Congress holding veterans in bondage for half-a-century, waiting for legislative corrections were held as wretched hostage for self-abasement and personal gain (for political porks and perks) were the greatest faults are conscious of none.
And the nation dearly pays the price of disunity and a high priced racial, political severity. A nation - now the world holds hate in fee, growing sedition from within liken to s seething volcano, and a surging threat terrorism from abroad.
Sad to see a nation so divided under a few hands of powerful elitist demagogues that could dictate what government would do not for the citizens, but for itself. A nation that have squeezed the middle class, ignored the homeless, and have forsaken its war veterans. It has sunk into the quagmire of immorality and inordinate avarice, have ignored God.
Into the fires of hell the descent which is so easy: Facilis decensus Acerno. Its where the greatest torture souls feel what Hell really is -. liken to what this nation is heading now. A nation where men of lust reign secure whose God is the covetous dollar - worth their ambition, and who choose to reign in hell than serve in heaven (adopted from Milton).
A country with its gate so wide, and so broad which leads to destruction .It is there where the oppressor must live - but can not die.(J. Webster)
God save this nation that created it ! # # #


(posted 6/4/2004)

By Col.(Ret)Frank B. Quesada
Former Senate Committee
Veterans-MiIitary Pensions
Associate, PMA €˜44

OF 1946

By popular request from Fil-Am WW-II veterans and our worldwide readers, I am herewith reproducing pertinent excerpts of the infamous, First Supplemental, Surplus Appropiation Rescission Act of 1946, or otherwise known as: Pubic Law 101-79th Congress, Chapter 20-2D Session.
The title of this devastating Act that took away al Fil-Am world War II wartime-earned compensation and benefits by
Filipino-American World War-II U.S Army veterans (except for disability and burial benefits) is:
€œAn Act Reducing Certain Appropiations And Contracts Authorizations Available For the Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred And forty-Six and for Other Purposes.
€œBe it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America Congress assembled: That the appropriations and contractual authorization of the departments and agencies available in the fiscal year 1946, and prior year un-reverted appropriations, are hereby reduced in the sum hereinafter set forth, such sums to be carried to the surplus fund and covered into the Treasury immediately upon approval of this Act.€
The following fund items that were cut under this Act, passed February 18, 1946 €" were as follows€
€œThe Army War College = $23,819 Command and Staff School = $30,189; Army Quartermaster Service = $7,881,967; Rock Island Bridge in Illinois = $5,719; Instructions in Armed Force Services = $189,756; Maintenance and Operations, USMA =$1,323,884;
Army of the Philippines= $200,000,000; (emphasis supplied)
Provided: That the service in the organized military forces of the Government of the Philippines, while in such forces were in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States pursuant to the miIitary order of the President of the United States dated July 26, 1941, shall not be deemed to be to have been service in the military or naval forces United States or any component thereof for the purposes of any law of the United States conferring rights, privileges, or benefits upon any person or the service pf any other person in the military or naval forces of the United States or any component thereof, except benefits under 1) the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, and amended under contracts heretofore entered into, and 2) laws administered by the Veterans Administration providing for he payment of pensions on account of services-connected disability or death.
Provided: further that, such pension shall be paid at the rate of one Philippine Peso for each dollar authorized to be paid under the laws providing for such pensions: Provided further: that any payments heretofore under such law to or with respect to any member of the military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines who served in the service of of the armed forces of the of the United States shall not be deemed to be valid by reason of the circumstance that this service was not service in the military or naval forces of the United States or any component thereof with the meaning of such law.€
€œSection 301, This Act maybe cited as the First Supplementary Surplus Appropation Rescission Act of 1946..€
€œApproved, February 18, 1946.€
# # #
DISCUSSION: This act was enacted that unjustly and invidiously, likewise racially and economically discriminated against the loyal and intrepid Filipino-American members of the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE) after having actually and honorably served gallantly for the U.S flag.
These American €œnationals€ were perfidiously betrayed by the struggling ally (the U.S.) that desperately needed Filipino manpower and resources in America€™s misadventure in Asia.
They were demoted to nationals, although born within the dominion (See: dissent opinion by U.S Cir. Court Judge H. Pregerson, 9th Cir.)
The very least U.S. citizenship was conferred to them by virtue of their active and honorable military service in the U.S. Army during World War II. There was a contract between them and the President of the United States. They were not mercenaries, nor did not render €œinvoluntary servitude€ (liken to slave under slave wagess) abhorred and prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.
€œThe doctrine of territorial incorporation raises the issue that the Philippines and Filipinos enjoyed certain basic rights under the U.S. Constitution as a territory of the U.S. And among such rights enjoyed was citizenship in accordance with the 14th
Amendment of he U.S. Constitution. But this was ignored under what was perceived under the whiteman€™s burden.
The Army of the Philippines was legally incorporated and the members thereof were formally inducted into the United State Army, and administered the oath of allegiance to the Unites States They were subjected to the U.S. Army Articles of War.
There was only one United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE) as the U.S. defense force under General Douglas McArthur that defended the U.S. flag and its imperial interests in the Philippines. The gallantly fought shoulder-to-shoulder against the invading Japanese Imperial Forces until vanquished by an obdurate enemy.
As a matter of fact, the U.S. cannot legally and morally deny its prime responsibility to the Filipino-American members of the USAFFE. I hereby therefore hereunder quote the explicit U.S
Supreme Court decisions on all Insular cases, to wit;
€œ The Philippines was not a foreign territory within the meaning of the U.S Constitution, and that the Commonwealth of the Philippines was under the sovereignty of the United States . The Unite States legally involved the Philippines in a war of the United States against Japan, .likewise dictated the political and military strategy of the conflict.€ (See: U.S. Supreme Court decision)
The Fil-Am U.S. Army servicemen were singled out as €œsecond class U.S veterans.€ under the cruel hoax, invidious racial and economic discrimination, while 66,000 servicemen of 16 allied nations that also fought for the U.S flag were fully compensated.
Such act of taking property (war-time-earned compensation and benefits of Fil-am U.S. servicemen) is a blatant violation of the U.S Taking Clause€ and without due process.
It is crystal clear that the government abused its authority and perpetuated lawlessness in discriminating Fil-Am members of the U.S Army. I also hereby quote (U.S S,.Ct. 442 and Fr. Intines versus the U.S), pertinent to racial and economic discrimination against these indentured Filipino-American U.s Army veterans, to wit:
€œEquity is rooted in conscience and equal protection of laws and not achieved through indiscriminate imposition of inequalities. Historical test of the 14th Amendments becomes part of our U.S Constitution should not be forgotten.

# # #

€œ It is clear that the matter of primacy concern was establishment of equality in he enjoyment of basic civil and political right and the preservation of those rights from discriminatory action on the part of the State based on consideration of race and coor. (See: U.S. S.Ct. 442).


(posted 11/28/2004) BALITANG BETERANO
By Col(Ret) Frank B. Quesada USA
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pensions
Associate, PMA 44

( Reconstituted )

I have just been furnished a copy of a proposed controversial draft of a
bill by certain veteran€™s unit from Chicago, released via the internet, by a
certain unknown group described as (Filipino-American Veterans of Illinois)
allegedly headed by a reported unrecognized €œveteran€ whose name is
not listed in the U.S Army€™s Recognized Roster of Guerrillas of 1948, as
alleged in the report.
The controversial proposed portion of the bill follows, and I quote en
toto - to wit::
€œ ( c ) the plan was to provide monthly benefits to only to US based
Filipino WW-II veterans at the same rate of $800. Island based veterans will
not be included in this Bill. The cost to pass this bill is under $30 million a
doable passage.€ (emphasis supplied)
The report stated that, €œ Philippine President G.M, Arroyo, Senate
President F. Drilon, and the entire Philippine Senate. And Congress €œ
consider yourself on notice, the whole Filipino community is watching and
waiting.€ Said by the young spokesman for the FAVI.
Upon verification of such (above statement) with our associate, Mr. Jerry
Adevoso, Assistant Secretary of Pres. Arroyo on Veterans Affair on Malacanang,
Manila - the above-mentioned personalities mentioned denied any such knowledge
of the above-released statement that they were on notice, which they deplored
as rude.
Therefore, such internet release was found to have aroused displeasure of
Philippine top officials and the preponderant veterans majority based in the
Philippines. Further investigation of such press release yielded to a certain,
school student posing as the spokesman for FAVI, in the name of a certain Ryan
Mulvaney, a non-veteran, described as a . destitute of know-how in legislative
process, and has disregard for proper decorum.
The FAVI, and their spokesman, were also reported as without any precise
authority and written permission from the preponderant veterans majority
under the legal leadership of the Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP),
as the umbrella organization of all WW-II veterans organization both here and
in the Philippines.
The VFP has been chartered by law, Republic Act 2640 as the sole veteran€™s
voice, and as the duly authorized representative of all WW-II veterans
conducting an official lobby for their unpaid and denied compensation and
benefits by virtue of their active and honorable military service for, and under
the U.S flag and American interests in he Philippines.
The preponderant veterans majority under the banner of the VFP, are the only
ones that has the vested right and property interests in the demand for full
equity payment of their unpaid and denied compensation and benefits since 1942 -
by the US government.
They have favored the pending legislative measure HR-677, as a remedy
before they all die bald and bereft of their legitimate rights and privileges as
members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Veterans have appointed the Philippine government as their only conduit to
assist them under a government-to-government official lobby in the US
government (i.e. the Congress and the White House). They have NOT given any
tacit permission to any of the unauthorized self-proclaimed pretenders,
shamans and intruders plaguing and stalking the official lobby for Fil-Am
WW-II veterans.
After verification of the incident, it yielded and pointed to a novice
school student acting as a volunteer spokesman reportedly engaged in
unqualified advocacy for Fil-Am WW-II veterans in Chicago. And who have gained
many enemies in the veteran€™s sector for his harmful hostility against
bona-fide veterans in the area, and abroad, not to leave out the Philippine
Consul based in Chicago whom he has publicly irritated in his internet releases.
The FAVI€™s spokeman€™s act of producing discriminatory proposal
excluding bonafide Fil-A WW-II veterans from benefits (i.e. Bataan and
Corregidor, and the Death Marchers as well as Recognized Guerrillas and New
Philippine Scouts under critical perception and deliberate discrimination was
unanimously condemned by the preponderant veterans majority, as well as
RPgovernment officials.
The preponderant veterans majority composed of heroes of Bataan, Corregidor,
the Bataan Death Marchers, Recognized Guerrillas and Philippine Scouts, those in
the Philippine Campaign and the Sons and Daughters, Inc. have faulted FAVI
for allowing their unqualified spokesman who appeared disrespectful, blunt for
his alleged high-handed disposition against veterans based in the Philippines.
To denigrate, distinguish, or make unfair treatment and critical
perception of those intrepid veteran who shed blood and died for the U.S. is
a dastardly act.. It reflects against one€™s up-bringing, one€™s discipline.
Unfair difference in treatment of war veterans is indeed abhorred by a
civilized world, and by the US Constitution.
€œThis nation in the assembly of nations, has uniformly spoken among them
the language of equal liberty, equal justice and equal rights.€ (J. Quincy
The U.S. Supreme Court have ruled in all cases that discrimination is a
rust of any nation that eats the steel of the country€™s well-being.
This young, brusk and his careless ways as a waddy - have divided the
veterans in Chicago instead of uniting them. A handful of veterans that were
beguiled by FAVI€™s foolhardy and venturesome proposal authored by the
careless spokesman did not receive any favorable acceptance here and abroad.
The Vice Commander of the American Legion, Post 509, in Chicago, Cdr. Yague
have deplored such inimical exclusion of their WW-II comrades from heir
rightful benefits by a non-veteran and (allegely by his father) as an adviser.
Herein below, are wise opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court which can
not be disregarded and not be set aside. For the enlightenment of the
FAVI and its spokesman, I am herewith (below) quoting the appropriate U.S.
Surpeme Court decisions en toto, to wit:
€œEquity is rooted in conscience and equal protection of laws not
achieved through indiscriminate imposition of inequalities. Historical texts of
the 14th Amendment of the U.S Constitution became part of today€™s U.S
Constitution should not be forgotten
€œIt is therefore, clear that the matter of primacy concerns the
establishment of equality in the enjoyment of basic of basic civil and
political rights and the preservation of those rights from discriminatory action
on the part of the State based on the consideration of race and
culture.(See: US S.Ct. 442 and Fr. Entines versus the U.S.)
Such words above is apro po for FAVI, and its boy beginner, monk-spokesman
(allegedly under his father€™s guidance) considered on probation on
veteran€™s affairs that should carefully consider what discrimination
means, and what it stands against. Likewise, not to cruelly leave any
distressed war veteran behind their widows and orphans behind.
We are sure members of the FAVI (our comrades) know this well, save the
young incautious school boy sans savvy of the rules for rights of others, and
respect for elder veterans who shed blood for this nation - so that he
and others can enjoy the benevolence of peace.
FAVI certainly owed these bona-fide Fil-Am veterans ( heroes of Bataan,
Corregidor and the Philippine Liberation Campaign) based in the Philippines -
an apology. Their proposed discriminatory bill (quoted above) have patently
mistreated bona-fide veterans with insolence and rudeness through foolhardy
It .must, albeit, be learned as an abject lesson in such case. By FAVI o
choose a more proficient spokesman who can win friends through cautious language
and conduct..
Here is another U.S Supreme Court decision, penned by Justice Frank
Murphy in the case of the Steele versus N.R. Company, 323 U.S. 192 (1944) must
be comprehended by FAVI, and by the father and son. to wit:
€œ Economic discrimination practiced under the color of congressional
authority raises a grave constitutional issue that should be squarely faced.
Utter disregard for dignity and well-being of colored citizens shown by the
records is so pronounced as to the demand invocation of constitutional;
€œThe cloak of racism surrounding the actions €.in refusing and
entering into an enforcement is discriminating against them, under all the
of congressional authority still remains. No statutory interpretation can erase
the ugly sample of economic discrimination and cruelty , the accident of birth
has been used as the basis to abuse the individual rights by an organization
purporting to act n conformity with the congressional mandate.
€œAny attempt to interpret an Act must realize that the constitutionality
of the statute in this respect depends upon the answer it gives.
€œ The constitution voices its approval whether economic discrimination
is applied under authority of the law against race , creed and color. A sound
democracy cannot allow such discrimination to go unchallenged. Racism is far too
virulent today to permit the slightest refusal in the light of the
constitution that abhors it, to expose and condemn it wherever it appears in the
curse of a statutory interpretation.€
( end of decision)
FAVI is composed of honorable men (veterans) whom we believed would not
leave behind their comrades in the Philippines, under an unwise suggestion
by said adventurer (who by the way, father and son are not war
veterans),therefore are not competent or eligible to speak for or represent
the Fil-Am WW-II veterans.
They , however, free to express their personal opinions but can not bind
the veterans to their bidding. Free speech is not absolute especially sans
It also appears that some FAVI members were VFP members, therefore must
strive to keep up with the high standards of the VFP as a role model
organization for all Fil-Am WW-II veterans.= like the American Legion, etc.
As a former VFP vice presiden, and American Legion Alt Executive
Committeeman awarded the Legion€™s International Amity Award, I
helped set the standard of honorable veteranism. In the VFP and the Legion,
there is no grandstanding by anyone at the expense of any veteran, and their
compulsory heirs. There are no shamans or pretenders (kababayans) who use us,
veterans as their €œ whipping boys€ for their selfish schemes.
The saga of conceit has long gone in our ranks of veterans because €"
only us, war-veterans are the only ones that can eloquently speak of and
portray the consequences and the uselessness of war - compared to those who
intrude into our affairs who have not seen the face of the enemy in WW-II.
We fully abhor, detest and denounce any or all of those who use us as their
artifice for their selfish schemes and personal publicity. We will not stop
exposing and denouncing them (not to leave out to seek legal remedies, if
We invite the FAVI to spruce up their ranks, and afford a fellow veteran
who could be faithful servant of human interest to their comrades. We are humble
and do not seek fame nor fortune. All we demand is our rightful due
compensation and benefits denied from us since 1942, no more , no less. And
never again shall we consent to be driven to harm€™s way,then later be
trashed like garbage by any ungrateful power.
We are capable of speaking for ourselves, representing us and our
compulsory heirs. We deserved our rightful wartime compensation and benefits
earned in battle, coupled with simple unadorned respect, honor and
dignity which has no price in war and in peace - accorded to any bona-fide
war veteran.
No one can ever racially and economically discriminate us before man and



(posted 12/29/2004) BALITANG BETERANO
By Col.(Ret) Frank B. Quesada
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pension
Associate PMA €˜44


The Official Veterans Lobby

In order to inform all veterans, and our non-veteran readership, to avoid further confusions coming from unqualified and undesirable quarters usurping the role of the preponderant veterans majority under the banner of the Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP), which is the voice of the preponderant veterans majority. VFP€™s Legal Standing
The VFP was chartered under Republic Act 2640, as the overall umbrella organization as the voice and official representative of all Fil-Am WW-II veterans, and their compulsory heirs.

Official Position

I am herein publishing the official position of the official lobby position for the information of everyone in the community, and our readers. More specifically addressed to those ineligible self-anointed advocates persisting to crash into the official lobby creating confusion.


The veterans official lobby is a government-to-government undertaking by virtue of the VFP€™s appointment of the Philippine government as its conduit to assist veterans in their claims for unpaid compensation and benefits by the U.S. government.

The benefits paid by the US government goes to the veterans and not to the government.

Office of Veterans Affairs

The government, therefore have accepted the suggested creation of the Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) long time ago to coordinate with the VFP all veteran€™s demands for full equity settlement of all veteran€™s unpaid compensation and benefits before all veterans die.
The OVA consults with the VFP on any or all matters that requires decision by the preponderant veterans majority under the banner of the VFP. The OVA does not and cannot make any decision that pertains to the specific demands of veterans. This goes the same with the Embassy people that has no vested right and property interest in veteran€™s demand for benefits.

Vested and Property Rights

It must be comprehended by the community that: (a) The vested right and property interests solely belongs to the Fil-Am WW-II veterans, and not the government, (b) and that the official lobby has been confined to government-to-government level of negotiation in order to afford an orderly and respectable advocacy by competent officials.

This was fortified by the presence of the Presidential Legal Adviser, the former Justice, Manuel Pamaran, sent by the President of the Philippines to the U.S. to beef up the process of lobbying.

New Head of the OVA

Thus, of late, the fifth official recently appointed as the Head of the OVA is Maj. (Ret.) Delfin Lorenzana. He is the current eligible officer having been acting-OVA OIC concurrently as Defense Attache of the Philippine government in Washington D.C.

Former OVA heads were: former Amb.(Retired Gen,) Nick T. Jimenez, BGen (Ret.) Tagumpay Nanadiego, Lt. (Ret.) Rauil Urgello, and Mr. Jerry Adevoso.\, now Assistant Secretary to Pres. Arroyo on Veterans Affairs in Malacanang..


Here are facts which shall clear the confusions caused by the unauthorized impostors and shamans usurping the vested rights and property rights of Fil-Am WW-II. Those undesirable units have no legal standing in veteran€™s affairs, therefore have no business in intruding in the official lobby.

Albeit, they chose to express their unsolicited opinions, bum schemes - pretending to know the legislative process, when in fact have not actually technically worked with legislators in drafting bills, and or amending same. They usurp the official lobby€™s work.

False-to-Trust Publicity

All they have been doing was posing and pretending to know legislation, and by issuing press and photo releases to some gullible local media, and claiming accomplishment which was actually done by legislators, and by the OVA,

This happens because they have to justify the money collected from veterans, from the community and corporate donors who were made to believe that such monies were expended for veteran€™s lobby.

Lack of Transparency

Those fly-by-night units stand to publish their independent audited financial statements, and justify to the IRS all monies collected and fund disbursements. There has been a running controversy in the Fil-Am community as to where the monies collected by these notorious unit and individuals went. Sooner or later this issue will land in court for final adjudication and expose the alleged anomalies.

Role of the Assistant Secretary to the President on Veterans

The former OVA Head, Mr. J. Adevoso, later was promoted by Pres. G.M. Arroyo to Assistant to the President of Veterans Affairs, tasked to oversee the official lobby operation in the U.S. and the disbursement of benefits by he Philippine Veterans Affair Office (PVAO) in the Philippines.

He commutes to the U.S. and the Philippines wherever his expertise is needed. He coordinates with the VFP Representative to the U.S.A. (this author) who monitors the official lobby for the VFP.

This author has a wealth of experience in legislative work having been Senate Committee Secretary on Veterans and Military Pensions, and was senior staff of the €œU.S., Senate Inquiry on the Unsettled Fil-Am Veterans Claims for unpaid Benefits.€ headed by U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye.

It paved the way for subsequent payment of some benefits, not to leave out Inouye€™s initiative in successfully enactment of the Immigration Reform Act of 1990 which naturalized thousands of Fil-Am WW-II veterans.

Continued Official Lobbying

Veteran€™s official position before the Congressional Committees are:

1..To restore all benefits entitled WW-II Fil-Am veterans not to leave out the: (a) old-age pension (b) all unpaid wartime benefits ( those remainder from the $3.2 billion) due Fil-Am WW-II veterans paid to Caucasian members of the U.S. Army but denied to Fil-Am WW-II veterans.

2. To justify the veteran€™s request to Pres. G.W. Bush to include a line item appropriation in the national budget to cover implementation of the Filipino Veterans Full Equity Act, now know as HR-677.

This was done, however, by Sen. B, Boxer in the past who requested the President to include the said line item appropriation for veterans benefit payment in the year€™s budget However, was not timely implemented.

(3) And to once and for all and pay benefits of the USAFFE, Recognized Guerillas and the Philippine Scouts as part of the exercise of powers of the United States under the Tydings-McDuffie Act, which gave it jurisdiction and command over the Commonwealth Armed Forces as incorporated into the U.S. Army by military Order of Pres.F. D. Roosevelt.

(4) That the Commonwealth troops were receiving less in pay and benefits due to difference in the cost-of-living. Under a settled court ruling, even if Filipino troops were to transfer to, and reside in the United States, this did not automatically confer to them the same rights and compensation or benefit rate as Americans.

This was offset by U.S. Supreme Courts decisions.

Court Decisions

Commonwealth troops were being partially compensated by the Philippine government and many of them receive benefits from the U.S.V.A. being legitimate U.S. Army servicemen. Otherwise, they, too, are ineligible for benefits. The current €œmeans test benchmark€ in an annual income which also was controversial.

Take note that the lobby under the Veterans Affairs has addressed the above issues raised by the former Rep. B. Stump€™s Committee which deprived Fil-Am WW-II veterans their rightful benefits.

Correct Remedy

The current bill HR-677 is correct remedy for the grave racial and economic discrimination by the U.S. under the Rescission Act of 1946 that has been retarded by the government for the last over 60 years, while veterans die by the hundreds under a cruel hoax.



Culled Col (Ret.US) Frank B Quesada

Former Senate Committee Secretary

Veterans and Military Pensions

Associate, PMA ‘44

Part - I



"We know there are chiselers. At the bottom of every case of criticism, and obstruction we have found some selfish interest, some private axe to grind": said F.D. Roosevelt.

A Bad Tradition - Obtaining

The elusive wasteful pork of politicians has become a part and parcel of how our tax dollars are being wasted when abused. It is an institution in itself – of a shameless dishonest routine designed to deprive the citizenry without shame from what P.J. O’Rourk. ( former White House news correspondent) who described Congress as "a parliament of whores,." with a few exceptions.

Defenders of pork hoarders say, "It is a necessary evil in a democracies." Albeit, we say, if abused becomes a legalized form of raiding the treasury.

Victims of Abuse

One of The worst hit sector is the US military retirees and veterans of different Wars and Conflicts, whose servicemen have been denied their rightful pensions and disability benefits. Not to leave out the 200,000 Filipino-American US Army servicemen conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt in 1941 made to fight America’s war in the Philippines during World War II, up until now also denied their benefits.

This author is a living witness of the government’s maltreatment and lawlessness after the guns of war became silent after WW-II.. And when Congress the infamous Rescission Act of 1946 taking away all wartime-earned benefits earned in WW-II by Fil-Am US servicemen, except for two benefits: (a) disability, and (b) burial benefits.

Legalized Hold-up

Pork – is the grease that oils the clumsy political machine called "democrazy.". Hush money paid under the table as kick-back called pork barefacedly taken away especially as money intended for military retirees and veterans who shed blood and died for this backsliding nation. It has been an ugly form of legislative

Abuse, so to speak.

This Subject - Taboo

Nobody wants to talk at length about the mechanics and dynamics of pork for it paints the worst image and reputation of any members of Congress that have abused the once respectful system of distribution of district projects propped by laws for local application, for the constituent’s. welfare. In the process, however, it is not only wasteful, but highly immoral, if not fraudulent when pork was not very necessary.

It is a callous form of abuse and misuse.. It is done right under the nose of Speaker of the House, and President of the Senate. "They be blind leaders of the blind . And if the blind leads the blind –all will fall into the ditch of Hades. "(New Testament, Mathews,XV,14)

Institutionalized Abuse

This notorious institution of governments - have turned the pork arrangement into a "baka lehera, " (cash cow) for inordinate desire of greed. My comrade, associate, Jim Whittington ( a retired US Marine) said –"We can go on and on, as the band plays on" enumerating the scandalous pork committed as "legalized theft" from the government’s kitty (money that belongs to the citizens) as ill-treated pork being allocated by solons for their own personal re-election. Thus, pork have become a source of ill-favored dollars for their personal use..

"Enumerating all the pork allocations could raised one’s blood pressure up enough to create a deadly stroke as it could also raise yours to have a sudden heart attack.".

I have Seen How it Works

In my long career as a Senate Committee Secretary I have watched legislators who contrived in both Houses, behaved like a common deceivers and who deliberately, dishonestly shammed over credulity of others. Most public works projects are the direct victims of this institutionalized abuse where the kunshaw emanates.

Specifics of Pork

Now lets go to specifics of this "Battle of wills and wallets,:" according to USA Today, featured May 27. Here’s "the pork in the recent Transportation bill of $14-million available to members of the House by a vote of 417-9. Albeit what are the other bills passed which was unreal?" Both parties rarely attack each other over this corrupt source of dollars for political pork in order not to kill the gooses that lays the golden egg.

Bridge to No Where

House bill 284, an example, for highways bills include but not limited to $223 million to build an adjoining bridge from Gravina, Alaska ( to get to a population of only 50) to the community of Ketchikan (population of only 8,000 under a law passed under the nose of Sen.. Stevens (also known as the King of Pork). And who publicly did not like the $1.5 million bus stop in Anchorage. Money seemed like water freely passing under the bridge.

Part -- II

Eye-Witness Observation

It was said by David Wellechinsky (in the Las Vegas Sun Parade, Nov.8.) "One of the nation’s big problem is pork-barrel spending Every year, each member of Congress try to gain funding for as many projects as possible for his or her district. They were never ashamed of dipping their itchy fingers into the people’s owned cookie jar.

For Better Usage

" Some of these "pork" projects are purposely intended to help people in the districts in need, but many others would seem unnecessary as if they were in someone’s else district. In this case of Ketchikan, the money spent could be better used elsewhere." Like he us retirees and veterans.

Veteran’s Pork Patrol Amazingly, Congress has not investigated or had a closer look into this very large government waste obtaining since the last 1984 Grace Commission. The Heritage Foundation covered an audit of the following wastes. But confess that they still don’t know how theb $25- billion dollars was spent in 2003. It escaped the audit by inventory by the Auditors so easy, that becomes a congressional mystery.

Auditor’s Fiction ?

Federal Auditors know that it was spent by someone, somewhere,, but don’t know who spent it, where it was spent, and on what it was spent on. This not only sounds fishy, but smells like a dead rat. This missing amount could and adequately fund the Federal Justice Department operational budget. Or the US military retirees unpaid pensions and disability benefits. Or part of the 63 years unpaid Filipino-American compensation and benefits taken away under the Rescission Act of 1946.

Present Huge Wastes

The audit of the Defense Department showed that it purchased and then left unused approximately no less than 270,000 commercial unused airline tickets at the cost of $100-million dollars . Worst, the Pentagon never bothered to refund the fully refundable tickets.

Credit Card Fraud

"And that audit does cover the Federal employees’ credit cards.

"Government. procurement rules allowed government employees to purchase job-related products with credit cards that would be paid by the agency.

" Air Force and the Navy personnel used government –funded credit cards to charge at least $102,400 for admission to entertainment events, $48,250 for gambling, $69,300 for cruises, and $73,950 for exotic dance, clubs and prostitutes., repeat prostitutes..

"Just few examples to remember the next time lawmakers claim there is no room to restrain spending.! What a cockeyed reasoning? Whom do they think are they kidding?

David Wallechinsky, an investigative reporter, in his expose in the Las Vegas Review Journal of Nov. 6, asked, "Is there any defense and justification for the following expenditures?" (a) $250.000 to connect ski resorts in NewYork?

(b) $$250,000 to Washington State University and Michigan University for research to cut asparagus-industry labor cost buying mechanical harvesting to replace human laborers.

(c) $200.000 to Ocean Spray, a cranberry and grape-fruit growers to market cranberry to Great Britain.

(d) $2-Milliion dollars to construct parking facility at the University of the incarnate Word in san Antonio, Texas.

(e) $70,000 to the paper industry International Hall of Fame in Appleton, Wisconsin.

(f) $26-Million dollars to operate Selective service (draft boards) even though there is no draft now, and has not been any since 1973.

(g) 519-Million dollars in farm subsidies (1959-2003) a coop with 9,000 members of marketers of rice.

(h) $3 00,000 dollars for feasibility study for the world first fully enclosed motor speedway in Ohio Mahoney Valley.

(i) $150,000 to the Germany Foundation in support of students in Grammy Camp of potential stars and careers in the music business .

(j) $775,000 to the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gabbles, in Florida.

These expenditures have not been pre-audited, but have been accepted controversial pork even if disruptive.

Plain Discrimination

When US Retirees and veterans benefits and pensions demanded for settlement, as promised by government – they it is black-balled and ignored. In any sessions of Congress, there are outrageous porks projects which takes away bonafide necessities for US military pensions and veterans disability benefits ( as blood money owed) that is taken away in dollars necessary for urgent needs of citizens. And not for luxuries that has been an excuse for pork.

Legislators. Albeit quietly squabble in Congress over whose pork are expendable. They cut in important social programs to give way to pork which help ensure their re-elections. This is unacceptable to the citizens who need better programs in Medicare,. Food stamps, and many other priorities over luxury porks for the nation’s poor.

The Katrina typhoon have exposed the neglect of its citizens who were treated like a Third World State like New Orleans,LA. .Where did all that pork go? Pork come in different guises. One third of the US budget went to two to areas: the Military at $527 Billion dollars, and the national debt ‘s interest charges at $321 Billion dollars of this backsliding nation on its slippery slope down towards hell.

So the national debt is $8-Trillion, or a burden of $26,900 dollars per American under careless administrations.. .

Patriotism is not fully discharged to its full duty when government short-changes its war veterans. Rightful benefits earned in battles by veterans and retirees can never be compensated by a government that defrauds or cheats its war veterans who laid their lives and properties for the country.

Their vested right and property interests earned with blood and tears had been brutally and profanely desecrated and ravished by a sloven, negligent politicians.



By Col.(Ret.US) Frank Quesada Former Committee Secretary

Veterans and Military Pensions

Associate, PMA ‘44



I am herewith clarifying the misimpression about the legal status of Filipino-Americans who fought America’s war against Japan in World War-II.

Wrong Impression

Such misimpression have led those destitute of knowledge that Fil-Am U.S servicemen were mercenaries who fought under the U.S flag and ere not entitled to any and all the compensation and benefits they earned in battles of WW-II.

This treatise will correct such discriminating perception and wring conclusion that Fil-Am U.S. servicemen were made to fight for, and under the U.S flag under "involuntary servitude," abhorred by the U.S Constitution and by the American people.

Involuntary Servitude

"Involuntary servitude," is no less slavery which was never the case in the status of Fil-Am U.S. servicemen conscripted b y the U.S Pres. F. Roosevelt, as the Commander-in-Chief. to fight American’s War. in World War-II in the Pacific

. Historical Background

The Philippines was a Commonwealth of the U.S. after it was ceded by Spain in the conclusion of the Spanish-American War.In other words, the Philippine Island was protectorate of the U.S.

Constitutional Statutory

Provision and Military Order

The U.S Constitution vest upon the U.S. Congress the power to declare war…. to raise and support armies.. to provide and maintain a navy, etc (See:: Article I, Sections 8,11,12 and 13). .

Particularly, Section 11, Section 2(1) states that : tbe President of the U.S. shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy and the militia of several States, when called into actual active military service of the U.S..

Presidential Power

Such power of the President is far-reaching and have been interpreted to include power which may be necessary to wage war effectively. His words ad promises are tantamount to law.

Under the Tydings-McDuffe Act, also known as the Philippine Commonwealth Independence Act (P.D. 127-73rd Congress),signed into law by Pres. F. Roosevelt on March 24, 1934 – the Philippines recognizes, among others, the plight of the U.S. to maintain military and other reservations and armed forces in the Philippines, and upon order of the President to call into the service of the U.S. armed forces all military forces organized by the Philippine Commonwealth government.

Philippine Commonwealth

Barely a month after the inauguration of the Philippine Commonwealth government on November 15, 1935, the Philippine National Assembly enacted , on December 21, 1935, the National Defense Act, (Commonwealth Act NO. 1)

Pres. F. Roosevelt, on July 26, 1941, issued the Military Order. (See below)

"Military Order

"Organized Military Forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines called into the active military service of the Armed Forces of the U.S.

"Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the U.S. by section 2 (a) 912 of the Philippine Independence Act, of March 24, 1934, (45 Stat.475) and by the corresponding provisions of the Ordinance appended, by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, andas Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the of the U.S. I hereby call a order into the service of the U.S armed forces for the period of the existing emergency, and place under the command of a general officer ; United States Army and Navy , to be designated by the Secretary of War from time to time, all of the organized military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, Provided: that all naval components thereof shall b placed under the command of the Commandant of the Sixteenth Naval District, U.S. Navy.

"This order shall take effect with relation to all u its and personnel of the organized forces of the government forces of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines from and after the days and hours , respectively, indicated in the orders to be issued from time to time by the General Officer, U.S. Army, designated by the Secretary of War.

Signed: Franklin D. Roosevelt"

Military Status of Fil-Am


The above provisions are clear and suffice as to the military status of the Filipino-American as legitimate members of the U.S. Armed Forces. It therefore, clarifies the misconception and deceptions by hired hacks who confuse the public, in order to help retard the payment of wartime-earned compensations and benefits of the Fil-Am U.S. servicemen.

Up until this time of writing, 60 years of governments escape innovation in delaying payment of the full equity claims of Fil-Am World War-II U.S. servicemen.

60 Years of Cruel Hoax

This is the Nth year of formal claims lodged each year to the U.S government of Fil-Am WW-II veterans. Of late, Heaven knows how many bills were filed and refilled in the U.S. Congress and the White House since 1946, there were disregarded and junked by Congress.

Living a Lie

The government’s lame argument that Fil-Am veterans are not members of the U.S. Armed Forces in-spite of Pres. F.Roosevelt’s proclamation by conscription of Filipino-American nationals into the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE) under the command of Gen. Douglas McArthur was an actual existence of fact, and truth..

There is something putrid and rabid here ! Even the U.S. Supreme Court decided that; to wit:

U.S Supreme Court Decision

" The Philippines was not a foreign territory within the meaning of the U.S. Constitution and the Commonwealth of the Philippines was under the sovereignty of the United States . The U.S. involved Philippines ina war of the U.S. against Japan, likewise dictated the political and military strategy of the conflict." (See: U.S. Supreme Court decisions on Insular cases.)

Facts Does Matter

Current inconvertible evidences of facts bearing on the simple issue of jurisdiction or legal power which justifies and vindicates the official action of the U.S President - by conscripting Filipino-Americans into the service of the U.S Army under a Military Order of Pres. F. Roosevelt, as the Comanderr-in-Chief - is also a reality and not should be taken lightly or ignored by Congress

Equalizer of Men

Gen. McArthur said,"War is a great equalizer of men. Every member of my command shall receive equal pay and allowance based on the U.S. Army pay scale regardless of nationality."

But who was McArthur to the conspirators in Congress? He was a non-entity up in the Hill.

The Notorious Conspiracy

The in February 18, 1946 – the U.S Congress, instantly inserted a dastardly "rider" in the law (the First Supplemental Surplus Appropiation Rescission Act of 1946 – taking away all wartime-earned compensations and benefits (except for two benefits: disability and burial benefits ) for no justification.

It was a conspiracy in Congress that junked the proclamation of Pres. F. Roosevelt when he conscripted the Fil-Am veterans into the USAFFE, and his promises: citizenship and just compensation.

Callous Act of Perfidy

What was so surprising was that shortly after the liberation of the Philippines – it took such a short time for the turn its back to the Fil-Am veterans, their widows and orphans the U.S first hostile act of ungratefulness.

In effect of such law, the Rescission Act of 1946, deprived the Fil-Am veterans from the benefits of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (Public Law 346, approved by the 78th Congress in June 22, 1944.)

Sans Mercy and Compassion

Its effect precluded the Fil-Am veterans, their widows and orphans from hospitalization, educational and loan benefit intended to World War-II veterans after their discharge from military service..

And as if this was not enough, 30,000 (New) Philippine Scouts who were recruited and enlisted into the A.U.S. Armed Forces.under Section 14 of Public Law 190 by the 79th Congress were accorded the same unjust treatment as the USAFFE and Recognized Guerrilla veterans - when the Second Supplemental Surplus Appropiation Rescission Act of 1946, enacted on February 18, 1946.(Public Law 301, 79th Congress).

A Wrongful Act Codified

Such restrictive provisions of said Acts aforementioned above, were consolidated into Section 107, Title 38 - U.S Code Public Law 85-859 in 1958.

6oth Anniversary of the Rescission Act of 1946

As the U.S. and Fil-Am Veterans commemorate Rescission Act anniversary, albeit, also despise this date owing to the repression against Fil-Am WW-II veterans for the last 60 years - of denial of veterans wartime owned unpaid compensation and benefits, such a day is certainly not for joyful celebration.

Black Day in History

In fact it is a black day in the history of this nation. It parallels the extermination of the Jews in Europe. The only difference was - the Fil-Am veterans were not cooked in the ovens of death, but made to suffer and die of old age in want, and disease in their twilight years of 60 years of suffering while their money earned in battles of WW-II are hoarded for solon’s pork and perks.

Subtle Torture through Denial

What was more cruel and hurting was – its manner of pitiless maltreatment under the notorious white-man’s burden against U.S servicemen of color. 0ver 180,000 conscripted by Pres. F. Roosevelt from the original 200,000 that answered the call to the colors, we are now only less than 20,000 indentured survivors of World War-II, who outlived the 60 years of U.S. cruelty through denial of our rightful benefits earned in battles of World War-II.

Intense Aversion, No Stranger We are on the same level of repression of the U.S. Military retirees and veterans also deprived of their faithful active military service pensions and disability benefit, etc..

U.S.military retirees cry out loud against such fraud committed against them, with their voices, and their fists raised against the same cruelty and maltreatment by government who sent them to harm’s way - then only to be handled with abuse, and deliberate neglect.

It is the Almighty dollar which has been the object of government’s universal cupidity. And when it comes to the question of money – powers in government’s has just one religion which is the Green Back.

# # #



History: Bataan has fallen (part 2)

Balitang Beterano
By Col. (Ret) Frank B. Quesada

Continued from last issue...

"Mechanically, I placed a sheet of paper on the typewriter and began writing, then I wrote:

"BATAAN has fallen. The Philippine-American troops on this war-ravaged and blood-stained peninsula have laid down their arms. With heads bloody, but unbowed they have yielded to the superior force and numbers of the enemy.

"The world will long remember the epic struggle that Filipino and American soldiers just put up in the jungle fastness along the rugged coast of Bataan. They have stood up uncomplaining against under the constant and gruelling fire of the enemy for more than three months. Besieged on land and blockaded by sea, cut from all sources of help in the Philippines, and in America, these intrepid fighters have done all that human endurance could bear.

"For what sustained them though all these months of incessant battle was a force that was more than merely physical. It was the force of unconquerable faith something in the heart and soul that physical hardship and adversary could not destroy. It was the thought of native land and all that it holds most dear., the thought of freedom and dignity, and pride in those most priceless of all human prerogatives.

"The adversary in the pride of his power and triumph will credit our troops with nothing less than the courage and fortitude that his own troops have shown in battle. Our men have fought and brave and bitterly contested struggle. All the world will testify to the almost superhuman endurance which they stood up until the last in the face of overwhelming odds.

"But the decision had to come. Men fighting under the banner of unshakable faith are made of something more than flesh, but they are not made of impervious steel. The flesh must yield at last, endurance melts away, and the end of battle must come.

"Bataan has fallen, but not the spirit that made it stand, a beacon to all the liberty-loving peoples of the world – cannot fail."

–end of text–


Written by Col. (Ret.) Frank B. Quesada Saturday, 28 July 2007 15:04

After what I have revealed as the alleged "illicit status" of the National Alliance for Veterans’ Equity (NAFVE), as an entity without (locus standi) legal standing in the Fil-Am WW-II Full Equity official lobby. The NAFVE actually trespasses in the turf of veterans.

The NAFVE actually appears as interlopers for soliciting funds supposedly for the cause of Fil-Am WW-II veterans but uses the funds for its own operations. This has been noticed by us, the veterans.

Of late the NAFVE has finally admitted in print that it has no legal personality to represent the Full Equity campaign for the veterans. (For Evidence: SEE THE LETTERHEAD below stating "NAFVE c/o NAFFAA," per Press Release of July 5, 2007), which indicated it can not stand on it own leg, but persist to continue operating with impunity. The NAFVE, therefore, can not stand alone as an illicit entity. Thus, it used the National Federation of Filipino-American Associations (NaFFAA) as its leg in the press release, which indicates that the NAFVE is under the care of another entity, the NaFFAA. (See and refer to: NAFVE, dated July 5, 2007).

Mr. Bobby M. Reyes of the and the bona-fide Fil-Am WW-II veterans are correct in asking for the NAFVE to show legal credentials such as proof of Registration with all Secretaries of State(s) where they operate, and legal authority to solicit money, where there are resident veterans reportedly being solicited supposedly for the veteran's cause.

It is, however, the own business of Mr. Reyes, et al, and the in their own examination in support of and the quest for NAFVE's legitimate authority to the extent of their public critical scrutiny of NAFVE to distinguish what is proper and expedient about the alleged impropriety of such as an organization manned by non-veterans (and) which appears as misrepresenting the war veterans in a concocted lobby for veterans.

I have consulted an Attorney General about the propriety for example of an entity (like the NAFVE trespassing and invading the rights of another in such case by NAFVE, which does not have legitimate standing in veteran's affairs).

The Attorney General responded to my query (about a trespassing entity like the NAFVE). He opined that said entity might have already committed unlawful acts punishable by law. And that compliance by the NAFVE is governed by laws and regulations that are mandatory requisites, especially against transgression.

Suffice to state that the Fil-Am WW-II veterans are the sole and legitimate CREDITORS of the obligation unpaid by the government for the veteran's active and honorable military service performed under the U.S. flag.

The NAFVE is not a legitimate veteran's entity, thus is considered by veterans as NOT a legitimate entity to mount a lobby. The NAFVE does possess any moral and legal standing.

The Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP) has NOT assigned to the NAFVE any attorney-in-fact what-so-ever and/or has NOT issued any power-of-attorney to the NAFVA to act for and in behalf of the preponderant veterans’ majority at all.

The VFP has been chartered under Republic Act 2640, which mandates that the VFP as the sole voice and representative for itself in its claims for full equity settlement of the unpaid Fil-Am WW-II compensation and wartime benefits earned in World War-II.

It is the veterans at their own behest that had requested the Philippine Government to direct the Philippine Embassy as the veterans’ CONDUIT through diplomatic channels to initially consult and assist the veterans, but not to formulate its own policy outside the veterans’ legitimate claims.

There was a grave mistake in the past by the summarily-recalled former Ambassador (Albert del Rosario) by ignoring the veteran's dissatisfactions and advice, which might have caused him his job.

In the same token, the Fil-Am WW-II veterans have requested the Philippine government to create a subsidiary public-service office, "The Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA)." The OVA is mandated to consult and assist veterans not only those residing in the U.S., but with the preponderant veterans residing in the Philippines. There are more of them residing in the Philippines than those residing here in the U.S. They cannot and must not be ignored as the creditors of the unpaid US benefits for Fl-Am WW-II veterans.

Majority rule cannot be set aside. And that the OVA must all the time be competent to serve the needs of veterans, i.e., during hearings. In the past hearings in both Senate and House of Representatives both offices (the Embassy and the OVA) were wanting on their testimonies about veterans' affairs and legislative processes. Some vital queries by legislators remained unsatisfactorily unanswered during the hearings.

The OVA was placed under the Department of National Defense (specifically under the PVAO's disposition) where OVA's logistics came from. Altogether, at the hearings both the OVA and the Embassy have failing score cards, thus have been an embarrassment to, and for the Office of the President of the Philippines. Veterans have the document to back this up.

Some vital queries by legislators during the hearings have remained answered by the Philippine panel. The Assistant Secretary to the President (PGMA) was scheduled to come but has been systematically precluded from the list of affiants suggested by veterans to competently argue their case. But there existed some mystery to it, which I have been told.

No other entities were duly authorized to act for, or represent the Fil-Am WW-II veterans in the U.S. regardless of their own nationality and pecuniary interests. Let there be no mistakes about this!

And lastly, whatever the NAFVE now says and claims as its supposed accomplishments are NOT BINDING to the US Legislators and the veterans what-so-ever. In a nutshell, NAFVE is a non-entity. The veterans perceived it to have allegedly assumed conceit, arrogance and disdain that caused injury to the official lobby under (a state of) confusion and illegitimacy. The veterans’ adviser's name (Col. Romy Monteyro) and (his) photos have been cut in press-and-photo releases so that NAFVE's aspiring advocates could shine over the veteran's adviser named by Representative Filner as his "dancing partner." These NAFVE shenanigans will be exposed by Mr. B. Reyes and the media soon.

Thus, in sum, this controversy is an end result of the jumbled-up Filipino culture of disorder and insolence. # # #

Editor’s Note: The author, Col. (Ret) Frank B. Quesada, is a World War-II POW. He is also the VFP Liaison Representative to the U.S.A., and consultant to the (ad hoc) National Advisory Council of Fil-Am WW-II Veterans Leaders, by virtue of his extensive proven experience in veterans’ affairs, and in legislative process as former Secretary of Veterans and Military Pensions for decades. He was a former senior staff of U.S Sen. Daniel K. Inouye in the "US Senate Inquiry into the Filipino-American Veteran's Unsettled Claims for Unpaid Compensation and Benefits earned during WW-II."


Written by Col. Frank B. Quesada (Ret.) Sunday, 11 November 2007 04:37

The American banner is not only to be displayed on June 14, which is Flag Day in the United States of America, but also on 18 other dates (the so-called "Flag Holidays"). The display with full honor of the American colors during the Flag Holidays this year is doubly significant because the United States is at war. It is a very precious possession of every American, especially the war veterans who have shed blood or died fighting for our national flag.

During these 19 holidays, the flag is displayed the whole day:

New Years Day – January 1

Inauguration Day – January 20

Lincoln’s Birthday – February 12

Washington’s Birthday – Third Monday of February

Easter Sunday – Variable Date

Mother’s Day – Second Sunday In May

Armed Forces Day – Third Saturday of May

Memorial Day – Last Monday of May

Flag Day – June 14

Father’s Day – Third Sunday of June

Independence Day – July 4

Labor Day – First Monday of September

Patriot’s Day – September 11

Constitution Day – September 17

Columbus Day – Second Monday of October

Navy Day - October 27

Veterans’ Day – November 11

Thanksgiving Day – Fourth Thursday of November, and

Christmas Day – December 25.

Along with the display of the "Star and Stripes" is a solemn oath of allegiance to the Republic for which it stands.

Reverence to the Flag

To honor the flag, with the pledge, everyone must face the flag in attention, remain silent, with the military salute by veterans and servicemen, and the right hand over their hearts by civilians and/or veterans.

The Pledge

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

The "Star and Stripes" represents all of us in this alive country, which is emblematic for our respect and national pride for this nation.

The Filipino-American War Veterans

We, the Filipino-American citizens and immigrants, who reached this country not in slave ships, or not in chains, but lawfully accorded the right to be citizens by virtue of their active military wartime services in American’s war in World War II in the Philippines and the Pacific War of the United States. They lawfully earned it to be Americans.

As Americans, we are entitled to all Rights and Privileges as anyone. As a matter of fact, Filipino Americans are legitimate members of the US Armed Forces as US servicemen, as ruled by the US Supreme Court. Therefore, the US flag is the symbol for which Fil-Am veterans offered their lives in the altar of freedom like their comrades in the U.S Armed Forces that defend the US flag and American interests abroad.

The Flag is Our National Identity

The "Star and Stripes" is our national emblem as a symbol of this country, as God’s crucible (of his own faith), regardless of anyone’s origin, race, persuasion or religious beliefs.

Our birthright is reflected in the Flag. Our heritage is inconspicuously etched in this banner, which reflects our standing as one of the founding countries of the United Nations that stands for equality, peace and understanding.

Constitution Follows the Flag

We all owe reverence and respect , for this symbol which represents our highest ideals of citizens’s individual liberty, and justice for each citizen that seeks equally opportunity for every American without exception.

Never shall anyone trample this flag, or desecrate the principles of Democracy which all free men died for peace and contentment of free men that believe in his on God, regardless of his religion and persuasion.

Display of the Flag

It has been a universal custom to display the fag from sunrise to sunset on buildings and flagstaffs in the open.

It is hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously. It must not touch the ground. And should not be displayed during inclement weather, except when an all-weather flag is used.

It is also displayed in all designated polling places during election day. It is to be displayed in all government and school buildings.

It should be displayed above all other pennants or flags, or the right-side of other flags to show superior prominence in honoring it. When displayed with other flags, it should be prominently placed in the center of all other flags.

When the US flag is displayed with other national flags, they should all be in separate flagstaffs of the same height.

Inside all churches, it should be on the right side on a flagstaff facing the audience. Likewise nothing should be placed above it, or be displayed with the union facing the ground of upside down.

Parades and Ceremonies

When carried during processions, with other flags, it should be on the marching right side. It should never be put on floats in any way except if displayed on a flagstaff.

No disrespect for the flag and never dipped as a mark of honor for anything.

Salute to the Flag.

When the flag is being lowered, or in a passing parade, or in review, persons present except those dressed in military uniform, should face the flag and stand in attention with the right hand placed over the heart . Those in military uniform should render a military salute.

Civilians should remove their hats, while aliens should merely stand on attention.

War Veteran’s Instinct

Look around you and see how veterans war – no matter if they are disabled or handicapped – strive to stand erect and honor the flag they fought with during Wars and Conflicts.

National Anthem

During rendition of the national anthem – with the presence of the flag on displayed – those who are not in uniform should remove their headdress and place their right hand over their hearts, Those in uniform render the military singing of the anthem when it is played.

Flag on Half-Staff

When the flag is to be on half-staff, it should be first be hoisted until it reaches the top pf the flagstaff and then lowered to half-staff position.

When lowering the flag at the end of the day, it is first hoisted again and then lowered. The flag is on half-staff also on the following days:

Peace Officer’s Memorial Day on May 15 ,

Korean War Memorial Armistice Day on July 27,

Patriots Day on September 11,

Pearl Harbor Day on December 7.

By order of the President, the flag shall be flown at half-mast upon the death of any principal figure of the United States government and the Governor of a State territory or possession as a mark of respect to their memory .

Other Occasions

In the event of death of other officials or foreign dignitaries, the flag is to be displayed at half-mast in accordance to Presidential instructions or orders in accordance to accepted and recognized practices or are consistent with laws. # # #


What This Column Is All About

Written by Frank B. Quesada Tuesday, 18 December 2007 17:44

I would like to see a compendium of as much as I have written on the Filipino veterans’ plight since I started fighting for our benefits. The full account of the struggle can be published into a book, as Bobby Reyes has suggested.

This proposed book will tell part of the history of the Filipino veterans’ issues and their fight for justice and fairness in the Philippines and the United States. It can be a supplementary-textbook reading material for all schools in the homeland. It can be a handbook for all ROTC cadets in colleges and universities and a reference book for libraries here and back home.

Thus, this column and the book project will document my in-depth research for more-than 30 years as a soldier, as an aging veteran and now as a lobby leader. If edited well, it could spell out the harsh truth about Filipino Americans and their shifting relationship and the home-grown neglect by both governments. And it will tell also about the veterans’ compulsory heirs and their own struggles.

The Philippine Resistance Movement (circa 1942 to 1946), if told in this column, alone should attract readership. I have in my possession the list of all guerrillas in the Philippines compiled by authorities. And it can tell about their activities in WW-II, including the heroism of many veterans. If there are untold stories about Filipino soldiers, scouts and guerillas, than their sons and/or daughters should give me the details, so that I can document them in this column and in the book.

I plan to write as well the history of how the Veterans’ Federation of the Philippines was born and how it became the sole voice and representative of all Fil-Am WW-II veterans, as mandated by Republic Act 2640. It will expose the impostors and their rackets (which this web site and its writers have uncovered) that used the veterans as their "baka kechera" for pecuniary gains. They have used us, veterans, as their "whipping boys" for their scams. And these impostors and scalawags have claimed credit for the work of others, so as to be able to receive awards on TV even if what they do is full of deceit and doubletalk. They have injured the Filipino-American WW-II true-and-honest lobby with their criminal conduct, which this web site has earlier exposed.

This literary project may be able once and for all to clean up the veteran's playing field and protect it from bad elements. Many Filipino writers have so courageously brought down these elements simply by writing about the truth. I can do no less. I can perhaps even do more, God willing. # #


A Profile of Paete, by Col. Frank Balquiedra Quesada

December 28 2000
In a long-drawn discussion over the history of Paete with Flora N. Filoteo, in an effort to produce a yearbook for Matanglawin, our challenge was to refer as far back of time to be able to update the existing scanty profile of the town of Paete for the younger generation.

A model for this was drawn from the history of neighboring towns, as far as Rizal province, more particularly the town of Morong, as one of the oldest towns since the Spanish Regime, where relics made references to Paete.

While this research could not be perfect, the following data were produced from sources still surviving who knew stories about the older Paetenians, and from my relatives who had odds and ends of anecdotes and tales, however, may be, subject to further and more intensive research by the younger Paetenians.

Its Brief History
It was said that the township of Paete was established by a Spanish friar, Rev. Fr. Juan de Placenta, in the year 1580. And built the existing Catholic Church, on a private land donated by the late Pedro Quesada [Tandang Petre], father of the late Dr. Eugenio. Quesada, a physician, chemist and pharmacist and a cousin of my late father Roman Navarro Quesada.

The town of Paete nested in the semi-flatland between the imposing Sierra Madre Mountain and the seafood-abundant Laguna de Bay.

The name, of course, was derived from a common carving tool – paet – [chisel]. The town was famous for its industrious native carvers, world-renown as in the case of Mariano Madrian [born 1865, died 1935], who was awarded by the King of Spain for his obra maestra, the famous image Virgin Dolorosa, which I was able to trace in the late '50s in Amsterdam, Netherlands, as part of my foreign travels after World War II.

The history of Paete carvers would never be complete without mentioning the works of the late Jose Caancan [Amang Jose] a protg of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal then in Dapitan, Zamboanga. There were other famous ones like Miguel Palatino, a master builder, related to Tandang Mariano. And also the following young carvers of Paete that continued the trade, not to leave out those enterprising ones that provided mettle in producing classic "ukit" on wooden clogs [bakya] industry that saved the town from economic crisis during the Japanese occupation [1942 to 1945].

A durable industry still exists, the "Taka" [paper maches].
Data from the Bureau of Lands, which was then under the administration of the late Director Jose P. Dans, Sr., Amang Jose, [a quiet and uncelebrated painter], stated that "Paete was more or less about 100 kilometers southeast of Manila, nested between the Sierra Madre mountain and the Laguna de Bay, in the northeast section of Laguna province. Bounded by the towns of Pakil from the north, and barrio Longos, San Juan, Laguna along the BayBay roadway access from Sta. Cruz, Laguna's capital town."

Paete's Land Area
According to surveys of the Bureau of Lands, Paete had an estimated aggregate land area of approximately 3,675 hectares. Visibly, about 35% were croplands and the rest [17%] were settlement area, more particularly up its mountainous area, still to be developed into a community for the expanding needs of the town and its industries. This is the challenge to the up and coming generation.

The poblacion is nested on a firm foundation, bound by rice lands on both north and south ends of the town.

Its Natural Resources
A new census has to be done in order to update the 1980 census of the town which indicate only 16,263 population. A lot of things have changed by way of emigration and immigration. As a matter of fact, there seems to be more Paetenians abroad, all over the world, after World War II.

Paetenians have been wayfarers, and are edacious seeker of education and experience, which contributed to its very high literacy rate of no less than 97%. This is evidenced by the number of very successful Paetenians in the old country and in each corner and nook of the world where they are, whose native accent "puntong Paete" readily gives them away to their awed audience. It’s a trademark of every Paetenian accent, a native punto.

The Paetenians International and the Matanglawin have fairly recorded this in every issue of their publications, that have contributed much to their closeness and unity of all Paetenians everywhere.

Paete Simply Means Industry
Paete still is the hob of industries in the BayBay area, a bow and curtsy so well deserved by its assiduous natives who have excelled in fine arts, music, and whatever they engaged in – as a potent resource in itself.

At one time, or even now, Paete was widely known for its sweet and succulent lanzones, the [lanzones fruit also with a history] scantily found ion the country, until these juicy fruit became plentiful in other provinces, however, not as sweet. When introduced as a Paetenian, readily, he is identified with its famous lanzones. But don't let this be a connotation that a Paetenian is a fruit! Or a chisel! Let there be no mistakes about that.

Woodcarving still exists for both the young and the old that was handed down through the generations and of course the innate dexterity of the native Paetenian. It was said that "Once a Paete carver, always a Paete carver."

Farming and fishing have been its traditional industries, not to leave out any of the many other mental and manual adroitness.

In Public Utilities
Electricity – The town existed for many years without electricity even under the American regime. It had electric power shortly before and during the Japanese occupation [1942-45]

It can be gainsaid that even without electric power during World War II, industries flourished in this town of ambidextrous people, always apt with both hands. Individual oil lamps [tinghoy] lit the town that was dreamy and poetic. They had a tasted experience of olden times before the Commonwealth.

Entrepreneurship of Rico Cajipe power plant provided Paete with power until a larger system could take over.

The National Power Corporation facility finally reached Paete to provide electricity, but through the First Laguna Electric Corporation. After the war, power had to be furnished from a larger source from Caliraya Lake.

Water System – Its water works system of potable water springs came from private sources which relied on gravity distribution which provided water to the whole town.

The initial water source was from a spring in the "Benditang Tubig spring" reservoir, the property of Pedro Quesada, father of Amang Juan Adong, who was town Mayor for three terms before World War II. The municipality managed the water system then, lasted for over a century, until it nearly dried up lately.

New sources of potable water simply had to be secured. There were a handful of new sources, and one of them was from the water spring of "Barrio Panghulo", which happened to be my own property. I donated a sizable portion of the property with a spring to the Municipality "grastis et amore", however, with a condition that the people of Paete must change their wasteful way of water usage. They used to let the water spigot open all day, which depleted valuable water through the years.

Now, they have to buy water from the Municipality, using water meters. I do not derive a centavo from it as part of family humanitarian generosity, and as part of e Quesada tradition of philantrophy.

Paete now will enjoy long supply of potable water good to last for the coming Millennium.

Transportation – In the olden times, during the Spanish and American regimes, Paete had been accessible alongside the Sierra Madre mountain by stone roadway, and by water transportation [shallow-bottom boats, kaskos, and bancas, etc]. There were two accesses: one by road to Manila from Sta. Cruz (Capital of Laguna) southward, approximately 112 kilometers to Paete. the other, through Pillilia, Rizal province, approximately 80 kilometers of mountainous winding zigzag roads through Paagahan junction, then through the town of Mabitac from the north.

Paete could also be accessed through the Laguna de bay, from any point in the shores of Laguna bay towns.

Communication – Not until after World War II, aside from the government, telephone and telegram lines and services reached Paete served by the ReTelCo.

Education Facility – Education for Paetenians was topmost consideration of the townspeople eversince immemorial. Public education was furnished by the governmetn on the primary and mid-primary levels. There were nursery, kindergarten schools; and the three elementary schools, Paete Central Elementary, Quinale Elementary and Ibaba Elementary schools. On the higher educational level were the private, Eastern Laguna Colleges and the San Santiago High School (Lyceo).

Brief History: Allow me to provide the history of the Paete Central Elementary School. During the Filipino-Spanish War, the Roces family who resided in Paete was hunted by authorities for taking sides with the revolutionarios. They could have been captured in Paete, had not been for the courageous deeds of 2 Paetenians: Angelo and his brother, Pablo Balquiedra, who smuggled the Roces family out of Paete to Manila via the Laguna de Bay. The Roceses were covered with zakate [fresh green grass] inside a lunday (dugout canoe] and anatomically rowed by the 2 Balquiedra brothers to Manila safely.

The Roces family offered a huge reward to Angelo and Pablo, but refused the reward. Instead, they ask the Roceses to donate a good size land for a schoolhouse for Paete. Where the Paete Central Elementary school house stands now, was what reward the Balquiedras requested instead for the townspeople. It is now dubbed as the Roces Elementary SchoolHouse. [Source of this story is from my late grandfather also known as "Pablong Maputi" Balquiedra and from the families of Joaquin "Chino" Roces, the hero of the anti-Marcos Revolution].

Pablo Balquiedra died a poor man after divesting his properties among which was approximately 2 hectares of land which he donated to Sta. Maria, Laguna Elementary School were it still stands.

Political Sub-Divisions: The barrio sub-divisions of Paete are: Barangay 1 – Ibaba del Sure; Barangay 2 – Maytoong; B3 – Ermita; B4 – Quinale; B5 –Ilaya del Sure; B6 – Ilaya del Norte; B7 – Bagumbayan; B8 – Bankusay; B9 – Ibaba del Norte.

For lack of space, I offer my apologies to he other officials of the Municipality. They will be featured later in a separate article in this publication.

Challenge to Paetenians all over the world: This treatise however answers the clamor for a brief "Yearbook" of Matanglawin under the initiative of Flora N. Filoteo and Lydia Fadul, the hardworking editors of the Matanglawin Newsette. In the same token, this article may also answer clamor from those abroad to have similar treatises in the Paetenian International publication under Ver Madrinan, Danny Sulit, Fred Cagayat, Lety Madridejos and the others.

The nagging challenge to Paetenians abroad [U.S., Canada, Australia and Europe] is to come together and initiate meaningful projects that will redound to the improvement of Paete and its residents.

With a dynamic current Mayor and Council members, not to leave out the Barangay officials, no doubt that this little town noted for its lanzones and products carved out of the "Paet" [chisel], its trademark of distinction and with the long arm of Paetenians abroad, there could be a positive forward ahead for the desired improvement.

I see that my goddaughter Marie Kagahastian Castillo Pruden has already started her book about Paete, which will be a sequel to my uncle's [Dr. Eugenio Quesada] book. Those books (Paete) were donated by Dr. Quesada's son Conrado Quesada (residing with his wife and family in Quezon City) under the care of my cousins Arnie Quesada and Lee Quesada in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They are generating funds from the minimal sale price of the books for projects specifically related to the memory of the Paetenian soldier and heroes who gave their lives to the town during the war.

I have high hopes that others can take cue from projects like this from hereon. What may attract Paetenians abroad could be by way of participation in Paete's expansion in the mountain areas [i.e. Sta. Ana and papatahan, etc]. And also a food production project like conversion of available idle farm lands to "Tilapia Farming" and other income generators.

Under current lack of running viable home industry, this idea may yet become not only as a food supplier to the residents but also an export industry, if handled competently. It needs viability.

The most important work of my nephew, Rey Quesada Carolino and my cousin Lee Quesada by way of their Internet and Computer technology know-how and experience, the Paetenians abroad have already begun a possible future in the technology for our town. This gives me such excitement for a technological future for Paete.

With varied expertise of Paetenians, nothing can be impossible.
Such is the challenge staring before the faces of each "taga Paete". ###




November 9 2002 at 6:25 PM
By Col. Frank B. Quesada (USA Ret.)
Former Senate Committee Secretary
Veterans and Military Pensions
Associate PMA ' 44

(Washington D.C.). In reply to many letters from our kababayan war-veterans asking for details of the "Filipino Veterans Benefits Equity Bill" still pending in the U.S. Congress, here are details which they should comprehend.

Ito'y ipinadala ko sa pahayagang, Matanglawin, na ginagampanan nila Flora N.Filoteo at Lydia Fadul - para kala Cdr. Mili Balquiedra at Castor Padallan upang maalaman ng mga tunay na mga beterano sa Paete. At upang hindi sila maging biktima ng mga kasalukuyang "raket" na uniiral.. May mga di dapat tumangap ng pension na di beterano

What is the Equity bill? This legislation, also known as H.R. No. 491, if passed into law, will once and for all end the 60 years discrimination of Filipino-American World War II veterans who rendered honorable and active military service in the U.S. Army (1941 to 1946). The bill seeks to repeal the cruel Rescission Act of 1946, that took away al wartime benefits of Fil-Am veterans, except for service-connected disability and burial benefits.

What are the details in the Equity Bill?

(1) Who are covered under this bill?

(a) Those who are members (recognized veterans) listed in the Reconstructed Recognized Guerrilla Roster (RRGR) of 1948

(b) the USAFFE roster, and

(c) listed in the roster of the Philippine Scouts.

Yuong mga beteranong nawala ang pangalanan sa "roster" at nagging "deserving veteran" ay naka-tala lamang sa "roster" ng Pilipinas. Wala ang kanilang pangalan sa roster sa Amerika. Kaya nagkawang-gawa ang Pilipinas na bigyan sila ng biyaya.

What are the limitation on income of veterans specified under the equity bill?

(a) Under existing U.S. laws and regulations, the income limit of $9,000 is the ceiling for any veteran.

(b) If he is earning more than $9,000 dollars (or in the equivalent in Philippine pesos) or have assets or property more than that, he is no longer qualified and not entitled to any further benefits.

(c) This limit described above means their home, income from all sources, including their spouse, and other veterans benefits received as pension, like those received from the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) at present is P4,500.oo pesos.

(d) under this proposed equity bill, the total amount of these income sources will be deducted from the stated income limit.

Kaya kung malaki ang salang o pagaari ng beterano na labis sa $9,000 dolyar, ay walang matatmo biyaya ang beteranong Pilipino. Tinututulan ito ng mga beteranong pinagkaitan ng Amerika Hindi daw ito makatarungan.

If the veteran is now receiving disability compensation (which is the service-connected disability benefit) is he qualified to receive pension benefit (non-service disability benefit), under the proposed equity bill?

The answer is Yes. The veteran can choose the benefit which is larger in amount, if the bill passes into law.

How much is the amount of the benefit of pension proposed under the equity bill?

Sadly, the proposed bill does not specify the amount for veterans residing in the Philippines, or in the U.S. Hopefully this could be decided later after the bills are acted upon by both Houses, and in the Conference Committee that finalizes the language of the bill into law, and if signed by the President as a law. Nothing is definite.

Veteran leaders here in the U.S. are working it hard to push this matter in favor of veterans, and correct the negative effects.

Sa kasalukuyan, wala pang siguridad kung ano ang anyo ng panukalanang batas na ito.

However, under present laws, pension for disabled veterans has been set at $750 per month. But this amount is not the amount that Filipino veterans will receive in the Philippines.

This is a controversial issue which the veterans must make sure that those in the Philippines should be receiving the same, and not discriminated against.

What are the present laws now granting benefits to Fil-Am WW-II veterans?

These laws are as follows:

(1) Public Law 106-169 - now granting a reduced 75% Social Security Income benefit to those who have chosen to be U.S. citizens, and were formerly residing here in the U.S. but who opted to return to the Philippines and retire there. They also were deprived of (a) their Medicare benefit, and (b) their wives were deprived f their social security income.

(2) Public Law 106-377 - grants service-connected benefit granting health care for age-related ailments, and adjusting disability compensation benefit to make it equal (at par) to what the American war veteran are enjoying for a long time. It means - Filipino veterans will receive the same rate in ( in dollar) amount.

The past U.S. malpractice and discrimination will no longer exist, which was being paid to Filipino veteran at 50 cents to the dollar worth of benefit. Now it is equal.

(3) Public Law 106-419 - Section 331 and 332 - makes veterans eligible for burial in national cemeteries, and granting burial benefit of $300.00 (dollars) to those residing in the U.S. and half of that to service-connected Filipino veterans residing in the Philippines.

Ito'y lubos na diskriminsayon pa rin at dagok sa mga beteranong Pilipino.. Ang diskriminasyong ito'y tinutulanng mga lidrato ng beterano upang maging wasto and ma-ayos.

Fixers in the Philippines who have been claiming that the equity bill has been passed into law, is not true. And saying that veterans will receive the amount of $2,500 dollars, which is ridiculous and a lie. This will never happen. Do not take them seriously.

Huwag kayong maniniwala sa mga raketir na nangloloko ng mga beterano at mga biyuda at ulila Kapag lumapit kaninoman ang mga "fixer" sa inyo - ay kaagad ipagbigay alam sa Mayor at kina Mili Balquiedra at Castor Padallan - upang ma bulgar at makalabos kaagad ang mga raketir.

Mayroong pang ilang tunay na beterano sa Paete na hindi pa nakakatangap ng kanilang sariling biyaya. Huwag maniwala sa fixer. Huwag silang mawawalan pagasa. Dapat silang makipagugnayan sa PVAO at Military Service Board sa Kampo Aguinaldo. Huwag mag-atubili na tulungan sila Mili Balquiedra at Castor Padallan at ni Mayor.

The Dept. of Defense is now working with the NBI to catch and put fixers and the fake pensioners to jail.

Walang krimen o di wastong gawain na di pinag-babayaran ng dusa.


USAFIP is not the USAFFE
The Americans surrendered the USAFIP (Battling Bastards of Bataan composed of majority of Filipino troops in Bataan and Corregidor unconditionally and tearfully on April 9, 1942 during Holy Week. It culminated the infamous Bataan Death March which decimated almost half-of them during their tormenting 60 miles walk under the tropical summer sun, without water or food, and many more died inside the the gates of Hades of the concentration Camp O’Donell and Capas (Tarlac).

Albeit, there was a courageous song being sang by the remaining Filipino freedom fighters, (the guerrillas) that would not accept defeat from the Japanese invaders. McArthur never expected this from the Filipinos whose blind loyalty to America would later turn our as his best bet for the liberation of the Philippines, to save billions of dollars and - thus save thousands of lives of American GIs – likewise shorten the Pacific War.

I was one of the thousand freedom founders with resistance movement in their plucky and spirit-ful death-defying march belting the Philippine Victory Song, written by my co-associate cavalier in the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) class ‘44, Raul Manglapus, the little-known, Hunters Guerrilla, led by cavaliers: Miguel Z. Ver ’43, cavalier Eleuterio "Terry" Adevoso ’44, and cavalier Gustavo C. Ingles ’45 - as we melted in the mountain vastness of the Sierra Madre mountain in Luzon to harass the enemy from the rear in unconventional and irregular warfare from 1942 to 1946.

An inexorable history
The Battle of the Philippine Defense in 1941-42 "from the desolate fox-holes of Bataan and from the humid tunnels of the island fortress, Corregidor, and the ravished City of Manila – this callous hardhearted inexorable story of Bataan and Corregidor – unfolded the shifty Filipino-America relationship.

Under Two Flags
It portrayed memories of our struggle to remain as a independent people under a trying time in the face of unspeakable horror from foreign invasion and self-seeking exploitation.

We found ourselves under two flags (the Stars and Stripes and the Tri-color Old Glory – which represented despair of both nations in a time of need for closer unity – of course, that did not last after the guns of war became silent. Both East and West never met holding a prayer that an enduring peace and amity would overcome the needless differentiation and inequality.


Frank Quesada


DISCUSSION: This act was  enacted that unjustly and invidiously, likewise racially and economically discriminated  against the loyal and intrepid Filipino-American members of the United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE) after having actually and honorably served gallantly for the U.S flag.

These American €œnationals€ were perfidiously betrayed by the struggling ally (the U.S.) that desperately needed Filipino manpower and resources in America€™s misadventure in Asia.

They  were demoted to nationals, although born within the dominion (See: dissent opinion  by U.S Cir. Court Judge H. Pregerson, 9th Cir.)

The very least U.S. citizenship was conferred to them by virtue of their active and honorable military service in the U.S. Army during World War II. There was a contract between them and the President of the United  States. They were not mercenaries, nor did not render €œinvoluntary servitude€ (liken to slave under slave wagess) abhorred and prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.

€œThe doctrine of territorial  incorporation raises the issue that the Philippines and Filipinos enjoyed certain basic rights under the U.S. Constitution  as a territory of the U.S. And among such rights enjoyed was citizenship in accordance with the 14th

Amendment of he U.S. Constitution. But this was ignored  under what was perceived under the whiteman€™s burden.

The  Army of the Philippines was legally incorporated and the members thereof were formally inducted into the United State Army, and administered the oath of  allegiance to the Unites States They were subjected to the U.S. Army Articles of War.

There was only one United States Army in the Far East (USAFFE) as the U.S. defense force under General Douglas McArthur that defended the U.S. flag and its imperial interests in the Philippines. The gallantly fought shoulder-to-shoulder against the invading  Japanese Imperial Forces  until vanquished by an obdurate enemy.

As a matter of fact, the U.S. cannot legally and morally  deny its prime responsibility to the Filipino-American members of the USAFFE.  I hereby therefore  hereunder  quote  the  explicit  U.S

Supreme Court decisions on  all Insular cases, to wit;

€œ The Philippines was not a foreign territory within the meaning of the U.S Constitution, and that the Commonwealth of the Philippines  was under the sovereignty of the United States . The Unite States legally involved the Philippines in a war of the United States against Japan, .likewise dictated the political and military strategy of the conflict.€ (See: U.S. Supreme Court decision) 

The Fil-Am U.S. Army servicemen were singled out as €œsecond class U.S veterans.€  under the cruel hoax,  invidious racial and economic discrimination, while 66,000 servicemen of 16 allied nations that also fought for the U.S flag were fully compensated.

Such act of taking property (war-time-earned compensation and benefits of Fil-am U.S. servicemen)  is a blatant violation of the U.S Taking Clause€ and without due process.

It is crystal clear that the government abused its authority and perpetuated lawlessness in discriminating Fil-Am members of the U.S Army. I also hereby quote (U.S S,.Ct. 442 and Fr. Intines versus the U.S), pertinent to racial and economic discrimination against these indentured Filipino-American  U.s Army veterans, to wit:

€œEquity is rooted in conscience  and equal protection of laws and  not achieved through indiscriminate imposition of inequalities. Historical test of the 14th Amendments  becomes part of our U.S Constitution should not be forgotten.


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€œ It is clear that the matter of primacy concern was establishment of equality  in he enjoyment of basic civil and political right and the preservation of those rights from discriminatory action on the part of  the State based on consideration of race  and coor. (See: U.S. S.Ct. 442).


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